Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 525: The Nine Robbery, the Battle of the Emperor [6]

In order to display this kind of poison, in addition to repairing itself to at least reach the peak of Heaven and Man, it is necessary to use the power of its own soul as an introduction, so that it can be displayed.

After this method was applied once, the poisoner was no longer able to perform the second time within three years!

The conditions of this method are so harsh, and the effect is naturally amazing!

Chu Leer has already lost his life!

Once this poison is displayed, as long as it is attached to the soul of the god, the soul of the attached soul will immediately fester, and the green smoke will gradually dissipate and it will be difficult to dispel.

However, this time the target is the Moyun Heavenly Emperor Yuan Tian, ​​a generation of Devil King!

What can be done, the effect will be, but it is even the four guards and even poisoning Chu Leer himself, can not be sure!

But one thing, everyone can now be sure: this law can not kill the Yuan Tian limit, but at the very least, the role will definitely be there! It will definitely work!

Because the effect has already begun to happen!

The soul of Yuan Tianji emits green light under the influence of the poison of the soul, and then the green smoke is more vigorous, and the poison of the soul is already playing its role. Under these traumas, even if it is the Emperor Yunyun, it is not helpless. Hey!

With a sigh of relief, he stopped flying and squatting. Under the sigh of sorrow, the green light that was lingering in the air suddenly became a big hit, and then suddenly dissipated! Become invisible!

The poison of the soul that shocked the world, the role played by the superpower of the Emperor Yunyun, is only a violent temper!

And the dissipating power of some souls, the poison of the soul has completely lost its effect!

Moreover, this is still under the premise that he himself was seriously injured!

If you haven't been attacked by the soul before, then what will happen today, even if it will work, is difficult to determine.

Chu Yang and others saw that this situation could not help but pumped a cold air!

The first time I saw it, the true strength of the people at the level of the nine emperors! It is so powerful!

At this time, the four guards on the ground are leaping at the same time, completely ignoring that they are suffering from tens of thousands of enemies while attacking and removing all defenses, turning all life into a blow!

Even with his favorite weapon, like a meteor catching the moon, let go of the green light in the air!

As of now, it is only the first step in the plan of the Mo Tianji.

The soul of Yuan Tian's soul is only one step away, and you can enter the big account, and the soul will return to the place. But this time, the four masters join forces to fight, but they have already killed themselves!

And still completely locked up any space to escape!

However, under the continuous attack of the devils, the four masters who completely gave up their defenses trembled. The blood of the red blood slid down from the body, and flesh and blood flew in the air.

They all cultivated their own life, and all of them turned into a desperate blow to destroy the soul. In a short period of time, they could not return to the air, which is equivalent to losing all resistance.

Let the enemy attack freely, let the fish!

And there are so many gods on the ground, and which one is not a veteran of war? How can you give up such a godsend opportunity?

Just after a single blow, all four people were almost ruined by a knife.

However, in the air, there was a scream of screaming in the air, and there was no trace between the invisible and the traceless, and there was a smashing sword and a slap in the face, and the four masters were guarded in the sword.

It is the sword of Gu’s lone line and the knife of Dong’s injury.

At the same time!

According to the original idea of ​​Mo Tianji, there is no such protection of the sword at all. Instead, it is sacrificed by the four guards at this moment. If it is able to smash the enemy, it will be better. This will help you concentrate on attacking Yuantian. God, but at this moment, everyone chose to assist the four guards.

Yuan Tian limit can kill again!

But if the four guards are dead here, it is eternal death!

Never give up your companion!

In the face of such a result, Mo Tianji only sighed.

In fact, everyone is not clear. It is necessary to destroy the Yuantian limit, which has reached the peak level, unless it is the same as the soul destruction attack issued by the masters of the saints, and the effect of Dong’s injury and Gu’s current repair. I still can't reach that level.

Even if it is a stubborn attack, it will not have any effect, but it will only waste power!

The swordsman and the sword guarded the guards, and the four guards finally got a room to breathe a sigh of relief. The new force was born again, and the sacred white light was emitted from the body. The injury suffered before was quickly restored, and the self-recovery of the saints at the peak level continued. The ability to fight can be quite exaggerated.

The Yuantian limit in the air is not so good.

The four masters almost hollowed out their own repairs for the general desperate blow, without a fake fake!

The spirit of Yuan Tian’s soul uttered a sharp whistling, and it whirls in the air, and wants to avoid it. Now his soul is powerful, although there is no power to attack. !

Can only escape!

However, the space he was in at the moment has been blocked by the four guards. Although the strength of Yuan Tian’s spirit is better than any of the four guards, even if he is in the blockade space, he can still make a certain degree of dodge. But there are always limits, and under the dodge of dodging, but they can barely escape the two attacks, while the other two attacks are completely unfashioned, and the "bang" is actually It’s a sneak peek through his soul!

Immediately, a burst of black smoke rose.

The soul of Yuan Tian’s soul made a sharp and screaming scream, and suddenly the whole soul was turned into zero, and it overflowed!

At the same time, a loud roar in the big account, the tent's entire abruptly divided, Huang Tian limited to a yellow robe, smashed into the top of the tent, appeared in the air, roared: "A group of reptiles, you finally will be the real Irritated!"

The soul of Yuan Tianji, after suffering heavy losses, finally returned to the body!

But this attack, the trauma suffered by Yuan Tianjun, is extremely serious!

The soul of the catastrophe is talking in the space of the nine robbers.

"On the power of the soul, with your force, against the tyrannical peak of Yuan Tian limit, there is no effect at all! Moreover, the current Yuantian limit is automatic, not the physical destruction, he has a little bit of stagnation in the body. Deep, so, except for the four guards that can cause him considerable damage, your attack will not work at all!"

"If you want to completely eliminate Yuan Tian, ​​you can only completely destroy his body, remove the roots of the soul and board, and then annihilate the soul. This is the only way. It is the only way. !"

If you rob the soul, let Mo Tianji feel guilty.

Just if you really did not hesitate to pay everyone at all costs, directly attacking the soul. That way, it is bound to cause the sacrifice of the four major guards. If it is done, it is simply an irreparable white sacrifice!

And there is still no sacrifice at all.

But this has nothing to do with the command of Mo Tianji, but it is not repaired, not seen.

However, what makes Mo Tianji more self-blaming is that he is a nine-robbery think tank, and all the planning arrangements need to be well-considered. The current strength of the brothers is actually a matter of no lethality to the soul of Yuan Tian, ​​and they are completely ignorant. These major mistakes that were serious enough to ruin the action actually happened to me!

If the non-governing brothers are righteous and first, save the four guards, then their own plan will be a total failure!

There is nothing wrong with the use of soldiers, but it is completely rational and loses the heart of the benevolent, but it may not be desirable! Mo Tianji’s heart was awakened.

"If this is the case, you can't completely destroy the body of Yuan Tian's body. Then is he not the body of death?" Chu Yang frowned.

"No." The catastrophe said: "You can't destroy his soul. The main reason is that you can't repair your own soul. If you are similar to Yuantian, you have to go even higher. In this case, It is easy to destroy his soul! Conversely, if you can’t repair it, you can destroy it, and it’s impossible!”

"The original soul is the most vulnerable part of the ordinary cultivator. Even if it is covered by the sun for a long time, there is the possibility of damage. However, if it is repaired as a high-level person, the soul is solid and self-sufficient, and even more taboo is still there. As a world, the airlift of one of the heavenly emperors is too deep..."

The soul of the catastrophe is also a bitter smile: "Unless there is the same existence as Yuan Tian, ​​this has the ability to destroy his spirit, in addition, want to be able to kill one has enjoyed a million years of air transport It’s easy to talk to the Emperor of Heaven!"

Chu Yang and Mo Tianji and others are relatively bitter.

Is it similar to Yuantian? Or is it better than him?

Looking at the entire Nine Heavens, can there be a few such people?

Perhaps a million years ago, the seven-star guard was not much different from the one on the other, but after a million years, the repair of the seven-star guard did not have much progress, but only repaired the whole Emperor. Gas transport!

However, as the master of the heavens and the earth, the Emperor of Heaven, is enjoying this kind of air transport.

If it is accumulated in a million years, it is already far beyond!

Millions of years of air transport, what can be achieved! ?

That is unimaginable!

Perhaps, in the Nine Heavens, the ability to destroy the Yuan Tian limit in the normal state, there is only the same level of the nine emperors and the only existence of the Holy King!

"The soul of the Yuantian limit has been damaged because of the previous changes. Moreover, the air transport of the Moyuntian side has also been dissipated in the recent past. As long as the Yuantian limit fails to completely calm down the rebellion, the air transport will rarely return to perfection. So now this is the only time you can eliminate the Yuan Tian limit!"


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