Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 521: The Nine Robbery, the Battle of the Emperor [2]

"From today, we will begin to fight back." Mo Tianji looked at Xie Dan and Muxi; his eyes were sharp: "Your mission is... to contain most of the enemy's combat power!"

Muxi and Xie Danqiong also looked heavy at the same time.

Contain most of the enemy's combat power!

This will no doubt be a huge pay!

This sentence means that millions and even more lives will pass by!

This is in a weak position, but also to take the initiative to attack, but also to contain the majority of the opponent's combat power, it is completely out of the staff!

"My people, as well as the new force brought by Chu Yang, can give you full authority!"

"But neither of you can be personally on the battlefield command; today, but tomorrow, but not tomorrow, you must cooperate with our actions to force Yuantian to force it out." Mo Tianji said faintly: "I think... the dream general Should be able to take this responsibility!"

Dreams are nowhere to step forward: "There will be no responsibility."

"Today, one day and one night, I don't see any signs of stopping the battle! Be sure... I want to suppress the enemy to the point where people are sleepy in two days and one night! This is a dead command, and it is determined to be executed, even if it is everyone. All of them are dead, and they must be executed continuously!"

Mo Tianji said one word.

With the words, an unusually strong **** taste has begun to spread!

From this day on, the revolutionary situation of this change has undergone fundamental changes again.

Compared with the strength of the two sides, Muxi was originally in an absolute weak position or even an absolute defeat; even if there is a strong reinforcement of all the people in Chuyang, its role is not even a cup of water, but for the overall situation, there is still not much Obstruction, it cannot affect the situation at all.

The weakness is still weak, and at most it is no longer a dead end.

However, since this period of time, the factors that have really changed the situation of the war situation are: the original squadron had no wars and no war. However, now it has changed to the other side’s suspicion and scruples, no matter what the soldiers will do. No wars.

In this way, the original absolute disadvantage of the raft is actually evened out.

Although this is only a temporary phenomenon, or even an illusion built on the illusory structure, the current situation is like this.

Now, the rain is slow, and there is a spontaneous attempt to mobilize the soldiers to fight the hearts and motivate the military to fight. The raft has suddenly launched an offensive initiative!

And still all-round, no difference, unrestrained, irregular multi-batch powerful attack!

In the face of this situation, the rain is slow and the Yuantian limit is overjoyed.

No matter what madness the other party took, maybe it was that the reinforcements arrived, the waist was hard, and the time was fainting, so actually took the initiative?

However, Yuan Tianjun does not care about these things at all, because those are not the key points, nor are they important. Even if you come to a certain reinforcement, then there are a few flying boats. Even if they are full of soldiers, how many people can you add up? So immediately, the rain was delayed: "To fight hard!"

The rain is slow to naturally not dare to neglect, the soldiers will block the water to cover the earth. Although there are quite a few generals who are unwilling to go to war. There are still such thoughts in their hearts, but there are still a large number of generals who can use them after the rain is slow.

These people are people who have been working with the Mudu Group for many years. They belong to the rain-stricken units. They have always been in a weak position with the Mudu Group. Nowadays, there is a rare opportunity to be proud of each other.

Ever since, the unprecedentedly fierce battle has been in full swing.

Mudu is a strong attack, seeing the sky, the positive challenge depends on the moon.

According to the moon, the weak will be shown to the war.

Besides, it is definitely not a good thing to let the raft, a person whose personal power is enough to change a war, join the battlefield.

According to the moon, he did not hesitate to come forward and stood up against the raft.

On the ground, under the precise command of Xie Danqiong, the Tianbingge army attacked from multiple directions in multiple directions; it was like a tidal wave.

At the highest point, Mo Tianji sat on a chair, gently rocking the fan, slow and reasonable, carefully watching the battlefield below. Of course, the most important attention was placed in the main battalion of Yuantian. Among them.

In silence, my own knowledge has quietly penetrated into it.

As far as the general situation is concerned, under such a war-torn atmosphere, the soldiers who did not participate in the battle in the rear military camps should also be **** and arrogant, but now, the soldiers who have not played in Yuantian Actually, quite a few of them are a bit stunned and even boring.

This part is not a very small part, but... very much!

When the front smashed the righteousness, the shouting and killing sounds were shocking, but many of the soldiers on the other side only raised their heads indifferently, and they returned to the state of the gods.

Not only soldiers, but also a lot of commanders and generals, are also such a distracted virtue; there are still some people who come together to discuss what, discuss and plan.

When I was outside, it was a crack, and I didn’t move.

Mo Tianji’s face was quietly watching the occurrence and performance of all this! There was no fluctuation. Gently ordered: "Let the paradox that supports the raft side be more ● then, deliberately create a wave of last crazy paradox!"

He said heavily: "To complete this in one day!"

Someone behind him respectfully promised: "Yes!"

Immediately, the man took out the special communication tool from the space intelligence department from the space ring, and sent the boss's command very solemnly, and then added a special command mark at the end of the command!

This is the first special order issued by the boss!

A special order that has never been used!

Suddenly, the Tianji Intelligence Department in Moyuntian immediately ran wildly: the boss issued a special order for the first time. If it was improperly executed, it would have to be a big trouble to drop.·····

Do not say anything else, the minimum penalty is to expel directly, then where to find such a high-paying job without risk?

The battle is continuing, and others have not yet calculated the specific number of casualties, but the brains of Mo Tianji are constantly calculating the data of each other all the time: Well, the eight directions work together, and now the total number of battles has reached 90. Time... but time is only at noon.

"Before sunset, the battlefield hit three hundred times!" Mo Tianji said faintly: "Then, even the night fights! The next day, continue to fight like this! It is necessary to make all the combatants tired."

This order was immediately conveyed, and even Xie Danqiong, who had been serving alongside, couldn’t help but twitch.

This is such a tight battle. The outsiders are under the command of Xie Danqiong, but in fact, every time they send troops, how to fight, what roads, and what tactics are all from the hands of Mo Tianji!

Really big-handed, super-costing campaign without cost!

With the weak forces of the opponent's eleventh, they can create an offensive that is endless like a tidal wave!

The strength of the force is clearly overwhelming, and the rain gradually succumbs to the feeling of struggling; the other side’s attack is continuous, and the singularity and offensive line are even more inexplicable, unpredictable, and completely `violating the conventional battle. The marching route, the rain was slow and calm from the beginning, and it was orderly. It gradually became a little fussy. After a while, it became overwhelming. Then, it was at night. It was already inside the brain. The feeling of a piece of stiff wood came, and it seemed to be accompanied by a pain.

"Who is the other person in the command!" The rain is slow and angry, and there is an unbearable pain: "It is definitely not a raft. It is definitely not Xie Danqiong! Fuck, is this person a madman? So many tricks...···”

His Majesty will also be a bitter and sullen.

I have to admit that the other commander of the military commander is now a genius, even if it is in a hostile position, but everyone can’t admire it!

But in addition to being a genius, the other party is still a madman, a madman who is downright, and the means he displays is really crazy! Everyone recognizes one thing. The normal commander is absolutely impossible to make the series of decisions he made today. So, this is definitely a madman.

Outright and hopeless madman!

Uninterrupted crazy attack, even if you are smart, how to be blackmail, but the physical strength of the soldiers will be inevitable loss! It is naturally exhausted from the initial stalemate to the later hooking of the nose, but the fatigue of the soldiers of Tianbinge is only more than double that of this person! It is absolutely impossible to have any ease!

It is so uninterrupted, there is no end to attack, but it is definitely not intended to break through, it is only the most simple battle to kill, even if you have a peerless talent, how to use it skillfully, the end result is still only a dead end!

Because of this, the rain will be so irritated!

Those of you who are obviously dying... What are you doing with us so hard, can't you wait for death? We still have a lot of glory and wealth to enjoy, who has That stock is quite hard to fight with you? !

While commanding, Mo Tianji pays attention to the air in the air. There is such a group. Although it looks different from other clouds, the whole is not moving. If it is not known for a short time, it is better. After a long period of observation, you can see the alternative.

The direction is fixed, but the Mo Tianji will not add more attention, just raise the neck occasionally, like the activity of the general twisted neck, by the way.

Mo Tianji has already determined that the difference between the other clouds is the spiritual power of the Emperor of the Clouds.

There was a cold chill in the cold voice of Mo Tianji.

Let's wish him a happy birthday!

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