Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 559: Don't die

Mo Tianji sighed! "But the situation is already clear. He is the one who wants us to kill him more. Of course, it doesn't matter if I don't kill it. When there are more people in the chaos, can we just follow him? Who can Certainly, what is the future consequences of this, along with what he meant?"

"Or, what will happen? Everything becomes unknown!"

"The risk is too great. Since I am willing to sacrifice such a powerful force, the picture is definitely not light."

Chu Yang considered it a bit and said: "We may be able to compromise, change the oysters into 'as much as possible'. If it is really impossible to succumb, it is only killing. After all, we are still a master of the level of heaven and earth, we still have some Grasp, as for the sage level, you can only act on your own and try your best."

Mo Tianji smiled bitterly: "I don't know what?" But such an order is also useful for the arrogant enemy, but for the two embryos of Gu Zhixing and Dong Wuju, it is completely equal to nothing."

Chu Yang also smiled with a nose.

Yes, Gu alone and Dong Wu is the practice of killing. Once the sword is shot, it is lore! I want them to be two opponents in life, saying that it is difficult for them to be similar.

How do you change that?

There are also tears in the ink, it is even more of a killer in the grandmother's grandmother level; it has always been to stay alive, and now suddenly change the tactics ... completely impossible.

"Forget it, just like you said, everyone will do their best." Mo Tianji sat down tired and squinted with his fingers.

Since the debut, it has never been so uncomfortable. Because, I don’t know what the opponent is doing at all.

If the opponent has only one simple goal of destroying the throne, then everything is much better.

But now I have unexpectedly discovered that the actions on my own side have been thoroughly used by the other party. I have used this opportunity to carry out another thing that I don’t know.

"If there is another killing action, pay special attention to the soul's energy status of the deceased." Mo Tianji said with a low head and said: "You can try to kill only the flesh, and you must kill the soul and see the specific application effect. ”

"it is good."

Chu Yang nodded.

This is the next step in the way.

Chu Yang is about to go out. Suddenly he heard the biggest trick of the outside world: "What happened? Inexplicably, I started to beat myself, and then I canceled the order. What do you mean? Mo Tianji, you are not nervous." What?"

Gu Zhixing and Dong Wushou also came in, and both of them were unhappy.

In order to induce the other party to leak out the flaws, Chu Yang was completely blamed for Mo Tianji.

When the door opened, Mo Tianji strode out and yelled: "What are you doing? Do you want to rebel? Can you give me the task quickly! Which one is slow, I am rude!"

Mo Tianji's mind is deep, and most of the weekdays are a kind of virtues that are indifferent to anger and anger. They rarely send such a big fire, even if they are angry, they are in the heart at the moment but they are fully burst out.

A few people in Ji Mo heard the words, and then they saw the dense blood in the eyes of Mo Tianji.

"哗", all the birds and beasts scattered.

At the same time, there is still a kind of distress in my heart: Mo Tianji... really tired!

I have never seen it, and Mo Tianji is tired of this.


Mo Tianji stunned from the rest of the anger, and screamed heavily, but everyone in the eyes went out, but there was no way to anger, but he was going back to the house, but he saw the "boring head" Dong did not hurt "嗖" and returned. A bottle of path is stuffed in the arms of the Motian machine: "I almost forgot... This is the ecstasy that I occasionally get. It is said to be useful to the talented people. I will not use it... I will waste it... ”

Dong did not hurt, and smiled, and there was no sound.

Mo Tianji suddenly was attacked by a man, and he couldn’t help but slammed it. He didn’t react, and “嗖”, one thing came on the scene. Far from seeing alone standing on the fence, cold and cold: "Mo Tianji, you don't get tired. I have no interest in wearing a filial piety!"

The body disappeared.

Mo Tianji reached out and grabbed the thing and took a closer look. He found that it was a holy soul, An Shen Dan, which was specially used to regulate the pressure of thoughts; it was more sensitive to people's thinking and had a strong promotion effect. .

Undoubtedly, this is a kind of sacred medicine that can be encountered and not demanded. Legend has it that only the Zixiao Emperor of the past has been refining, and since the Zihao Emperor fell behind, this medicine has become a must.

Although Chu Yang, who was inherited from Zihao, is now capable of refining, this one is clearly obtained from the coincidence of the outside world because Chu Yang has no time to practice this kind of Dan.

After all, now Chu Yang, he has seized all the time to refine and improve the medicinal herbs and restore the injury to the Jiu Dan, too late, this very very partial drug really did not work hard to refine...

The handcuffs have become the best sacred medicine that has become a "sound", and Mo Tianji has been stunned for a while.

Mo Tianji stunned himself, but he heard another scream: "Mo Tianji, if you are tired, you will eat a pear... I really want to exhaust myself, earn our men’s tears... If you die I will never cry! I am always so hard, do you dry birds?"

Then I saw a large bag of pears flying in.

Someone outside is dissatisfied: "Will you talk, you are the bird!" It was the voice that could not be communicated, and then a bag of snacks flew in, with a sentence: "I haven’t been busy recently, wait for me. I have time to steal something for you to make up for the brain... so that you are not exhausted... It doesn't matter if you die, but if you are free, they will hit me again..."


One thing flew in, and the brothers went and went.

Just now, I’m going to get angry, followed by a feeling of Mo Tianji’s sorrowful feelings. I can’t help but feel a bit sour, and I smiled and said: “It seems that these guys are still too busy... actually have time to mess with these things. Since there are still idle hours to ponder over others, then I will give them more code to help me reduce the pressure, haha, haha."

The last two laughs, actually a little trembling.

Chu Yang squeezed his eyes, seemingly and unintentionally put a bottle of Jiu Dan Dan: "Well, you go to add more, I also go to other things. Some things, don't be a miserable food."

Mo Tianji is very pretentious to pretend to be a discouraged look: "I am clearer than you, rolling fast."

Then stepped on the step house, of course, did not forget to take the bottle of Jiuzhong Dan.

In a short time, when Chu Leer went in to pick up the task order, he only saw Mo Tianji's face smile and satisfaction. He was holding a pear there, and the juice was flowing, there was no image at all, and his eyes became a seam. .

This image, for Mo Tianji, is simply the end of the pole, and this glorious image was unfortunately seen by Chu Leer, showing that God is in the way, Mo Tianji must be "decaying" in someone in this life. In the hands!

When I saw Chu Leer coming in, Mo Tianji suddenly wandered around, and quickly put down the pears, but also made a serious assignment of the task, and my heart regretted that I had just lost my mind.

But where do you know, in the heart of Chu Leer, just like Mo Tianji holding a pear and looking satisfied, it is so beautiful. It turned out that the general person of this machine also has such natural feelings and knows to be moved.

However, he is too deep to hide in the plains, and he will never take the initiative to reveal it...

Just now, he was holding a half-headed big pear, and it was like a child who had not eaten a pear for a long time. He tasted sweet and looked happy...

This kind of Mo Tianji is really... so cute.

If the brothers know that Chu Leer’s evaluation of Mo Tianji is actually this, it will definitely be a halo!

so cute? !

Can this evaluation be with the Mo Tianji?

Of course, whether or not you can touch the side, others recognize it or not, anyway, Chu Leer thinks so!

Chu Leer is a big man, how can I not know the mind of Mo Tianji? But before she had an inexplicable panic: Mo Tianji was too deep.

Nothing is revealed.

This makes Chu Leer somewhat dissatisfied, but also a little faint anger: you don't care about other things, but it doesn't matter if you chase the girl. You don't even show anything, do you still wait for the girl to confess to you?

If you don't open your mouth, then I will not speak if I die. This is a kind of restraint and self-esteem belonging to the daughter's family, and Mo Tianji has always suffered from loss...

In this regard, it has lost many opportunities.

(So, brothers, if you see a girl you like, you have to go forward, even if she doesn't accept it, let's go to the confession and say, after the confession, there will be a thought change of 'dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water': anyway, you know What other scruples do I have? So I am brave enough to go forward.

Remember: the heart is bold and big, it is the three elements of chasing women. Of course, especially the thick skin is the first priority. I thought about it... I coughed... In fact, I was chased after it, when I didn’t say it...)


For the next two consecutive days, the number of spies killed was much more, but this time, everyone stayed more and more.

Finally, on this night, all the brothers were concentrated on the Mo Tianji side.

In addition to the gathering of the nine robbers, he was surprised to discover that there were more people in the audience than the nine robbers.

Purple evil spirits, painting and painting double king, demon emperor two guards, demon Ning, and Mudu and other people are present.

In addition to the living people with normal images, there is also an invisible ghost of catastrophe, hidden in the side.

Seeing everyone coming to Qi, Mo Tianji gave a command, and the people first sprinkled their own spiritual powers unreservedly, and covered the small yard.

This time, unlike before, it was done by more than forty saints; unless you have mastered the sum of more than forty saints, you will be able to eavesdrop on the conversation.

However, according to the information currently known, such people have not appeared in the Nine Heavens, and absolutely never appeared!

Even the first person of the Scorpio, the Supreme Master, is still far worse than the total strength of these forty masters!

“Is there any specific discovery?” Mo Tianji asked with a deep breath.

"All the dead, the power of the soul dissipated in all, is equivalent to the active soul flying." Gu said.

"The same is true of my situation." Dong did not hurt.

"Me too, I am still strange, the soul power of such a master is usually abnormally congested. As long as it is not deliberately destroyed, the basics will instinctively look for vitality, and will regain what is born again. I have not deliberately destroyed it. It will disappear from the air, and the situation that everyone encountered is the same..." Ji Mo said.

"I have a different opinion." Chu Yang's dignified opening: "The so-called soul power dissipates. The process of single theory is indeed disappearing, but the reason why it disappears is because one of the real spirits is gone, and the most The basic existence of the basic spirit alone will cause this kind of active dissipating."

"Oh, if you want the spirit to not be scattered, or even give birth to rebirth, the most important thing is not the strength of the soul, but the strength of the true spirit. If that is true, if the body is destroyed, the soul will naturally dissipate. ""

"That is to say, the soul core of those people has long since ceased to exist!"

“There is no exception.”

"In fact, when a person reincarnates and reincarnates, what he relies on is the true spirit. This is the basis of the sentient beings given by the heavens and the earth. If it is not destroyed by external forces, the break will not disappear naturally; normal people still do, let alone those A master enough to swept one side?"

"The crux has been found, but the crux of the problem is indeed more strange, difficult to understand, the human body may not exist with itself, and sent to another place?!"

Around the Chuyang ring: "So today, bring your seniors together, and your seniors will have a wide range of knowledge, or you can solve problems for us and discuss what it is all about."

Everyone looks at each other.

Then Chu Yang will say everything that has happened since this time.

"These people are not in the flesh, but there are all similarities..."

"...all from the same place, this is already certain."

"...self is also very close to being repaired."


In this way, after saying this like this, Muxi and others are still confused and did not give any relevant advice. Only the meditation of the book king seems to be caught in deep memories.

Everyone saw his mouth shut up automatically and didn't dare to disturb.

After a long, long time, the book king finally looked up, not very sure: "Do you say... Is it really that year..."

When the book king said this, the painting king and the demon emperor's two guards changed their faces at the same time. They seemed to think of something. They said: "What you said is... that year... that kind of kung fu... Already?"

The book king frowned: "If it is based on the existing signs, there is indeed such a suspicion: there is a place where a large number of masters are trained to let them grow freely in the rivers and lakes; in fact, they have already planted holy poison in their hearts. There is a person who controls the true spirit of all people... Once a person who has been controlled by the controller is above the level of the heavenly person, after that person’s death, the true spirit will follow the decomposition of the holy poison and become the finest between heaven and earth. Pure mana is attributed to the master..."

"The most pure mana... the magical power!" The painting king screamed and his face was pale! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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