Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 523: The Nine Robbery, the Battle of the Emperor [four]

"Heaven, earth, miracles, Mo Tianji's face is actually red. 哎···· ‘Ink seems to find the New World’s general scream.

"Roll!" Mo Tianji screamed in disgust, and it was full of sorrow, but it was not scary, but it was the kind of anger that was helpless.

It’s rare to see the image of Mo Tianji, and everyone laughed instantly.

For a time, I don’t know how to adjust the expression of the Mo Tianji, but I have to unilaterally resume the indifference and continue to command the battle. However, the spirit seems to be more concentrated than before, and the orders are more rapid, concise and powerful.

It seems that I want to do my best to show how I am commanding, how to manage, how to be qualified!

Driven by the peacock's opening screen and the unique thinking of the present scenery, the command of Mo Tianji is even more devastating, and it is even more worthwhile!

This makes the rain on the opposite side of the move more painful and bitter. If it is a continuous command, it only feels that Venus is in a hurry and is unsustainable. At present, this passive to the extreme coping mode needs to be seen through every step. The enemy’s intentions, then responded in a targeted manner, and then the battlefield fight to achieve the ultimate victory...

Especially in the face of Mo Tianji, it is too difficult and too difficult for the rain to be late.

Later, it was completely unable to keep up with the pace of the Mo Tianji.

On the battlefield, Tianbingge is still mobilizing troops in the right direction, deploying manpower, and the rain has already fallen into the whole chaos...

The whole night of the battle has finally passed.

Tianbing Pavilion over there, the gold returned to the camp.

This battle has been a whole day and night of high-intensity campaigns. Tianbing Pavilion has undoubtedly achieved an overwhelming advantage. Although the number of opponents is large, Mo Tianji will come out of the various positions in the chest and use them in the most advantageous way. The most effective way to arrange the strategy is to make the entire enemy of the enemy go up and down.

Moreover, the delay of the rain has been pushed to the point where it can no longer be commanded at the end! Actually sent out ‘each fight, see the machine. Such an order!

It can be seen that the suppression of the rain on the end of the machine has already reached the point!

Seeing the Mo Tianji over there, I finally returned to the camp and ended the long battle of the day and night. The rain was slow and long, and I took a deep breath and licked the blue veins on the temple that almost bulged out. I actually said: "This crazy man finally Yes... but the **** is over...·····

The public will face each other and don’t know how to talk for a while.

The words of the rain are too late to say that there is no time for half a cup of tea. The sound is still in the ear, and there is a drum sound from the other side.

Tianbing Pavilion once again arranged a neat team to attack on all sides!

Fighting, still fighting, almost uninterrupted fighting!

The rain is full of bloodshot eyes, showing an incredible look: "I rely! Come back?!"

"Today's war!" The rain shook his head slowly and tiredly. No matter whether it is a soldier or a soldier, no one can fight anymore! And the rain is slow, and it has already reached the point where the exhaustion of the oil is exhausted.

The rain is slow to believe absolutely. If you fight with the madman on the opposite side for a day and night, you will almost be able to congestion and die!

This evasive command is the most appropriate order at the moment.

The command was transmitted instantaneously.

As soon as we listened to the war today, the campers were relieved. Facing the other side of the war madman, a madman, this taste is not good! Yu Shuai finally made a wise choice...

It can be considered a break for a while...

However, the order has just been released.

The accusation of the Emperor of Heaven was immediately in the ear of the rain: "Why don't you fight? Avoid the war? Is it not the self-defeating of our army?! Give me a fight immediately! Destroy the enemy as soon as possible!"

The rain is slow, and it is almost mad.


But how can you not listen to your order? Do not obey. That is rebellion...·····

The command of the Emperor of Heaven is still said by the voice, that is to say, only the rain can be heard by a person! And others are not heard!

This meaning is very clear: The Emperor of Heaven also understands that he has reached the time when he can't fight, but he still has to order it. Your face can't be lost, then, naturally, you have to delay the rain to bring this black pot!

When the commander had just returned, he received a new order from the rain: "Transfer the three armed forces and immediately fight the whole army!"

Hearing this order of change, let the clever commander be stupid on the spot!

The so-called dynasty, but it is nothing more than that?

No, it seems that there is still a whole daytime in the change of the day, and the time for your order modification is too short, right? Has the blink of an eye changed?

Playing people?

What about you, slipping me? Just to let Laozi run more than one?

At this moment, the commander looks at the rainy eyes, and it really looks like a super neuropathy!

Your sister's... Is there such a commander as you?

If you don’t fight today, have you just finished the work of a fragrant incense?

Just conveyed, you change your mind, what do you want to do? ! "What do you look at! What is wrong with your kid's eyes?" The rain was slow and depressed, and this black pot was backed up plainly. Why didn't he know how his brains were two brains, but it was fundamentally I couldn't tell, and I saw the commander's eyes full of doubts. I was even more angry and angry. I was indignant and angry. I didn't beat one place. I shouted loudly: "Do you want to hear your mother's words? Don't hurry to pass orders. What are you doing with your eyes? Is it big? Grass! Don't go to the order!"

The commander never imagined that the commander not only did not review his own capriciousness, but actually stumbled on himself.

Who am I to provoke?

I was numb, and I ran off both legs in order to pass the order. I actually licked a skunk in a plain white. What is his name?

The commander blacked his face and took the flag twice to go out. The eight generations of ancestors who have already been overwhelmed by the rain have already been in the belly!

Once the second order is conveyed, there is a complaint in the military camp between the moments!

"What is this about him? I just heard that today I am not playing, I am still happy, and then I am ordered to fight! Why do you fight or not?"

"Is it... isn't this what he is playing?"

"The high-level paralysis is just moving the mouth, where do you know the lives and deaths of these people, grass! The upper and lower mouths touch, what the farts dare to put!"

"Grandma dripping this day really can't be done... I knew it would be better to go home and farm!"

"What I hate most is this kind of capriciousness. I have already done it a few days ago. Today, once again, the **** is playing with Laozi.... Laozi grasses his ancestors! Is it really crazy?"

It’s all a bunch of soldiers, and it’s a complaint of dissatisfaction. It’s not a common anti-drug to pick up people. It’s natural how to get rid of it. Invisible, Yuan Tian is limited to a command, so that all the ancestors of the dynasties of the rain have fallen into the mold!

All become a tool of venting!

In a complaint, the soldiers went to war.

Even if it is dissatisfied, the command is the order. The military obeys the command as a vocation, and the command is down. Even if it is not reliable, it must be executed. This is the soldier’s vocation and the fate of the soldier, but it is still the helplessness of the military!

Based on the mentality of such a state of mind, what kind of results will result in, can be imagined.

What's more, the difference between the commanding of the commander and the commander of the other commander is not a problem of one or two streets, but it is simply a far cry from the world, and there is no way to compare.

The rain delayed the mobilization of 20 million troops and scored eight sides to attack each other. The intention was to annihilate with more or less, but they did not want to be smashed by the other party but only a little more than four million people forced a little bit to be completely collapsed!

The situation on the battlefield is even more terrible and desolate.

Under the circumstance, they had to mobilize those soldiers who were already skeptical. Although they were also war-free, they were forced to suppress the crazy attack of Mo Tianji with a number of people who exceeded several times.

When the equivalent change reaches a certain number, when the difference between the two parties is too large, it is difficult to play the strategy and tactics.

But as a result, the protective force in the heavy rain camp has finally dropped sharply, and almost has gone to an unprecedented emptiness!

And this is exactly what Mo Tianji launched at the cost of the general attack. The situation that is urgently needed to see is this moment!

Mo Tianji finally stopped the most meticulous command.

It is replaced by a dream.

Dressed in the same way as the Motian machine, dressed in white, long hair fluttering, sitting high, pointing to the river

If you don't go to the close and look carefully, you will never find out that the commander of Tianbinge has changed people at this moment.

After the dream has not taken over the command, this is how the super power of the command of the Mo Tianji command is super! Although I have a certain experience when I watch it, I have never been so experienced.

But when he stood in this position, instead of the role of Mo Tianji, he had to put on the calmness of Mo Tianji, master the momentum of the world, and give a light command when he was...

There is such a sigh in the heartless dreams: this fucking... is really not a work for people!

I have been in the commanding career of my dream for decades. I am confident that I will not be weaker than anyone in the world when I lead the battle and command the battle. Now, just like the painting of the gourd, the posture of the Mo Tianji is used to give orders, and it will not be able to do anything. Not caught!

Actually, there are people on the people. There are days outside the sky. Is my dream far from being so far away? !

Although I don't want to admit it, but before and after it is only a moment, the dream is boundless and stretched.

That kid’s practice is really not someone who can imitate the alternative.

But at this moment, Mo Tianji has completely put down his responsibilities, and his white clothes are fluttering. He has set off with his brothers and brothers, and has already crossed the battlefield!

Approaching the enemy camp!

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