Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 565: Master!

There are still battles in every corner of the city.

There are constantly targets to be killed. The sage can clearly feel that the sacred spirits are gathering toward themselves.

Everything is ok.

No problem!

Then what is wrong with yourself? Is it an illusion? !

But the next moment, he frowned.

I saw the following, the two black youths found a goal close to the sage's intermediate strength, and were violently strangled; and the true spirit was obviously defeated, and it would be defeated.

Each of these people has a weapon of the gods in each hand. Everyone is a war, and everyone has a true spirit above this sage.

The goal was to break through, but the two men stopped desperately, but they did not hurt the killer. They just wandered and blocked the space where everything could escape.

Finally, the target was seriously injured and was not shackled. The two men grabbed the man and quickly left.

The sacred priest’s thoughts are curious about this result. He has grasped how people can not kill on the spot, but instead take it away. Is it possible to cause trouble? Moreover, oysters are significantly more expensive than killing. Isn't this a thanklessness?

Together with curiosity, God followed the past, but saw a heavily guarded cell.

There are two people in charge who are responsible for the trial.

"Say, who sent you here!"

"Don't you say that? Come, come on!"

A sneer: "If you don't say it, if I can't spread the soul of your toss, then it's impossible for you..."

Then it was the use of punishment, a screaming again and again...


It turned out to be the case.

St. Jun frowned, and the white clouds floated up, and instantly returned to the Jiuyunyun: "Therefore, they have already noticed that there are people behind them, and they are trying to seize the high-level person's interrogation... I want to get out of the scenes."

"The broken minds are just because they are tortured and unwilling to live, and eventually they all disappeared..."

"However, you are doomed to be in vain, even if they let them fly a thousand times, they can't say anything. So it's a pity that my true spirit. But let you make a few noises. God, wait until you can’t ask anything, and you’ll be dead.”

At this point, the Holy Spirit is a wide heart.

But did not notice that the guards in the cell had a weird look on their faces.

This is his mother's blame!

When Laozi looked at his cell for a lifetime, he had never seen any such interrogation of prisoners.

Every time it’s called ‘I’m going to scatter your soul’s souls’!

However, after a few screams in a row, after a moment of torture, no longer wait, then a simple and clean sword, and then put on a new batch, or the set ‘say no? If you don't say me, I will spread your tortured soul! ‘—— Then after a few times, it’s a clean and clean sword...

Your sister's... What do you say torture? Is it a torture that is a little bit of torture? Will it be used in the end?

Day, this is probably a perverted murderer who doesn’t understand the so-called torture. The people you tortured are not the people you caught, you tortured the ears of us...

I hear the same sentence every day... I don’t want to implement it in a concrete way!

Will we all collapse?

At first, I thought that this grandfather came in with confidence. It is a good way to have a climactic trial. Everyone is going to learn to follow the hand... Now it’s good, the prisoners are almost not tortured, but we are Torture is going crazy...

Forgive me...

...and the last half of the month, it was a good day to go to the Grand Prix of Qionghua Emperor!

this day……

In the south of the city, suddenly there was a shout!

The long whistling sound rolled up and shook the sky. Then, in the long sky, it seemed to suddenly sound blue.

The whole world seems to be shining too, and it is distorted once.

In Qionghua City, Mo Tianji and others are all in the heart: master! There are masters coming!

This person who comes is definitely a senior saint, and may even be the peak of the saint!

A burly big man carrying his hands, like riding a cloud, came to the gate of the city and stood up with his hands. He said: "The black misty mountains and black mists are true, and come to congratulate the Qionghua Emperor on the throne, and all the troubles are all over. ”

The face of the city gate official showed a shocking expression.

The black misty mountains of the Black Mist Mountain are the natives of Mo Yuntian. They are dominated by a mountain range. It is said that they have already reached the point of omnipotence.

All along, when Yuan Tian was limited, he never missed a half-point action against Black Mist Mountain.

The black misty true monarch has always existed in the legend. In the rumors, this true monarch will only appear once in a million years. Every time it appears, it will cause a catastrophe!

Unexpectedly, this time Qionghua the Great ascended the throne, he actually came to congratulate himself!

Qionghua Emperor really has a face.

When a person comes, it can make people feel that ‘the generation of the Emperor really has a face’... The power of this black mist is already visible!

The city gate official saw him as a man. Naturally, he did not dare to neglect. He personally registered it, and then put the black mist into the city and accompany him with care.

The black mist is really headed up.


Outside the East Gate, a crowd of people, a man with his face, wrinkles, white hair, trembled in the crowds, people who saw this scene all pinched a cold sweat: This old man, don’t want to be accidentally squeezed to death...

It’s not unusual to see that there’s only one breathless skinny look that has been squeezed alive!

And this old man, just squatting, with a dimly gaze, walked into Qionghuacheng all the way in a late gesture. At the time of registration, I also honestly showed my identity and wrote a name that made people worry: late cattle!

The registrar saw this childish name, and then saw the old man in front of him, almost screaming on the spot.

I smiled and put the old man in.

When the old man enters the crowd in the city, it is like a drop of water into the sea, and it is gone for a moment.

The registration officer changed the class, and the previous registration data was submitted and replaced with another new one.

The register enters the city gate. Here, more than 300 people carefully distinguish, find, confirm, and constantly remove the information of the holy and above warriors. The remaining ones are sealed up.

People come and go, only to hear the rush of footsteps, and the sound of brushing the paper, everyone is focused, even a gasp.

From time to time, there were light maids who walked in and crept, filling the crowd with tea.

It is said to add tea, but in fact the cup is still full, because almost no one of these hundreds of people have time to drink.

This time, Mo Yuntian changed the land, and the new Majesty stepped on the throne. This is a big thing, and it is a crucial part of it.

Everyone has gone through the most rigorous investigation, and only those who are innocent are qualified to sit here to work. From the time of coming in, until the end of Qionghua’s emperor, there is absolutely no one who can go out.

Obviously it has been strictly kept to an almost harsh level!

And such a job, everyone is very cherished, as long as the successful conclusion of the throne ceremony, these people can be said to be the **** supporters of Qionghua, there is today's work from the dragon, then must be Bright future.

However, if there is a leak under the hand of that person, then it will be broken...

Therefore, everyone will be serious to the point of horrible, but also 100% spontaneous and voluntary.

It was in a solemn silence. Suddenly someone "Ha" laughed and pointed to a name on the register. He said: "A late cow... Haha, an old man actually called such a name, it really laughed at me... ”

Everyone heard the words and smiled at the same time, telling the truth to do such a heavy work here, the only fun is to find some fun from some strange names, in exchange for a moment of ease.

The official haha ​​smiled and said: "An old man... Hahaha, a wrinkled old man is actually called a late cow... Haha... and still a 1.17 million old man called late Niu Niu... Hahaha... Hey? A??"

The laughter suddenly stopped!

Not only him, all the people who heard this sentence stopped laughing at the same time, his face became suspicious, and there was a shock!

An old man is naturally not strange!

It is not surprising that not only Qionghua City, but also every town receives many old people every day.

As for the name of the old man, it is ridiculous, but it is not surprising.

The name is a sign of a person, even if it is more ridiculous, even more bizarre names exist.

But this age record of 1.17 million years old... is really shocking!

What kind of person can live to 1.17 million years old? Only the peak warrior! It is only inferred from this age that the other party must at least be a senior saint!

Because even the primary saint can't live so long!

In fact, even the age of the seven-star guard is now almost the same size!

The foreman official, Horan stood up: "I said, you are not mistaken? Is the record really recorded as 1.17 million years old? Not one hundred and seventeen years old?"

The official is already sweating: "This... yes... absolutely correct, here is his identification!"

The foreman official walked in three steps and took two steps. He grabbed the information and shouted: "The 100,000 people will send the information to the commander!"

Immediately there was a ghostly general guard who appeared and took the information and went to the wind.

Looking at the back of the guard, everyone was sweating.

A few people are already white and white.

Fortunately, this cargo later discovered that the age of this person is one hundred and seventy-seven thousand years old... Otherwise, the old man will leak.

This is too hanging!


After the second chapter was updated, I started to smash the street. Some people owe me, and I will fulfill him. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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