Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 563: IQ is not equal to emotional intelligence

"Through the hurricane and rain of the rivers and lakes, bear the temper between life and death..." Chu Yang gently spit out a sigh of relief, muttering: "Our brothers are young, but they have been rolling on the rivers and lakes over the years, not to mention that they are in life and death anytime, anywhere. The edge is almost the same... Any one-year encounter, especially those between life and death, is almost comparable to the life of another saint. What is it for?"

The brothers were awe-inspiring, listening to him quietly, without saying a word.

Listening to Chu Yang’s words, everyone’s hearts are mixed.

Yes, there are bosses, there are good medicines for life and death, there are countless inexhaustible treasures, and there are countless opportunities...

Everyone has created a miracle in this world! Until now, the brothers have taken control of one party and become the best in the world.

Mo Tianji controls the intelligence of the world, and he is more strategizing and winning thousands of miles.

Xie Danqiong is about to become a generation of Emperor!

These brilliant achievements, with any one, said that they actually only used a short period of less than three years ... who will be scared of a big head!

But what have you paid for yourself and others? People only saw our young heroes, young and brilliant achievements, unpredictable strength, but who really knows that our nine brothers are practicing hard every night? For a few years, there was no hard work to sleep in bed.

In addition to the occasional brothers who can relax when they have a party to drink, who can know their own desperate time when they are alone?

Every wire is every moment, every moment is practicing!

Just for the goal in my heart: in this world, become a legend! In this world, create a legend that belongs to our brothers!

When I am, when you set foot on the peak, I have you around!

That's it!

In the long night, the martial arts essence is savvy, and the reaction in each case is carried out in the wind and snow. In the rain, the sword is slashed in the storm, and the sword is smashed in the squall, facing the mountain and punching, facing the opponent's bright sword! How many times, I have tossed myself up and down, and I have tossed myself to the edge of life and death.

Still not tireless!

What is this for?

Especially Ji Mo and Rock Enemy, the two are even more sore at the tip of the nose, almost shed tears. In these years, the qualifications of the two of them are worse than those of other brothers. In order not to fall behind, in order to be able to stay behind, God knows what these two people paid?

Alone, go deep into the wild, fight with thousands of monsters; what is dangerous to do things, where to risk where to drill, because you need the pressure between life and death to spur yourself, breakthrough……

Otherwise, you can't catch up...

The brothers are silent, but there is a kind of awesome face.

It is a kind of bitter bitterness, but more, it is a kind of pride in the face of heaven and earth!

We have eaten so much bitterness that we have the achievements of today and today. Life and death are already a hassle for us. What are you afraid of?

If you are even alive and dead, what if you face a terrible enemy? !

Chu Yang quietly looked at the eight brothers, and finally smiled and said: "Go everyone!"

Then add a sentence: "Don't forget to take the medicine."

This time, it was the only time after the mission was released, the brothers went out silently.

Even the most naughty Ji Mo and Rock Enemies were always silent, and did not say a word from beginning to end.

Here, it is safe, even if it is a thousand horses to attack, as long as the brothers are together, it is invincible!

But once you go out, you are fighting each other!

In the face of the whole world, the seeds of the Holy Spirit cultivated by the Holy King are dead!

Everyone’s face seems to be flashing with a knife and sword when going out!

Looking at the brothers going out, Chu Yang began to walk outside.

"Big Brother, let me stay." Chu Leer said. In the eyelids, there are some weird looks that seem to be unclear to her.

"Okay." Chu Yang did not look back and agreed.

The red clothes fluttered, and Mo-light danced out, tightly following the Chuyang side, and floated out together with Chuyang. The figures of the two people are completely synchronized, like one.

The white clothes flashed, and the purple evil feelings were like flying outside the sky. The volley came out, and the "brush" disappeared into the distance.

The purple evil character is hard and never willing to act with Chu Yang. It is not only Chu Yang, it will not cooperate with anyone, and always insists that one person alone will go it alone.

For this practice of purple evil, Chu Yang is speechless and extremely helpless.

But no matter how to persuade, even if they do not hesitate to use the rogue means together, but it is also unable to change the personality of purple evil.

Three of the four women in the scene had gone, and the last woman’s tears disappeared in the black room, so she disappeared quietly in the hall.

I don't know where I went.

But Mo Tianji knows that the ink tears must have gone to the position that is easy to attack the enemy. Once it is shot, it is lore!

Chu Leer's white fluttering, watching the figure of Chu Yang and Mo Qingwu disappeared in the same eye, biting his lips, his eyes are awkward. Suddenly, I said, "Mo light dance... It’s good for my brother... Hey."

"But my brother is better for her." Chu Leer added another sentence.

Mo Tianji smirked and slammed his hand and nodded. "Yes, yeah."

Just now, when I heard Chu Leer’s own initiative to ask to stay, Mo Tianji only felt that his head was so excited that he would explode. Even the other party did not hear anything clearly, but simply agreed.


Such a person is actually a generation of peerless military divisions!

Chu Leer bite his lip with hatred, and sighs: "Mo light dance is really happy. I can find my brother, a woman, who can be cared for by my beloved man. This life is really worth it."

Mo Tianji nodded again and again, posing like a jade tree, seemingly old-fashioned and handsome, but actually a little silly to the extreme dagger: "Yes, yes."

"Don! You are a fool! Wood!"

Chu Leer did not suffocate and slammed his feet, and stepped on the heavy steps.

This guy is simply stupid, and I have hinted so clearly... This article will not even pick up the scenes at least!

If you are embarrassed to say yourself directly, do you even say "Lear, you will definitely have someone in the future who is better than Chu Yang to light dance" and will not say such a sentence?

If you said it, I will be very resentful back to the sentence: Really? But where is that person? I don't know when it will happen... then I sigh again...

The topic opens, then everyone talks about it well...

But never imagined that this piece of wood would only be a goose, saying: Yes, yeah... it’s your head!

I have already said this to the point, do you want the girl to confess directly to you: Mo Tianji, do you like me? I actually like you very much, do you have a bad relationship? ...that?

I am a girl! I don’t know! Do not understand! do you know! Chu Leer’s heart is mad.

Dead wood stays wood!

Is the smart and savvy on weekdays all pretending? !

Or is this now out of the way? !

Chu Leer rushed away,

Mo Tianji was shocked to see the Iraqi people leave, and subconsciously touched his head, suddenly stunned and muttered: "What's wrong? What's wrong with it, obviously talking about it, how excited it is suddenly angry..."

A group of black smoke in the air was twisted, and the soul of the catastrophe couldn’t help but rushed out.

No, I will watch it and listen to it. I will be completely collapsed by Mo Tianji...

Really did not expect, then a person who is resourceful and unscrupulous...

In this respect, I was able to be mentally handicapped to the point of idiots.

It’s so unexpected...

It’s really laughing at me...


In a short time, Chu Leer went out with a new task, and came back after a while. Sitting on the side of the chair with a cold face, he said nothing, and he looked unhappy, as if he didn’t want to have a non-emotional intelligence with only IQ. Human beings are alone.

Mo Tianji has a bit of chaos, but he has to make a look of old-fashioned and big brother. He smiles faintly: "How do you feel like an angry girl? Oh, why are you angry, can you talk to my older brother?" ”

Chu Leer turned his eyes and said: "What do you say! How am I angry? I feel that I am very happy! Very happy! Pretty happy! Also, my older brother is Chu Yang, who are you? ?!"

Mo Tianji heard a word, subconsciously said: "Ah?! I am a Mo Tianji!"

When Chu Leer saw it, he even gnashed his teeth. The low-lying female screamed: "Is it a Mo Tianji? I tell you, I am very, very happy now!"

Mo Tianji, who was temporarily IQ due to emotional intelligence, finally felt the anger of Chu Leer, but he was obviously unable to touch his mind when his emotional intelligence was negative. He said carefully: "Yes, yes, I am also very happy."

Said, very graceful look went to the window, secretly sniffing the aroma of Chu Leer in the nose, for a moment of heart and soul, good mood.

Oh, I am really happy, just let me be with you...

啥米? ! I am like this! You dare to say that you are also very happy! Still so arrogant, full of enthusiasm, happy and happy - Chu Leer's nose is discouraged, yin and yang said: "The scenery outside the window is beautiful? Today's weather is good?"

Mo Tianji nodded and sighed, "Yes, yeah..."



Chu Leer slaps on the table and screams and walks on the ground again!

I really can't stand it.

If I hear it again, ‘Yes, yeah’, this lady will definitely go crazy, sure! !

The music is not affected, but it is not yet known. Anyway, the table and the ground must not be able to stand it. The table with the palm of your hand is instantaneously turned into powder, and the ground is also marked with a small and exquisite three-inch golden lotus. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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