Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 580: An unprecedented festival!

The storm is coming soon!

Everyone saw the storm approaching, but everyone was waiting in silence.

In the last few days, even the people who drank in the restaurant, whether they were ordinary people or people in the rivers and lakes, all whispered, no one screamed loudly and provoked right and wrong.

It was also on this day that Mo Tianji and Chu Yang received a big news.

This news makes these two daring people directly stunned.

It’s almost impossible to be attached to the body.

This time, the new Emperor Yunyuntian enthroned, and the demon queen will face the world and announce that he will come to the ceremony and participate in the ceremony!

This news directly shocked the entire Nine Heavens!

For tens of thousands of years, I have not stepped out of the demon king's step by step, the Lord of the Emperor, even so face to face, personally come to participate in this ceremony!

However, the time was only half an hour away. Another big news once again brought the entire Nine Heavens into a huge shock!

The Emperor of the East Emperor Tiandong Snow Tear Cold Faces the World Announcement: The Emperor will personally participate in the Enlightenment Ceremony of the Emperor Yunyun Tianqionghua, and fully support the Qionghua Emperor ascending the throne!

The Eastern Emperor declared to the world: "Anyone who dares to make trouble at the Qionghua Emperor's ascension ceremony is the enemy of the entire East Emperor!"

With the prestige of the East Emperor, Donghuangtian announced the news with the strongest strength among the top ten heavens and the earth. The shocking strength can be said to be an earth-shattering level!

No matter who it is, but who wants to mess up, now is not only facing the face of Mo Yuntian, but also facing the entire East Emperor, or even directly facing the East Emperor Snow Tears!

In addition to facing the East Emperor, or to face the entire demon day, the demon king of the demon queen will be uncertain!

I believe that even if you are more powerful and confident in yourself, you will only have to worry about it.

Is it the piece of material that you can afford? Can you afford the three worlds, the three great emperors!


Among the nine emperors, Donghuang Snow was ranked first in the tears, and the demon was ranked second!

The two men also announced their participation in the ceremony, and the expressive support of the Emperor Yunyun Tianxin in the Ming Dynasty made the entire Nine Heavens suddenly filled with a strange meaning.

The territory of the Nine Heavens is vast, but the hubs of the major worlds have their own way to send the news to any place in the Nine Heavens in the first time!

The world is boiling instantly!

The eyes of everyone in the Nine Heavens are concentrated in the Mo Yuntian at this moment!

At this moment, Mo Yuntian became the focus of the entire Nine Heavens!

The news that the previous wave shocked the entire Nine Heavens was only a half-day period. The other parties seemed to join in the fun and suddenly made a decision at the same time.

A big decision that really shocks the world!

After the demon after the demon, the East Emperor Xue tears cold, Zhongjitian dominated the Emperor drunk and ruthlessly also officially announced that he will personally participate in the succession of the Entrepreneurship of the Moyun Tianqionghua!

For the insider and the caring person, if the snow-tears and the demon have a legitimate reason to participate in the grand ceremony of the Qionghua Emperor, then the intermediate-level Emperor is ruthless and can be said to be the hard-core supporter of the Holy King. He announced that he will personally The reasons for participating in this ceremony are somewhat remarkable and intriguing.

In response to this information, people in the world have talked about each other and have their own opinions.

However, this topic has only just gotten warm, and I heard the sound of the nine-day scorpion, Hong Zhong, and this time, it is the voice of Da Luotian.

Da Luotian Promise Emperor Zidi Wujiu announced to Jiuzhong Tianzhu that the Promise Emperor will also go to the meeting to participate in the Encyclopedia of Moyun Tianqionghua!

A stone stirs up a thousand waves!

With the successive statements of the four Emperors, everyone is faintly presupposed with a fact that this will never end. There will be many changes in the follow-up, and sure enough... just after the tea time...

Futian Tiandi Emperor Mohui announced that he will personally participate in the Encyclopedia of Moyun Tianqionghua! And, will be sent to the Qionghua Emperor to the throne.

In the grand ceremony of the throne, a special gift was given to explain the matter to the whole world. This move undoubtedly expressed support for the Qionghua Emperor, and it also implicitly implies the meaning of alliance.

The world is shaking again.

What is this Qionghua Emperor? Even the Emperor of Heaven has a friendship?

However, the shock is far from over...

Daxitian mad sword Tiandi Wu also madly announced that the savage swords of the Emperor of Heaven will personally participate in the Encyclopedia of Moyun Tianqionghua!

Qinglan Tianwuwei Tiandi Mo Qingqing announced: Wuwei Tiandi will personally participate...

Antarctic Ice and Snow Emperor Mengjing recalled that he would personally participate in the Encyclopedia of Moyun Tianqionghua!

Akira Tenyan, the Emperor of Heaven, announced that his Majesty will personally participate in the Encyclopedia of Moyun Tianqionghua!

This one after another news, like a rainbow that connects with the sky, across the sky, for a long time!

All the world is shocked!

One after another, it’s like a sigh of thunder, and it’s bombarded in everyone’s heart!

Let everyone who hears feel dizzy!

At the same time, everyone realized that a century grand ceremony that is spread all over the Nine Heavens is opening!

This will be the first event of the entire Nine Heavens in the last million years!

Since Ziyutian’s accident, after the fall of the Purple Emperor’s Purple Emperor, the nine emperors have been able to make up for the first time!

Gathered in the sky!

Donghuangtian, Yaohuangtian, Zhongjitian, Qingyitian, Daluotian, Fututian, Daxitian, Antarctic, and the Qing Dynasty, which was opened by the Holy King, replaced the original Purple Sky, which was already occupied by the Devil. To add ink cloud days.

After the nine-day Scorpio and the Nine Emperors, one did not fall, and all the staff arrived.

As soon as these news came out, the world was instantly boiling!

The people of Mo Yuntian are running around!

In the past, no one had ever had such a great movement when he was enthroned, and no one had ever had such a big face as Qionghua the Great.

After the nine emperors gathered in Moyuntian, what a grand event!

Everyone in the ink cloud days feels the sincerity of the heart from the bottom of my heart: Looking at the past and the present, looking at the future, only our Qionghua Emperor has this ability!

Someone just said one sentence: "You are proud of a fart. These people may not be aware of the jokes of Qionghua Dajie. You are proud of it. When you cry,..."

But this person’s words are not finished.

It has been torn into pieces by the angry Mo Yuntian people!

Get the above Mo Tianji, one head turned into two big.

Because if these emperors have to come in person, the time is obviously not enough, but if they temporarily change the time and accommodate these people, it will not only be unlucky for the ceremony to be enthroned, but also weaken the prestige of Mo Yuntian, it seems that Mo Yuntian is afraid. The few days before the arrival of the Emperor.

However, if the time of the ceremony is not changed, it is still carried out according to the original plan. Then, when several Emperors arrive, the ceremony has already passed, and the daylily is cold. What are you doing?


Tomorrow, I will take a day off. For this climax, I have not slept for several days, and my ideas are difficult. Everyone can see it. Please take time off and sort out the ideas.

When the mood is low, it is impossible to write a climax... Please understand the brothers and sisters. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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