Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 581: Date finalized, variable

This is not just offending the few Heavenly Emperors who can't catch up. It simply means that they have offended the nine heavens and the earth at the same time. The nine great emperors are equal to the nine people who are currently unable to compete with them!

This will undoubtedly have any harm to the future development of Mo Yuntian!

Actually, it’s not waiting, not waiting for it, it’s a dilemma.

All the people responsible for arranging the ceremony were helpless. Even Mo Tianji was deeply impressed and frowned. He couldn’t think of an effective strategy, but what was wrong.

"Reassured, there must be a solution." Chuyang old **** is: "There must be a face, you will wait and see."

"Big Brother, don't make trouble, how can you have any face in this situation?" Mo Tianji angered: "The **** are not coming late, but it is obviously too late to make a decision at the same time. It’s like a total, and it’s just like you can’t go with the ink cloud!”

Mo Tianji said: "With the ink cloud, I can't go with Xie Danqiong. I can't go with Xie Danqiong. It's just like we can't go with our brothers. We can't go with our brothers, and our brothers will be full-fledged in the future, simply put all these people one by one. Pulling down the horse, after the nine emperors, our brothers plus the light dance music just fill the gap! Together with the words of Zi Yantian, we have a talk about the big devil waiting to make up, it is just like tailoring for us, is No?! Is there wood?!"

Mo Tian said with anger and anger.

Chu Yang saw a big laugh, but it was a heartfelt open heart.

It’s really not Chu Yang’s heartless lungs. Such a critical pass can still be thought of as open. It’s really rare to see Mo Tianji’s eye-catching moments. At this moment, such an impatience is a rare sight.

"Then, you can talk about the possibility of this face in front of you?" Mo Tian said: "They agreed to come together at this time, clearly is going to see a joke, clearly!"

A heavy slam, a slap on the table: "This is clearly to force the palace, is to find 茬! Well, I let you set the time, and you have to change it, because of our words!"

"Clearly is the meaning, it is clear that you want to go to the sky, and the face of all of us!" Mo Tian machine is in the eyes of the fire.

In front of this situation, it is no wonder that Mo Tianji is angry. Seeing that the brothers are working together, they will reach the end of the victory, but when they are at the door, they suddenly kill a powerful enemy, but also the unbeatable super. Strong enemy.

This is better than a ratio: originally a primary school basketball game, is about to kick the final game. Suddenly, the rest of the team was replaced by a replacement, and all of them were NBA professional basketball players!

How does this make the other side play?

How to play, you have to lose, the victory of the hand is instantly disillusioned!

That taste is an individual who has to be annoyed!

Chu Yang is still a virtue of the old god, saying: "You don't know anything else, but you can't think that the demon is also messing with us? You know, his son, Yao Ning, is now on our side. It’s too busy to turn around like a gyro.”

Mo Tianji’s words are a glimpse: "Yeah, you mean..."

"I see you are busy at this time, have forgotten the minimum flexibility, as long as the demon gives face, send a statement, please let us reschedule, we can not borrow the slope, you can live all the time So, isn't it all in the face?" Chu Yang calmly twisted his neck: "If it is a demon, don't give this face, it doesn't matter, let's clean up the demon Ning, I believe I can make this Prince." It’s not difficult for him to make his mother’s troubles when his mother arrives.”

"Good way! It really is a good way!" Mo Tianji looked bright.

"Returning 10,000 steps to say... Even if the demon is not there, there is Donghuang Snow Tears cold..." Chu Yang smiled and had a good idea: "If he doesn't give us face, let's pack him." Don't worry, although we can't beat him, but this face is not for him, this is absolutely no problem, I said!!"

"You are so overbearing, why do you have to give us a face, no, give you a face?" Mo Tianji expressed confusion.

"Reliably assured, the mountain people have their own tricks." Chu Yang mysterious smile.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, the two emperors of the Eastern Queens faced the Nine Heavens at the same time and demanded: "The Qionghua Emperor's Majesty, because of the long distance, can't catch up, can you delay the ceremony of the throne ceremony for some time?"

Such a request made a rainbow of rainbows hanging in the sky for a whole afternoon.

In the dark, the clouds are boiling up and down: Let's see, we have a lot of face in the Qionghua Emperor! It’s really amazing! Even after the famous emperor and the demon, they also asked for a rescheduled request. This gesture is really low to a certain extent, too face-saving.

The other Heavenly Emperors, especially those who are deliberate and bad, are also suddenly stunned by this information.

Your sister!

Among all the heavens and the earth, it is clearly that you are separated by two; it is that you can arrive without any time, and there is absolutely no possibility of delay. Now it’s actually the two of you gave the Qionghua Emperor the steps.

What is this about him?

In the face of such a "low posture" intimate request after the emperor's demon, Mo Yuntian quickly responded.

Qionghua Emperor personally appeared in the world: "I am grateful to you for giving me such a face, Xie Danqiong is grateful, and should be downgraded by the Emperor of the East and the demon, and will postpone this ceremony for half a month. This grand schedule is this seat. I don’t think about it, I’m neglecting that everyone’s journey is far away, and I sincerely apologize.”

The situation is very obvious, and the posture of Qionghua Emperor is quite low.

Moreover, such a low profile is not unobtrusive, and it makes people feel comfortable. There is no such thing as feeling that Qionghua Emperor is threatened. In the end, it is reluctant to reschedule. The reason is very simple.

Jun and I Tao Li, I reported to Jun Qiong Yao.

To put it simple is a sentence: you give me face, then I will make you more face!

This deeper meaning, as long as it is a discerning person is very easy to feel the drop.

Benevolent, generous, and kind of Qionghua.


At this point, Mo Tianji was finally completely relieved.

As the nine emperors successively issued a statement to be held soon, the frequency of the Holy Spirit sent by Shengjun, entering Qionghua City, suddenly decreased a lot. Every day is less than one day. If it is three days passed, it has basically disappeared completely, and half of it has disappeared.

"Is the person in the dark who is scrupulous about the group of Jiujun?" Chu Yang asked: "After all, the nine emperors came here after the whole, with their knowledge, the secret of the true spirit. If they are exposed, it is a great disaster. In the dark, the person is the first, the sky is unparalleled, and the power is in the world, but...but it may not be able to withstand the joint counterattack of the nine emperors. !"

"Don't be too blindly optimistic." Mo Tianji frowned deeply: "He doesn't necessarily need to be so careful; although the nine emperors see that high-education is strong, if they really unite, it is true that he alone can check and balance, but The problem now is that in the post-Nine Emperor, there are a lot of people who are his own in the bones. I don’t say that I completely obey him. It belongs to the same camp. It’s really hot, and it’s hard to say who’s dead. At least I Not optimistic about the strength of our side..."

"That said... What else is this?" Chu Yang frowned.

"I am afraid that it is still very big..." Mo Tianji smiled bitterly: "The matter of the date of the ascension has come to an end. I am most worried about one thing now, that is, those who are in the possession of other heavenly emperors. Come along with us... that is a lot of trouble and it is difficult to dispose of."

Chu Yang: "..."

"It is impossible for one of the Emperor to travel, and to participate in such an important ceremony. It is impossible to have no minimum ceremonial ceremonies. If those people are in the ceremonial ceremonies, do we still have to ask one of the Emperors to go to the honest registration?"

Mo Tianji smiled bitterly: "If that is the case, the trouble is really big."

"I hope not to go to that step." Chu Yang also feel helpless,

Because if the other party really does this, it is simply a matter of no solution. When the other party starts, they can wait for the move.

That is really too passive.

Mo Tianji took a deep breath: "Now, at this point, everything that has been set is now out of our control. What we can do now is only ... see the walking steps, see the move. ”

Chu Yang silently said for a long time: "Tianji, world affairs, impermanence, unpredictable, in any case, will not be completely developed with everyone's wishes and preparations... unexpectedly, perhaps it is the charm It is here."

Mo Tianji slowly nodded: "Yes, I understand this truth. Also, the feelings just in the past are actually awkward. Isn’t all of our previous preparations in vain? Can it come in handy? Now, from the ceremony, we still have quite a lot of time. It is the most important thing to do now to raise the brothers themselves.

"At that time...we still have to see the move, with the wisdom of our brothers and the power we have now, and the advantage of the landlord, the possibility of failure is actually very small. Not to mention that we have another With foreign aid, the odds are very large."

Mo Tianji smiled lightly, and his eyes shot calmly. He gently played a small white porcelain cup in his hand and said leisurely: "I think that soon after, or I will play against some of the nine emperors, I really yearn for it." Extremely great."

Chu Yang sits quietly, his eyebrows are not inferior, but he is also full of swords to test the world.

Both people have the same feeling at this moment: the road to the peak, just at the foot!

After this incident, the nine robbers brothers, officially boarded the stage of the strong!



"I didn't do anything yesterday, stay away from the computer, go to the flower greenhouse, go back and forth for a day, talk to the female boss, talk to the boss, ask the pot, then look at that Potted flowers, talk about the price, then admire, and finally flipped over the pocket and told: I forgot to bring money today... I went from 9:00 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon, and then I didn’t buy it...

And talking to a boss who sells flowers is very good, and finally grabbed a small pot of green jade rosette, as a ......

When I moved out of the door, the goods reacted and chased out: "The trough, you didn't buy it, how did you move the pot?" ......" (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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