Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 504: Too fierce!

what? Let us also go up to the wind? !

Didn’t you just say that those people are stupid? Now they have changed their minds and let us also be stupid. ! ············································································································

And change the face does not change color.

First of all, it’s stupid, it’s really tempting, and then let the men go to the wind and go to the wind...

At this level, it’s not a little bit worse than that of Mu Shuai’s, and it’s a long way to go...

Paralyzed, is your rain slow to play us?

"I am not going to go so fast, there must be no mistakes!" Rain is too late to know that he has a lot of bad feelings before and after his performance. The crowd will suddenly stunned and can not help but scream.


Although the public will roar in their hearts, they will have to obey. People are now coaches, and it is a sin to defy military orders.

No matter how hard you don't dare, you still have to stand up: "Hey, what is the episode of yours on that side, and quickly go away, the province's troubles!"

The people over there naturally know what they are doing, and they are of great significance. Wherever they are willing to leave, the two sides will wipe out the real fire between the three words and the words, and they will fight so hard.

At the same time, the two sides of the air are lit at the same time.

The people on the side of the raft know what they are doing, and naturally do their best to curb the devil's plot, but the people who are late in the rain do not know the mystery, and the purpose of the battle is not obvious. This is undoubtedly a huge one. difference.

Then the consequences will soon appear, and often after the strong winds of both sides are hit, they are cleverly guided to the battlefield...


The effect is quite good, it seems to be better than simply using the tree to create a self-made whirlwind!

Yuan Tianji almost blew his belly. On this day, the harvest is almost zero and consumes a lot of his own power. The large-scale absorption of the human dead is also to consume energy. It is such a large scope, and the vitality of the use is in the minority. This day, instead of returning to itself, it consumes a lot of power and hurts. Not worth the candle!

In the handsome account, Muxi is guarding all the gods in order to prevent changes. He knows that since he has made a targeted response on his side, there will definitely be some action there, maybe there will be a change in the next moment. .

Therefore, he and several masters who have been trained to be high enough have already been fully prepared and ready to attack.

Suddenly, the eyes of the hibiscus flashed, and the body slammed into the sky without warning.

On the sky.

A black light is approaching at an astonishing speed, and the hibiscus Changhong, at almost the same time, quickly approached the high-altitude battlefield in the midst of the hurricane, stunned toward the black light. past.

"According to the moon, can you still endure it?! The demon konjac is dead!" The raft screamed and went straight to the hand.

Even, there is no chance to return to the other party!

And a shot is killing the move is obviously killing!

The black light coming from the opposite side is exactly the moon. The purpose of his coming is very simple and simple. It is the intention to disturb the battle. However, I did not expect to encounter the strong resistance of the raft, so I saw it. Laughing, the front side did not show weakness, the two men tumbling in the air, and each other's amazing attack powers collided with each other to shock the audience.

This is already the top super strong confrontation, the sound naturally different response!

However, under such a fierce battle, seven or eight people rushed out on the side of the moon, and in addition to Xie Danqiong sitting on the side of the raft, other masters were like crazy.

The following is a fierce battle, and the same is true in the air.

On the so-called 'high altitude, above, there are a group of super-level masters who are fighting in a more popular way.

This battle is really playing the world, the sun and the moon are dull.

Everyone is a first-class master, and it is hard to get hurt, but in this battle, every other time, at least one person will fall from the sky like a dumpling.·····

The more masters, the more able to balance themselves, the more naturally it is less likely to fall, it is almost an instinct defense mechanism of a top master, but once you have no struggle to fall like a meteorite from high altitude The more it proves that this person has suffered a fatal injury!

And the fall of this way will be equal to death, there is no room for luck!

But in any case, Yuan Tianjun wants to take the power of the soul to heal the treatment as it was before, and it will become an empty talk!

At the top of the two sides, the masters of the two sides continued to fight hard. At the beginning, everyone was paying attention to blocking the wind direction or controlling the flow of the wind. Later, it was raised and it was completely ignored.

So suddenly there was a hurricane from left to right, followed by a tornado from top to bottom, followed by north to south, from south to east to west...····!

Over the entire battlefield, almost all directions were filled with hurricanes, and the power of the souls of the dead people was blown away in an instant, almost completely disappeared.

Suddenly, the raft screamed, and the sky shook, and the body rose straight. The two hands suddenly waved like crazy, turning into a tornado and slanting into the ground.

The drop point is a big mountain at the left rear!

The raft of the raft rushed down, and one hand grabbed the mountain. The whole mountain trembled without warning. Then there was a loud bang, and the mountains stretching for three hundred miles were neatly broken. Among them, the rafts roared into the sky!

In his hands, it is a sword with a length of about a hundred feet and a width of several dozen feet!

Or, it should be said that it is a big iron rod!

Under the circumstance, he actually took away all the metal materials contained in the whole mountain and merged them into a group! Under the grasp, all the metals are automatically gathered to form a big sword!

The power of this big sword is still unknown, but the weight of the big sword must be at least several hundred thousand kilograms. This is a big sword with hundreds of thousands of kilograms of weight, shining with dazzling light. The rafters grabbed the huge hilts with both hands, and they rushed straight into the sky like a meteor, smashing toward the sword that covered the face with the moon!

Well, a stick down!

According to the moon, I screamed and flew back: "Mu, you are also a famous person. Do you have a fight like this?"

Masters have their own rules and regulations, and their strength has reached their realm. In actual combat, most of them use their own special martial arts and techniques to create a winning machine. However, as a raft, it is purely brute force to spur huge weapons. But it is not for the military!

It is true that fighting in this mode, powerless, short-term enough to the absolute superiority of the game, but the manpower is sometimes poor, no matter how powerful the master can not wield such a huge weapon for a long time, unless you can quickly knock down the opponent However, the level of strength has reached the level of Mudu and Yueyue. If one party deliberately evades, the other side is unlikely to hit such a huge weapon. The incomparable power also means big and no mistake!

The key to the battle between super masters is that they are long-lasting. You hold such a heavy weapon and you can't last forever. As long as the time is a little longer, your own strength will be inevitably consumed. Under the atmosphere of this master battle, any Every bit of the vitality is precious, self-consumption, no effect, it is the act of finding death!

However, in the moment, this inappropriate attack means may not be difficult to receive results!

The raft was slamming down with a stick and angered: "Stop your devil!"

According to the moon, I dare not pick it up, expand my body, and leaping again, and safely escaped.

If the raft still insists on using this big sword as a weapon to continue to pursue the moon, it is almost foreseeable that the victory and defeat between the two can be determined in a short time, and the defeated party must be a raft!

But in the next moment, Muxi made an amazing move, and he evaded the epee offensive of the wooden scorpion in the sky. Although he retired from the whole body, the rear was exposed, and the raft grabbed the big iron. The stick rushed into the battlefield, the left one swept the thousand troops, and the right one swept the thousand troops. In the blink of an eye, the masters of the Yuan Tian limit were forced to flee.

In the sky, it is like a storm that has blown up the end of the world. The spirits that have been derived from the hardships on the entire battlefield have been swept away without any omission.

For a time, the raft was really powerful and unstoppable.

At this time, far away from the sky, a colorful bird was flying in abruptly, and everyone was fighting intently, so no one found the arrival of this big bird. The big bird flew beyond a thousand feet, stopped and turned into a thin man. At this moment, he was stunned and looked at the mighty look of the raft wielding a big stick to chase the enemy. He was twitching and murmuring. Said: "The trough! This is too fierce for him. ····· It’s just as hard as Dong’s injury...”

The top, bottom, and bottom battlefields are still fighting.

It continued until the evening, when the two sides returned to the camp, and the men and women of the first team came out and moved their respective bodies back. The well water did not make the river.

Yuan Tian limit is furious!

"The purpose of yelling you out is to drive those people away! It's not for you to fight! You guys are playing happily, fun, isn't it?!"

The masters of the battles have their own grievances with tears in their eyes, and their hearts are infinitely abdomen: What do you say about him?

Don't fight, can you drive away the other party without fighting?

I’m still playing happily... We’ve killed so many people, who said it’s fun? Is it so fun? Is this his life to be good?


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