Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 514: Nine robbery reunion!

Nod in the moon: "The potential of these young people is really a bit horrible.

Yuan Tian’s eyes were a bit gloomy and slowly said: “These people, I’m afraid that his day will become a group of purple lords.” If it’s full of wings, I’m afraid my family is in danger!”

In accordance with the nod of approval of the moon, said: "You can let this talent grow up again, simply here, destroy one of the brains! If it is done, it will be a great fortune!"

Over there, under the joint command of Xie Danqiong and Mudu, a large space was quickly vacated for the landing of the flying boat.

The flying boat hovered, the first one, finally fell.

One dragon and one phoenix in the air would not fight, and quickly fell down, and then became two young people, and Jimo Rocco flew over.

Xie Danqiong has always been a light face, this will become red, excited, and the hands and feet are shaking.

Nothing is better than being in a desperate situation. At any time, when he is likely to be defeated, he suddenly gets a strong reinforcement, and he has his best brother. All the members come to share difficulties with themselves, breathing together, fighting side by side. The things are even more exciting.

Mo Tianji is not too slow, Shi Shiran out of the tent, although his face seems to be calm, but the pace is getting faster and faster. In the eyes, there is a faint expectation that can't be suppressed.

The fly boat door slowly opens.

A flash of shadow, a black shadow first appeared in the doorway of the flying boat cabin, Jianmei, star eyes, long body, black hair fluttering, standing tall, just like the king of the world.

However, the excitement on the handsome face at the moment slightly destroyed the majestic atmosphere.

The red dress flashed, and the Mo-light dance also appeared in the left head of Chuyang. When the white robe fluttered, the purple evil of a white dress appeared on the right side of Chuyang.

Three people, one white, one black, one red.

It flew down at the same time.

The male is very handsome, and the woman's style is perfect!

It is just like the moment when the flying fairy descends in the sky. How many years later, the soldiers in the presence of the soldiers are firmly in mind to remember the amazing style of this moment!

"When I saw the moment when the Queen and his two ladies flew down from the boat, the breath was almost suffocating! I bet it was the most wonderful thing I have ever seen in my life." Landscape!" - How many years later, a general who was present at the time said.


"Big brother!"


"Light dance!"

"Second brother!"


"The dog is awkward! Wow, hahaha... I am a big dog today...·····"

A messy and unspeakable noise, so that the audience is shocked first, then they feel funny. Then, they feel that the eyes are wet...·····

It was an inexplicable move that could not be said.

Really true, there is no time off.

Rocky enemies and Ji Mofei came up; the arrogant clouds did not pass through; Mo Tianji and Xie Danqiong stood side by side, lips squinted and looked forward; Dong did not hurt and ran out of a road, with ink tears forward Flying.

But the fastest, but one person and one sword, alone.

Jianguang flashed, and the soul of the sword was in front of Chu Yang, and the four eyes were opposite, and they paused for a moment. Immediately, the two men clung together!

Immediately, Dong did not hurt a tiger and jumped over; the next moment, Rock's enemies and others screamed, first throwing themselves up and then falling.

In an instant, the seven brothers have already picked up a mountain on the ground.

Mo Tianji blinked and shook his voice and said, "Go!"

Xie Danqiong’s voice trembled and leaped and flew up and fell to the top of the mountain. Mo Tianji laughed and finally jumped up, but he still had a large stone of several kilograms in his arms, and he went up with himself.·····

"The trough, it’s life..."

"Mo Tianji, you kid is too yin, I really don't know how your brain grows!"

"I am going to take it... I am crushing me, killing me..."

"Hey... how can you not get this bastard..."

Suddenly a tsunami roar. Plus the laughter of the haha. This moment is here. It is a sea of ​​joy.

The brothers had no vigilance for a while, although everyone was only missing each other for more than two years, but everyone felt that they were separated by Sansheng III. Everyone was excited to be half exploding!

While squatting and screaming, the brothers used a very subtle way to wipe their eyes quietly before they continued to laugh again.

At the end of the day, I couldn’t control the emotions that were excited to explode. Ji Mo took the first shot on the face of Rock’s enemies. Rick’s enemy shouted and stood up and wanted to fight back. He grabbed the initiator, Ji Mo, two people.噗噗噗 噗噗噗 噗噗噗 噗噗噗.

Seeing this scene, I really don't know if the two goods are happy or excited or excited?

Chu Yang's gray-headed face climbed up and shouted: "Brothers!"

The voice is very rough, and the living image is a robber head who has never seen the world.

The brothers shouted: "Boss, let's be!"

Chu Yang screamed: "That turtle son! Limited to bully our brothers, what should we do?"

"Copy guy!" Dong did not hurt and shouted: "Go and cut the fuck!"

"Go!" Chu Yang's temperament waved a wave: "Everyone copied the guy, and the boss to cut people!"


"Cut him! Fucking, too burned, and dare to bully my brother of Ji Mo! See if I don't kill his dog!"

"Keep him!"

"Make him!"

"Get rid of him!"

"Kill him!"

"Oh... I want to **** him to death!~~"

The last word of the speech suddenly caused a burst of laughter, and suddenly it was like a vegetable market.

"It’s still a phoenix. Wow haha... Actually, it’s too strong to kill the Yuantian. This is too confident. You have the water.············································

"Wow, haha... I don't know, let's go! Let our brothers open their eyes and have a long experience..."

The brothers are surrounded by ignorance and enthusiasm.

I don't know how to yell: "There are women also here... We want to be civilized, civilized and revenge, that taste is too heavy. ·························································

The raft was stunned, stunned, and speechless.

This is the brothers that Xie Kui said in his first mouth... One by one, it’s really five people and six. But how can you talk to a good old man? This contrast is too big, it really is not a human appearance!

Where does he know, in fact, no matter which one of these people, it is definitely the biggest and most powerful robber head in the world!

There is absolutely no fake, genuine, and virginity!

Being surprised, I suddenly heard a voice crying: "Mu Shuai!"

When Mudu turned his head and looked at it, he couldn’t help but look over: "Nothing, is you?!"

It’s just that there is no dream in the world; in the battlefield, I suddenly encounter the old brother who thought that it would be difficult to get together in this life. The raft and the dream are boundless. It’s awkward to think of each other’s experiences not long ago...

The initial excitement has not stopped, and Chu Yang and other brothers have been fooling for a long time.

Until the sound of a very rough mine sounded up.

"Ji Mo, you are a scam! Don't roll out the aging mother!"

When this sentence came out, all the brothers were struck by lightning, and suddenly they all smashed. Even a bird that claimed to kill Yuantian is no exception. They are hiding one by one, lest they should see themselves by this tigress. Involve the innocent disaster to yourself.

Who can have such a power, besides Miss Yan Yan Aobo, who else?

When it was a broken drink, the nine robbers retreated!

Ji Mo’s face was twisted with his neck twisted, his face showing a rather exaggerated and quite artificial surprise, and his rigid motion almost thought he was in a dream.

I saw a woman with a tall figure, a big waist, and a sigh of anger. The wind came over and sneered at the ear of Jimo. "I have been away from you for two years. I heard that you are very romantic. It is said that you are still looking for it. A small room with ten rooms and eight rooms, very comfortable...·····

In the mouth, the nonsense of the blame, the eyes are full of tears.

"Heaven, earth, this is the rumor who is making me, ah, where are I! Where can I dare!" Ji Mo screamed and screamed: "Bobo, my love for you, Only the sky can be table! The sea is dry and the stone is rotten, the sky is broken, the soul is flying, the air is not changing, ah... I am... wrong, I am actually trying to say... I want to say something...······

Hu Yan arrogant almost laughs, but still squatting on the ear: "Don't worry so much, come over with the old lady, slowly say, some is time, I will interrogate you well! Nothing is not dare, if you dare... ..."

Under the gaze of everyone, all stunned and stunned, screaming at the ear of the ink.

The brothers in this heart will have been sneer at the bottom of the heart, and they almost have internal injuries. The rafts and dreams have not seen the eyebrows, and the eyeballs are almost flying out. If it is not in the eye,... ··

Ji Mo... This name is so good.

Moreover, the wife who is looking for is better...······························································

"Little brother..." a voice called.

Under the singularity of Gu’s singer, he suffered a thunder and lightning attack, violently twisting his head, and watching the white man fluttering in his not far away, the thin and thin woman, opened his eyes and said incredulously: Xiao Miao - sister?"

It is Gu Miao-age.

Gu Miaoling stood alone in the wind, and there was a bit of a taste of life.

Gu alone screamed and shouted, slamming the Iraqi people in his arms, screaming low: "Xiao Miao-Sister... Xiao Miao-Sister... Xiao Miao-Sister..."

Under ecstasy, I don’t even know what to say. It’s just the three words of Xiao Miao-Sister, but only these three words, but there are too many feelings in it.

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