Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 505: Brother reunion

In the evening, Xie Danqiong was in charge of duty, and he was mindful of the size of the entire camp. In particular, pay attention to the movements of the enemy.

In the white, walking in the military camp, but seeing everywhere is a very suppressed atmosphere, but when everyone sees Xie Danqiong, they are all reliant eyes.

Xie Danqiong looked around and shook his head and sighed.

The current patrol is not necessary; because the other party will not come to sneak attack, the other party wants it is a simple frontal battle, a war of attrition; then it will create a large number of souls.

I am sure there will be no accidents. I am going back to rest. I suddenly heard a murmurous voice saying, "Is this sissy little white face Xie Danqiong??"

Xie Danqiong’s heart is a anger. In the past six months or so, his reputation has been on the rise. The reputation and influence of the military alone are no longer under the scorpion. It’s been a long time since I heard people insulting myself. Although my heart is annoyed, my mouth is faint: "Who is you? How is this so bad?"

The voice is screaming and screaming: "What is he, Lao Tzu is not who, I am watching you, a big man is waving with a flower every day, but he still feels very windy and hangs, especially Unhappy, sissy, Laozi today deliberately came to teach you, let you know that you know, what is a man, what is a woman, do not specialize in holding flowers every day, thinking that you are romantic, Yushu is in the wind, you are not afraid of men Have you taken the flowers for you?·····If you become a rabbit in the rivers and lakes..."

Xie Danqiong’s most hateful thing is that someone is licking his sissy, the most sensitive word is the rabbit!

It was because the words were teased for a long time! However, the situation is unclear, so it is still suppressing the temper: "I want to come to teach me, you still need a little skill, hidden head, and may not be a hero."

The voice smiled and said: "I hide my head and tail? Isn't it better for you to be a sissy girl... Come and come to me in the east of the hills waiting for you, if you dare not come, you are not a man! If you really dare not come, then Just keep going your flowers."

Xie Danqiong’s heart was so angry that he had decided to teach this person a bad meal.

Lightly said: "If that's the way, let's go."

Together, the figure has already flown out like a white streamer.

The shadow was a smile, but it disappeared.

Xie Danqiong came to the top of the mountain, only to see a thin black man was holding his arms and staring at himself, a large masked face on his face, but almost even the chest was covered.

It’s not ridiculously laughed: “I’m just like you’s a Tibetan head-up, actually open your mouth and teach you the lesson?”

The man sneered: "What is the genius of the sissy mouth? If you have a kind of genius, it will be serious!"

Xie Danqiong rushed into anger, and then no more nonsense, before the body rushed out, at the moment of rushing out, a beautiful flower suddenly blossomed from the fist. Full of a beautiful feeling, people feel suddenly into the garden, aroma.

The man screamed: "The room is full of fragrance" is really extraordinary!"

As soon as he was swaying, he had already escaped the edge of Qionghua, and then the two short-sword snakes spit out. "Oh," the sound of the two, but the feet of the two underneath have been a fake.

The two of them swayed, but they did not step back and unload. The earth under the feet was a crack of three feet wide and did not know how deep.

Xie Danqiong’s Qionghua’s holy light shines more and more, and the more violent, the more shocking

However, he was surprised to find that the black man with unknown origins also had the sage's intermediate level as a strength, and the sacred light flashed on his body. See the tricks and tricks!

However, Xie Danqiong has been honing on the battlefield for a long time. Not only has he cultivated himself as a brave and intensive experience, but he has almost formed an instinct. It is even more frightening to see the sigh of breath that rushes out of the army.

In contrast, the black man is on the momentum, but he can't help but fall.

The two men struggled with only two hundred strokes. The black man had obviously lost the wind, but he was too weak. The black man with a bad heart suddenly broke his mouth: "Xie Danqiong, your wife's egg, Lao Tzu is always merciful to you. You are actually a killer! Do you really want to kill?"

Xie Danqiong was silent, and Qionghua’s coverage continued to expand gradually, and it has gradually covered most of the area.

Finally, the black man roared, and the short sword formed a grand white light, facing the Qionghua face!

A bang, The short sword and the Qionghua flew together!

Under a hard fight, the black man immediately retreats, Xie Danqiong is gaining momentum, and a fist has already been on the face of this guy. This black man screams, Xie Danqiong succeeded, then it was again The three fists and eighteen legs were greeted with enthusiasm, and he was knocked down to the ground and he could no longer resist.

Xie Danqiong stepped forward, sat down on the man's back, panting scolded: "Do you dare to scold me for it and actually beat sissy looking for is not it!?!"

Then there was a fat slap in the face.

"Raining ah...·····Helping ......·..." The man’s legs screamed, and suddenly he asked for mercy, and he cried: “Mom, I want to come over and do one...··· ··Which thought of coming here but was done...·····

Xie Danqiong suddenly heard a bit familiar, and his heart was turned, and he was shocked: "You are not convinced?"

Turning the guy over, pulling out the masked towel, only saw a thin face, that face, a pair of eyes sorrowful looking at himself, the face of grievances.

Xie Danqiong was suddenly stunned!

It’s this guy who came to find trouble with me!

I couldn’t help but see where Xie Danqiong was in a daze, and couldn’t help but be furious: “You, you...· still don’t let me up? Well, wow, Dandan, you’re really long-lived...····· Then, when I saw the old brother coming up, I would beat me down the bottom... I don’t see you in front of Chu’s boss!”

Xie Danqiong grabbed his head and stood up in a fog, with an almost explosive surprise: "How did your boy come? 咦············································································ I am fighting!"

I can't help but anger: "What do you mean by scalp bastard! You only depend on the demon, and you can feed me... I can't help me." ·...The brothers have to reschedule their seats according to their own strength. I am looking for you to fight. Naturally, I want to do it first. Is it very rare? 哎哟......嘶······You can really ruthless······"

Can you not? At that time, Xie Danqiong had regarded him as a demon, and he should have been snickered without being killed!

"Budget!" Xie Danqiong stayed, and then burst into anger: "You guys actually want to take me down, I want to make your heart wrong!" The more you want to get angry, fly a kick and kick this guy Falling to the ground, fit and pounce on it: "Why are you even? Don't count! I killed you and me!"

Puff puff……

I can’t help but send myself to the tiger’s mouth. This is a slap in the face of the gloom days!

When the end is over, someone is not a phoenix, but is directly beaten into a bear!

And it's still a colorful bear.

Xie Danqiong stood up and gasped, and said: "I don't want to make you colorful, you guys don't know why the flowers are so red..."

"I will tell the boss today!" He couldn't stand lying on the ground, screaming in anger and anger: "Xie Danqiong's treatment of the old brothers should be degraded!"

Xie Danqiong stretched his two hands and glared at the fist back that had just hit a person, and smiled: "Then I didn't marry your position..."

I don’t know how to lick my teeth, like licking my epilepsy, and swearing back: "Fart! Ji Mo is definitely not as good as me! The bottom of the bottom is definitely not me. I used to take a long time for the second child. Gu Er is not as good as me!"

Xie Danqiong waved his hand, and the flying dagger and Qionghua slid back and flew back. One foot was squatting on the ass: "You are not the second child for many years. Don't remember the long glory days, and get up quickly. Follow me! Just no one is calling, you guys are automatically sent to the door, hurry up!"

I couldn’t get through the anger and followed him, and I cursed myself in the mouth.

Suddenly, the inexplicable smile.

Xie Danqiong turned around and asked: "What do you laugh at?"

"I didn't laugh at anything, I didn't laugh at anything, just smile, just smile." I couldn't help but squint my face, a serious answer. Mind: This guy actually wants to call me? Waiting for the boss of Chu, the second child, Mo Tianji, the gang, the enchanting singer, will not Xie Danqiong make a call to the ground? Definitely drop!

But this thing can't tell him now, if he is told that he is not wary, then it is not fun.

Xie Danqiong looked at him with suspicion, but I really didn't see anything in the darkness of the big night. I just thought that this face is now very wretched and extraordinarily unscrupulous, but I can't grasp what handle. I had to lead the way.

Both brothers are reunited for a long time. Although they have just punched the boxing and hit the ground, they have a different mood. It is difficult to vent their excitement that the brothers have not reunited for a long time. At the moment, they walk together and feel that their chests are all excited. It’s like blasting out!

Xie Danqiong suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with the millions of troops in front of Yuantian. Just like a chicken and a dog, it’s hard to beat, completely nothing to say!

Back to the tent, Xie Danqiong hurriedly told the fire: "On the wine! The best wine! The best dish! The fastest speed! Fast!"

The day is ‘small, birthday, I wish him a happy birthday!

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