Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 518: Is the holy monarch a god? [Supplement 4]

"Now it seems that the situation is like a good one, but in reality it is just a mirror flower! The castle in the air." Mo Tianji whispered: "Whether it is against the raft, the raft, or against the Yuantian limit, doubt the Yuantian limit, The patience and persistence of the people will never last long."

"They are always easily shaken and changed by external forces... and once changed, it is easier to blindly follow new trends."

"This is human nature. If it is true that another moment will be reversed, it will surely defeat the army. This section has no countermeasures."

"We have calculated all means to temporarily maintain this kind of public opinion, but we are not gods, and we can never keep it for a long time. They will one day become accustomed to it."

Mo Tianji sneered: "Human adaptability is too strong. This section is really abhorrent! Especially for us now, even more so!"

Chu Yang can't help but smile.

Although it is reasonable to admit that Mo Tianji's analysis of human nature is true; but now... is really not a time to analyze human nature. Although the analysis made by Mo Tianji was directed at the current situation, Chu Yang still felt uncomfortable in his heart.

- Even Chu Yang will feel uncomfortable when he listens, then once he is heard by others, it is really shaking the heart!

Chu Yang’s face suddenly became very serious, and it was a very serious problem, even a very heavy one.

"Tianji, you said ·····························································································

Mo Tianji suddenly rounded his eyes: "The voice said!"

Chu Yang smiled bitterly: "In fact, I have thought about this for a long time; why did the purple scorpion Zihao fight against the devil in the past, and the Holy King did not ask? Why did the five guards of the Purple Emperor, all died within the jurisdiction of the Holy King? Why did the Holy King fight with the East Emperor afterwards? Why is Yuantian limited to the demon, but he is guarded by him?"

"If a person can go to the position like the holy king, is it really confused?" Chu Yang frowned.

Mo Tianji frowned and thought hard.

This question, he considered it is a bit difficult.

Because Chu Yang’s sentence is really a bit of a shock. Although there were speculations in the minds of Mo Tianji before, his habits were never to be said when he was not sure.

He only had to figure it out by himself.

Suddenly, Chu Yang put this problem enough to burst the heavens and the earth to the bright spot, and Mo Tianji was also caught off guard.

Moreover, Mo Tianji understands that Chu Yang is now suddenly raising this sensitive question, but he wants to stand on the opposite side of the angle, to analyze, to argue, to prove that the Saint is not a demon!

This undoubtedly adds a lot of difficulty.

"I thought that...··································································································· ····· 天魔······ should not be.”

This sentence is extremely reluctant.

Chu Yang is very dissatisfied: "What about the evidence?"

Mo Tianyi rolled his eyes and almost stunned: You said that he is a demon, but what is your evidence? Isn't this difficult?

But of course this sentence cannot be said. If I really said it, Mo Tianji has no doubt that Chu Yang will be violent on the spot!

Because now is definitely not the time to lift the bar!

Chu Yang looked at Mo Tianji.

"The evidence." Chu Yang asked again very seriously.

Chu Yang knows that Mo Tianji is such a person. Some things need to force him to look for it. Then, even if there is no reason at all, Mo Tianji can find a reason!

The famous saying "unreasonablely smashing three points" was carried forward in a person like Mo Tianji!

And Chu Yang now, for the time being, at least for the moment, you need such a reason!

Even if it is out of nothing! Even if it is irrefutable! Even just speculation!


Mo Tianji heard his words frowning and thinking hard.

In fact, since the day when Mo Tianji knew that the Holy Journey was not the devil of the devil, he had already doubted the identity of the Holy King. As a qualified adviser, he had to envisage it. Even if it was ridiculous. The possibility can not be let go, but the Holy King, the first person of this nine-day Scorpio, if he even doubts, if even this first person may be the incarnation of the demon, what hope can there be in the Nine Heavens?

Although Mo Tianji knew that the Holy King was suspected, he still forced himself to let go of this clue.

This is also the main reason for the previous series of rumors that did not question the Holy Spirit as the Yuantian limit certificate!

That is a forbidden zone that is unspeakable!

But at the moment, Chu Yang is clearly questioning this restricted area!

For a long time, Mo Tianji said: "If you must say it, then there are some points to prove that the Holy King is not a demon."

Chu Yang eyes bright: "Talk?"

In fact, Chu Yang does not want the Holy King to be a demon. He would rather believe that the Holy King is only blinded by what external forces, and because of any special factors, even if it is a lustful desire, it is better than the holy monarch! !

"The first reason is very simple and very objective. The Holy King was the first master of the Tianzhu recognized by the Nine Heavens. He was the master of the day, not his high morale, his virtue, but his force. It’s the absolute peak, no one can be!”

"Under the nine emperors, no one is his opponent! So, let him occupy this position of the holy prince. And if he was really a demon, he could kill all the nine emperors and destroy the most savage The elite. Even if the power is not caught, can not kill all, but find an excuse to say that it is a mistake twice, but it will not be too big thing, after all, the nine monarchs of the day, but some top The warrior is not the king of the right now."

"Because that is the battle of life and death!"

"If that is the case, the nine-day Scorpio will inevitably lose its strength. The Holy prince did not do this, and completed the nine-junior one today. One of them." Mo Tianji said while slowly sorting out his own Thoughts, consider the use of words.

Chu Yang nodded silently.

"The second point is that the nine heavens and the earth of the nine heavens are actually self-regulated by the saints; this is really a great supernatural power; and ·········································································· In addition to Zhongjitian, each has a small territory that is clever-connected... Of course, the two opposite worlds are removed."

"And the location of the connection is very subtle, that is... adjacent to Zixiaotian!"

Mo Tianji took out a map and pointed out the locations on the map.

Chu Yang looked seriously and his face became somewhat confused.

"These can all be explained... When the Holy King first divided the Ten Worlds, the real purpose was to regulate the Scorpio and have their own strict rules of governance. There is also an obvious important reason... Prepare for the invasion of the devil!"

Mo Tianji meditated and said: "This is a very good defense position, even if I personally manipulate it, I am afraid it is just like this."

"Nine-fold Scorpio, it is really too big! It is impossible to completely reunite!"

Chu Yangzi looked carefully and said: "It is not entirely true; if the demon invasion, the worlds send troops and horses, it is the best and fastest way to go from here, but, in turn, if the devil is really Something moves, invading the world; these paths are not the most convenient roads! It is hard to say who is really convenient."

Mo Tianji smiled and said: "Boss, you have determined that the Holy King has problems, too paranoid, this section is too biased; the devil is only dealing with a purple day, it has paid a huge price. It will not be able to move again in a million years; where is the strength to deal with the synergy of the top ten worlds?"

"If you don't divide your soldiers, the demon can still be regarded as a confidant! But if the soldiers are attacked, the devils will become a clown, why can you strike?!" Mo Tianji snorted.

Obviously, I was very dissatisfied with the bones in Chu Yang’s egg. If it is not full evidence, how can I raise it?

"There is one more point, and the most important point... Since the Supreme Master, in addition to the Zixiaotian incident of the year, the overall strength of Jiuzhong Scorpio, including the population and the number of masters, has been more than a million years. The former...increased tens of times more than!"

"Whether the increase is financial or human, or the master is repaired..." Mo Tianji said: "All are real combat forces!"

"From this point of view, the Holy King has great merits for the Nine Heavens!"

Chu Yang searched for the intestines, looking for flaws, but found that it was impossible to refute, could not refute, could not help but depressed, said: "According to your analysis, the Holy King is actually a good man? At least the great hero of the Scorpio, but, in this case, What was the **** battle of the singularly savage army at the beginning? Now, how can it help the Yuantian limit, and what is the matter? This does not make sense?!"

"If the holy prince is a good person, and for the sake of the sky, then, is it true that the Purple Emperor Zihao and the Donghuang Snow Tears have become bad guys?" Chu Yang shook his head: "Although there is not much contact with each other, I thought that this The two emperors will never be despicable villains! There will be no connection with the demon, and there is no room for doubt.

Mo Tianji said with a heavy heart: "Although I am sure that the Holy King has made a great contribution to the Nine Heavens, it is indeed a hero of the Scorpio, but it certainly has not said that... The Holy King is a good person."

Mo Tianji showed a sly smile and said: "I have been able to climb these high-ranking people since ancient times... Even the king of the next three days... there will be no good person! Between heroes and good people, there are two A completely different concept?"

"Good people, it is rare to climb to a high position. The so-called emperor's heart surgery ······ has never been just talking about it."

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