Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 513: Royal seat

The public will remain silent. The atmosphere in the big account is as uncomfortable as freezing.

Looking at the silence of the generals, the rain is almost vomiting blood. He is responsible for the slap in the face. If his remarks are heard by those who have fallen in the moon, then the girl is directly dead. Even in the crowd, it is difficult to get rid of the chain, and now loudly said: "I repeat it again! The Emperor of Heaven is not a demon! Absolutely not! Who will have such doubts in the future, directly beheading the public!"

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the sky, only to hear the voice said: "He is not a demon? Then you are what... Hehehe... You are a stupid*!

The intuition of everyone was suddenly dark, and it seemed that the whole day was suddenly dark.

Looking up, I realized that I didn’t know when the sky actually had a golden dragon that went to the extreme!

The body of Jinlong was as big as a thousand feet, and it was flying in the air. The huge eyeballs caught the rainy camp, and suddenly shook his head and slammed the dragon, shocking the world!

God beast!

See also the beasts of the beasts appearing?

After the phoenix, this time there is another dragon!

The same is the shock! The crowd will all be seen.

In the eyes of the public, the golden dragon swayed and turned, and suddenly yelled: "Yuan Tianjie! Your grandfather, I am coming! Wash your neck quickly, waiting for me to cut your demon scorpion!" ”

The sound of "嗖" rose to the sky and flew over to Xie Danqiong.

Over there, the same phoenix sounded, and a huge phoenix rose and met Jinlong. Haha laughed: "Wow, hahaha... the bottom is finally here."

Jin Long was so angry that a mouthful of water splashed: "Put your fart!"

Just as everyone was stunned, this dragon and phoenix suddenly hit the air in the air, and it looked fierce, as if the other party was a different life and death!

For a time, the dragons and the winds trembled in the world, and hundreds of miles of sand flew in the sand.

It is a wonder to talk to each other.

However, don't you say that dragons and phoenixes are good?

How did the dragons and phoenixes get together today, and that was so fierce?

Everyone’s eyes are almost out of the way.

At this time, I heard a person screaming: "Bet, bet, see if there is a win, I will win!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that there were only a few young people out of the air, and the person who was talking was full of anger, full of rogue atmosphere.

Beside him, there is a guy who is not much better than him. He looks at his arms and scorns: "Is this gambling? I absolutely won, and the dead bird, how could it be a sly opponent..."

One voice that just sounds like an infinitely majestic and mighty voice says: "Two shameless, now I’m going to fight, do you want me to give it all?"

A woman voice said: "What kind of gas do you put with them, your opponent should be Mo Tianji and Gu alone? If you play more with them, even if you take another step, you have to catch Xie Danqiong to play a meal. Ok?!"

As I spoke, another man and a woman appeared.

The woman's black dress, but the curve is exquisite, a thousand charming, in addition to a bit cold, is simply a rare beauty.

And the man... just stood in the air, but the feeling is that he is himself, and one shoulder smashed the sky!

That kind of majestic!

The next moment, a sword came in lightly, intentionally or unintentionally drawn a space crack in the air, a cold voice said: "Who wants to fight with me?"

A black man, like a solitary sword, appears in the sky! It seems that I want to split the sky into two halves!

The following people are shocked one by one!


These young people, one by one are masters! When did Jiuzhong Tianzhu have so many young saints?

It’s too shocking for such a group of people to stand together!

Everyone is so strong, but they are all so young!

These people attack each other in words, but when they look at each other, they can find the hotness of each other's eyes, and the inexplicable surprise that almost makes people feel sad!

Xie Danqiong saw these people coming together, simply ecstatic, watching the familiar figure constantly appearing in the sky, almost an impulse to cry!

Brothers, you, finally, are coming!

The brothers attacked each other one by one, and they were demeaning each other. The eyes of each one were all sparkling; a feeling of incomparable familiarity rose.

It seems to have returned to the nine heavens, the days that are together.

When you are happy, sing songs and screams together, wind up, and together with the rivers and lakes...

The years that have passed away are so vividly returned to memory.

The sky, faintly heard the sound of the wind and thunder.

Suddenly, a flying boat appeared at the end of the sky.

Immediately, it is another ship, and it is a ship...

A total of nearly 20 flying boats, squatting in the tide of the mountains, all the way roaring, the momentum of the momentum, really like the king of the world!

Just in the blink of an eye, a flying boat has already entered the eye, on the flying boat, engraved with two golden letters!

"Heavenly soldiers!"

The brothers looked at the flying boat, which was approaching fast, and there was an irresistible excitement on each face!


The flying boat turned into a sky, gradually approaching, and finally stopped at the battalion and slowly hovered.

All the soldiers on the other side of the Yuan Tian are nervous, as if they are enemies.

How can they not be shocked, if this nearly 20 flying boats are filled with explosives like the last madman, even if only half of them have gunpowder, if they really explode, they can cause at least more damage than the last time. Ten times or more, under the horrible power of such horror, I am afraid that there will be no tens of millions of people here, and no one can be spared!

Even no one can leave a complete body.

This...will not be so crazy?

According to the falling moon and Yuan Tian limit, the two great devils stood outside the camp and looked at the flying boat in the sky. The face was full of dignity.

It is now certain that these flying boats are definitely not owned by the local forces of Mo Yuntian, and they are definitely not the ones who help themselves.

In other words, these flying boats are the opposite of Xie Danqiong and Muxi.

Looking at the sky, the dragon and the phoenix looked at the young masters who were unfamiliar but self-satisfied. Yuan Tianji said with a deep heart: "This Xie Danqiong, what is the bottom of the story, where are so many outside friends? It’s a young man with strong tyranny and young age, and it’s hard to understand!”

According to the moon, "or it is sent by the forces associated with the raft."

Yuan Tian limitedly snorted: "There is no possibility, the raft is such an old bone, how many pounds he has, how much is there, there are counts in this emperor, there is no such face, and how old are these talents? You have been getting too lazy to think about it lately!"

There was a distress on the face of the moon.

The sentence just mentioned is of course interesting. It is impossible to know that Muxi is absolutely impossible to have such a friend. If there is such a strong backup, has it been so bad before?

If it is not because the Yuan Tian limit requires a large number of souls to recover from the soul, as early as a few days ago, under the full force of attack, you can make a bang, destroying the ruin and thoroughly destroying the raft and Xie Danqiong forces.

Unexpectedly, I thought I was winning the game, I was planning to play with the old cat, and by the way, I used a lot of souls to rehabilitate the state. I actually gave the other person a breather, but only a little bit of the fire of the stars. Rekindling? !

The city government, which was originally limited by Yuantian and the moon, even if it knows that its judgment is wrong, it will not grieve and complain. However, the arrival of these people is really a huge pressure for them.

"These young people...any one is also a terrible existence, even if it is not enough now, the future must be!" Yuan Tianjun looked at the opposite person, his voice was low.

It is not a word because of the moon.

Judging from the fact that they are now sacred to the peak of the saints, the strength of these little guys on the opposite side is still not good enough, but it is still not enough to watch; if it is really fighting, one palm can kill one!

However, the potential of these people is extremely terrifying. In time, it is bound to become a confidant!

Both of them are well-established characters, long-lived and experienced, and they are well aware of everything in the world; but it is precisely because of this that they know the horrors of these young people.

I want to be a leader among the devils, and the talent is extremely high. Today, I have reached the peak of the world’s nuns. Even after the other nine monarchs, there may not be a “fear” in my heart, but today Seeing these young people, the bottom of my heart is faintly inexplicable, and then think about what I was doing in my 20s? Really think of this problem, Yuan Tian and the moon are silent, and the chill is even worse.

For a long time, Yuan Tianji finally asked: "Looking at the moon, what are you doing when they are so big?"

There was a bitter bitterness on the face of the moon: "Your Majesty... This... It’s really hard to talk about, oh."

He looked up and said with a remembrance tone: "At that time... I was only a high-level demon! I have been regarded as a new generation of geniuses by the whole family. One of the family's high resources, all tilted to me... ...and, I am also self-satisfied with myself, I think I am very amazing. It’s really a sea of ​​eyes. I have no choice... If I change to the order of the Nine Heavenly Scorpio, I will only have the high-level level of the land level, oh... …Hey!"

"We have cultivated to the saints, and the least of them have used tens of thousands of years." Yuan Tian limited his eyes, dreary smile: "But these few people, at this age, most of them have been sage intermediate! Even, there are several It’s even higher.” (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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