Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 564: It's a bit wrong

"The next time I dance back, I must ask her to ask for advice. What do the young girls think about? In terms of reason, mature, steady, chic, and resourceful... not the most attractive girl. Important factor..."

Mo Tianji looked at Chu Leer’s “nothing to come” and angered away from his back. He was puzzled by his heart: “I used to go out, it’s like this, the girls have to look at each other’s eyes. This time, I deliberately put it out, how can I receive this kind of treatment? It doesn't make sense,"

Although Mo Tianji has an extremely high IQ, there is no one in the world who can do anything, but his own emotional intelligence is really... miserable.

However, he has always been in this face, and people feel that he is omnipotent, but no one has thought that this is the master of the world, the intelligence is comparable to super white Even worse!

Yes, women like this kind of man, this is true; but in general, women see this man as a landscape.

Well, you can look at it from afar and you can’t play it...

Once a woman really touches you, then you need to take the initiative, be considerate, gentle, even... some wolf, sweet talk, some relatives, even shameless, even if it is a real beast, it is also Acceptable, even if it is pretentious, it will eventually be half-push...

But the woman is moving to you, and you still have the kind of saint-like appearance, that is, the beast is not as good as it is, absolutely there is any good fruit to eat.

Mo Tianji was focused on one line at an early age, and he was completely unconcerned with other things. In case he killed someone and took his daughter to the side, the two beautiful women around him had been with him for several years. No.

For Mo Qingwu, he was wronged at the beginning. All he did was to help himself from the outside, but never thought about it. At that time, a straightforward comfort, a warmth and support of the soul, far exceeded He is doing things hundreds of times outside.

Although the actual effect is actually inversely proportional!

But people always need that kind of speech, heart, warmth, support!

It’s just that I can’t think of this.

Even if a wise man does something stupid, if he doesn't break it, then he will never be able to get around that strange circle. It is also true now!

I like a girl, I never want to put it into action in the past, to express my confession in person. As for how to act and how to confess, it is the six 窍 in the Seven Miles - nowhere.

In the mind of Mo Tianji, it is very self-righteous to think that as long as I put on the side of my most proud, most graceful, most temperament, most chic, most..., it is natural that everything should be done in a natural way. That is to say, it is natural and natural.

I never thought about it, the so-called temperament, those things are for outsiders to see. For my own lover, what I really need is thoughtfulness and warmth, not the so-called **** temperament...

Women, after all, still need to be embarrassed, even if you are dead, nothing is wrong, the most taboo is to install ... that oh!


The days will still go down every day. Although there are more and more people in Qionghua City, the order in the city is getting more and more calm. Of course, the lively atmosphere is as always, not because there are more and more crabs. .

But no one knows, under the calm of this surface, what kind of stormy waves are hidden in the end!

It is just to maintain the calm of this surface, but also spent a lot of energy on the nine robbers and the millions of soldiers in the Imperial City!

These days, Chu Yang and others have been constantly looking for, researching and killing.

This process, as it progresses, seems to be becoming more and more skilled.

Countless masters entered the city of Qionghua, and then disappeared silently.

Every day, the few people responsible for blocking will have to find at least 10 battles at least!

Defeat the enemy, kill, or oyster.

Chu Yang is even more busy, because not only his own goals need to be killed, but also those who are caught by other brothers, they need Chu Yang to host the fight!

Under the nine-robbery sword of Chu Yang, in this short one-and-a-half-month period, at least two thousand dead souls have been added!

And these two thousand souls, no one, repaired under the saint!

In other words, Chu Yang has at least killed more than two thousand superpowers at the level of saints!

Of course, through this time of killing, it also makes everyone more mature, and cultivation is also growing by leaps and bounds! The few people who occupy the forefront, the cultivation has begun to steadily move toward the level of senior saints!

Progress can be described as fast!

The last few people have also established a firm foothold at the level of the intermediate saints and gradually move forward!

Everyone is fighting against time, cherishing every bit of time, everyone is working hard.

However, it is less than a month away from the enthronement of the Qionghua Emperor.

Time is getting more and more urgent, more and more is not enough, but the masters from all directions are still inexhaustible, surging...


The high-altitude, the man above the white clouds, seems to feel something wrong during this time, but it is not specific where it is wrong!

Looking down, I frowned deeply.

This feeling of mismatch has lasted for a month and a half.

During this time, he did not go down in person, but on the high ground, running this kind of heart-throat, constantly harvesting the true spirit, and growing himself,

I don't want to go down to investigate clearly, but because my own looks are too familiar to most people in the Nine Heavens. After all, my own images have already been announced.

As long as one is not careful, it will be recognized. As for the easy-to-wear disguise, the holy prince is unwilling: as the supreme ruler of Scorpio, he has to be forced to change his face and do something thief to do something...

This kind of sneaky feeling, he really does not want to have.

Even for some purposes, it must be temporarily changed to someone else's appearance, and then it will be changed back afterwards.

A sacred monarch, the first person in the world, can you take the face of others? The name of others?

This is not a matter of self-satisfaction and pride, but the issue of status and status. At this level, it’s already a matter of heaven and earth, and it’s all bright.

Of course, if he does not have so many secrets.

I am a cloud person, I will be a cloud person!


However, some time ago, I suddenly felt that I had to gain a lot of magical power. Not nothing, but a lot less. I should have been able to harvest more than a hundred miles a day, but on that day, there are only twenty.

He didn't care too much. It doesn't matter to him more or less, and the length of time is enough for him to absorb. Moreover, the following little guys have been fighting for so long, have been desperate, or tired, or someone will be injured, or, someone is killing the target, it is a coincidence that the target is true It is not impossible for the spirit to be destroyed before it is passed away...

This has caused a decline in combat effectiveness, and the reduction in the number of true spirits is also a normal thing, and it is reasonable.

He guessed it right, Chu Yang and other brothers, almost every day, there are people injured, and even more than once injured in one day, to have the goal of cultivating the sage level, how can it be able to retreat in the hands of every time, It is simply not realistic.

If Chu Yang does not have Jiu Dan Dan, such as the anti-Japanese medicine, I am afraid that this moment has already reached the point where the saints are now guessing: fatigue can not fight, injury can not fight!

Therefore, the Holy King did not care too much; since it is reasonable, it is normal - even if he himself is not likely to be so long and tired, do not know how to fatigue!

However, after ten days of this, it is a bit weird.

It's not entirely because of the decrease in quantity, but because of the heart-to-heart technique in the hands, some of them actually lost power inexplicably, lost their sense of existence and became floating.

This kind of thing is too unusual!

Similar incidents are not absolutely impossible. For example, the target being taken by the enemy is suddenly killed by the enemy, and the unintelligible true spirit is also smashed, and the soul is completely smashed. This will cause the mind to be too late to pull the other side. The true spirit, and become untargeted, so this phenomenon may occur.

In that case, in the next period of time, a line belonging to which person slowly loses vitality and slowly floats.

This process usually takes several days to be discovered by the controller.

This is also the only flaw in the practice of practicing the true spirit of the Holy Spirit.

However, the chances of this happening are extremely small. If it is not deliberate, it will not be able to happen once in a normal situation for almost 10,000 years.

In fact, the situation has been expected for this situation. After all, Chu Yang and other people are doing the killing action. It is not a rare thing to kill the target, even the gods and souls are not rare. Cheng is also understandable

However, during this time, this situation has appeared continuously and successively, and the harvest has dropped by 80%.

"This is definitely what happened, otherwise there will be no such targeted strategy!" The holy king turned into a white cloud, slowly falling, and when it reached the ground more than a thousand feet, it turned into a misty mist. Invisible and falling down.

Staying in the dozens of places above Qionghua City, the tyrannical consciousness instantly made a large net, and fell down, actually completely shrouded the entire Qionghua City.

In a short time, I have already found the young masters who are working here.

I saw that these people are still rushing in and rushing away. However, what is different from the past is that they used to be alone, but now they are two two three and three, and they work together.

Although the action is still fast, it can no longer hide the tiredness on the face.

"This is normal." St. Jun slowly nodded: "Those things that can be done before or by one person, but now it is already tired. In order to be safe, it is natural to act side by side..." Continue. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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