Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 558: Difficult left and right [complement 6]

Chu Yang understands the meaning of this sentence.

If the plan is to be reconsidered, it is not meant to be overturned, but to be carefully studied.

What to study?

If this person can lock in the Mo Tianji, and still more than once, then it is very interesting to think about the actions that Mo Tianji is doing now. If not, he will not do so.

And now the most attention should be paid to the people of Mo Tianji, no doubt the forces behind those mysterious killers!

All the orders and actions here are based on slamming the people around you!

All the actions go out from here, judging by the strength of this person, if you want to stop it, I am afraid that he can stop it every time!

But he never stopped it. Why is this?

Let those people be killed, why?

This time, it is different from the discussion of the previous two; the discussion between the two is only a discussion, there is no evidence.

But now it is equal to indirect evidence.

The things contained in this are too meaningful.

For the proposal of Mo Tianji, Chu Yang immediately accepted it, and sat down to the position of Mo Tianji, and immediately turned into a temperament, and instantly became the King of Chu who won the battle in the past!

From his hands, he is still orderly, and he is commanding the flow of water. Every one of them is transmitted from the hands of Mo Tianji. It is no mess.

Even the speed is not much different from the original one.

Chu Leer, who was waiting outside the door, didn't even realize that the order to be released has been replaced by another person.

The same accuracy, the same speed, the same shot, the same sharp and vigorous.

When Mo Tianji passed the order, it was not suitable for the environment and the heart of the incident: this bastard, it was usually lazy. It belongs to my work, this product can be qualified by one person...

This time, under the ultimate pressure, I finally showed my true face. Losing him for a long time in front of himself, not right, not so much Tibetan mastiff, it is simply lazy, too odious...

Speaking of it, if Chu Yang and Mo Tianji calculate the cognitive resolution separately, the level of the two people is almost the same, roughly between the two; but if it is the turn of the formation, the victory is a thousand miles, or it is the enemy. The machine first, the strategizing, Chu Yang is not enough.

As for the divination, the Wanma army advances and retreats, grasps the fighters at any time, plus the array of law, the stars, the five elements of the gossip, etc., which is even more of a personal field of Mo Tianji, although Chu Yang does not say that it is ignorant, knowing It is quite limited and there is no comparability between the two.

However, glimpsing the ability to see the whole leopard, Chu Yang is no less inferior than Mo Tianji, and even, it has been.

Just like... When he was in the iron cloud, he was fine...and now, it’s just repeating the situation. Naturally, it is easy to get used to, and it is easy to get used to.

After Chu Yang took over, there was no rush of trouble. After an entire afternoon, the order was as smooth as before, but there was no such thing as a psychedelic feeling.

This result makes the Mo Tianji also a bit strange.

Is it true that I feel wrong? Why did you suddenly disappear? It’s been a long time before, but it’s been several times...

If you really feel wrong, then this joke can be too big.

This state continued until the evening, and there was still no abnormality.

Chu Yang eloquently thought about what was being sent out in an orderly manner.

Mo Tianji suddenly widened his eyes and glared at Chu Yang, his face was incredible, unbelievable!

Because just now, Chu Yang suddenly issued seven or eight instructions!

It is not a rare thing to send out seven or eight instructions in succession. In such a high-intensity work process, it is not a matter of saying seven or eight instructions.

The reason why Mo Tian chances are so horrified is that these orders issued by Chu Yang are all wrong!

Or can't say the instruction error, because those instructions can still be executed, but the content of those instructions is quite ridiculous!

This made the Mo Tianji, who was responsible for conveying the order, unable to touch the mind. How did Chu Yang order the attack on Ji Mo to attack the raft? In addition, Dong Wuju and Gu Zhixing went to find a double-decision battle between painting and calligraphy...

Instructed Roque to go to the ji courtyard...

This product will not be because I have not been working so hard for a long time, I can't adapt to it for a while, suddenly collapsed?

But the next moment, Mo Tianji has already understood the intention of Chu Yang's move.

Because, with the advent of the wrong instruction, and until the third instruction was issued, the two gave birth to a creepy feeling.

This is the peak of the military benefits that have long been in the crisis of life and death! The long-term atmosphere of crisis and the tempering of life and death can cultivate this sixth sense of being almost magical.

In the midst of the two, there are a pair of eyes looking at it with a strange look!

As the chief of the nine-robbery sword who has been rolling in front of Hell for a long time, the intuition at this point is definitely stronger than that of Mo Tianji.

At this moment, he felt his hair behind his neck straight up!

Absolutely nothing wrong!

Sure enough, someone is watching everything here!

Sure enough.

Now that you have confirmed what you want to know, you have to correct some errors.

So Chu Yang successively issued eight orders to cancel the previous absurd instructions; however, there was still no such thing as a watershed kill.

It was just that the order was preparing to find the trouble of Ji Mu and withdrawing to the place to stand by, and ordered Dong Wu and others to cancel the original action.

No further instructions were issued.

The feeling did not disappear instantly, but it became even stronger. It is clear that it is the intention of people to look at themselves while watching and thinking about their own series of actions.

This is only a little attention and does not have the ability to recognize.

Therefore, the mysterious person did not know that the room had actually changed people; therefore, Chu Yang’s deliberately displayed wrong instructions made people feel amazed.

In the dark, the person’s understanding of the general commander in this house has never been such a low-level mistake.

The brain of the chief commander is like a machine that is all-encompassing but at the same time precise, and there will be no negligence.

So the phenomenon that has emerged now makes this mentality stay a little longer.

It’s just that it’s beyond the usual short-term gaze, and suddenly someone shouted out: “Who?”

In the next moment, the two figures will flow straight into the sky like a meteor.

In addition, a gray fog also rushed to the lightning.

It is the two guards and the catastrophe of the demon emperor.

They have discovered the people who spy on each other.

However, after the power of the three peaks rushed to Yuntian, nothing was found.

When it comes to the eye, there is only an empty sky, white clouds, and come and go, that's all.

Not only are there no people, not even birds.

Also, that feeling disappeared instantly.

Chu Yang stopped his hand and his face was solemn and heavy: "Tianji, the person you said, it really exists!"

Mo Tianji’s face was ugly, and nodded. “It’s true. His actions are really weird. I’m waiting for us to kill, and let us kill him... I don’t know why, I suddenly had a kind of Strong intuition: He is totally against us who killed him!"

"Even as much as possible, the better!"

Chu Yang and Mo Tianji looked at each other, they all saw a trace of fear in the other's eyes, and a loss.

If the other party is sending someone to die...

Then, the so many killing orders that I have issued before, isn’t it right in the middle of the other?

However, the other side sent so many strong masters to come to chaos, not to kill... how to become?

Do you still let them go to destroy the ceremony? No matter what?

Then, the face of Xie Danqiong’s face is lost, and the nine-robbery brothers have no need to mix.

But in the face of such a situation, how can we handle it?

"Oh, not killing?" When Mo Tianji said these words, one word at a time, it seems that every word in this sentence is costly.

Chu Yang smiled bitterly: "Do you think... how big is it?"

Mo Tianji sighed.

It doesn't kill or is the most effective targeted strategy for the immediate situation! Grab it, wait for the enemy to follow up; if it proves that you are just sorrowful, then it is not a hassle to kill all the brains.

However, the feasibility of implementation is too great!

It is easier said than done. For high-strength fighters, oysters and killings are completely different concepts.

The difficulty level between them may be doubled, and the difference may be ten times, or it may be a hundred times different!

After determining the target, the strength of one side is higher than the other side, and it is not ready to attack. Killing the target is naturally a relatively simple matter. Fighting each other and making sure that the other side has no retreat is just that.

But oysters are not that simple. Such a lone master, who has no means of life-saving? It’s just that the force war is killed. But as long as the purpose of the beginning is not to kill but to oyster, then there must be scruples in the shot.

With scruples, there will be many flaws.

As long as there is a slight gap, such a master has a lot of opportunities to get away.

And because you can't directly kill, you can only use relatively mild oysters, then the difficulty is undoubtedly too much.

For example, taking Chu Yang and Ji Mo's repairs as a comparison, Chu Yang has a 10% confidence that can kill Jim in the life and death fight; but if it is said that oysters, Chu Yang will become Ten out of ten is not sure!

This is a gap.

Even if it is only for the enemies at the peak of the heavens and human beings, the brothers who have the middle-level strength of the saints are still not sure enough to be jealous. This is a gap!

Even the enemies at the level of heaven are so embarrassed, let alone those enemies at the sage level!

"If you really make such a decision, you will definitely drive the brothers crazy, one is not careful, even we will be dangerous, not worth the loss." Chu Yang smiled bitterly.


Today is the birthday of the cold moon, grace, and teacher Cang. Let us wish Teacher Cang happy birthday.

Give everyone a suggestion: Everyone is shouting in the book review area: Happy birthday! Come back and take a film...and then all go up to the sixth floor!

I promise to add the essence! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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