Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 579: Wan Hao silently waits for the rain!

Chu Yang nodded silently.

What Mo Tianji said is indeed justified.

Mo Tianji frowned, said: "Mo Yuntian, although the early break of the war, is still a master like a cloud, especially if we are in... If the other party wants to act, there must be a group of people with considerable strength to hold the masters of the ink cloud. That is, the side of the raft. Then, there are a group of super masters, entangled in the seven guards of the Moyuntian; and then, a group of people, responsible for entanglement of us, and finally, will be calmly shot to Xie Danqiong Under the eyes of the world, defeat, or directly kill the newly-recognized Emperor Yunyun."

"So, the biggest joke of the new round is us."

"Muyun Tianqixing guards and Mudu and others, they are all famous fame characters, and they know a lot about their strengths. So the people sent by them must be able to complete the task 100%. So, this Festival, I hope they are not allowed."

Mo Tianji stood up and slowly paced: "Only the strength of our stock is that they have not really touched before, but once we have, our strength is relatively weak; the second point, after these three The months of fighting, I’m afraid that our strengths are almost the same...”

"So if they want to send people, they will certainly have considerable confidence. Fortunately, we still have a card that is not out, that is, the spirit of the catastrophe, the tiger brother, and the young lady."

Mo Tianji said faintly: "The distance to the ceremony, there are still nine days. In these nine days, in any case, we must let the strength of the brothers go further! Also, order the tiger brother and the catastrophe, do everything well. Miss Le, From now on, you have to start a full battle, and you don't have to stay here for me."

Chu Yang nodded: "The crab beads I distributed last time, from tomorrow, can be put into use, it is necessary to completely absorb all the energy in the next seven days, and turn into their own strength! ”

After the batch of crabs, Chu Yang was distributed one by one on the second day. According to Mo Tianji’s meaning: it will not be used for the time being, and will not be absorbed until the last few days. As a result, everyone’s cultivation is there. There will be a small leap in a few days, a great chance to give the enemy a great accident, or it can be overturned.

"Now it is an imminent time, any more cards, may affect the overall situation." Mo Tianyun turned and asked: "Right, Jiu Dan, now how many people are allocated?"

"Ten." Chu Yang smiled.

The Jiu Dan, who was born out of the huge elixir medicine, was all sent out. Even Chu Yang did not have more than a few. In the past few days, Chu Yang did not dare to return to the space of the nine robberies. Chu Yang feels like a big bad guy...

"Almost enough." Mo Tianji flashed the light in his eyes, said: "Ten strong recovery, enough to kill at least the above nine powerful enemies. ... Well, how much is your Amethyst soul?"

Chu Yang asked: "How much do you want directly?"

Mo Tianji’s eyes lit up: “If there is a thousand pieces, I can put a starry array of stars on the roof of the festival. If you guard the ceremony, you can add two more points.”

Chu Yang calculated it in his heart, biting his teeth: "Can you add two points to a thousand pieces? I will give you two thousand pieces!"

Mo Tianji looked at Chu Yang with some shocks. I couldn’t think that there were so many rare things in Chu Yang’s hands. “Really, can you give me two thousand? There are no more, I told you, There is no upper limit to the layout of this Sunday Star Wars, but all need the Amethyst Soul to form a battle. The lower limit is one thousand. If it is 1,999, you can lay two corresponding ones. Circulating array, the power is naturally increasing... If you can give me 999,999, 99 pieces of Amethyst, I will make it into a big array, I can assert that even the Holy King and the Nine After the emperor personally joined forces, he will let him fly out in an instant, this is definitely not a joke!"

"Roll!" Chu Yang gritted his teeth: "This is not a joke? Nine hundred and ninety thousand... You don't directly say a million pieces. Is there so much unknown in the whole universe?! You dare to say. As for the two thousand pieces, there is no more."

Mo light dance and Chu Leer laughed, and many of the previous dullness was of course empty.

Mo Tianji picked up his eyebrows and his heart was refreshing. Well, I am amused by the music. The ability of my jokes is so good, I have always ignored them, and I try to try them later...

Of course, there is still a surplus in the soul of Amethyst, but in any case, it can't reach a million, and the heart is far worse.

So what is going to use a million-piece final array, at least at this stage, certainly not to count!

What's more, Mo Tianji just said that he just laughed. It is more than two thousand blocks. It is not much different from the corresponding one, nine hundred and ninety-nine. Unless it is really hundreds of thousands of such series. ...that is really like Mo Tianji said, even after the nine emperors, only my saints and their subordinates at the same time come to trouble, but also sure to completely annihilate!

It’s a pity that such a beautiful idea can only be thought of.

Even if the entire nine-day Scorpio and other Amethyst souls are added together, I am afraid that it is definitely not enough for 50,000 pieces!

One million this number... I think it is very extravagant when I think about it.

"There is not much time, let's start now." Mo Tianji said: "Lee, you and the catastrophe spirit have to study how to connect, and now almost start preparations."

Chu Leer's well-behaved promise, this sound, so that Mo Tianji moved inexplicable, looks like a long time Lele Miss is not so gentle to me!

"Right, is it possible to talk about these days in the past few days?" Mo Tianji frowned and asked: "If the talker can happen to go out, his strength has been hidden before it is exposed, it will become our game. The biggest hidden card."

Chu Yang shook his head: "This is really hard to say. I just went to see it this morning. The big man who talked about stealth is still motionless, but there are signs of getting thicker and thicker. There is not much time in the moment... in these days The possibility of going out is not very big."

Mo Tianji snorted, apparently a little disappointment.


After the two people had negotiated, Chu Yang immediately returned to his room, calmed down and began to reform the warm snow sword of the tears.

"This unexpected harvest, or will also be a newly added card..." Chu Yang looked at the two swords, and decided to make this sword completely the ultimate god!

The second day was a very rare day of calm in Qionghua City in the past six months.

There was no conflict and no killing.

The City Gate Registry is still registered, and a large number of people are still surging. Qionghua City is now known as the 'Ming Yuntian's largest city', with a traffic legend of 70 million people a day.

But now, it is already full. The traffic is seriously exceeding the standard. Under the coordination of the government, many wealthy families have vacated some of their houses and used them as inns to accommodate the rivers and lakes.

Even in some free places in the house, temporary accommodation was built.

Also, even ordinary people's homes, families are crowded in a room, and other houses are vacant to accommodate the people of the rivers and lakes.

No one objected to these decisions. On the contrary, the people said very excitedly.

For the rich, this is a godsend opportunity to make friends with the rivers and lakes; such an opportunity, there is no such thing before; as the saying goes, many friends have more roads, and have made such a person, at least the safety of the family may be one more. Guarantee, the road to your own business, can be smooth, encounter a crisis, or may be ruined by today’s friendship...

Of course, there are inconspicuous people in the rivers and lakes, and there are bound to be hidden dangers; but these hidden dangers have been deliberately neglected: here is Qionghua City, the Emperor City of Moyun! Who dares to let it go?

As for the ordinary people, it is also very happy. Because, as long as it is the people who live in the rivers and lakes, no matter whether it is good or evil on weekdays, when facing the people, it usually looks very generous.

Anyone who thinks that he is qualified to participate in the Enlightenment of the Moyun Emperor, how can he have any intentions for the ordinary people? Or say... stingy?

That is simply impossible.

Since it is not far from here, is there a big Hawker who is not rich and wealthy?

The rental expenses that are paid at hand are often the huge wealth that some people can't earn in their lifetime!

And they just lived for such a short period of time. For this, a little bit of grievances and family members can be exchanged for a happy life in the future. It is simply not too cost-effective.

And many people in the rivers and lakes actually feel that this is a worthwhile trip. After all, Qionghua City is the emperor's capital of Moyuntian. The people here are like the Bohai Sea. Some people in the rivers and lakes will accidentally discover that the family's little grandson, younger son... is very talented. Xi Wu, and the qualifications are good, the roots are good.

This is a godsend for those who are thirsty and hope to be well-received. After some deliberation, the family knows that their descendants have a godsend to become a strong, even if they don’t give up, but they also The fulfillment of the martial arts, and eventually happy each other.

A strong person can make a family flourish for thousands of years!

This is a chance to step into the sky. How could you not be willing?

Qionghua City is full of joy and peace.

However, whether it is a river or lake person, an army or a civil servant, or even ordinary people in Qionghua City, they can be keenly aware that there is a surging tide that is quietly approaching!

When the firecrackers are humming and joyful, the whole sky is a kind of condensation.

The dignified atmosphere is hard to dispel anyhow, no matter how busy.

As the day of the grand ceremony approaches, the people walking on the street, whether they are officials or civilians, are all dignified.

Wan Hao silently waits for the rain!

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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