Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 570: Sinful!

"Put your mother's fart, go to hell!" The black fog is still not finished, and the nine robbery swords under the anger of Chu Yang are shot again.

Seeing the light flashes in general, the head of the black mist is flying, and then it flies up, and the headless body of the black mist is from the neck to the crotch position, all of which are neatly divided into two pieces. !

"There are things that are not dead, and the animals are not as good!" Chu Yang was full of anger, and the nine robbers smashed the sword. The black mist really changed everything from head to toe and quickly turned into pure energy, completely swallowed by the nine robbery sword!

The rest of the ash.

Chu Yang usually seldom does so absolutely, humiliating the enemy's body, but this time, the last sentence of the black mist, but detonated the endless suffocation of Chu Yang's heart!

Mo light dance, is the first counter-scale of Chu Yang!

This dead person, actually dare to insult the words of Mo Qing dance, eye violations, Chu Yang simply is to destroy his complete soul!

Mo light dances quietly standing not far away, and the glory of joy shines in the eyes.

Seeing that Chu Yang is violent, the reason is to anger for himself, Mo light dance, no horror, but my heart has an inexplicable sweetness,

What he cares the most is always me.

Under the heavens, no one can hurt me in front of Chu Yang!


the other side.

Dong Wushou and Gu Zhixing have suffered the first battle in life!

The old-fashioned dragon clock seems to be a late cow who can breathe at any time. In the face of the attack of the two people, the fighting power that broke out is actually a peerless master who has made Gu Zhixing and Dong Wuju, and feels infinite shock!


The two found a late cow on a food stall before the inn.

In the middle of the city.

Gu Zhixing wanted to follow him back and choose a place with a relatively small number of people, but an accidental discovery made the two immediately change their minds and decided to do it right away.

I saw that the late cows and the squats were sitting there, blocking the half of the door. It looked like an old man looking at the crowds coming and going on the street.

It seems that nothing has been done.

However, everyone who walked in front of him presented a kind of wilting.

No matter how energetic it is, as long as it passes through the door, it will become weak. It is natural to discover this abnormal situation in real time, and then carefully observe the past with the gods.

I saw it in the air, a line of dense silk thread, which is an invisible and unqualified silk thread, but as long as someone passes, once the silk thread is touched, this thread will immediately entangle the person.

Then, part of the vitality of this person will be quietly distributed from the body, extracted, forming a completely transparent energy, floating in front of the late cattle.

In front of the late cow is a bowl of noodles, ordinary noodles.

As long as his thread is entangled in the vitality of a person, he will move a chopstick, pick up a noodle, and send it into his mouth together with the entangled vitality.

The dense silk thread in the air, I don’t know how many, almost all the streets. It's like a huge spider web!

After a line returns its vitality, it will immediately return, once again squatting in the air, once again waiting for the arrival of another person's vitality.

Every time the beef cattle eat noodles, they only eat a small section. Then they put the rest back in the bowl and wait for another vitality to come and eat a small section.

It’s like a coveted old man, who can eat a lot of food in his life when he cherishes his cherished life. It seems that he will die tomorrow, he will not be able to eat it... that kind of reluctance and cherish, Continue this hard-won meal as much as possible.

But now, he has eaten half a bowl of noodles in the whole sea bowl.

This means that at least thousands of people have lost some vitality unconsciously and have been eaten into the stomach!

While eating, sighing, the dim eyes are filled with the emotion of an old life. There is even a deep pity.

"This **** 30,000 bastard, this only for a while, unknowingly swallowed up the vitality of so many innocent people, let him live more for a while is superfluous!" Dong Wuhe and Gu Going alone will decide immediately, can't wait any longer!

It’s too evil!

These evils are extremely sturdy, and the two just watched it, and they all felt creepy.

Unconsciously, the original vitality is so gone...

Dong Wuju stepped out from the shadows, and the ink knife was on his shoulders. Like a moving mountain, with the momentum of stagnation and unparalleled pressure, just three steps before and after, it has already come to the front of the late cattle.

In the place where he passed, all the silks arranged there were like a camel in the spider web, and all the cockroaches broke!

Rewind all the way back!

At the same time, Gu alone is also stepping out, a slap in the face of the savage sword from his body, from the end of the street to the other end, the kind of evil silk, all destroyed by the sword at the same time!

The late cows raised the old eyes of the dim, looked at Dong without hurt, and muttered with anger: "This strong man, are you going to eat noodles? The oldest block your way, sorry, sorry."

Speaking stalking slowly back. It is like a timid and old man who is good at being reluctant.

Dong did not hurt his angry eyes staring at him and said: "A late cow, can you make this bowl of noodles delicious?"

The late cow smiled and smiled, licking his lips and honestly said: "It's delicious, salty, just inside, there are shredded pork, it's really delicious... I like the face here." ""

Said, long sighed, said: "The old age has been such a large age, really a day to live a day less ... this side, but also eat a bowl and a bowl less ... this beautiful world...... ”

Dong did not hurt: "You have been so old, and you have lived alive. You should have eaten enough. You want to come to the time of damn."

The late cow humbly nodded: "Yes, yeah, I feel a little impatient when I lived. I ate this bowl today, I don’t know if the Ming Dynasty can eat it again..."

Some other people who were eating noodles stood up and glared at Dong’s innocence: “What do you think of this man? For an old man, do you have such a speech? Look at your temperament, five people and six, how to speak like this? Uneducated?"

Suddenly a group of people echoed and accused Dong of being harmless.

The eyes of the masses have never been so bright, and they are all in the crowd, even more so!

Dong looked at these people who accused himself without any pity. Do you know that this old man who has been harassing him for him has long since unknowingly stole some of your vitality?

Originally, you should be able to live to be seventy or eighty years old, but now, you guys are afraid that they will not be able to survive even in their 60s, because of the old man you are trying to maintain.

"This world is still beautiful..." The late cows and old tears, as if they were moved by the actions of the people in front of them, repeatedly gestured.

Gu’s body is as tall and straight as a sword, mixed with a murderous murder, and his eyes look like a sword. “Why are you feeling that, in this world, human life is expensive? Is it worthy of care?”

The late cows nodded and sighed: "Yeah, it’s too easy to live in this world, even if it’s late at dusk, it’s precious, and it’s precious...”

He stood up slightly and sighed long: "Long days and thick soil, nurturing my parents; life in the world, many sufferings; wind knife frost sword, grinding the years; knife forest Jian Yu, gaining fame; Ming gun dark arrows, carrying forward; pity I am a world, a lot of worries; the world is chaotic, where is the land..."

In his tone, it is full of sadness and compassion.

Many people who heard this couldn't help but feel that they had a lot of resonance in their hearts, and they actually got a little upset.

Gu Duxing is completely indifferent to this, quietly and indifferently said: "A late cow, this drama you have already played enough, do you want to go out with us, or do you solve it here?"

After seeing that this demon has swallowed up the vitality of so many people, Gu Duxing’s rhetoric about the late cow is only vomiting and disgusting!

The late cows hesitated and said: "Do you want to start? Do you want to finish this bowl?"

Gu did not move, but the look on his face was completely cold, an invisible sword, a murderous murderous, and came out.

Dong couldn't help but couldn't help himself. When he stepped forward and flew up, he kicked the big bowl in front of the late cow and took it to the air. He grabbed the late cow. "Pharaoh, you thought I didn't Looking through your disguise? Do you still have to do this, why do you want to cross the border?"

There was a moment of accusation, and some people even screamed in anger: "How can this man be so human? For such an old man, it is so rude, is there no old man in your family?"

The late cow yelled: "The murder, some people want to kill me this old man, save people..."

Next to it, two young people dressed up quickly walked and said: "Stop! You are welcome to this old man, we will be rude to you!"

When Dong did not hurt, he was angry and screamed and said: "Give me shut up!" Under a violent drink, it suddenly sounded like a sigh in midair.

Everyone feels dizzy in their minds when they hear the screams.

At the same time, the ink knife has been squirted out, and it is a knife that can't be said, and the face of the skull is cut down.

Since you still have to install the image, then I will simply show your true face; if you are still acting to gain sympathy and incite the masses who do not know the truth, then stand up and stand by me!

I would like to see if you are the strongest acting artist of the Nine Heavens!

Such a thunderous knife slammed, and naturally caused an exclamation.

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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