Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 561: First World War

“There are people who will find out that this person has just upgraded the first-order repairs today, but tomorrow he will upgrade the first-order repairs to...this weird thing.”

"And this process will not rely on Tiancai."

"But the cruelty of this martial art is that... from the very beginning until the cultivation of Dacheng, it is often necessary to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of millions of warriors!"

"It turned out to be the case, but it is so horrible, but the lord is always only controlling the power that has already grown up in his hands. It seems that it is only the only one that I am alone?!" asked Mo Tianji.

"Before practicing to the supreme realm of the true spirit of the Holy Spirit, the master can only control the people who were originally under his control, but if he is cultivated only to the highest realm, then he can control anyone as he pleases, even It is the release of the heart-to-heart technique for the same-order person, and it is also possible to repair each other's body. In the unconsciously, the whole data is for itself!"

"What? Cultivation to the realm of Dacheng, there is such a terrible effect, this is not against the sky!" Chu Yang was shocked!

"Isn't it, or how this magical power can be called the biggest taboo of the Nine Heavens!"

"The true magic of the year was to smother the rivers and lakes with this evil spirit; in the world, the ants were dying, and the two evils finally concentrated on the strength of the 18 masters, and they combined it, this will completely annihilate it! You know, this ten Who are the eight masters?"

The book is mad and burning.

The rest of the people also showed awe in their faces.

"Who is it?" everyone asked in unison.

"Cloud people, snow tears, demon heart, Yuan Tian limit, Zihao ... and ... all the other masters of the nine emperors, plus ... ... the master of the world.

"With so many people working together, I was lucky enough to kill the true magic. That time, it was the only one in the life of the nine emperors."

Everyone took a breath!

"Even if it is such a lineup, the seven masters of that year are still tragic and dead under the hands of the true magic!"

"And the true magic of that time, only one step can be cultivated to the supreme realm of the true spirit of the Holy Spirit. If it is really cultivated to the highest level, even if it is the 18 masters, it will only be defeated."

After the book madness finished the story, the room suddenly became silent.

After the nine emperors, only my holy princes joined forces! Also add the seven strongest people who have sacrificed!

A total of 18 strongest people will work together to fight a true magic!

These people, each of them are standing in the legendary figures of the Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, lame in the clouds, and waved the landslide. Even if it is any one of them, it is enough to make the whole world tremble!

However, even such a lineup actually returned to the seven people who were killed by the Halloween magic, and the rest of the people desperately fight to be able to get rid of the true magic!

What is the point of the repair of the true magic?

In the end, at what level, there is no party in the audience, can not assert, the only certainty is that only the true magic of the original practice, it is the true spirit!

It is probably the practice of the current conspirators' cultivation!

On that day, the people who were almost super strong in the nine-day scorpio were barely able to do it. Can these people present replay the past? !

In this world, how many masters like the nine emperors? These people who are present together may only be able to match one!

Even one of them has to be defeated!

At this moment, the atmosphere in the room was suppressed to the extreme.

Even Chu Yang and Mo Tianji are no exception, even the two people are heavy and even more like a lead.

If you judge according to the form in front of you, the current situation has more than 90% chances to be determined. What you and others are facing is the practitioner who is practicing the true spirit of the Holy Spirit!

What is even more frightening is that this practitioner is not the other person. It is the first person to control the entire nine-day Scorpio.

Heaven and earth, unparalleled power!

Heaven and earth, the first master!

Heaven and earth, the first force!

Heaven and earth, the first wealth!

As long as he orders, the entire nine-day heaven and earth will be boiled, and the tens of billions of people under the heavens will be heartily!

Such an opponent!

How to deal with it?

The bad situation is actually unprecedented? !

"The predecessors of the book king, as you know... When I was besieging the true magic of the people, after the nine emperors, there was still only my holy prince, were they injured?" Mo Tianji sighed and asked: "If there is, there is How serious is it?"

"The battle was extremely fierce. In addition to the seven deaths, the other people were also injured. Some of them were dying with heavy injuries! It is said that the last day of the war was the sword of the Purple Emperor. And make a desperate blow to the same! There is also the East Emperor’s tears of the East Emperor’s tears, and the East Emperor’s thoughts of the life and the sorrows, and the purple tycoon’s one-click strike, which has ruined the true magic of this battle. The ending brings a glimmer of light."

"After that fight, Zihao and the snow and tears are unable to fight again. The demon emperor demon is full of body repairs, launching the ultimate demon field, trapped by the hard-hitting Halloween magic; Leading other masters to fight with the true magic in the field of the demon, but even so, the situation is still not optimistic, the wrong is not the seven will not hesitate to live with the life, launched the "seven perfection together with the heavens" of the peerless Dafa, will be holy The true devil is repaired to kill 70% of the total, and the final battle is only afraid to be reversed by the true magic! And the seven masters will be annihilated after this attack!"

"In the end, the Holy King used the star to be the sword of the righteousness, with the heart as the sword, with the sword of the sword, and slammed into the arms of the true magic of the Lord. The sword of heart was detonated in the true magic of the Lord, destroying the true magic of the Lord. However, after the attack, the people on the cloud have no power to fight again."

"After the nine emperors, only after I was in this servant, everyone was exhausted. In order to completely eliminate the evil, everyone did not enter the realm of the true magic, but the eleven people launched the remnant. The power of the Wansheng Mountain Villa and the Mount Wan, as well as the body of the Halloween Master, was burned to ashes!"

"A whole mountain, after that war, was burned to the ground!"

"Since then, there have been no legends of the true spirits in the rivers and lakes!"

"After that war, after the 9th Emperor, I only announced that I would retreat for a long time and heal my own injuries!" The book sighed with sighs: "After tens of thousands of years, the extraterrestrial demon invasion, the eruption of the purple day The Great War, the Purple Emperor of the Purple Emperor, and finally died in a fierce battle."

"I was originally inferior to the tyrannical strength of the people on the cloud, but if it was not the original loss of the war, it was too serious, and it has not fully recovered... Then, what will happen to the final result of the battle of Zixiaotian... I am afraid It’s really hard to say."

The book sighs quietly.

Everyone sighed in unison.

For the book madman and so on, the purple scorpion Zihao was undoubtedly an immortal legend, an insurmountable myth, and a true idol!

Ning folds not bend, rather die unyielding, thousands of hardships, countercurrent!

From the beginning of a grassroots, to the Purple Emperor, the life of Zihao is an immortal legend of the Nine Heavens!

The legend is annihilated, the news is coming out, the whole world is sad, the life is sorrowful!

Chu Yang sighed: "In this case, the inheritance of the true magic must have been cut off, but now it has appeared in the world, during this period..."

His eyes flashed and he suddenly remembered something: "The predecessors of the book, what you just said is... When everyone is seriously wounded and unable to fight again, the people on the cloud certainly do not have the power to fight again, but they are better than others. Some, is this the statement?"

The book screamed a bit, saying: "Yes, that was the case in the rumors of the past. In this battle, we did not participate in the war. In the face of the sacred true magic that ravaged the entire Nine Heavens, we were not qualified to participate in that battle. ""

This sentence came out, the demon emperor Tianmo Yuntian four big seven star guards at the same time shy and bowed.

"Well, this is not wrong... The last blow of the people on the cloud is that when the Holy Spirit is close to the magic oil, the star is stunned. This sword is a sword. In the case of Yi Yu Jian, there is actually no 'true' sword, and the body of the cloud is equal to the sword body, is it?" Chu Yang asked.

"Not bad!" The book nodded madly.

This is the common-sense problem of the top-ranking warriors. As long as the people of Jiuzhong Tianyi are qualified, they naturally know nothing about it.

"And this sword, the cloud on the person himself directly into the arms of the true magic of the true, is not it?" Chu Yang asked.

"Not bad." The book mad again nodded.

"After the whole person crashed in, the true magic of the gods will definitely smother the counterattack, isn't it? So the cloud man was seriously injured at that time, so that he would never have the serious injury of the first battle." Chu Yang Then asked.

"Yeah, this is undoubtedly true. In the face of the final counterattack of the true magic of the Lord, I believe that anyone is also going to be hit hard." The book nodded madly.

"The result is either, but there was still a little bit of separation before that. Just after the whole person crashed into the cloud, it was a short time before the sword gas exploded and the Halloween magic was gone." Sighed.

"What do you want to say? What can happen in a little bit of time?!" Book mad and others saw Chu Yang chasing this question tightly, could not help but be a little surprised.

This kind of thing, I will know if I think about it? So what can be changed with a little bit of separation? ! Like a flash of light, the white is over the gap.

"I think that after the fact that all the traces of the existence of the true magical demon are completely destroyed, it is definitely the idea of ​​the holy monarch." Chu Yang waited for the book madness to answer, and he nodded directly, very sure: "This Of course, the result is a matter of course."

The book was suddenly stunned and silent. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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