Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 522: Nine robbery, the battle of the Emperor [three]

In the high sky of the invincible spirits of the Emperor of the Clouds, there are actually the same strange clouds, which are slowly floating silently, occasionally scattered completely, and then re-gathered, the shape is ever-changing, true and ordinary The clouds are not the same.

This group of "cloud" performance is no doubt far better than Yuan Tian limit!

It is the soul of the catastrophe that draws the gourd incarnation, and monitors the movement of the Yuantian limit at a close distance, and secretly absorbs the power of the soul of Yuan Tian.

The real repair of Yuan Tian's limit is no longer under the tears of the East Emperor Snow. Although the recent catastrophe has been slightly broken, it is still far behind, but purely with the use of soul power, the gap between the two But to reverse the calculation, it is the Yuan Tian limit is far less inferior to the catastrophe!

The soul of the catastrophe itself is the soul, and the cultivation is also the soul function. Only the one is specialized, and the soul of Yuan Tian is inseparable from the physical operation.

This is the fundamental difference between the soul and the soul!

Yuan Tian limited to see Muxi while actively inviting the battle, and the means of fighting is still so fierce, self-righteous, is absorbing the soul power between the heavens and the earth, but never imagined that the 蝉 蝉Later, on top of himself, another strong person is absorbing himself!

Yuan Tian's limit does not know the truth, and my heart is still strange: Why did today's Mudu and others not send those masters to create a strong wind to disturb themselves and absorb the power of the soul? Is it that the offensive staff is seriously inadequate, and all of them are in the game? That would be great!

There are so many people who die at the bottom. These soul powers are enormous, enough for me to recover a lot, too happy...

The more catastrophic spirits look at the soul of the Emperor below, and the heart is almost excited to explode: such as the pure soul power, if I can absorb it all...······I am a breakthrough to be just around the corner.

It’s really a godsend, it’s too happy.

Mo Tianji, who was in the heights, faintly told, that one person had a strange plan to go out, and gradually turned the entire battlefield and the two camps upside down, chaotic!

The sky is getting darker and the orders of the Motian machine are beginning to change.

The teams of all parties began to transform into interpenetrating battles!

From this battlefield where you are now, intersperse into another battlefield! When the team has not completely withdrawn, another team has already arrived at this position to fight.

This gives the enemy an illusion: we haven't withdrawn yet, have you come up with a new force? The original opponent went on a break, but we didn’t get a rest here. It’s the same as the tired army’s new force against the other side. Can it still be better?

Such a negative feeling of frustration is undoubtedly fatal to the army that is in the midst of war.

Obviously, our troops are much more powerful than the other side. How can people rest but we can't? How did your commander command the battle? Don't take our lives seriously? !

When the mind is sharp, it does not cool the war. On the contrary, the battles in both sides are getting more and more in full swing!

At present, the two sides participate in the war, and before that, they are basically divided into two camps. Even if they can't be said to be deadly enemies, they can be regarded as the opposite. At this moment, they are directly confronted by the enemy and are extremely jealous.

The original means of confrontation was still limited to the intrigue between politicians, and they were framed by each other. It was difficult to have a frontal killing of a knife and a gun. Even if everyone didn’t say it, they felt that they were not addicted at the bottom of the heart, and now it’s finally the real knife. Fighting, you may be able to splash five steps at any time.

There are people who are constantly falling, and people are constantly getting involved again. From the intact body to the battle, they become riddled with dead bodies and limbs. Often, they are just blink of an eye.

"The grievances that have accumulated over the years have been settled here."

This sentence is not said by Muxi, nor is it rainy, but it is said that an officer who has been fighting with the Mudu Group for a long time has been late.

In this long-term battle, this person does not know how many rafts have been buried under the hand, the life of the soldiers, and even the lives of the descendants of the family members.·····

But it is such a person, in such a fierce battle, it is a calm face, there is no trace of panic.

Brushing brush...

When he was killing a wooden warrior, he was followed by a dozen of opponents who had swarmed into the body, and there was not much pain on his face. Instead, he showed a 'finally end. It’s like a smile.

"In fact, I have always known that I am wrong, but I refuse to face it. I dare not face it. It is not so terrible to die. Unfortunately, I didn't know before..." Before he died, he smirked and begged. : Let me say a few more words and die.

I said something like this.

"The rain will definitely not be a big thing... Wood Shuai is right."

"I actually know it already."

"Yuan Tian is the demon konjac... I am here before, whoever said this sentence, I will kill the person immediately, but I want to tell you now, I actually already believe it, but it has never been Dare to say it, don't be willing to say it."!

"If Mu Shuai really has a rebellious heart, it may have been successful hundreds of thousands of years ago."

"As long as it is an old brother, who knows not, I don't understand."

"But I have to, even if it is against my conscience, I am still awkward, I still have to insist, because Yu Shuai saved my mother."

There was blood in his mouth, but he laughed sadly: "I was killed by people at an early age. When I was young and old, only my mother and I were lucky to survive. · Mothers have suffered all the sufferings that I have suffered for me... When the mother was at stake, Rain Master rescued her.

"Mother wants me before I die. I must not be sorry for the rain! I must be loyal to the rain handsome!"

"So I know it is wrong, I have to slash you!"

"I can't help it..." (Brothers...)... His eyes are scattered, his mouth is bleeding, his body slowly falls: "Whether you believe it or not, you will not forgive me. This is not important... In fact, I really want to say that if there is an afterlife... I want to be a brother with someone like you...····

"Please rest assured, I will be loyal, in fact, I have truly been loyal in this life, just the object of my allegiance... Hehehe..."

The last bitter smile, quietly annihilated in the wind.

The body has lost its last heat and turned into a cold, cold body.

The soldiers sighed deeply.

In the past, many people hated this person deeply, and wanted to kill it quickly. There were still many people who organized people to assassinate him, but they never succeeded.

But now, it seems that nothing is gone, nothing is important.

There is only one sigh left, full of emptiness.

As he said before the battle: the grievances accumulated over the years have been settled here.

When the real grievances of this life are really settled, the dead people have already become empty, and they have nothing to worry about, but who can understand the silent emptiness of those who are alive?

The battle is still going on, and countless Moyun Tianerlang is here, indulging in his own blood.

In fact, there is nothing right or wrong at the moment, and some are just their respective positions, their respective camps, and their respective loyal masters. When you kill me, no one cares whether this battle is still the so-called battle of the demon!

- Everyone already knows what is going on, why bother to say more?

But this battle is the battle of life and death that has been doomed many years ago! Must fight! Be sure to fight!

Have to fight!

The sacred level of the mind is enough to cover the audience, so many people have heard this passage.

Gu’s eyes showed a few sorrows, and Ji Mo and others also sighed.

"How do you evaluate such people? I am really speechless." Xie Danqiong smiled for it.

Those delicate and sensitive women, even the eyes are a little red.

Only the face of Mo Tianji does not understand, and no change has ever changed.

More reaction to everyone, reprimanded: "What can be sighed? This is the battlefield! Where are there so many causes of cause and effect? ​​How do you have so many children? How good are these guys? It's better to use the dim sum to improve your own cultivation! For those who slash the sword, do it! Whoever sighs again, and quickly get out, the emotionally rich all want to enter this battlefield!"

"This goods is a rock-and-hearted sly character. I haven't seen it before!" He whispered and whispered.

"Where is the heart of the stone." Ink tears said faintly: "This is a qualified commander, a competent military officer who controls the whole staff, the most basic and correct mentality! Are you facing the enemy of life and death? At that time, because the other party's original intention is because there is a hard time for a reason... just keep it and not kill it? But at that moment, the hesitation and sorrow of a moment can all cause your own death! To the enemy, it is to yourself, right The cruelty of oneself!"

"Because you are on the battlefield, there should be no more sympathy and compassion for understanding, only life, or death!" Chu Leer said faintly.

Everyone is silent.

Collectively look at this little girl who looks thin, weak, delicate, and awkward.

What was said in the past, was it actually said by the little grandmother?

Wouldn't it be my illusion?

On the face of Mo Tianji, there was a burst of blush, not because of shyness, but because of excitement.

It is so exciting!



Perhaps the words of Mo Tianji, there are countless people in the world can understand, can be recognized, acceptable; but only Chu Leer's understanding and support, can make Mo Tianji so excited!

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