Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 524: The Nine Robbery, the Battle of the Emperor [5]

Both the raft and the dying moon are still fighting in the high air, only playing! The sky is dark, the sun and the moon are dull, and both of them are playing, and they are fighting, and the scene is extremely hot. It is a century war! However, for a moment and a half, no one can help each other.

The battle between the two men has lasted for two days and one night, and the physical spirit has gone to the point of exhaustion, but the war is more and more high!

I would rather die!

The catastrophe of the gods smashed the space of the nine robberies, and from the high-altitude position, silently marched toward the emperor's account of Yuantian!

And Chu Yang and others, at this moment, are hiding in the nine robbery space.

Below, it is the two guards of the two kings of calligraphy and painting, Mo Yuntian, etc.······

Take their own way, gradually progressive, and quietly sneak into the enemy camp.

Although this is a collective joint sneak attack, the nine-robbery space is always the biggest secret of Chu Yang, so it is only possible to install some of the most trusted people to participate in this action.

As for other people...

In the event of a leak of a little bit of wind, even today's Chu Yang, still can not afford such consequences!

In particular, the attitude of the saint is now unclear, and if the position is unknown, if you know that Chu Yang actually has a nine-robbery space, it is equivalent to exposing the strongest card in advance.

So Chu Yang had to be.

Below, the paintings and paintings of the two kings took the lead, like the breeze, quietly entered the enemy camp, and went deep into the thousands of feet of the area, only to be found by the guards, countless masters began to intercept.

The two kings of calligraphy and painting are determined to be firm, no mercy, no fire, full of fire, and a big kill! The two guards of the demon emperor followed the two men. Four people, like the four sharpest sharp arrows, smashed the past toward the Yuantian limit of the Chinese army.

Along the way, people turned upside down, and no one could stop them even the blink of an eye!

It is necessary to know that although the repairs of these four people have not yet reached the level of the nine emperors, but look at the entire nine-day scorpio, after the removal of the nine emperors, they are equal to the culmination of the most peak in the world!

And Mo Yuntian has no so-called seven-star guards now, how can there be power to intercept the four people's joint attack?

Between the two, the distance between these four people and the Yuantian limit of the Chinese army has been shortened to within a few hundred feet!

Those who can guard the vicinity of the Yuantian limit in the Yuantian limit can be regarded as the confidant of Yuantian. These people are all in their hearts: the soul of Yuantian is still collecting the soul of the new and dead people at high altitude. Force, in a short time, I am afraid that I will not come back, only his body is in the big account.

As long as these invade big accounts, I am afraid that the body of Yuan Tian is destroyed in the twinkling of an eye. At that time, the identity of the gods of Yuan Tian is no longer concealed!

So everyone is fighting at this moment!

"Block them! Protect your majesty!" The rain finally found the hidden dangers here, and screamed. Instantly, there are several Changhong Jingtian, coming to this place!

People have not yet arrived, but those tyrannical forces that are like mountains and rivers have already come alive! At this moment, no one even worried about any accidental injury to their own people. They all attacked with all their strength. Even if the soldiers on their own side were destroyed by half under this power, as long as they stopped the four people, they would still be a great achievement!

In the high-altitude Yuan Tian limit, this will also find the crisis here. It is also a horror, the spirit of the spirit shakes, returning at full speed. At the same time, the soul also orders the squatting around the big account to prepare for the battle, in case just in case.

These subordinates are the confidants of the family who have followed Yuan Tian for many years. Some of the leaders are the ones who used to cooperate with Yuan Tian to deal with the book madness and others. They have all reached the level of the saints and even the peak. !

Based on this point, the Yuantian limit has not let these people step into the battlefield, but only secretly protect themselves, in case of emergency.

At this moment, this dark chess has finally come in handy!

The book madly screams and screams and turns into a multicolored Changhong, hard to break through all the interceptions. Both eyes are red, fit to the middle of the tassels, the tassels are incomparably gorgeous, as if the palace is a big account rushed in!

In the hands of the spring and autumn pen made two shocking lightning!

Smash down!

The surrounding camps immediately rushed out to the four sides, but they were forced by the pressure and could no longer stand in place!

Seeing the big account where Yuan Tian is located, the book madness is like seeing a group of wives who died in the past!

At this moment, millions of years of grievances broke out at the same time, almost losing reason!

Seeing the book madness, you can completely destroy the entire big account together with Yuan Tian’s body.

At this time, the sudden changes occurred, and a burst of black light suddenly rose. Eight or nine people showed their physique from all sides, each with a palm, and the joint force instantly made a tough black light curtain. The attack was intercepted from the air.

These two powerful forces are facing each other with a positive impact, and they actually emit a slight 'wave wave..., the sound of all the destruction, in such a slight voice, to the invisible.

Within the range of the squares covered by the two terrorist forces, numerous black spaces appeared in the criss-crossing space, seemingly the entire space, suddenly bursting and breaking at this moment. !

The book was screaming and screaming, and the body immediately drifted away, but it was a slap in the face, and screamed: "When are you?! You finally appeared!"

The person facing him was smiling and said in a weird voice: "Book guard, we met again... You have been a million years ago, the book guards are quite self-satisfied. Why is it coming, but it is rebellious? The most ridiculous thing in life is not a slap in the face, but a life-long stupidity...············································································ What is the last few days?"

The book screamed fiercely: "General beasts! If the old man does not kill you all, he will not be a man!"

Eight people laughed together: "Is it by you? I am crazy about dreams!"

"And me!" The painting king squatted in blood, volleyed and flew, did not stop, actually robbed in front of the book mad in full force attack, Yang Tian screamed: "Big brother, second brother ... our brothers revenge for you today!"

The two guards of the demon emperor have already broken through the heavy obstruction and rushed over. The four guards of the two sides joined forces, and the momentum suddenly rose more than ten times!

Four people do not hesitate, they are all shot!

The faces of the eight people over there suddenly became solemn, and they whispered, suddenly black and white. Around this lonely big account, thousands of black-faced masked people appeared as if they were out of nothing!

After a batch, it is a batch...

Thousands and thousands of thousands...

Slowly, this venue is actually full of people!

Yuan Tian limited to a million years of credible management, the hidden demon masters left behind have long been unaware of how many, always crouching, but this time, but like the emergence from the bottom of the earth, surging!

This is the real squadron of Yuan Tianjun! Moreover, all of them are masters, first-class masters!

Even if it is the weakest of them, there are also layers of heaven and earth! Most of them have already reached the peak level of the heavens, and there are still a small number, dozens of leaders, and even the saints!

This is undoubtedly an extremely powerful force!

These people suddenly appeared, thousands of people joined forces, facing the four kings together, but under the fight, although thousands of people joined forces, it is still too late, everyone has become a gourd at the same time, the population is spurting blood . However, the blood sprayed by these people turned out to be black.

When those black blood came into contact with the air, they turned into a black smoke and flew into the sky.

The other wave of people, despite the companion's life and death, forcibly topped up, and then blocked the road of the four guards!

In the distance, the rain that was chasing after the madness of the car and the masters of the ink cloud day saw this situation, and all of them could not help but stop!

Black blood!

what's the situation?

In addition to some special poisons in the song, but all humans, how can not spit out the black blood!

But now, no one is using poison at the scene!

But thousands of people are everyone who is vomiting blood!

Why is that?

Reason, it goes without saying!

At the same time, everyone’s eyes look at the Emperor’s big account, and the eyes are full of doubtful colors. Even if they are dead loyalists, in the face of this situation, there is also a clear understanding in the heart!

If there is no substantial evidence before, then is there any evidence in front of this scene?

"People don't hesitate, and protect the safety of their armpits at the moment!" The rain screamed with anger: "There is all-encompassing, even if you have a group of sorcerers who are slaves, what is strange? You have so many Doubt? Do you not contribute to the contribution of Mo Yuntian in this million years?

At this moment, the four kings have already played against the countless demon army in front of them! All four people are fighting hard, killing a large piece of the demon instantly and killing them.

All four people are remembering Chu Yang’s enthusiasm: try to kill all the Tianmo guards.

But the other party has tens of thousands of people, and everyone has no problem. If you really want to get rid of it, how easy is it? A piece of corpse on the ground has been turned into black smoke, but the big account of Yuan Tian is still stunned!

At this moment, the soul of Yuan Tianji has already arrived within a thousand feet!

Under full-speed action, no one can see the return of Yuan Tian.

At this moment, a white girl suddenly appeared in the sky above the Yuantian limit account. When the time was not allowed, she suddenly raised her hand and then the whole person disappeared.

Somehow, the soul of Yuan Tian’s soul has been tied up...·····

The Yuantang limited original invisible soul suddenly burst into the green light, and the painful screams, angered: "Who is the soul of the soul? I want to kill you!"

The poison of the soul is the most ferocious and vicious virulence among all the virulence of the nine heavens!

It has always been a taboo for the poison of the Nine Heavens, and this law has been lost for millions of years!


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