Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 582: Tianzentai, light dance

No matter what everyone thinks in the heart, but time is a bit past.

The trajectory of time will not stay for anyone!


Nine-story Tianzentai, Dengji Mozhen; nine-story nine-day heaven, Moyun Tiandi opened!

This is an unusually grand building.

Covering an area of ​​9,999 acres.

The bottom layer is a huge square. The center of the square is a nine-storey pagoda-style building. However, it is more magnificent.

Each layer has nine hundred and eighty-one corners, which extend long and are thirty feet long. The tip end is hung with a colorful amethyst wind chime.

Just every component of the wind chime is the size of the head; every eighty-one consists of a string, hanging in the air, the wind blows, the sound of the sound makes people feel drunk, can't help but want to listen more.

There are nine huge squares on each floor, with white jade seats in front, rows arranged quietly, and behind the square, which can accommodate many viewers. Each square can accommodate tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of viewers.

In the middle of each square in each floor, there are nine spacious passages that lead directly to the upper level. This is the so-called ninety-nine ladder.

Only the ladder on the south side of the north is covered with a bright yellow carpet, which is ten feet wide. It looks extraordinarily majestic and has always reached the top. On both sides of the carpet, there is a Huangwei column with a carved dragon and a phoenix with a diameter of several feet. It is ninety-nine feet high, like two rows of loyal guards, standing quietly and evenly arranged.

At the top, only this seat is placed.

A chair overlooking the world.

This is the seat of the Emperor. Ten of these chairs were temporarily added to the eighth floor, which was prepared for the nine emperors. So, there is exactly one in each direction.

Each corresponds to the location of their respective world.

The ten chairs and the top chairs are exactly the same in texture and shape. The meaning is that everyone has the same status and no difference. The reason why there are ten chairs instead of nine is because there are also A chair of the Emperor of Yunyun Tianqionghua.

When he ascended the throne, the Emperor Yunyun was going to accept the worship of the people in the top chair. This is a major festival of the Mo Yuntian. It is understandable.

However, after the completion of the throne ceremony, Qionghua the Great still had to go down and talk to the Emperor of Heaven to speak and sing; then it could not be high, otherwise it would be a big rude, super hatred, a wide range, no difference offensive birds...

This arrangement is very thoughtful about every aspect, and even considers everyone's psychological thoughts.

This eighth floor even has a unique design of the starry sky, symbolizing: the eighth layer, this is the universe of the world, is the nine heavens. Where is the world where you are, where in the Nine Heavens, and which direction, where is your chair.

Arranged in nowhere.

Even if you want to be jealous, you can't find it and you can't find it.

At this moment, on Tianzentai, there are countless people who are running fast and busy. Everyone’s face is awe-inspiring. Without any voice, there is only a quiet busyness.

The people in yellow clothes are on the shuttle, check everything, and any dead ends, to ensure that no one is missing.

These people are the guards belonging to the Qionghua Emperor, checking the progress of this vast project. Every place, any corner, is turned over and over and checked countless times.

If you stand in the sky, you can feel that the following is a winding mountain. Countless people are busy on it, just like countless ants are running silently.

Mo Yuntian is preparing for the emergency.

The period is getting closer.

Time is getting tighter.

Everyone in Mo Yuntian hopes that this festival will become an eternal festival and a perfect ceremony! In order to wash away the great shame brought by Yuan Tian limit!

With such a grand carnival, wash away all traces of the existence of the demon outside the domain, including psychological shadows.

The grand ceremony is not to be lost!

Even if it is a little bit awkward, the Moyun Heavenly Man will never be allowed to appear!

this day.

Chu Yang and purple evil feelings, Mo light dance and other three people are very difficult to take a leisurely walk in the back garden, enjoying a very hard-won moment of peace.

The flowers and trees are shaded and fragrant; the two women around Chuyang are the national colors of the heavens and the country, and they are really more beautiful than the flowers, and the colors are boundless; Chu Yuzu can’t help but feel a little smoked, and there are some ideas.

Between women who have the same man, it is usually difficult to coexist peacefully, but this sentence is obviously not suitable for mo light dance, even Mo-dance is very fond of staying with the purple evil, in her heart, man Among them, naturally, with Chu Yang, they are the most practical and safest; but among women, they are the most secure with purple evil. Secondly, it is iron supplementation.

The purple evil sentiment has a kind of great feeling of 'backing against the mountains, you can't shake it'; the mo light dance is with the purple evil spirits, you can basically do what you want to do, even when you are with Chu Yang. Also be at ease.

Moreover, the purple evil spirits are also very popular with Mo Qingwu. I like this little sister very much, which is quite a violation of the instinct of most women.

In addition to the iron-filled days, she gave Mo-Music a kind of austerity and security that was controlled by the world. Although Tiebutian itself is much lower than Momo Dance, but with Tietiantian, Mo-Meng is able to feel very relaxed. This seems to make sense, but it is also a bit unreasonable. Anyway, it is.

As for the most ironic girlfriends of Mo Qing dance, it is the third most important enemy of the game - Wu Qianqian. It’s true that two people are together and there is nothing to talk about. It seems that even the most basic secrets are not. This is the class feeling cultivated in the battle between Miss Chu Leer and Mo Liangwu...

"Zi Dajie, why did you think that you want to fade the demon body, forging adult? Are you not afraid of pain? I heard that the process is not only painful, but also extremely dangerous. Many of the former demon predecessors At this level, the soul is flying, and there are people who are almost in the middle of nothing... I am really curious. What are you doing for..." Mo Qingwu talked about a secret message from where she came from Fenghu. .

This is the devil's mouth, and said to the sweetheart of the white poetry, and the white poetry naturally will not sneak the former master of Mo light dance.

"Removing the demon body, forging adult?" Chu Yang, who sang this word, trembled, only to feel a tremor in his heart, and suddenly looked up and looked at the purple affair.

"What is the reason for this?" The purple evil sent a soft look at Chu Yang, and said: "It’s just that when the Yaozu is enough, I want to taste what it is like to be a real person. Although there are a few in the process. Dividing risks, a few pains, it is not a thing of the past, now it is not a bad mood, the demon Ning, always loves to exaggerate things, go back and talk to him..."

Mo light dance smiled and said: "The reason why Zijie is willing to make such a big sacrifice is actually for Chu Yang?"

The purple evil face swept a layer of red faintness, and the anger said: "You look at this little girl! How can I do this for a stinky man!"

Although the voice of the speech seems to be sloppy, no matter how you listen, there is a sense of want to cover it.

Chu Yang’s heart instantly set off a huge wave of waves, and it was difficult to suppress himself for a time.

Chu Yang is not a stupid person. Can he not understand the purple evil situation? Can you not understand how much pain you have to bear in doing so?

The purple evil is doing this, it can be said that it is entirely for itself.

For the sake of the future, no one will say: Hey, this Chu Yang, the wife of the nine-robbery sword is actually a demon, the legendary demon is in love!

Also for the future, giving birth to a child, no longer like the devils born after the combination of the demon humans, the human head, but with a tail that a fairy has...

in order to……

She did everything on her own, and all of them had to bear it, but they didn’t say anything to themselves, and they didn’t say anything at all!

She just took it all by herself, and kept everything in her heart.

Whether it is pain or torture.

"Actually, I don't care... I really don't care..." Chu Yang said softly: "I can be happy as long as we are together, others are really not important, even..."

"Who cares that you don't care! Do you think that you are an important person? Is this a relationship with you?" The purple evil feelings are angered, blushing on the face, can no longer stay, white shadow flashes , Cangjie escaped, the speed of the body, actually made Chu Yang also look at it.

However, when she left, Mo light danced and clearly heard the intense heartbeat.

It is like a drum.

Chu Yang sighed for a long time, and his heart was mixed for a while.

It is undeniable that an inexplicable sweet taste has come to mind and will not go for a long time.

"You are a ghost!" Mo light danced and snorted, although it was a sly, but it was playful and joyful, dumping all beings.

Chu Yang smiled, and Mo Mo dance in his arms, whispered: "It's really a flower... dance, you know, I thought this life is only you and me... just, I didn't do it, sorry. ""

Mo light dance heard a moment of silence, Jiao Jiao some gently shudder, whispered: "Chu Yang, a lot of things before, I forgot... Now, I just want to be a happy little girl, for you As long as you can be happy, those are not what..."

Chu Yang softly said: "But, after all, there are some traces to be left, those traces that make me sad."

Mo light dance has been silent for a long time, and suddenly a faint smile, some slyly said: "Whether you spend your time, but it is already better than... many times many times..."

She smiled and said: "I used to... I didn't even want to do anything for you, or even want to be the most humble maid... I am very satisfied now, as long as I can accompany you... Wishes were not even dreaming at that time..."


Today is the birthday of the group 'sorrow wood', let us wish him a happy birthday! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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