Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 519: Entry is too slow!


Chu Yang was silent for a long time. After a long time, he suddenly asked very seriously: "Do you have a good man?"

Mo Tianji was furious: "Why, what do you mean by this sentence? Satire me?!"

Chu Yang laughed.

"In fact, among us, in addition to the light dance and the music girl, there is a good person there, and who dares to say that he is a good person! Who dares?!" Mo Tianji's words are obviously a little angry and angry.

Chu Yang sighed deeply and whispered: "Jianghu Road, why have a good man!"

"Even if we are these people, we don't know how many homes have been destroyed.... The sins of our hands have already been tiring, and the bones under our feet have already piled up into mountains."

"As long as you can ask for an innocent heart, it will be."

Chu Yang is amazed.

Mo Tianji is a good man and a bad person, but it makes Chu Yang inexplicably sighed.

Mo Tianji was silent for a long while, and then pulled the subject back. He said: "The Holy King has done a lot of wrong things... but I think that he must have his own reasons. It may not be possible to see it. Human reasons, but always justified.

"One generation to the highest king, if it is really the incarnation of the demon, then this piece of nine heavens has not existed, or has already become a region of the devil!" Mo Tiandao said: "This is my most powerful reason!"

Chu Yang can only nod.

This reason for Mo Tianji is undoubtedly powerful, unquestionable and unpredictable.

That being the case, then, things about why the shelter is limited, and the day of the purple sky can be temporarily suppressed!

The heart first goes to a big stone, the biggest stone.

"Since we have reached a consensus on this point, then our most important goal is to set aside the Yuantian limit!" Chu Yang took a deep breath: "What I fear most is not Yuan Tian, ​​but After················································································································· At present, there is no room for resistance, and there is no doubt that it will die."

"We still need some time to grow!"

Chu Yang slightly, very helpless smile.

Mo Tianji sighed and said helplessly: "This is indeed the case. In case the holy prince is really the incarnation of the demon, we can't really afford to fight the strong counterattack after the Yuantian limit."

Chu Yang hammered the sound and said: "But now, it is only this concern has been dispelled..... Let's kill the Yuantian limit first."

Get rid of it!

Chu Yang said "killing"!

The next step in the plan is to "kill"!

It is different from misleading, debunking, and subversion. It is difficult to use more external forces. It is necessary to have one or several personal performers. In view of the strength of Yuan Tian, ​​and his own abilities, it is easy. To get rid of this, this is undoubtedly a great problem, but this problem, as a nine-robbery think tank is just what it is.

Mo Tianji did not say anything more, but he fell into a long-term meditation.

It is already a difficult problem to climb the sky to limit the Yuantian to the original situation. After forcing out its original shape, it will be no more scruples, it will be even more horrible, want him to kill... the difficulty has increased more than doubled!

Under the protection of tens of millions of troops, the masters are like clouds, and the cards are still far from being exhausted. Yuan Tian’s own strength is far superior to their super masters; I will not be easy to be on the battlefield...

How to get rid of?

In an instant, Mo Tianji’s mind has already turned at least thirty or forty strategies, but each one is deduced from the opposite side, but it cannot be established because of the factors, flaws, and reasons.

Chu Yang quietly went out.

Only Mo Tianji left a man to ponder in the tent. This is the expertise of Mo Tianji. Even Chu Yang is incapable of intervening and rushing to participate. It will only disturb the idea of ​​Mo Tianji, and it is not beneficial.

Speaking of Chu Yuzuo, I wouldn’t feel any pressure, even if I didn’t think about it, I’m not going to kill it. I want to kill it. I just feel that it’s easy and comfortable, and it’s hard to be comfortable. When Mo Tianji is not around, Day, this kind of brainstorming thing, you have to work hard; now this guy is finally around, of course, to hand over all these things to him, he is free.

It’s not even more fun to drink and drink with your own body!

Of course, it will be so decided, Chu Yang believes that there will be a way to Mo Tianji, there will be a way!

When he walked out of the tent, Chu Yuzu felt that his groggy head was blown by the sudden cold wind. In a flash, it was a cool heart. The heart of your life: Your sorrowful **** ambushed the whole person to death, this life is not good. Just, it’s too much to stop myself...·...

Outside, it’s a slap in the face.

The brothers have just met and played a lot of fun. It is in full swing and difficult to understand.

Now there are two pairs in the middle hand: the proud and evil clouds and the impassable two people twisted and rolled on the ground, and Jimo and Rock's enemies clashed with each other. The two sides have become two pig heads with panda eyes.

Gu alone, Dong Wushou, the two brothers are holding hands and watching. Xie Danqiong has no opponents for the time being. If there is no opponent, it means that there is no ranking, and the face is unhappy.

Two screams, the arrogant cloud slammed on the little belly, and at the same time, the chest was stunned and unable to pass a punch.

At the same time, the two men rolled off on both sides, and then they stood up and stood up again, then slammed into the ground and rolled over.

Now this scene is definitely not like the masters of the two saints in the middle level! It’s like two feet of the earth flowing together to fight for half a pair of silver!

If other masters of the saints see this scene, they will be ashamed to be the saints, at least at the very least, the brothers in front of them, all have to be removed from the ranks of the saints!

The sage strong not only have to have a high level of cultivation, but also have a certain virtue, are these people, and virtues? !

"How is the situation now? Who is the first!" Chu Yang took a slap in the mouth and asked for a lone trip.

"The fourth child has already been produced. Hey, on this item, he has won this plan." Gu was a slap in the face of Dong Wu, and said: "As for the fifth and even the subsequent rankings are in the process of production. ""

"Cough cough ·······" Chu Yang violent cough a few times. Looking at the ground, I almost couldn't tell the difference. I almost didn't know who the people were. Everyone was swollen into a pig's head. With two panda eyes, they couldn't see the original color texture. "Grey", the subconscious swallowed, said: "It looks a bit horrible..."

Gu alone swears: "Boss can leave your eyes today. These guys have a lot of hands. Don’t look like it’s very miserable. In fact, none of them hurts, even a little internal injury! What can you do with the fight? If it’s really desperate, it’s almost the same... I’m not hurting that wave, it’s a real thing.”

Dong did not break the cracked mouth, and said, "They don't care about them, as long as they call my brother! What is the injury? Face, that's face!"

Chu Yang is amazed.

The demand for this goods is really low, but it’s always a good idea...···

The so-called unfamiliar family does not know Chai Migui, who is accustomed to the identity of the boss, who can understand the minds of other brothers...·····

This round, has been playing all night, and finally scored the outcome.

Xie Danqiong, who was unhappy before, was exhausted by the four people. When the four people were exhausted, the challenge was taken by the people. One pair of four, the result was obvious - victory!

As a result, someone who is far-sighted, traitorous, and savage is ranked fifth.

The proud cloud ranked sixth; Ji Mo sneaked successfully, won the seventh place; Roque enemies ranked eighth; the most grievances; the murder of Ji Mo, and the bottom of the Rock by the Rocky The tragedy is at the end. It is not convincing to gnash your teeth.

However, the boss has already made a final statement, and it can only be so consistent.

Poor ignorance has never really become a sin.

In the days that followed, I continued to hear yelling.

"Daddy! Give my brother a cup of tea!"

"Daddy, your kid gave me a standing, listen to your brother's training, and listen to my brother's golden rule."

"Daddy, come over, my brother, I am looking for you something..."

But in any case, the rankings of the brothers can be officially settled from today.

It’s no longer as messy as it used to be. It used to give people a feeling of sloppy greasy feeling...

But since then, everyone has finally added points to each other, because ... there must be some opposition. And since the addition of points, it is to add to the big place; but the big one can not afford it... really can't beat it.

Captain Mo Tian was relieved and walked out slowly. Seeing his face, Chu Yang first put down his heart.

I mean that the idea is coming. The think tank will not be a think tank, and the surgery has a specialization. In the future, all such work will be given to someone.

"The strength we have at the moment is still not enough." Mo Tianji hated the iron and pointed it to Dong Wu, who was alone and waited for others: "The entry of these guys is too slow! It’s already at the prefecture level; until now, it’s been two years since it’s been upgraded to the point where it’s now, there’s such a good opportunity, so the good repair is to enhance the atmosphere, then it’s just a bit of repair, and it’s a shame! All of them are teaming up against the enemy, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of Yuan Tian’s guy. This is the biggest problem at the moment!"

Entry is too slow! ?

It took only two years to upgrade from the prefecture level to the middle level of the saints!

This sentence makes it always notice that the rafts and dreams of this side are almost bloody!

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