Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 517: Several big problems

However, if it is against the arrogant cloud and Xie Danqiong, the advantage of Dong is not a big deal. As long as you are not careful, you may be turned over.

This is still the case of single-handedly fighting, but if there are more than two opponents, or a wheel battle, there is no luck!

In the heart of the tears, I was quietly calculating how to make Dong the best chance of winning without injury...

After all, the husband and wife are honored; the group around them is called a scorpion, and it is always stronger than a group of younger brothers.

However, at this time, Dong did not hurt a person directly to pick a group.

This night, the sound of screaming was endless, and Chu Yang and Mo Tianji and others watched for a while, and after a hurricane ignited, they went into a small tent to discuss other things.

As for the remaining few people, under the supervision of Gu alone, the nose and face were swollen for a night.

Dong is the most miserable situation, all over the body and bruises, and his body is almost smashed, but the record is gratifying, and finally wins with a weak advantage! Gained the position of the fourth.

Between the brothers, there is only Dong Wu, the fourth brother is the hardest to come by!

It was almost killed when it was killed.

Even so, arrogant clouds and Xie Danqiong are somewhat dissatisfied with this result. Even after gambling and losing, they called the ‘four brothers, and both of them were biting their teeth.

That stock is not reconciled, it is simply coming out!

Ignore the outside fight, Chu Yang and Mo Tianji discuss in the tent.

"The situation is like this now. Although it is not very pessimistic, it can't be taken care of..." Mo Tianji introduced the situation here in detail.

It is very detailed, but it is very, very detailed. The details, many subtle changes, etc., are simply a super expert who knows the whole incident and has nothing to do with it; I believe that even the event party Xie Danqiong is here now, and he has to be stunned and self-confident.

Because of this kind of information, it is absolutely impossible for him to collect his life for a lifetime.

However, Mo Tianji was only a few days before he arrived here, and he was out of touch with his intelligence department for a long time. Now he can come up with such detailed information. If it can be said that it is a leak, it is full!

These super-strong co-ordination capabilities are really jaw-dropping. How can they not accept it? !

Chu Yang carefully listened to the summary of Mo Tianji, meditation for a moment, Shen Sheng said: "The situation is now that both sides have no longer want to fight again? Only Yuan Tian limit want to fight?"

The question asked by Chu Yang is sharp and sharp.

Mo Tianji also thought about Chu Yang’s questioning. Then he replied: "Or you can’t say so absolutely. Now you can only say... Most military people don’t want to fight again. At least until the facts are inconclusive. The soldiers have no war, they will have no war. Of course, those generals who are loyal to Yuan Tianjun, the rain is slow, the gang is the exception, they will still try their best to fight; because the rain is slow to want to be in the ink cloud If you really replace the raft, you have to completely eliminate the hibiscus, and you will never allow the raft to have the opportunity to turn over or even breathe! The so-called scent of heart is nothing more than nothing."

"So, the current situation is that even if the Yuan Tian limit does not want to fight, the rain is still late but still insist on playing." Mo Tianji cautiously said: "So you just said that both sides do not want to fight again. Incorrect."

Chu Yang said: "If this is the case... then it will be somewhat difficult. If everyone except Yuan Yuan is no longer wary, the situation will be relatively well controlled, but as long as there are people who insist on continuing this battle. That is two complete things."

Mo Tianji nodded and said: "It is true that the other party’s leading power is still raining late in the hands of their gangs. They have the final say, even if the soldiers are not wary. The other side’s strength, strength and strength are still far. Far above us, if it is really played by the rain, the threat may even be even worse than before. After all, the warfare of Yuantian is a very negative and inefficient means."

"And once the rain is slow and the army is fully attacking, fighting, if they take the means of the law enforcement team blood knife to supervise the war, then even if we are undefeated, it is necessary to pay a heavy price, and there is no war on the side there. The hearts of the soldiers will also have the vast majority, becoming a complete victim. Even if we don’t die, the people under our side can’t survive the rain after the death of their lawyers. This is a deadlock.”

Chu Yang nodded deeply: "I think this is also the point. It is really a deadlock that is difficult to solve."

"If they don't understand the truth and don't doubt the truth, then fight us and kill them without any psychological burden, but now they have begun to doubt... if they kill them again, kill the robes, Then it is somewhat unreasonable."

Mo Tianji said: "Especially... in our queue, those who originally worked with them.

The guilty feeling in my heart is only stronger. ”

"This! If you don't solve it well, even if this battle will eventually win, it will only have a great impact on the future battles. Even many people will have a demon."

Chu Yang frowned and thought.

"If this is the case... I want to break the deadlock... In fact, there is still a way to be simple and clear, and immediate." Chu Yang said slowly.

"You didn't think of me when I thought about it, but it was undoubtedly very difficult to achieve that. The opportunity was very good." Mo Tianji gently tapped his forehead with his finger, whispered: "Because Yuan Tian has been seriously injured... ..."

Chu Yang nodded.

What the two people think of is undoubtedly the same.

But no one else said anything, and began to consider countermeasures.

"If it is by the paintings and paintings, go to assassination?" Mo Tianji frowned.

"This is absolutely impossible." Chu Yang smiled: "The two kings of calligraphy and painting and the Yuantian limit are like the sea. Once they are assassinated, then it is the end of the endless, and now the strength is more than 90%. Opportunity······It’s the death of the two kings of calligraphy and painting, and the rest of the half is just the same, I don’t recognize it.”

Mo Tianji nodded: "This is also reasonable. It is true that the chances are too small. Once you lose your hand, you will be amazed and the situation will be worse."

"And, once you send someone to assassinate, if you can't succeed in pushing out Yuan Tian's true body... then, I am afraid that I will be made a fuss by the other party, arousing the psychology of many other people, and if I return to the previous iron plate. The situation, then we are too passive." Chu Yang said.

"So, if you want to act, there is only one chance! On that occasion, after you have finished everything, you are done. If it can't be done that time, the only result is to be a snake, then, I am afraid we will be in the future. The year will be left in the morning of Mo Yuntian, and will fall into the long-term battle and kill, and the dead people on both sides are still the same robes of the nine heavens."

Mo Tianji said deeply: "More importantly, our time is obviously unaffordable."

Chu Yang nodded in favor of it.

"Yuan Tian has entered the ink cloud for many years, and by his side, there must be a few masters of the demon! And these masters, the strength must be very weak. At the very least, there should be more than heaven and earth, or even The sage level can’t be overkill.”

Mo Tianji said: "But now that the fierce battle has reached such a level, the master of the demon, in addition to the one confirmed by Mu Shuai, has never appeared halfway!"

"Does this explain one thing... These demon masters have not had the hidden means like Yuan Tian, ​​and once they fight, they will reveal their true body. So Yuan Tian can not let them out without letting them out!" ”

Mo Tianji said heavily: "But this also explains the degree to which Yuan Tianzhi attaches importance to his sensitive identity. If we don't plan to push him to the Jedi, then he will not really expose it."

"This is natural." Chu Yang nodded lightly.

"Now the problem is one, Yuan Tian's own strength is very strong, it is very difficult to deal with, and on our side, there is no tyrannical master who can be compared with him.·············································· Just fine... As long as either of them is shot, we can easily force out his prototype with a little cooperation, but with our current strength, no one can Do this."

"A single soldier can't do it. He can't even get rid of it. If the situation is not good, he can leave at any time, and we can't stop his deliberate escape."

Mo Tianji said: "This one."

"Continue." Chu Yang meditated.

"Difficult two, Yuan Tian is now under the protection of millions of troops, and the master is like a cloud. We have no chance to fight alone with him. If it is assassination, if our assassin can't force him in the first time. The real body, the other masters will arrive, for which we have no countermeasures."

"Continue." Chu Yang nodded.

"Difficult three, the Holy King had publicly expressed his support for the Yuantian limit. The reason is really worth pondering." Mo Tianji said faintly: "There is definitely a reason why we don't know... in case of the key At the moment, the Holy King once again expressed his support. If we could not force the Yuantian to limit the true body of the demon, then the consequences will be very serious, and it is likely that all our early efforts will be put into the water!"

"So, even if there is no feasible way, but the time left for us is really not much." Mo Tianzheng said: "We must guard against this hand, the holy king can express his attitude once, he can shoot twice, even May be substantial help."

"This really needs to be watched."

Chu Yang sighed softly.


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