Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 567: Heroes?

Chu Yang’s heart is dark: With the strength of himself and the light dance, the senior black mist of the last saint should be more than enough to win the battle.

As long as the black mist is not the peak of the saint, you can take it with you and Mo Dance! Moreover, this will be the first time to face a powerful enemy since the reunion with Mo Dance!

Win! Invincible!

Chu Yang must establish this confidence. Not only for yourself, but more importantly for the light dance.

May the king accompany me and dance to Joan!


Chuyang’s calculations were fixed, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief and immediately issued an order.

Kill two senior saints!

Gu alone and Dong Wu immediately dispatched, two figures, a sharp and unparalleled, like a sword that broke through the sky; a burly and majestic, like the earth to advance together!

Dong Wushou and Gu Zhixing have an excitement in their hearts: Boss said: lore!

Then, this time, you must be lore!

The face of the nine robbers, I can't afford to lose! After the reunion, the boss’s first lore command can’t live up to it!


Looking at Dong Wu's injury and Gu's faithful departure, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and at the same time, there was an inexplicable feeling in his heart: Once upon a time, he faced a supreme master of the nine-day continent, and he was desperate to escape and succumb to his own danger; Even the escape is always a thin ice. But now, in the face of a nine-story sage-level strongman, he can decide his life and death in one sentence!

"I finally grew up..." Chu Yang Jianmei picked and looked at the boundless night outside the window. I don't know if I was proud or sighed, and sighed.

Black Mist Zhenjun sat in the inn, standing behind him, is two expressionless guards.

In front of him, there were two young girls who were squatting and helping him pinch his thighs. He stretched his body and covered his head. ......

Suddenly, there was a soothing sigh in his throat. It was obviously refreshing and it was already at the extreme. Suddenly, he suddenly got up and laughed. He grabbed one of the girls’ hairs and slammed them down. As soon as he stretched his neck, he suddenly took a sip on the girl's neck.

The blood is so strong, the girl's cheeky face instantly becomes pale, and a terrified scream is heard. Another girl seems to be scared because of this sudden, and she does not know how to act for a while.

It’s so stiff and motionless, like a woodcarving clay sculpture.

"Ha ha ha ... really is still fresh human blood, especially the blood of the virgin, the most delicious!" Black fog really laughed: "I didn't expect to have a virgin in this cloud-like city of Moyun. It’s really cheap...”

The laughter is not over yet, and suddenly a voice screams coldly: "Even if there is only one good woman left in the world to be met by you, it will not necessarily cost you!"

The cold voice said: "Because you don't deserve it!"

The black mist is really shocked, because with this cold, the two murderous murders have completely locked his entire person!

For a time, the peerless demon who used to hang through the entire cloud of the sky, actually gave birth to a creepy, not dare to move like that. The sharp teeth have already bitten the neck of the girl in the hand, and only need to use a little force to suck. This girl's virgin Yuanyin and the essence of life will be sucked into the mouth by him.

But under the threat of such murderous murder, he did not dare to move!

Another crisp voice said coldly: "I will let go of the woman immediately, and I will give you a chance to fight for a fair battle! If you don't, jade will burn!"

Under the murderous murderous spirits, the two bodyguards of Black Mist Zhenjun had already taken the first step in the moment, and they were completely shrouded by the mysterious people's knowledge. They were even white, and even their fingers did not dare to move!

Only the cold sweat that fell from the forehead fell, dripping on the ground, and "squeaking".

These two bodyguards also have a peak of heaven and earth, which is by no means a mediocrity, but under the threat of the enemy under the secret, it is so bad!

The one who secretly deter and does not hide the murder must be two masters! And, definitely above the intermediate level, the standard of the advanced level!

For a moment, the black mist really has already made a speculation in his heart. He smiled and said: "Is this statement true?"

As long as the opposite enemy really abides by his promise to give him a chance to fight for a fair battle, then the prey in his hand is nothing, but the black fog who has the chance to breathe will not be on the spot, he will only take it away in spite of everything. ! Never leave a fair fight with the enemy here!

Just kidding, even if there is only one such guy, it’s already scary, let alone the last two?

fair? Where there will be any fairness, and the two people appear here at the same time, it is already doomed to be fair again!

As for the task... Although the mission is important, you must first save your life and say the other!

Only by saving your life can you talk about the future, there is no life, there is nothing else there!

The woman’s cold voice whispered again: “This letter does not believe you, but I can guarantee that as long as you move the girl’s hair in front of you, you will be dead!”

This statement makes the black fog really settle in the heart.

The other party is obviously very innocent.

Oh, this is a stupid idea!

The black mist really laughed and said: "It’s just a villager’s village, this gentleman will care, but at this moment, it’s a fate with this monarch, but it’s a fate!” As the mouth said, one hand slowly The girl’s body was launched, but one hand was still waiting to prevent accidents.

"I didn't expect the secret concealment to be two heroes. It looks like a male or female... haha..." The black mist is really laughing in the heart.


Now on the rivers and lakes, the title of 'Heroes' has changed from the most primitive respect to the downright irony!

The title of heroes, on the other hand, represents scruples, representing the appearance of the Tao, representing the muddy water; to be honest, now the rivers and lakes are non-successful, the most powerful enemy is the heroes!

Because, the heroes are reasonable!

Reasoning - This is the most valuable quality of mankind, but now it has become the most effective weapon for the gangsters to deal with the righteous gentleman: even if you can't beat it, just beg for mercy: heroes, I am because of a moment of helplessness, but there is a little bit Way out, how can I do this kind of harmful thing?

After some crying, it is often exchanged for a long sigh and tolerance treatment of the heroes: you go, you must change the former ah...

So I promised again and again, and I was so grateful that I was grateful.

If you say a few good words, you will save your life. The queen should do evil or do evil. The strong J is still strong J. The murder is still killing. If there is a chance that the hero is in his own hands, of course, he will not report any fortune. On the contrary, it will be even worse to torture the heroes!

You are so stupid*, naturally it’s a dead end!

Who made you spare me? Just because of your thoughts, how many people have broken down, what are you doing so stupid people alive? I am a gangster who knows the truth of the evil! You are so stupid* that you have to let the bad guys live a life... Can such a brain-destroyed person die? !

Therefore, the two people who are listening to the outside of the black fog will care so much about the life of the girl in the arms, and there is a certainty in the heart!

"Do you want to be a knight? I will let you do enough and be a thorough!"

The black fog is really in the heart of the heart, but the face is a hearty and calm: "I have already let go of the girl, and the two can come in. I hope that the two will abide by the promise, and everyone will fight in a fair battle! Obey the rules of the rivers and lakes. , God is righteous!"

To be honest, when Black Mist Zhenjun said that ‘the rules of the rivers and lakes’ and ‘the heavens and the righteousness’, the heart finally couldn’t help but vomit.

Mother's, now this world, who is still following the rules of the shit? Isn't that a fool?

Outside, a clear male voice said: "This is of course, my generation is arrogant, naturally it is something to follow! Do something, do something, do you think that now the world is full of you, these evil spirits are full of foreigners? ”

The black mist really hears the words and feels more assured.

This goods, even the words are revealing a rigid, it seems really "heroes"!

So I was so eager to push the girl out, haha ​​smiled: "So, please invite two heroes to show up! Let this seat pay tribute to the true face of contemporary chivalrous women. Can with two heroes A fair battle is the greatest honor of my life!"

The man’s voice was not relaxed. He said, “Let the two women quit, there is no need to smash the fish!”

"Go out!" The black mist really sneered in the heart: two ordinary women, you are so concerned, even if it is a **** hero, too soft and soft, and facing you like this, even if it is really beaten, is it mine? Still can't escape?

Besides, I have all the tricks and infinite means to let you believe in me 100%!

The two girls were as big as they were, and they struggled to stumble and walked out. The mouth groaned and shed tears. Who would have thought that being a hotel waiter because of poverty at home would actually be so miserable?

"They have both gone, you can come out." Black Mist Zhenjun has taken advantage of the enemy's knowledge to pay attention to the opportunity of the two girls who went out, and raised the whole body.

At this moment, it is full of confidence. As long as the opportunity is regained, both sides are in a fair and open environment. The black mist does not think that he will fear anyone!

Although the other two are two masters!

But the strength is good, but it may not pose a threat to yourself!

As long as he has escaped from the other side's consciousness, then it is unclear who will eventually die. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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