Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 527: Nine robbery, the battle of the Emperor [eight]

At a glance, it is a very special evil spirit, such as to swallow! Heaven is normal!

To achieve the ultimate darkness, but exudes a superb black gloss!

When the darkness reaches the end, there is no difference between it and the light.

The black aperture is like a solid to unbreakable circle, blocking and shielding all attacks outside the aperture!

Chu Yang and others have done all the hard work and manpower of the desperate blow, and they maintain the rhythm of full attack, posture!

The volley flies, and the sharp edge points directly above this circle!

All the explosive powers, all of them are condensed on that point of peak, perseveringly want to crush this black aperture, kill, break through!

However, all the attacks are at this moment, and they are caught in a very strange stalemate!

In the extreme black aperture, there is a faintly visible figure that is almost transparent, looking at the aperture from the face!

That is the Yuantian limit!

But now the Emperor Yunyun is no longer the mighty glory of the past, full of glory, the king of the world!

But ······

It is a special creature full of strange atmosphere that everyone has never seen before!

The black light that condenses into the essence of the road is constantly emanating from the body of the specific creature!

Make him look like a huge hedgehog with a black spur on his body!

His face seems to be groaning because of some extreme pain. It seems that under the skin, there are some strange things to rush out!

Finally, under a black light, the black aperture gradually collapsed!

Under the desperate attack of Chu Yang and others, the Muryun Emperor, who suffered from the soul and was poisoned by the soul and repaired it, finally went to the edge of life and death!

Once this last barrier is broken, Yuan Tian is bound to die!

Chu Yang saw that the time for the decisive victory was already in front of him, and he screamed: "Broken!"

At the same time, there is no need for any words, any gestures, and the brothers spit out a blood at the same time, and once again squeezed one's own source of life. The final potential is also forced out!

Complete all work!

Complete all the best!

The tiger brother was arrogant, and the instinct attack of the body succeeded. Not only did he bite the aperture, but he bite in the waist of Yuantian!

Black blood is instantaneous!

The Yuantian limit was another horrible, and the black aperture that haunted him was gradually smashed, and it was about to be completely broken.

If in his heyday, such an attack will only ignore him directly! Nothing can cause any harm!

But now, he is not even half of the mighty powers in the heyday, and the soul is even more than one; even the power of the airpower that relies on the last barrier is destroyed. It becomes a rootless water, and it is powerless. .

Before the Mo Tianji's various arrangements, the army first led the main force of the Yuantian limit, and then played with a large number of masters. The generals of the generals were all pinned; then the four seven-star guards joined forces; the four peaks completely ignored their own Desperately attacking, finally hit Yuan Tian limit!

In the end, it is the nine-robbery to make the best shot, to make the ultimate blow of the finals - because Chu Yang's nine robbery sword, has the function of swallowing!

If it is a ring of a layer of cloth, the ring and the ring, the step by step, and finally forced the unforgettable ink cloud Emperor to the edge of life and death!

If you still insist on not revealing your identity, then there is only one way to die!

If you reveal your identity, then you must accept the rebellion of the people, the horrible end of the street rat!

The moment of Yuan Tian's limit can be described as extremely contradictory. He worked hard for millions of years before and after, and finally reached the time when he was about to come to great use, but at this critical moment, he encountered such a thing.

All kinds of negative emotions, such as grievances, unwillingness, anger, and humiliation, come to mind!

If there is a choice, he will not be willing to expose his identity. Even if there are already many magical soldiers that will appear before. It is already exposed, but Yuan Tianzhi still has a way to deal with it. It can be solved: as the rain has been delayed: as A generation of heavenly emperors, accepting some of the demon slaves, what counted big things?

Even if this matter is over, it is possible to reverse the situation. It is bluntly stated that the rafters and others have made a fuss, and they have nothing to do with the matter.

But at this moment, all the wishful thinking is not playing.

Because Yuan Tian has already realized that if the entanglement at this moment refuses to expose the identity of the demon and exposes the strength of the demon body, I am afraid to wait for oneself, and there is really only one death!

The mind has been decided, and then there is no hesitation!

Yuan Tianji suddenly violently angrily: "This is what you forced me!"

A roar, suddenly a sudden change!

It is clearly clear and blue, and it is actually thundering in the air, and the light is no longer.

In the extremely dark black mask, Yuan Tian’s facial muscles finally became more and more powerful. Suddenly, the yellow robe of the body cover was instantly crushed and the pieces flew away.

I’ve been entangled in him all the time, and the horrible screams of the horror of the screaming screams, only to feel a huge force that can’t be resisted from the Yuan Tian’s body, and there’s no room for resistance at all. Still have time to turn, I have already been shaken out and I don’t know how far!

On the forehead of Yuan Tian’s forehead, there are also two strange corners that are bulging out! With the appearance of these two horns, the face of Yuan Tianji became completely strange, and the horror was extremely extreme. In the middle of his forehead, there was also a strange meat hole like the sun. It seems that there is a third eye, but It is full of unspeakable evil spirits.

On his back, twelve bare flesh wings were divided into two sides, and they were displayed.

Yuan Tian's life is truly in the world, and the action is naturally no more scruples. The counterattack is just around the corner. I saw his eyes smashing the black light of evil, and suddenly it was violent: "Give me!"

With a bang, the black mask that had been cracked and cracked had a complete explosion! The power of the violent explosion rushed out on all sides, and it was like a broken bamboo!

Chu Yang and other people sighed and sighed, all falling.

The human population is squirting blood, and watching the monster in front of him with horror, no one has thought that when the Yuantian limited magical body is revealed, the power that can be exerted is so great!

In front of him, a long flesh-winged wing, two evil meat horns, three eyes, and a monster covered with **** scales, appearing in the sky, screaming in the sky, the sound is almost shocking!

"Abominable human! Abominable reptile! This is what you forced me! You forced me!"

He screamed in the sky, his voice was like a hungry wolf, full of extreme anger: "You layered up, and you tried to make the king show his true body. Can you be satisfied now? These wicked human beings, since they want to see the true body of the king, the king will fulfill you, and all of you will become the number one sacrifice of the king's appearance! One will not let go!"

When Chu Yang and other people fell out because of the strong counterattack of Yuan Tian, ​​the rain was delayed and led the Mo Yuntian army just to the front. This is the only way that they only need to take the shot, they can easily attack the Chu Yang in the retreat. people.

But at this moment, all the masters of the ink cloud heaven and army did not have a single shot, and each one was watching the Yuan Tian limit in the air, and there was chaos in one mind, an anger, a shame!

The original emperor, actually is the devil!

It turns out that we are really helping the evils? !

This thought suddenly filled in everyone's heart.

It turns out that what Mu Shuai said is true. What they do is right...·····

It turned out that we have not only played for the devil for a lifetime, but in the end we have to help the devil to kill their own people, and sacrificed the life of the tens of thousands of soldiers!

I am waiting for others, one by one, all of them are foolish, and the sinners who are going against it!

What kind of behaviors do you and others have now, if they are included in the history books, how will future generations evaluate?

It’s a good thing to say, I’m waiting for someone to be blinded by the devil, and I’m not guilty.

If it is difficult to listen to it, waiting for someone to help the devil is abusing, and the disaster is endless!

Of course, it can be that he and others are willing to be the devil hawks, for the sake of the disaster, bullying and ruining, ruining the same robe, and stigmatizing for hundreds of millions of years!

How can children and grandchildren raise their heads in the morning?

At the moment when Yuantian limited the open-air magic body, the entire battlefield suddenly became silent!

Heaven and earth are also lonely!

At the last moment, even the soldiers of the two armies who were forgotten to fight, and who had died in a flash, stopped the fight. They twisted their heads one by one and turned their heads in horror. When you see the Yuantian limit, and now wait for the fascinating demon virtues, everyone has a huge anger in the heart!


Really the devil!

Chu Yang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the nine-robbery sword in his hand flashed again, and floated in the air, faintly said: "Yuan Tian, ​​I want to know, your real name, I believe that even in the Tianmo family People who have a big identity, don’t want to be called by a scorpion like us?"

Yuan Tian is covered in black light, diffused, and laughs in the sky: "Since this is the case, there is no room for change. Simply let these stupid people die and understand! This king is the king of the heavens, the king of the devil!"

Out of the world, the devil!

The rain was delayed and the whole body could not help but tremble. The eyes were full of confusion and unbelief. Even the tears in the eyes flashed like a dreamy mutter: "Your Majesty... You really... ···Is it really a demon? This is this...this is not true...········

This sentence comes out, as long as the person who hears, all screamed at the rain!

The facts are already in front of you. The rain is still too late to ask more questions. It should be said that he is stupid, or that he is tempted to be mad, and that he is incorrigible. It is already in this situation, and he has to report the possibility of holding it!

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