Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 530: The Nine Robbery, the Battle of the Emperor [11]

"Not enough qualifications, you said not to count..." Chu Yang glanced at the sword from his own eyes, faintly said: "When you wait, you will know that you are wrong, people, no foresight is not terrible, but lacks self-knowledge very scary."

Yuan Tian limited his nod: "Good, good, good, and see who is not knowing!"

Looking at Chu Yang's eyes, I saw more and more hatred.

All his efforts in his life have been almost destroyed by Chu Yang alone; the hatred of Chu Yang is really profound.

If it wasn't for Chu Yang that killed Yuan Yuan on the same day, how could Yuan Tianjun send people to pursue it? If you don’t send someone to chase, how can there be a dream of betrayal? If not, how can the contradiction between the raft and the rain be intensified? If not, how can the three kings go to kill Chu Yang and have no dreams?

And if it weren't for these things, how could one succeed in concealing the identity of the demons for millions of years?

When I think about it, Yuan Tianjun suddenly discovers that his own millions of years of crouching, the demon family has worked hard for millions of years of inexhaustible blood, and the reason why it was revealed is entirely caused by Chu Yang alone!

This guy is a fuse that runs through the whole world!

"Chuyang, if the king is letting you die so fast, I am too sorry for your self-knowledge." After Yuan Tian’s hands were negative, he screamed at Chuyang.

Chu Yang slowly nodded: "To each other."

Yuan Tianji screamed without warning, and the twelve flesh-wings behind him suddenly opened and the whole person had already flew into the air. Anxious as lightning, almost has turned into a blue light.

The goal is Chu Yang.

"Moving!" Mo Tianji gave a command.

Gu's sword, Dong's wounded knife; Xie Danqiong's Qionghua, Mo light dance star dream light dance; proud evil cloud of Jinlong magic, ignorant Jinfeng, Ji Mo and Rock enemy's sword, Mo Tianji Palm, synchronized launch!

In the middle, there is a sharp sword in the middle. It is the nine swords of Chu Yang!

Ten people, at this moment, completely turned into an indestructible tip!

Face the Yuantian limit!

Yuan Tianji Changsha Xiaotian, completely do not evade, two hands turned into a black smoke · 狠狠劈!

Yuan Tian's limit was actually the body after his own serious injury.

This move is exactly what it means, and Yuan Tian’s determination is to decide on a dead war!

Yuan Tianji’s move, to be honest, is actually something that is beyond the expectations of Mo Tianji.

In the budget of Mo Tianji, most of the Yuantian limit will use the means of breaking each other. They will separately target the nine robbers and avoid weakening. If that is the case, the relatively weak ones in the crowd will not know what to do, Ji Mo and Rock Enemy. People, as well as women's Mo light dance, a greater chance will become the primary target of the Yuan Tian limit, but now, Yuan Tian limit will choose the face-to-face approach to attack, no doubt is expected of.

But this is better, because the current situation is the plan of all the Mo Tianji, all the plans, all the minds, arrangements, attacks... After that, the most wanted scenes!

In fact, before Chu Yang, a series of provocative words, even at the expense of being a bait, positively lure Yuan Tian limit to his own shot, the fundamental purpose is to fit the plan of Mo Tianji. I don’t know if it’s a sharp attack on a poisonous tongue. Actually, it really provoked Yuan Tian’s limit.

The reason why such a tactic is to be formulated is because if Yuan Tianjun really wants to escape, and he is arrogant in his own cultivation, even if it is the power of tens of millions of troops here, it will definitely block it. living! But as long as he is determined to fight a deadly battle, then everything is fine.

When Yuan Tian's limit was unhealed, he was forced to the point where he had to be harassed; this is the most commendable thing that Mo Tianji thinks about Xie Danqiong!

Mo Tianji believes that this is a prerequisite foundation and is also a good foundation for a godsend opportunity.

After that, it continued to cause blows, and continued to further damage, so that the Yuan Tian limit injury will never get a chance to heal; it will continue all the way.

Finally, there is a thunder blow that makes the four guards worse again.

The most unexpected thing is that Mo Tianji unexpectedly did not expect that Yuan Tian was bound to be hurt again and again for the rain. This can be regarded as a complete accidental gain.

After that, the words of Mo Tianji said that it is equivalent to pushing Yuan Tian to the road.

This is a universal psychology that belongs to the living beings, whether the object is a demon or a human being.

Regardless of whether Yuan Yuan is a demon, whether it is ulterior or not, but he has always worked hard for millions of years in Mo Yuntian; seeing his subjects under the rule of a million years eventually collectively opposes himself, this feeling is always Not good.

The rain is slow to be willing to loyal to the Yuan Tian limit, and even to death, but is not willing to loyal to the Yuan Tian limit of the demon real body, do not hesitate to fight.

Originally, I listened to the soldiers I commanded before I blinked. The order was forbidden. I dared not to follow it. Now I have all turned my head to deal with myself. This is a feeling of rebellion.

Just because you are a god? !

The words of Mo Tianji are like knives, step by step, let Yuan Tian limit the hearts of thousands of holes; and at such a critical moment, the culprit of Chu Yang jumped out again.

A series of more deliberate and more vicious words completely broke through the last psychological defense of Yuan Tianji!

Let the new hatred and old hate completely rush into the heart of Yuan Tian, ​​deeply rooted.

Mo Tianji's strategy can be described as completely successful, but although it has left Yuanyuan limit, it has brought great danger to himself and others!

Although the four guards still have some combat power, they are all seriously injured without exception; not to mention that even if they are not injured, they will rush into the core battle circle, which will interfere with and destroy the overall strength of the nine robbers.

This battle is destined to end by nine robberies!

Yuan Tian's limit is not retreating, and the thunder and the smashing of the thunder are falling!

The sword tip of Chu Yang also greeted at that moment without a difference!


The strength of ten people in a single battle, and the front of Yuan Tian’s fist hit together!

The two stocks are equally stunned, equally tyrannical, without a holiday, and colliding without deviation!

"Hey ~, Yuan Tian limit snorted, strode back and forth, every step out, there will be a huge pit on the ground below the distance of Baizhang!

If you step back seventeen steps, this will re-stabilize your body shape and hate your eyes.

Puff puff……

On the side of the nine robberies, the bodies of the ten people were thrown at the same time, all of them squirted blood and flew out in ten directions; but the atmosphere of each other was still closely connected, and there was no separation!

Chu Yang and Mo Tianji still looked at each other in an instant, and they felt a shock from each other's eyes, and with a trace of relief!

What is shocking is that even though Yuan Tianshi has already hit such a level, there is still such a strength, and it is hard to beat the power of the nine robbers and re-raise!

As for the relief, he has not really broken the brothers' joint efforts!

In this way, the heart will be a little more grasped!

After a retreat, Chu Yang did not wait for the trend to disappear. Already turned over in the air, like a lightning rushed back; as he turned over, Mo light dance is also a lightweight turn, with Chu Yang almost no bad I rushed back and forth.

At this moment, she seems to have no ability to be the master of her own. It just moves with the action of Chu Yang. At this moment, in addition to her own nine-day dance, all the cultivations, including the spirit and soul, are all melted. Into the cultivation of Chu Yang.

Life and death follow, never give up!

In this life and in this world, although they have never carried out a double-repair exchange between men and women; but this moment, the combination of the soul and the spirit is the highest realm that few people can achieve!

Life and death are accompanied by each other!

Black clothes such as ink · red skirt if Xia.

Chu Yang Mo light dance two people into one as a speedy pursuit.

In the eyes of Yuan Tian, ​​there was a heartfelt remnant of poison, and suddenly he screamed: "Ice the world!"

The rich magical spirit that overflowed from him suddenly changed into a biting cold wind, and it only took a moment to see the scene. The whole world seemed to be completely frozen by this biting cold wind!

At the same time, a layer of hoarfrost solidified on the ground, and then it became a full-blown ice, and then the whole piece of land suddenly cracked open!

On the ground, there are many people who are unconsciously close to the battle. Whether it is the devil or the human being, the whole body freezes at the same time, and then the smashing is broken, even the flesh and blood are not falling, leaving only a hard granule!

Even the body is completely frozen from the inside out, becoming a broken glass in general!

This is already between the heavens and the earth, the extreme cold. Because, now, everyone who died under such coldness, almost every one is a master! However, in the face of such bitter cold, there is no power to resist and resist.

I don't know who first shouted: "Here is dangerous, run!"

All the people who are close to this circle are all running out of the scorpion, and they don’t even dare to fly, because even the air and water vapor in the air have already condensed, and flying forward is like a knife mountain. I am afraid Not waiting to fly out, it became a forest bone.

On the ground, countless huge cracks of the turtle screamed and continued to expand outward, and new cracks appeared constantly. Such a scene is really beyond the knowledge of people at the place!

Chu Yang and Mo light dance fast-moving body, suddenly frozen in the air!

like a statue!

Yuan Tianji took back his hand and walked forward step by step. He smiled and said: "The most unspeakable thing in the king's life is the so-called loving couple! The most unfortunate thing is what the **** is true! Every time I see it, there must always be a kind of It’s urgent to destroy it; and you are the one I can’t understand the most!”

"Ha ha ha ha ....." He looked at Chu Yang, suddenly burst into a cruel and happy: "Chu Yang, you killed my son, but you can rest assured, I will not kill you, because I It will only kill those people you care about, such as the brothers who fight with you side by side, for example, the beauty around you!"

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