Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 515: Nine robbery reunion [two]

Gu Miaoling’s face rises to the satisfaction of color, and her daughter’s unique shame is red! Low voice: “Hurry up and let me down... you are a little fool, so many people are watching...···· ·"

Gu alone and let go, nodded again and again, said: "Yes! Right! Xiao Miao - Sister's face is thin, I will hold it when I wait for no one."

"嘤咛~~" Gu Miaoling - suddenly stunned my face, really shameless.

This life only knows the sword, I don’t know other confused guys, what are you talking about...···

Next to it, because of this sentence, a series of big schadenfreude laughs, of course, as long as there is a enthusiasm to see the Rock enemy and others.

Under the gaze of Gu’s murder, Luo Ke’s enemies still laughed as long as they would rather die than laugh at a happy virtue.

It’s rare to have a great opportunity to laugh at the Lonely Walk. If Rock’s enemies are easily let go, it’s just that I feel sorry for myself.

I can’t help but be beaten by him in these years. I must laugh a lot today and laugh at this book.·····

At this time, Mrs. Mei has already joined Xie Danqiong, and the wife and wife of the proud evil cloud are also with him. Everyone is reunited for a long time. There are simply endless words and inexhaustible topics.

Mo light dance has also been combined with the long-lost brother Mo Tianji to talk about it; only, after the initial excitement, Mo Tianji has a slight faint agitation between his eyes, his eyes are also somewhat dissociated, and he seems to be looking for what he has been waiting for for a long time... ...

But they are not looking for it.

Mo Qingwu saw a big hair, and even stumbled: "Second brother, I said what happened to you today? Is it a joy to be stupid? Your own sister is talking to you by your side, but where are you thinking?" No, you really can live with me."

Mo Tianji ah, two times, hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, this fact should be considered."

In this case, it is simply that the lips are not right or even rude!

If you really want to press the dialogue, then it is not owing to the extreme! ?

Mo light dance looked at his second brother with a sigh of relief. He simply turned his head and ignored the popular enthusiasm and returned to Chuyang.

The second brother is really annoying!

I have been thinking about him for years. I didn’t expect him to be a little bit and don’t want to be my sister. It’s too sad...

At this time, Xie Danqiong’s people had already greeted the people on the flying boat and set a separate camp to receive the reinforcements. In the entire camp, it is full of joyful laughter and atmosphere.

Even on the battlefield, the excitement is also evident.

Especially the long-awaited reunion of the nightmare army, the brothers have a feeling of reunion, and they are not willing to let go.

At this moment, Mo Mou Dance, who was staying at Chu Yang, suddenly found that Mo Tianji was like a sudden spirit.

I couldn’t help but look at it with a glimpse.

There was only one person in the eyes of this Mo Tianji. Obviously, I didn’t expect anyone to deliberately observe him. I saw that he actually finished the whole clothes, stroked his hair, coughed and cleared his throat, and looked at his whole body. No problem, I suddenly slammed my waist and put a pair of Yushu Linfeng's styling, with a very calm and colorful expression.

Stride forward and walk forward.

A big laugh in the mouth: "Ha ha ha... Le Er girl, I know you will come, really long time no see, Le Er girl style is better than the past, really gratifying!"

Opposite him, there was a pretty white girl who was walking down the sleek petite body and seemed to be blown up by the wind.

Mo light danced a pair of eyes almost stunned and swelled.

Was it like this? !

She understood her second brother's mind too much.

This second brother is always a big mountain sag in front of him and will not change his face; even if he is facing the emperor, the emperor, the saints, will not let Mo Tianji pay so much attention to his instrument, but also deliberately special inspection...

But today, the Chu Maoer’s Huang Maotou, who is against me everywhere, reveals this pig brother!

It’s just unbearable, and the uncle can’t bear it!

"The second brother has become a betrayal!" Mo gently danced and slammed his feet, and looked very annoyed!

Don't you know that this little girl often makes it difficult for your sister? Do you often quarrel with me? Don't you know that she doesn't agree with me and Chu Yang? Fight me every day, come to me to fight! ...···

Mo Tianji, you are my brother! You are so rebellious about this position... What good little girl!

I noticed the abnormality of Mo Qingwu, and Chu Yang’s strange bow: “Oh, what?”

Mo light dance said angrily: "Look at the Mo Tianji, but I am mad at me! Really bastard!"

Chu Yang looked up and saw that Mo Tianji and Chu Leer spoke in a polite manner. They found nothing unusual. They wondered: "Nothing.... What are you angry with? Isn't this normal?"

Mo light dance sighed with a heartless and long sigh, only felt more languid. Relying on Chu Yang’s arms, I don’t want to say a word...

At this moment, I suddenly realized the feeling of Chu Leer before myself: this little yellow hair hoe, actually wants to be my nephew...! Is this the embarrassment of someone who has taken care of his brother? ! !

At the outermost periphery, I finally talked about the "high-profile" appearance. The big devil is talking to the big devil, and Rick is playing against the enemy!

Of course, it’s not the kind of high-to-high fire that is really high, but it’s on the ground. It’s like a slap in the air, a fist to the flesh. You hugged me, I hugged you, you punch me, I’m There is still a foot over there!

The nose and face were swollen and the play was elated. Playing nosebleeds and playing hard, but laughing and laughing, I am happy to be in it. What do you say on this? !

This makes a few women who are excited are sighing in the heart: the friendship between men is really difficult to understand. What are you talking about? If you say that you are fighting, you can’t say hello to the meaty place. I just like to aim at the eyes, as if not everyone is a panda.

If you don’t reunite for a long time, can’t you sit down and talk together? What is the separation? If you have to fight first, you have to hit the nose and face to vent your excitement, or you will not finish it... Man, it’s a strange animal...·····

After a busy period of time, everything was finally returned to order, and everything was well organized.

Xie Danqiong’s family reunion, Ji Mo’s husband and wife reunited, and talked with you.

Xie Danqiong specially arranged several separate tents for these people, so that these long-awaited monks went into the narrative; then, they took the rest of the people and talked and laughed and sneaked into the big account.

Xie Danfeng licked his mouth and walked in. The expression was almost the same as that of Mo Qingwu, and he was not happy with his face.

Because Xie Danqiong did not say a few words, he was slipping away with his wife in the accusation of ‘light color and light friend’s accusation.

This made Xie Danfeng, who was excited and inexplicable to see his brother, was poured a cold water.

On the other side of the talk, there is still a screaming fight with the Rick enemy, who wants to find a shoulder and can not find someone to rely on, can be happy to blame it!

In the end, the talks and the rumors of the rox enemy, these goods are all nose and face swollen, with two panda eyes coming in, sitting at the end.

Mudu was on the side of the guest, so he was entertained to have a meal, and the visitor was a guest. This can not be saved.

When the meal was eaten, the hibiscus was relieved a lot.

These people just looked mad and didn't have a positive shape, but now it looks a lot more pleasing to the eye. They are polite and courteous, showing everyone's demeanor, just like the children of the family.

No matter whether it is talking about knowledge, one by one is extraordinary.

This situation made the wooden heart settle down.

The most fearful thing is that if it is crazy like the previous one, this ink cloud day is really going to disappear in this world...

In fact, this is also reasonable. In addition to talking about swearing, these people are all genuine children of the family. The basic sects of the children of the family have already been branded in their bones. It is just right to do the proper manners in appropriate occasions.

As for the talk, this guy's king style has long been integrated into the body and mind, and the gesture of the king is the king's style. Although the goods are long, the king's style is genuine, even if it is more than the iron, the sky, the limit, or even the snow. The tears of the cold are not bad at all, and the hibiscus is sensitive to this temperament. Naturally, there is no drop in the heart of a little bit of sputum.

But the hibiscus also feels a different taste. Although everyone is drinking in the heat, but watching their own eyes are more or less: your old man is still not leaving, how can you look so blind...

It is a kind of meaning like this.

This kind of mood, Muxi can definitely understand; because he really wants to leave now, the so-called people with this heart, the same with this, he is now not looking for a quiet place and dreams of two people to talk Chat, quietly drink some wine...

This kind of mood, everyone actually has it.

But the old man has to stabilize the scene today, first pass a circle, this is the minimum number of gifts...···

After three rounds of wine, Muxi stood up: "You don't have to reunite for a long time. I must have a lot to say. If you are old, you will go back to rest, and you will forgive yourself. Nothing, you and me. Come to me, I will ask you something."

The dream is boundless and stands up like a big man: "Okay."

When the two men went out and just walked out of the account, they heard a "bang" inside, and a loud voice shouted: "Wow, haha... Come, drink! Rock enemy, you don't drink You are not a man at the table!"

Then there was a scream: "Okay, as long as I drink as much as you drink, there is absolutely no problem! Do you dare?"

"I can still be afraid of you this guy! Come here! I will come first, you will follow me!"

"If I don't want to drink you today, I will walk with chickens!"

Muxi screamed...·····Walking with chickens? You are really good! Is that really so good? !

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