Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 566: Transfer troops will be!

"Everyone gives me all the heart! Little haha! Serious, serious!" The foreman official screamed and sounded! At the same time wiped the sweat, still afraid of it, in case there is a problem here, in the collective laughter of the past ignored the past, then ... this full house hundreds of people must go with the head of the nine people!

When the official who found the problem sat down, he found that he was sweating so much that his underwear was soaked... He sat down and his pants were cold.

Really hanging...

Grandma dripping, others are sweating on a nervous head, how can I sweat in a tight crotch... It’s also a head, but it’s a small head... The official’s heart screams.

"Poor cattle..." Mo Tianji looked at the name of the person and waved his hand and said: "Reconfirm the personal information again. If the basic information is true, all the information will be sorted out and summarized back!"

The efficiency of the intelligence system that was originally hosted by Mo Tianji did not appear to reconfirm the information of someone. But this time, the relationship is significant. A super old man who is over a million years old is just because of this age. , there is a re-confirmation, the value of the data summary!

Public is private, private and private. Although Chu Leer has a very good opinion of someone, he will never be awkward in this kind of business with Mo Tianji. It is like a wind blowing out and quickly coming to a separate hall.

This hall is much larger than the room where Mo Tianji himself is located. It is almost ten times larger than the hall. It is recorded by the masters of the rivers and lakes recorded in the years of the Moyun calendar.

"A late cow! One hundred and seventeen thousand years old! Check!"


There are a hundred intelligence personnel here, each of whom is responsible for the record of the masters of the rivers and lakes for a certain period of time. As long as there is specific information about a certain person, the speed of finding them is very fast.

For example, this late cow, his age is a very significant sign.

It’s just a moment’s work, the information of the late cow is checked out,

"Poor cattle, male, unknown origin; proof of identity is the original registration in the middle of the day, this person is cruel to kill when he is young, indiscriminately killing innocent, still like a violent woman ... it has already had a day when it first appeared As a repairer, he came to the Moyun Tianshen Army...and served as the captain of the military team..."

"In the 30 years of the Battle of the Moyun Heaven, the merits were very good; but when he was promoted to the general, he quietly went away... Afterwards, he was rampant in the rivers and lakes, specializing in looting and looting. countless……"

"This person has a near-perverted hobby for Tiancaidibao. Anyone who sees it will inevitably get the target in his hands... This will lead to a **** case, but I don’t know how many things; only in a certain year, I died in a tragic death. The innocent people in the hands are as big as 3,000 people..."

"Zeng Huaming was late Qianshan, and entered the Zhongji Tianqing Fengzong. Ten years later, there were more than 7,000 people in the Qingfeng dynasty. All of them died of death, the Qingling ancestor’s legacy, the Lingbao, and the 'fire tree silver flower' that had a huge auxiliary effect on the individual foundation. The whereabouts are unknown; Zenghua’s name is long and sneak into the East Emperor’s Tianlian Mountain Conference. After a few years, Lianshan will be uprooted by it, and the dogs will not stay...more than 20 large and small gates will be destroyed, all wealth and heaven The treasure is all for him..."

"The official has repeatedly ordered that the arrests have no effect. The soldiers will fold, and I don’t know how many... and later, the late cattle slowly become convergent, and Yuan Tianjun ordered that the order to kill them be revoked... ”

"...until 100,000 years ago, the late Niu Niu people disappeared in the rivers and lakes... no longer reproduced."

"All weapons: soft sword, this sword is said to be the golden dragon dragon ribs and the purple enamel iron cast, the texture is different, can be long or short, soft and hard, a sword in hand, all the weapons in the world will be in In the bag..."

"It is unclear to cultivate the method of practice; it is suspected to be a nine-day Dafa, but there is no evidence for it..."

"Character: quirks and violent, and inconsistent with people, it may kill the whole city! Cruel to the extreme, was once named the first murderer of Mo Yuntian..."

"Face, face is dry, thin and dry, white hair is like a coveted old man..."


Mo Tianji looked at it several times before and after holding this information. Except for the original identity certificate, it was from Zhongjitian, and there was nothing more special.

According to the above information, this person has a 50% chance, which is from which mystery. In other words, this late cow is very likely to be a... true spirit!

And it is the true spirit of the senior level of the saint!

Mo Tianji sighed in his heart, and there was an inexplicable shock rising: How many cards did the master hold under his arm? The true spirit of this level is really too big, right? !

Every time the back hand is taken out, it is so shocking! It’s just shocking!

Although shocked, Mo Tianji is still certain: this is definitely not the most powerful card of the Holy King!

He must have hidden other powers, perhaps more horrible than what he is now!

This is for sure!

Since the enemy has made another move, Mo Tianji can't fight without it; but this time, facing a senior saint, who should be sent?

Is there any strategy to be sent, but also the original intention of living? Is it a bit of a death?

Mo Tianji frowned and sealed the information and handed it to Chu Leer: "Take this information to find the boss, and then let him make a decision on this incident."

"There is still the dark fog, and let him make a decision."

Speaking of the analysis of the combat effectiveness of both the enemy and the enemy, at this point, Mo Tianji is not as good as Chu Yang, so he directly handed over the hot potato.

Can make this choice to others to decide, Mo Tianji has a strange feeling that seems to be relieved!

"Why is this?" Chu Leer is a bit strange: Didn't it always be dominated by Mo Tianji? How is this different?

"I will never be arrogant, but I will not be too self-sufficient. For specific battles, analyzing enemy forces and formulating this aspect of the enemy strategy, I am not as good as Chu Yang." Mo Tianfan said frankly: "More, I The heart is too hard, only to see the result; not care about the process; this will inevitably lead to more sacrifices in the process, and perhaps these sacrifices may not be necessary."

"While Chu Yang is different, although Chu Yang also values ​​the results, he is more concerned about those sacrifices in the process. He will try to reduce the price he has to pay in this process, as long as he can reduce the cost at the cost of life. I would rather choose a certain roundabout than to get the results in the most direct and cold-blooded way."

Mo Tiandao said: "And in the current situation, no matter which one is lost, or what causes the injury that cannot be healed, we can't afford it. So, this matter is handed over to the boss of Chu. Make sure everything is safe."

"Not to mention that the two men are too high, I am afraid that I will make a decision to have an accident."

Chu Leer said: "It turns out that my older brother is better."

Then a gust of wind generally floated out.

Don't look at the music, but still boast of Chu Yang, but in my heart, there is something new about Mo Tianji: Mo Tianji, still very self-aware.

Mo Tianji, the trust in Chu Yang has obviously reached a point where it can't be added!

Mo Tianji did not think that he was omnipotent. He was sober and knew his strengths and weaknesses.

Somehow, Chu Leer feels sincere happiness in generating such an idea in his heart.

So this time she went to Chuyang, she was completely happy with a kind of joy and a kind of faint feeling of relief.

"I said Shantou, are you stunned?" Chu Yang brows almost wrinkled together, looking at his sister.

This little girl will not have a fever, right? With a gesture that can almost be described as 'Caper', give yourself a bad news that the extraordinarily large, stress can kill people...

Is this news worthy of your happiness?

"Big brother, what are you talking about, I don't have much..." Chu Leer's hands are behind her back, with a little girl's unique posture, jumping happily, and the strangeness of Chu Yang simply does not mean it. .

Originally, she was able to make such a move with Le's age theory. Chu Yang should be happy and happy. A little girl’s family should not have suffered so much, but at this moment, Chu Yang is very depressed, very puzzled!

"How are you so happy?" Chu Yang's brow wrinkled deeper: "Is it a good thing? Share it with my eldest brother?"

Chu Leer’s face was red, and she saw a little more pretty. She said, “I won’t tell you!” Then he turned and walked out and jumped out: “Well, I will go back...”

"嗖" has no shadow at all.

"This girl... how surprised, how is it like a little nerve..." Chu Yang smiled and smiled. Then I looked at the name and information of the late cow, and I couldn’t help but meditate.

To deal with such a person, Rock's enemies and Ji Mo are obviously not suitable.

This person is directly a perverted killer!

To deal with such people, it is only the right way to kill as soon as possible in the most direct way!

To perform such a task, two people are most suitable: Dong is not hurt, Gu is alone!

Of course, there is an extra ink tear.

Ink tears always wander around Dong Wuju, she absolutely does not allow Ai Lang to be in danger alone; there is no danger of resisting, she will jump out at any time to participate in solving the trouble!

So the three masters have to deal with this late cow...

I believe that even if the other party is a senior saint, the face of these three people is also fierce.

Chu Yang has been indulged for a while, and finally he is still on the list of late cattle, plus one person.

King knife!

This knife is now getting sharper and sharper.

Let him participate in a sniper campaign against the high-level saints, which is undoubtedly a great promotion for him! Especially close to the body will be the tears of the gods of the assassination, I believe that he can learn a lot of things in his immersion.

As for yourself, just go to Momo and dance for a while. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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