Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 562: Super enemy

"After the war, since all the related things have been burned down, there is naturally nothing that needs to be divided..."

"And the Holy King smashed into the true magic of the Lord. At that time, everyone else was seriously wounded. The subtle movements of the two people in the entanglement must have been seen by no one."

"What could be in the arms of the true magic? This may be a permanent mystery!"

Chu Yang sneer: "Who has seen the space ring of the true magical demon? Since it is a devil's head, there is no such space props to carry around?!"

“The space ring is equal to the hot potato. No one dares to ask.”

"The devil who ravages the heavens and the earth is something that no one can believe. The most precious thing can only be brought by him."

"And among the people in the place, I believe that only the Saint has a little chance to get these things."

"And, after all the burns, the complete destruction of the dead, no one will have any doubts." Chu Yang sneered: "Everyone in the world can not wait to erase the traces of the existence of the true magic, this is undoubtedly a pole Good reasons are also reasons that everyone can accept."

"But everyone did not think that this is actually someone else's selfishness."

Chu Yang deeply sighed.

Mo Tianji has been silent for a long time. At this moment, he began to speak. He said one word at a time. The words that we encountered now basically match the legendary true spirit. What is certain is that our The opponent is a conspirator who cultivates the true spirit of the Holy Spirit."

"What is even more frightening is that these people who are now dead under us are the true spirits that the people have cultivated over the years; by the result of our killing, all the true spirits are swallowed by him, so, Everyone has no soul after death, and there is no real spirit."

"According to the book madman's previous narration, it can be argued that when the war was in the past, it was certain that someone got the cultivation method of the true spirit of the Lord; and this person was the most suspected of the Holy King."

When it comes to the words "the most suspected of the Holy King," Mo Tianji said it was very difficult.

The people present at the hearing of this sentence are also heavy and gloomy.

"Now, Xie Danqiong is about to ascend to the world, and for the world, it is irrelevant, even a good thing to see for it; but it only damages the face of the saint. So it is normal for the saint to be secretly arranged."

Mo Tianji smiled a little: "Maybe in the eyes of many people, it is necessary to do the same with the noble status of the Holy King; but what we have always neglected is that...and the cultivation of the true magic, this powerful reason ""

"This point, before the book madman told me, I believe that we have never dreamed of it."

"The vast majority of those who come to die are top masters, and the strength is strong enough to dominate one side; such people, in the process of cultivation of the true magic, have reached a moment that can swallow up huge profits. ”

"If you compare the image with a little bit, it is like a fruit grower planting an orchard. After a long period of management irrigation, this orchard is now in the harvest season."

Mo Tianji whispered: "He is harvesting. It is also destroying! Destroy the throne ceremony!"

The people were shocked.

"And we, but passively become the sickle in his hands, help him harvest the fruit. Although our heart is not willing, but we can not let these people destroy the throne ceremony."

"So we can only kill, can only be used. And the result of this is that every time we kill a person, it adds a bit of strength to him."

"This is a vicious circle of helplessness, but it has to be done!"

"Even if we clearly see through his intentions, I still can only do things according to his intentions!"

"It's a knot that can't be solved!"

"If it is another means, we may still be able to find ways to counter these controlled people; but... the means of manipulation of the true spirits of the Holy Spirit, let us have no possibility of rebellion, even if one of the two is really countered by us. The next moment, the two of them will die out instantly. The result is that the conspirators’ halving of the benefits of the two men, or not, will not hurt their roots."

Muxi and others are pale!

Such speculation is reasonable and the evidence is conclusive!

However, it points the facts to an absolutely bad situation in which everyone refuses to die and is unwilling to accept it. That is tantamount to completely destroying the beliefs of the vast majority of people throughout their lives, the loyalty of their lives, and the philosophy of a lifetime!

Moreover, even if all these facts are clarified and how can it be, now there is room for countering the conspirators under such a situation? !

Disappointment, despair, hopelessness...

"Please come back." Mo Tianji took a deep breath: "I don't say much about other things... but the only thing I ask everyone is: as much as possible... in the most desperate way To enhance your own strength!"

"The sooner the better! The higher the better!"

"If we don't want to succumb to the conspirators in the future, we will face a powerful enemy with horror to the extreme! And the terrible thing about this enemy is that it must be ten thousand times more than that of the year." !"

"Let's do it yourself!" Mo Tianji said quietly.

The double kings of paintings and calligraphy and the rafts are almost at the same time, flying away; when everyone is walking, the extreme shock on his face has not yet been eliminated.

The two guards of the demon emperor are immediately departing, and the prince demon, Ningning, solemnly entrusted to Chu Yang to take care of, and then return to the demon day!

This news must be notified to the demon queen the first time.

This news, can not use any means of communication, because the use of any means of communication, the Holy King is likely to intercept. What's more, Sheng Jun is now in the ink cloud! !

For a time, there was only a dry horse and other horses in the room.

Nine robbery brothers, sword masters, purple evil spirits, Mo light dance, ink tears, Chu Leer, catastrophe spirit, tiger brother.

But still no one spoke.

Everyone's face is extremely heavy.

It has been difficult to fight against the law in the three days of the nine heavens; but at that time, compared with the present, it is simply far away!

The difficulty is hundreds of millions of times more than enough!

"Next, we have to do this..." Mo Tianji stepped on the steps: "First of all, we must not let the people on the cloud discover that we have discovered his greatest secret. So, the killing is still to kill..."

"But... Chuyang boss is afraid to be more tired." Mo Tianji turned to look at Chuyang.

Chu Yang nodded deeply: "I have to kill by me! I use the nine robbery sword to kill!"

Like the Nine Robbery Sword, it has the power to swallow; it can completely devour the true spirit. Chu Yang understands the meaning of Mo Tianji.

"The goal above the sage level... all must be killed by the nine robbery swords, or you can miss one of the two true spirits, let him absorb..." Mo Tiandao said: "Otherwise he is afraid of being suspicious, With his old ideas, some flaws may cause great changes. We need to temporarily stabilize the situation and not break ahead."

"Not bad." Chu Yang agreed.

"Your mission is also relatively heavy... You can kill the target under the saint without any scruples, but the repairer above the saint must be as boring as possible... if the boss is not present." Mo Tianji looked at several other brothers.

Several brothers and a few women were also exposed to bitterness.

The more people who are low-educated, the more they want to kill, the more they cultivate high-powered people, but they must commit themselves to oysters...

This... this is really a big problem.

But the current situation is just coming to this step!

What is the reason?

Fight hard and do your best!

"And..." Chu Yang bite his teeth: "This time, it’s not a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for training; the world’s masters have come one after another. Before Xie Danqiong’s ascension, each of us has to experience thousands of battles ourselves... , comprehend, must be mentioned! This is not necessary for me to say why?"

Everyone is focused.

"Even if you are practicing yourself, you must also upgrade yourself to a higher level!" Mo Tianji added another sentence.

Jimo Rocco was mourning at the same time.

This is not to be alive... It’s hard to get to the level of the saints, but it’s still more desperate...

The three guys look like the earth, and the heart has already turned over the seventeenth and eighty generations of the sage.

If this is not the case, how many of our brothers are going to be so bleak to live like this?

I am dying of your ancestors!

Chu Yang thinks again and again, or from the nine robbery space to take out the essence of the drug spirit that has been condensed and painstaking, each person made a grain. Zheng Zhong said: "This kind of medicine is very beneficial to the growth itself. However, this growth is completely external force after all, and the growth rate is still quite large for your current strength, and it is even more important for its own foundation. No benefit. So, once you take this medicine, you must constantly fight, go to death, use your full strength, and fight with any enemy."

"Using the temper between life and death, and the comprehension of countless battles, to promote those huge forces to fully integrate into their true elements, truly reintegrate themselves and become their own things, so that they can bring rapid improvement. The shortcomings are eliminated in the shortest possible time. Only the other side can completely take the second one after a while."

Chu Yang solemnly smashed it, and said: "Our brothers are getting together. Although they enjoy the unparalleled cultivation of the world, there are countless super-medicine aids, but in order to open those The power of the elixir will turn it into our own strength, but it is destined to bear more life and death than others. The test of survival..." (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster! )

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