Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 531: The Nine Robbery, the Battle of the Emperor [12]

"All the beautiful things in the world are destroyed, and everything is full of people! The extravagant and cool, is my greatest enjoyment! Chu Yang, see this little girl is so affectionate to you, if this is your death You will not be very cool? Hahaha... This king will make you cool first!"

Yuan Tian’s limit smiled, his wrist turned, and a long black sword like a black ink, and a sword with a magical spirit appeared. Jianfeng showed up and flew in the air!

According to Jianfeng, it is the neck of the mobble powder makeup that has been frozen!

The black long sword flashed.

The nine robbery brothers were all frozen, and they stood in the air. It seems that there is nothing to do with this sword.

Chu Yang looked cold and looked at the Yuantian limit. The body that seems to be frozen is actually a strange move. It is faint: "Want to kill the person I care the most?! It is not qualified by you. !"

A long shout, the nine robbery sword instantly emits a thousand rays of light, slamming the sound, the Yuan Tian limited that ink-colored long sword shot down into a smog, but also the fullness of all the chilling power of the space to eliminate the ice!

The next moment, a chilly light, straight into the Yuantian limit!

Yuan Tianshi flashed in a hurry, and a pair of sleeves fell from his body with a piece of flesh, but he was ashamed of it, but he was incredulously screaming at Chu Yang: "How could this be? I am tempered by the heavenly spirit. With the help of the devil's soul, the ice-filled world that can be motivated, the power and the heavens and the earth are sealed. You only have to be a high-level sage in the district. How can it be in the state of my magical blockade? Not affected, or even counterattack instantly?"

"This question is up to me to answer you." A cold voice sneered and said: "Because your tricks are just a joke in front of us, but play!"

With this sentence, the original motionless Gu Zhixing did not know when he had already rushed to the Yuantian limit, and the black dragon sword in his hand made a cohesive cold, straight down!

"Why are you all unaffected? This is impossible!" Yuan Tian was furious, and a punch was correctly slammed on the tip of Gu’s sword. While the **** side of the spurt was falling, the other side of Dong’s injury had already jumped to the volley. When I reached the top of Yuan Tian, ​​I fell down with a knife!

Dong did not hurt a word, but this knife is full of domineering. The power is especially on the sword just now!

Almost at the same time, Jimo Krok’s enemies have already flocked to fight against Yuan Tianjun!

Xie Danqiong’s Qionghua finally bloomed on the back of Yuantian, and a group of black blood flew up.

Mo Tianji finally breathed a sigh of relief, his heart: finally forced this out.

The overall situation has been set!

Yuan Tianji’s killing trick, Mo Tianji has already learned from Muchakou: Yuantian has a kind of kung fu. It can freeze the vast land in the blink of an eye. Once used, all enemies must be frozen for it. No more power to fight, let the slaughter! Even the level of the nine emperors will be affected to a considerable extent.

However, if it is not a critical moment, Yuan Tian will never use it, because this loss is too big!

When I heard this, Mo Tianji had a certain amount.

Because ······ Only Chu Yang’s nine robbery swords can easily break this strange situation!

Nine robbery swords, the world's first **** soldiers, whether it is cold and fire, in front of the nine robbery sword is vulnerable! No matter what the difference, as long as the nine robbery swords are in place, all of them are disintegrating.

This point, Mo Tianji has seen more than once.

In the battle, Chu Yang and other ten people are closely connected with the soul to form a complete whole!

As long as Chu Yang itself is not affected, it means that no one of the brothers will be affected!

At this time, it is the last step of the Mo Tianji killing plan!

It is also the most crucial step!

Yuan Tian has already tried his best to use the killing trick, but it has not yielded results. In addition to the psychological blow, his own state is bound to be even more unbearable.

Yuan Tian’s self-confidence is sure to kill the enemy, but it is easily invisible by the enemy. Moreover, until the other party launches the offensive again, he still does not understand what it is.

This is a nightmare for Yuan Tianjie!

Never happened before.

To know that this trick has always been the killer of Yuan Tian, ​​he has full grasp, even if it is snow and tears face to face, as long as it is facing the face of this move, it will be in the next time, in a certain period of time Being thoroughly crushed by himself;

Until the ice-covered power of the frozen world can disappear nearly half, this elbow will gradually disappear. As for the people who are at the level of Jiujun, including the seven-star guard level superpower, they must at least wait for this. If you can disperse more than 70% of your own, you will have the opportunity to get out of the frozen state, and Chu Yang and others who are even more powerful, basically have no possibility of breaking free!

He even made up his mind: If he sends out this trick, he will freeze the murderous ants in front of him, and he will surely keep his promise, kill the beautiful little girl in red, and then another one. Those who killed the next ones, those brothers of Chuyang.

Just! Only Chu Yang does not kill, not even hurt one of its hairs! !

Then I drifted away, and then I will find opportunities to play with Chu Yang slowly. With my own cultivation, I can completely smash the Tianbing Pavilion of Chuyang.

All the way to play Chu Yang to the last moment, until his spirit completely collapsed will kill

This is the most happy, most thorough and ultimate means of retaliation for Yuan Tian.

Believe this Chu Yang, slowly will be killed by myself! It’s just that it’s been a sigh of relief in my heart.

It is the best punishment for this culprit!

But never imagined that the reality of the result is so, this is enough to threaten the East Emperor, enough to fully slap the nine men and all the following people's ultimate move, the eyes of these ants are almost completely ineffective, at this moment, The whole body has been repaired as a thief to go to the sky, and there is very little left, and the other party is actually in this subtlety - when the mouth launched a massive Jedi counterattack!

Looks like this is too tragic, right? !

Yuan Tianjun’s heart is bitter, but he also understands that the soldiers are at war. The other side is killing the enemy. If he still thinks about those who have nothing, he is looking for death, rushing to converge, and wholeheartedly resisting the other party’s ensuing. Chain killing.

Between the two strokes, from the split of the autumn, even slightly prevail, completely fall into the overall downturn!

At this moment, Yuan Tian’s limit is not one, and it’s almost empty. It’s still a lot of effort, and it’s easy to resist the nine-robbery. The battle literacy of Yuan Tian’s super-million years is easy to start, although it’s going down the drain. Still trying to do your best.

First, a palm smashed out, and the students shocked the trend of Chu Yang’s nine-robbery sword. They avoided the nine-robbery sword with a slight difference, and then they tried their best to force the most lethal Gu Duxing and Dong Wuju to fight out. Yang and other three people's joint ventures have not been able to reinvent the Yuan Tian limit. The magical battle is evident.

Yuan Tian’s limit has dealt with the trend of the three masters of Chu Yang and others. His heart is slightly loose. Chu Yang and other three are the strongest three of the enemy. Returning to the air gap, I don’t care about this thought. The inexplicable pain in my body rushed, but Xie Danqiong’s Qionghua has been silently blooming on him!

Yuan Tian limit clearly feels the strong physical pain, which is the pain that has never been experienced for thousands of years!

Even if you have been injured many times before, it is also mental damage, the soul hurts, and the real physical injury, this is the first!

Yuan Tianji’s painful and painful screams rushed into the sky. However, Ji Moluo’s enemies could not pass the arrogant evil clouds. The four people followed suit, and in the middle of the air, Ji Mo’s long sword actually came out.


Just need a little breathing time, as long as I can breathe a sigh of relief, I can turn all these ants into a powder!

I will be able to go all the way!

It only takes a little bit of insignificant time...···

Yuan Tian’s heart is screaming in madness at this moment. He can’t imagine it anyway. One day, he will fall into such a bleak situation!

I just thought of it here, a pain in my back, a sword was fiercely inserted from his vest!

Suddenly suffered, Yuan Tian limited heart and mind is not chaotic, shouting, a body whirl, the long sword just inserted into the body is only inserted half, the whole sword has been turned into powder!

However, even if it is just plugged in, it is always inserted!

Just as the long sword turned into a powder dust, a black blood like a fountain rushed out, only rushed out, and then it was turned into a diffuse black smoke, where the blood hole that had been stabbed had been repaired.

No matter how much the strength of its own power is consumed, the speed of recovery that is unimaginable has formed an instinct. Even if it is under such conditions, it is still difficult to kill.

However, Rock's adversary and arrogant clouds look at the effect of Ji Mo, and they have followed suit. The three long swords are all mixed with each other!

Just like a meteor to catch the moon, stab to Yuan Tian limit!

As the war situation continues to be postponed, at this moment, the officers and the warriors are already on top of the sky, and there is nothing to hide the line of sight!

Below, almost everyone is stretching all the movements of the neck and watching the sky.

Watching Yuan Tian limit step by step, and the nine robbery brothers tried their best to pursue the madness, and did not give Yuan Tian a little bit of breathing time.

At this moment, everyone’s heart is like a heartbeat, and even a breath of breath does not dare to breathe. Everyone is terribly nervous!

At the time of victory or defeat, perhaps at this moment, perhaps in the next moment!

The three-handed swords crossed and flew in, and Yuan Tian’s anger and anger, one foot, one of which two swords were kicked away by him, but with a scream, it has become a meteor in the sky!

However, the golden dragon sword of the proud evil cloud has pierced his thigh like lightning!

And it is crossing and passing, the path is inserted into the waist!

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