Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 526: The Nine Robbery, the Battle of the Emperor [7]

"And this moment is not long-term, it will never exceed half a year! If you can't completely eliminate the Yuantian limit in a weak state after half a year, then everything will return to the most powerful state of Yuantian! Yuan Tian is completely able to reorganize the seven-star guard with years of accumulation. As long as the gas transport resumes as usual, then you will never have the chance to kill him!"

The catastrophe screams and adds: "I mean...·····We."

"Because we are less than a million years of deep gas power than Yuan Tian limit!" Chu Yang smiled and said: "Maybe repair can be quick, but this is a matter of gas and transportation, there is no possibility of speed!"

Below, Yuan Tian has already flew down and launched a fierce attack on the four guards!

And the tens of thousands of days of the magic army, disappeared in half in an instant, and the rest of the remaining, is gradually disappearing.

Only dozens of high-level leaders are still fighting together with Yuantian! Moreover, under the light of the emperor's light in Yuantian, wherever you go, it is full of divine glory, majestic and mighty inviolability!

It seems that the magicality of the past is just an illusion!

The power of the heavens and the earth, the vastness sweeping the world, and even the entire battlefield outside this, is also full of the imperial power of the emperor Tianwei! Under such awe-inspiring atmosphere, no one will doubt that the Emperor of Heaven, who is now appearing, will be a demon!

"Yuantian restricted the use of the power of air transport, can create an atmosphere to cover up its own truth!" The catastrophe was looked at at a glance.

"If you want to shoot, it is this moment!"

With the words of the catastrophe, Chu Yang immediately ordered: "Exit!"

A bang!

Chu Yang, Mo Tianji, Gu alone, Dong no wounded, nowhere, proud evil cloud, Xie Danqiong, Ji Mo, Luo Kedi, Tan Yi, Mo light dance, purple evil, ink tears, and tiger brother ·· ····

I rushed out from the nine robbery space! From the void, show it!

A shot is a lore!

Let's go out together! Let's shoot together!

Moreover, the location chosen by the people is the circumference of the four major guards!

Because at this time, Yuan Tianjun has ordered the Tianmo army to withdraw one after another in order to avoid suspicion!

In fact, in addition to those dozens of commanders, the rest of the day, the demon can not cause damage to the four major guards, that is, some cannon fodder, barely to use their own gas to bless, will only consume a lot of gas power, not worth the loss If you only cover up the dozens of commanders, the efficiency is undoubtedly higher, so that all the devils are separated.

As for the military masters who have been slow in the rain, they have not yet arrived. There is also a time to breathe!

And the farther away from the moon, at this moment in the sky with the raft, the sky is not a shot!

Right now is the only chance!

Moreover, the position and distance of the shots selected by Mo Tianji are all extremely vicious.

Mo Tianji is sure: even if it is a fairy! At this moment, it is too late to prevent!

Absolutely too late to react!

Because this is the only ... the last... opportunity! If this opportunity cannot be grasped, this action is a failure!

"Nine hijacks! One sword!"

Mo Tianji broke off!

"A little bit of cold and glory, why not kill the world!"

Chu Yang shouted, that is, the first shot, the move, the sword!

It is also a signal!

The four guards listened to this sentence. They each screamed and re-divided into four sides. They tried their best and madly attacked them!

Leave the Yuantian limit in the middle!

The four individuals each coped with one side, and spent all their life repairing, and all the current masters who participated in the siege were all forced out of the dozens of degrees in the blink of an eye!

There is only one person in the square!

Yuan Tian limit!

There are also terrorist attacks that have already come in all directions!

More than a hundred sage masters are forced to influence the outside, and tens of millions of troops are desperate to fight! The four peaks of the masters have a life!

Just to make this moment, the center vacuum zone!

Today, finally succeeded!

Between the fingers, in the sky, the sword is vertical!

A rounded sword and a light column, the overall brilliance, spurting toward the Yuantian limit!

Distance, but also ten feet!

It is Chu Yang, urging life to repair, and launched the ultimate tactic of the nine robbing swords murderous: why not kill the world!

There is no spare time left!

Give a shot!

On the other side, another arrogant sword, urging one's own arrogance, is coming! Gu’s black dragon sword launched the sword, and even the sword was turned into a lightning bolt!

Even in the daytime, it shines brightly!

A viburnum blooms in the air!

In a splendid glory, endless murder together!

Qionghua, Xie Danqiong!

A golden hand, mixed with the grandeur of the world, suddenly appeared in the air! He took a picture of Yuanzhang to the palm of his hand!

Mo Tianji!

This is the first real shot of Mo Tianji. The noise caused by this shot made the brothers surprised. I did not expect that the real strength of this sultry and addicted guy is actually so amazing!

"Nine-day dance, a dance world!" The red dress is like a dream, the red Luo belt flutters in the air, bringing up a kind of extreme beauty like a fantasy, but also with an extremely strong Mori! !

Mo light dance!

Mo light dance and light body, like a shadow with the Chu Yang plunge, wherever passed, everywhere is a clear red!

Her delicate body did not force at all, it was simply attached to the strength of Chu Yang, Chu Yangjin, she went in, Chu Yang retreat, she retired!

Life and death are with you!

Junjin enters me; Jun retreats me; Junsheng I am born, I die and die!

Among the two arrogances, Ji Mo and Luo Kedi were one left and one right, and the technique of combining the sword and the sword was rushed at a high speed. At present, they are only two intermediates of the saints. At this moment, they have turned into two to arrive. The sage's peak can only be transformed into Changhong!

The next moment, a long gong rang through the air, a phoenix rushed into the nine!

One dragon and one phoenix, the dragon and the phoenix dance, also carrying the tyrannical power of the shocking world, together with the same time from the air!

A black sword shadow seems to have to recover the time that passed away thousands of years ago, silently rushing into the vitality of Yuan Tianji.

Silent, lifeless, no life!

It is the assassination technique that the ink tears are unique in the world!

The fastest, but another white figure.

Purple evil!

A pair of filigree jade hands, but at this moment, like the blossoming of flowers, it turned out to be a long sword like a real one. Each sword is a general power of the sword and the sword, and the temperament is limited!

Condensed into a sword, Wan Jian Wansheng!

Such amazing power, even Chu Yang is also shocked!

It turned out that this is the means by which the big purple sister really pressed the bottom of the box!

In the face of such a wide-ranging and indiscriminate terrorist attack, I believe that even if I do my best, I will not be able to pick it up; but it is full of murderous killings, and the purple evil will not be used by myself anyway.

Chu Yang finally understands why he has forced the purple evil spirits to the bottom of the wind countless times, but the purple evil spirits have been reluctant to honor the promise!

The original truth is like this.

Just as the purple evil spirits rushed close, and when I was swaying, I saw the white shadow flashing from her arms. The tiger brother rushed out like a lightning bolt. The little body was almost a flash. In Yuan Tianjun!

The body is still so petite, but a mouth, but turned into a large disk like a plate, bite down in a bite.

In the face of such a peak powerhouse, Tiger Brother gave up all the skill attacks and chose the purest and most primitive instinct attack!

Returning to the truth, simplifying and simplifying!

Since skill attacks can't destroy the soul of Yuan Tian, ​​use the purest instinctive attack.

Even if it is a bite of meat... It can also make Yuan Tian’s painful and painful. Any flesh and blood from Yuan Tian’s body is a great complement to Tiger’s own!

Finally, the most sharp attack has arrived, a black smoke, in the middle of the position, the painful voice of the cockroach, but it is entangled in the neck of Yuan Tianji!

The soul of the disaster! Although it is much less inferior to Yuan Tian, ​​it can be turned into smoke, but it is only a disaster!

At this moment, the soul of the catastrophe is also desperate!

The rebellion of one of the emperors, is it a small one?

Nine robbery sword master!

Nine robbery brothers!

In the gap between the silks that Mo Tianji has painstakingly created, at the same time, he has devoted all his life to the Yuanyun limit of the Emperor Yunyun, and launched a desperate attack!

At this moment, the heavens and the earth are also discolored, and the winds are also dissipated!

The entire space suddenly darkened like ink!

Nothing can be seen. In the extreme darkness, I only heard the scream of the heavens and the earth in the Yuan Dynasty. Among them, there is even more painful taste!

Nine robbery, the sword master world!

Although this sentence has never been passed down in the Nine Heavens, it is an unshakable myth in the Nine Heavens!

Nowadays, the nine robbers and the sword master, each of them has reached the level of the saints above the intermediate level! Chu Yang of the sword master, and Gu Duxing, the first of the nine robbers, reached the level of the saints advanced!

Nine robbery, under the leadership of the center of Chuyang, in the ninth star of the Motian machine, around the Tianyang, under the big array, the power of the nine robbers and the power of the nine robbers are perfectly combined!

Although it is attacking from different directions and different directions, each attack is a huge force that contains nine robbers!

A whole!

This overall strength has perfectly surpassed the gathering power of the Nine Robbery; it is a sublimation!

This kind of power, even if it is not as good as the peak of the nine emperors, but! Compared to the current heavy-duty Mo Yun Tiandi Yuan Tian limit, it has not been much more!

What's more, there are also tears, purple evils, tiger brothers and so on!

At this moment, the purple evils and ink tears in the bureau are also inexplicable feeling: the power of these ten people is perfect and inseparable!

No one can get involved! Even if it is God, it cannot be separated!

In the air, after a terrible defeat in Yuan Tian, ​​there was a dark ball of light!

Around the week of Yuan Tian.

The sacred and mighty glory of the past just suddenly turned into a sinister evil!


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