Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 503: Go to the wind!

Yuan Tian limited the voice, said: "The war should be delayed as much as possible, the more the dead, the better... Like these days of fighting... I believe that for another ten days, my injury is almost complete. Come back... that **** book mad! It made my mental and spiritual power so hard!"

According to the old man who is in the moon, he said: "I immediately ordered the rain to continue to dispatch people to fight and create a lot of death and injury on both sides!"


The next follow-up battle is not only the rain, but also the squad, and the commanders of the war can't understand it. Even the soldiers who just entered the army can't understand it directly...

Anyway, the next day, hundreds of thousands of people are catching and killing!

The rain is slow every day, just arrange a person in one direction to play! And the tens of millions of troops in other directions, all of them are not moving, but if they are arbitrarily swaying, they will not be able to kill them!

This made his own army complain about the sky, and could not understand at all: together, the other side will resist again, and within a few days, it will be solved in full. This kind of play can be used, it is simply an oil-adding tactic... Your rain is not the traitor who broke into our interior inside the raft...

But over there, Muxi and Xie Danqiong are equally depressed.

In order to welcome this battle, the surrounding underground is full of countless vicious traps. Even every tree has hollowed out the tree heart and added explosives and poisonous smoke.

All ambushes are well-organized and seamless.

But all ambushes are still based on one: that is, when the enemy attacks in all directions at the same time, at the same time! In this way, it is possible to reinvent the enemy on a large scale and in a large scale.

But now, if you hit it, those ambushes simply won’t work...

Because, at best, you only detonate one side of the ambush, the other direction is simply in vain, the effect is not too much, but also exposes his last killer.

In that case, how can we afford the enormous manpower and resources that have been spent in so many days? Besides, the current real strength of the two armies is very different. If those ambushes are abolished, what should they do on this side?

It’s not the opponent of the other party!

Now it can be done well, the other **** is in the uncle's unstoppable attack, warm boiled frogs.

"What is the calculation of Yuan Tian's belly?" Muxi frowned and screamed in the handsome account: "Not a large-scale attack! Do not attack the masters! Every day is to attack with the general army." The elite on our side is like sending death... Is it because I want to use my hand to destroy the military power of Mo Yuntian? But this should not be ah... as long as he is still a god, these forces belong to How can he...have sacrificed these living forces in this way? But if it is... then why? Can’t figure it out!”

Rao is a raft that follows Yuan Tian for a million years, and this moment is also a complete mess.

Xie Danqiong sat quietly in the first place, saying nothing, like a stone statue.

In my heart, I am thinking about the strange wars in these days, and there is a speculation in the faint, but things are too many things at a time, but I can’t think of what went wrong.

"Report! The rain is slow and sent someone to attack!"

The raft sighed and said: "Let General Luo take the troops to meet the enemy; General Hou has been fighting for one day today, and the soldiers are already very tired... and take down and take a rest."

The commander took the lead, and after a short time, he heard the sound of shouting and killing outside, and the sound was so loud that it could not stop.

The face of the hibiscus is more worried and sighs: "This battle is really a slap in the face of life. No matter who wins or loses in the end, the death is actually not the best of my son." But now I have to fight. It’s not awkward to sigh in front of you!"

A general next to him nodded again and again: "If the hero who died on the opposite side knows that his death is actually selling blood for the devil... Even if the soul is under Jiuquan, it is hard to feel at ease!"

"What do you say?" Xie Danqiong, who was thinking about the calculations, began to stand up and looked at the horse general who had just spoken. The look turned out to be awkward.

General Ma was shocked by the sudden reaction of Xie Danqiong: " didn't say anything..."

"British soul... Soul spirit... Jiuquan..." Xie Danqiong only felt the flash of light in his mind, and instantly remembered the scene of the fierce battle of the demon in the mainland of the Nine Heavens. He could not help but shoot the number again and again: "It turns out that this is the case, the truth is so It’s so simple, I just thought about it now..."

"What did you think of?" The hibiscus looked dignified.

"The reason why Yuan Tianjun will be surrounded and not attacked, only the intention of small-scale operations, I think, I already know." Xie Danqiong said slowly.

"Oh, what is the reason? Is it a hidden plot?"

"It is indeed a hidden conspiracy, but it has nothing to do with the war. The previous seven kings chaos, although Yuan Tianjun killed seven kings, but it is inevitably hurt!" Xie Danqiong said slowly: "I heard people say that if the gods are damaged by the spirits You can use a lot of human souls to sacrifice soul energy from the way of sacrifice, and make up for his own wounds."

"Now, it must be that Yuan Tianji is unable to recover in a short time because his own soul is damaged. He uses this means of supplementing himself with the help of human soul. If it is a real-scale decisive battle, there are more dead people, but However, the Yuantian limit may not be able to absorb it. It can only look at the loss of a large number of souls in vain... Today is only a small-scale battle, and the location is relatively concentrated, Yuantian limit can be eaten quickly, with the help of the soul of the dead. Recover the injury..."

Xie Danqiong sighed: "I should have thought of it... Yuan Tian’s use of such a strange combat strategy is to absorb soul power to heal..."

Everyone was shocked and heard.

It’s raging again!

"Is this true?"

“That's true!” Xie Danqiong nodded heavily: “I can guarantee this, absolutely true, no flower holiday!”

"Damn Yuan Tian limit! Damn the devil konjac!" Muxi stood up and pointed out that the sky was screaming!

Everyone is full of anger.

"So, the final result of such a battle will only be cheaper than the Yuantian limit. If the Yuantian limit will let the rain come late to challenge, will we still have to fight?" A general worried, with a Unspeakable anger: "But don't fight, don't you want to wait?"

Muxi pains and heart disease: "I really didn't think that the rain is slow, this soul is light, he usually flattered, and the character is low, but it is nothing; but at such a juncture, he is willing to help the demon, send his robes to the battlefield, send Into the dead, become the soul of the power to nourish the demon! It is really a pig dog!"

"It’s really mad!"

I blame it, but in the face of this thorny problem, everyone is helpless.

Sometimes, knowing the truth, facing the truth, is even more difficult than not knowing the truth, but also at a loss!

"When the battle is over, it is bound to continue to increase the number of deaths. There will be more soul power to let Yuan Tian limit absorb and recover the injury. But if we don't take over, we can't just let it go.... Now the camp, the other person A rush, the so-called fortification is just a joke, it is simply a blow..."

The raft slammed on the table: "How can you get out of these things? How can there be such an evil race in the world?! You can't retreat in this way. Is it necessary to live alive and die?" ”

"Unfortunately, my brother is not here..." Xie Danqiong whispered and said: "My brother-in-law is the most proficient in the formation, and can use the power to call the power of the heavens and the earth; if he is here, he only needs to show up a big wind. It attracts a gust of wind and completely blows away the power of the soul that has just formed... Yuan Tian is nowhere to be taken."

"Wind?" Mudu eyes brightened and jerked up.

"Is it possible to use a master to force, artificially causing a gust of whistling? Will this be effective?" asked Muxi.

"This...or it works, but I am afraid that the other party will also send the same level of master to interfere, the effect is very small..." Xie Danqiong frowned. "But now, we have no better way, we can only temporarily use this The law responds to the immediate situation."

"I will arrange, in any case, can't look at the devil in vain and devour the soul of the spirit!"

The raft said low.


The next day's battle was still going on as usual; however, there were a few more ambushes in the sky, and several middle-aged saints under the raft stood at high altitude. At the beginning of the battle, they were like nerves. In general, each person wields the treetops of a big tree, artificially creates a savage wind, and the sound is horrible, deafening, only the sand and the sand, the people standing unsteadily.

"These people are free to do nothing, silly* can't be done?" The rain was late and reported, and when he stepped out of the account, he looked up and wondered: "Waving the big tree and blowing the wind... Can you still kill people?" Really a joke!"

Everyone around him laughed together: "The handsome man, it seems that the raft is definitely about to collapse... Even these bizarre actions have been done, I really don’t know what it is, hahaha..."

The rain is also a happy laugh, laughing, and suddenly the sound of sullenness appears on the side of the ear: "Send someone to drive away the guys who are venting the wind, the sooner the better! Immediately!"

The rain is late and the time is stunned!

Is this what is going on? What is this saying? Is it that the other side is convulsing, and must be followed by the wind? This is this... waving the big tree is just smashing the air, but it’s really gusting...

"Not too fast!" The tone of the prime minister was severely extreme.

The rain was slow, and I didn’t dare to neglect. I immediately arranged: “Hurry to go to a few masters and drive away the guys in the sky!”

The crowd will be laughing, and suddenly they will stop.

what? Let us also go to the wind?


Today is a bit of a thing, a book friend in Zhangzhou took his father to Jinan to see a doctor, encountered some difficulties, contacted me, I went to the Jinan Provincial Hospital. Today, I will make up tomorrow.

Sorry! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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