Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 520: Nine robbery, the battle of the Emperor! 【One】

The words are not exaggerated. It takes only half a day to calm down the tumultuous blood. !

I only felt the tangles of my stomach, and I almost fainted.

The two had just been talking, and they were talking about the separation. But these tents were not very soundproof. They were high and high, especially in Chuyang. They did not deliberately arrange sound insulation and enchantment; so the two All the movements here are clear and clear.

Seeing that these guys are like a hooligan, they can only be heard. If they don’t do it, they really don’t want to be with them. It’s not okay, they can only pretend that they don’t know.

But the words just made by Mo Tianji are really shocking!

How can you pretend that you can't hear it, don't know it!

You are his, two years, from the prefecture level to the saint intermediate, you are still too slow!

How do you think about it?

How can you say this to you and me?

Don't you be afraid of being killed by the warriors who are not at the level of the saints in the nine-day scorpion? !

Actually still said ‘full two years, only! Elevated to this point······,

In particular, ‘complete, two words, and ‘, the word, let the raft and the dream have no end to have an impulse to die! I have only crossed so many levels in more than two years. You are still too slow. Then, if we have to go to this point in the hundreds of thousands of years, should we die early, so as not to laugh at the generous? ?

"Grass!" Mu Shuai was very rare and sweared a swearing word, muttering: "But it has been like this in two years, even if there are many opportunities, it is not ancient or modern! It is still too slow... really if These guys have two million years of time...who can they go to the point where they can blow away the nine heavens? My current mood can only be attributed to one word - grass!"

Dreams can only be reported with a bitter smile, because his psychology also thinks so.

I don’t know how wise and how far-sighted they are to think about what they are thinking about now!

After a long time, Chu Yang and his brothers' achievements seem to have reached such a realm, and they are gradually surpassing...··································································· ...

"This kind of enchanting is still a group of enchanting, how did it grow up? Such a person, one year after a million years, is already a legend. A legend, now there is a pile, a bunch Legend? A bunch of legends?!” Muxi said with a frown: “The most ridiculous thing is that these people are all together, and they are all together. It’s really amazing! As long as there is time, what is the power in the world? Can you compete against them?"

The dream is nowhere to smile: "I am actually wondering about this problem."

The raft suddenly smiled again: "Listen to these guys and talk, you can be beaten to death..."

At this moment, Mo Tianji is in the training: "...I don't work hard! Look at your poor cultivation, what can you do? Let others see you, you have to laugh and die!"

Below, everyone is bowed and bowed their heads. They confessed: "Yes, we are really not working hard, hehe, hehe..."

Poor repair is...!

On the face of the hibiscus, his face looked constipated, and he closed his eyes tightly. He waved his hand and opened the sound insulation enchantment: "I heard no, what did you hear what the kid said? And those guys said What's the matter? Hey! Look at it! The old man's strength for a million years is really hard to hear..."

You are all like this, but you still don’t work hard... So what about his efforts?

All this is the case, what else? Still want to laugh?

You said, do you still give others a way to live? !

The endless dream is also a tangled face: "These people are also daring to do things, that Chu Yang, in the repair of the ants, they dare to kill the Yuan Shitu. That Xie Danqiong, in the repair of the ants, dare to raise the flag to rebel... · These people’s style of work can’t be measured by common sense, or when they don’t hear it...”.

The two looked at each other and they all sighed for a long time. They all had a kind of ‘we are old..., such a silent taste.

"If the repair is insufficient, then it will be further improved." Chu Yang’s face showed a thoughtful expression.

Immediately clap your hands and said: "Since the direction has been fixed, then come and come. Everyone will come; I have good things to share with you."

Mo Tianji's eyes are bright: Does the boss have a good thing that can improve the cultivation?

However, everyone’s cultivation has already reached this point... Although Jiu Dan’s gadgets have great effects and have certain effects on the promotion, they have no greater meaning for the present, and the real magic of that thing lies in Instant healing, as well as solid medicine, is also a good thing. It is simply not used to improve the skill.

The brothers did not have the brain of Mo Tianji. They had already turned 180 and a turn in an instant, and they all jumped up and jumped one by one. Even the sorrowful sorrows of the previous ones suddenly became alive and full of vitality.

Everyone knows that since the boss said that it is a good thing, then that thing must be a super good thing that is hard to find in heaven! !

There must be great use!

The object of Chu Yang’s idea is the nine secluded hell!

The rest of the fruit is exactly one of three people; as for the others, he has already come in handy.

Chu Yang also made a sigh of relief, and once completely made this heaven and earth Qibao completely light.

This battle must not be lost!

As for the Tiandi Xuanhuangguo, it is a pity, although there is still a lot of inventory, but because the brothers have already taken it once in the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, although it is taken by thirteen people, it has always been taken, and then There is no growth effect; now, taking it again, there is no other big effect except for the solid yuan.

This point, but it makes Chu Yang long sigh: I have come to everyone and the brothers have enjoyed the level of never having anything, but it has no effect.······

This is really speechless.

However, it is more effective to be able to consolidate the training. So this time, everyone in the heavens and the earth is also taking one each.

In the latter half of the night, it passed in quiet practice.

The only thing that made Chu Yang feel surprised was that it was so hot that it was always hot, but the most popular talks were not coming.

This does not seem to match his temperament...

It was the morning of the next day.

When Mudu and others gathered in the big account, they were surprised that the accident was very strange. It seemed that they had not received the news of these people in the short half of the night. It was such a time that they were all like a reborn. Changed a look!

The most ridiculous thing is that everyone’s cultivation is obviously a soaring one!

Everyone is full of sufficiency, and the light is faint. Obviously, this time the progress is still not small! Even some of them have already broken through their own bottlenecks and began to march toward the saints!

And it has come a long way!

Mudu and others were stunned by this reality!

so, what happened?

It’s just one night! Obviously, I only heard that they were fighting all night...

How suddenly did you improve so much?

This is too ridiculous, shocking, incredible, difficult to understand? !

If you are going forward at such a speed... Can you catch up with me within a few days?

The hibiscus is obviously more worried, and it is a bit whimsical.

If there is not a large amount of Tiandi treasure in the hands of Chu Yang, it will not cause such a shocking effect anyway. Moreover, after this time, it is basically a complete warning; the future road, only by their own efforts and opportunities to step by step.

Mo Tianji sat in the middle and said softly: "The saints are above the intermediate level, and other people can go to the army to prevent the enemy from having a sneak attack."

In this sentence, the majority of the people in the big account are lost, and the rest are only forty or fifty people.

Nine robbery brothers, Mo light dance, purple evil feelings, talk 昙, Chu Leer, ink tears ·························································································· Was driven out.

In addition, it is the martial arts, the dreamless endless, and other masters of the original ink cloud, and the master of the Tianbing Pavilion with Xie Danqiong, this part of the people occupying 25 people.

A total of forty-nine people were present. Of course, there is also a hidden master, that is the killer that Chu Yang and Mo Tianji agreed to exist: the soul of the catastrophe!

"Today, we have to set a huge strategy, that is, to force out the real world of Yuan Tian, ​​and kill it completely here!"

The first sentence that Mo Tianji said, made everyone shocked.

Although rebellion is already an indisputable fact, it is hard to have a way back. Everyone is also dreaming of killing Yuan Tian. However, everyone knows that it is most difficult to get rid of it. Kill it.

But now, the singer of the celestial intelligence department has a mouthful, but it is directly killing, no time off!

However, in the current situation, the other party is surrounded by a large army, how to completely kill the Yuan Tian limit?

This problem is so difficult that it can hardly be solved!

"The outside public opinion offensive has basically been rushed to the peak, and it is meaningless to reinforce the offensive."

Mo Tianji said a moment of silence, saying: "The so-called paradox, the effect that can be caused, can only end here; although the general soldiers of the other army have begun to shake most of their positions, the high-level power is still in the grip, so, Not to the point where it can change."

"So the current battle between the two armies is still going on. So those lucky ones are not necessary! This is still a hard battle!"

Mo Tianji directly and completely smashed the luck of everyone.

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