Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 569: Star dream light dance

At this moment, the black mist is not the same as the situation, and the image itself is equally embarrassing. In his life, he has never been forced by the enemy to such a miserable situation! The other party has a total of two people. At present, there is only one person to shoot. However, one person and one sword are forced to find that they can not find a little bit of space. They can’t stand up completely. They can only keep the first turn of the clouds, and they are like the ball on the ground. Generally high-speed scrolling, avoiding the other party's death pursuit!

This is the cloud of the black fog, which is very chic. Although it is a "roll", it is a cloud, rolling in the clouds, how is it very elegant, but actually it is A little bit unsightly, there is not much difference between a wolf and a wild dog that is punched and kicked.

Moreover, most of the human body is still in an absolute state of subversion, and it is constantly changing. Change to the average person, long ago dizzy and fainted.

During the extremely tumbling tumbling movement, the ear screamed sharply, the eardrum almost smashed, and the painful feeling of exploding in the mind, a total of only a short moment, the dark mist of the eyes of the king has been bloodshot!

There is a feeling that it may collapse at any time.

The black mist is really a long-time enemy, and the enemy is very experienced. It is very clear that his physical strength has burst into his own limit under the sudden pressure of sudden pressure, and it has continued for such a long time. Now it is almost ready. To the point where it can't support it, but at this moment, the soldiers are in danger. If they stop a little, they may step into Huangquan. Despite the hardship, the black mist can still support it. There is no other way.

At this critical time, you can only bet on it. Although the gambling opponent is a high-strength, but after all, young, endurance is not comparable to himself; combat experience can not compare with himself, than ... they must be able to persist until the end, as long as they persist in the end, there will be a turn, or even passive initiative!

It’s just that the black mist has never forgotten that he is facing two enemies, one man and one woman.

Until now, there is still only the man’s shot, but the woman’s has not yet shot!

A person, a sword, has already let himself out of breath, if the woman's shot again, myself...

Black Mist Zhenjun forced himself to stop thinking about it. At this time, thinking about bad things will only make you collapse in advance!

He just accelerated and continued to roll, and he got out of the wolf.

Maybe the man is a rogue, the woman is a woman who doesn't want the eyebrows!

Although there may not be one such thing, the black mist can only hope so!

"Mom, look, it’s fun to roll over a ball over there!" The voice of a child is full of innocent childishness, and the big black-and-white eyes are full of surprises. Obviously it’s very curious, how can there be such a fast one on the street? ball?

Black fog is really angry in the heart: you are the ball! Your quan family is a ball! You are waiting for you, my son, and waiting for Laozi to let your family become a ball!

But he has time to get angry at this moment, it will be too late to escape.

The "boom" of the whole person once again smashed a wall, the smoke was flying, and the black mist really felt like a dream.

A beautiful dream.

I saw that there was a boundless starry sky in front of me. Everywhere was a flash of stars. The whole sky and the sky seemed to be dancing. A beautiful fairy, like a fairy, was dressed in red and danced.

This dream is so beautiful, beautiful, don't want to wake up!

However, in the boundless dreams, the Starry River suddenly pours at the same time! It seems that the starry sky is all concentrated at this moment, and it has become the most embarrassing strip of the galaxy, which is becoming more and more dense and brilliant, and finally turned into a stunning rainbow!

Black Mist Zhenjun immediately realized that this is the woman’s shot, and the other side is under the refinement of the essence, and the spirits that are fully smashed out are at the peak!

This knife is full of fascinating dreams!

If the dream is like a dream, if the rainbow is hidden, the peerless knife!

Amazing momentum that was enough to destroy the stars, it suddenly rose.

In the face of such a beautiful dream of killing, the black mist is really cold and weak.

Moreover, there is also an inexplicable rise in the mood of ‘thinking in this dreamy starry sky, dead without resentment’.

The fascination is full of destruction, and those who break into the dream will perish forever in stunning!

Behind him, the sharp whistling sound once again chased the position of the back of the head; and the dreamy blurred Changhong had already reached the forehead.

Black Mist Zhenjun suddenly made a violent rush in the high-speed tumbling, bursting into a strong white light!


The whole piece of blue sky seems to tremble with this violent temper, and the whole body of the black mist suddenly rests to a standstill, and then swells swiftly, and the blink of an eye has become another look, strangely!

The original person suddenly broke.

A strong, one-horned rhinoceros suddenly appeared, and the whole body was as big as three houses!

The light dance of the star dream light dance knife unchanged, lightning into the rhinoceros's chest, has been to the lower abdomen! At the same time, Chu Yang’s Nine Robbery Swords went straight through the rhinoceros vest. So far, there is no physical body that can resist the edge of the Nine Robbery Sword. The real body of the Black Mist True Jun is obviously not exception!

Although both of them have hit the body of the black mist and true spirits, but the drop point is quite different from the expected one. Both of them were both hands-on to the head of the black fog, but this suddenly changed. I, the target suddenly became a dozen times larger, and the final drop became the front chest and the back, and the difference was difficult to count.

This sudden transformation is tantamount to turning death into a victim, and at the same time giving room for the black fog to counterattack.

In the midst of the black mist, he immediately made a tragic sorrow, and the rhinoceros hooves slammed himself up and kicked toward the sneak peek. But he still didn't really kick out, and he felt an indescribable pain suddenly coming out from his own internal organs!

At this moment, the whole body was trembled violently. After the transformation, the cockroach force that was filled with cockroaches completely disappeared at that moment without a trace!

Because, at this moment, the blade of the Star Dream Light Knife, and the tip of the sword of the Nine Robbery Sword collide in the body of the Black Mist!

As a needle tip to the awning!

Ever since, the two powerful and abnormal destruction knives have flowed together, and the next moment has spread in the huge body of the black mist, and spread to every inch!

The nine robbery swords combine the swords of the star dreams and the light of the swords. The fusion of the swords and the swords forms an extraordinary and powerful destructive force, which suddenly spreads again from the various positions of the black fog to the core. Reflux!

This time, the recycling, together with the black fog Zhenjun's shocking repair, even with all the power of the gods, all toward the nine robbery sword tip quickly gathered!

A unique power that belongs to the Nine Robbery Swords - devour!

But this time, the devouring, but the star dream light dance and the nine robbery sword coincided with the coincidence of the opportunity to complete, so the black fog Zhenjun's body was repaired as a **** soul, and finally the average score was made in two parts.

Half of them entered the Star Dream Light Dance, and half of them entered the Nine Robbery Sword!

This series of processes seems to be very long to describe. In fact, the whole process is happening and ending in the lightning fire.

The next moment, Chu Yang pulled the sword, Mo light dance knife.

The two flew at the same time,

As the sword was pulled out, the two blood swords followed and sprang out from the two wounds, and the blood sprinkled the streets.

"I said what the black fog is really, but it turned out to be a demon!" Chu Yang holds the sword in his hand, faintly said: "Black fog is true, you are finished!"

The dark body of the black mist is standing in a dull manner, and it does not move, letting its own blood fountain flow out.

He really didn't want to understand,

Although he is already exhausted, the enemy behind him is absolutely uncomfortable. Even the dark fog can clearly feel that if he insists on it, he can drag the enemy to collapse.

At that time, you can turn passive into active, and even defeat the victory, at least you can retreat, especially the final card showing the real body, the instantaneous increase in combat power, you must escape this robbery.

I don't even understand that these two men and women are more clearly defined than their own human form. Why can they break through the hard skin that is one hundred times more natural than the stars? I have recovered my original body, and I have tougher than the human form!

The most unclear thing is that although the two men are deadly offensive in tandem, but with their own cultivation, even if they are hard-hitting, they will not be killed on the spot, especially if they show their true body. A knife and a sword did not hit their own key, but why the swords of the other two, once combined, can emit more than several times the amazing power?

Of course, one of the most unclear and most terrible questions is: Where did the power of engulfing the sword come from?

If there is no such power to devour, the black mist is completely sure, even if he is dead, he can pull at least one of these two people to bury!

but now……

The black mist really sighed long and felt that his body had become an empty shell.

I didn't think of death. I lived in the world for a lifetime. I was the best in the world. The final result was actually scrolling like a kicking ball. I didn't even have a move, so I died so badly.

This kind of death is really difficult for him to accept!

After a long sigh, the body of the black mist really narrowed down. Eventually, it changed into a human form, a big hole in the chest and a big hole behind it.

"I am not a Yaozu." The black misty murmur said: "I am a human being, a human race!"

He sneered: "The old man ate a few million women in his life. He didn't think that he ended up in a woman's hand. It turned out to be unsatisfactory, and the heavens were clear."

He looked at Mo's light dance, and he went to the world's peerless style. In the eyes of his dying eyes, he showed a hint of infatuation and a strong lust. He laughed and said: "Little daughter, it’s a pity that this gentleman sees you too late. If not, you must have been stunned by you for three years..."

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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