Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 588: East King's past

"I thought that at the beginning, I and the Zihao brothers were both in the world, and they were willing to enmity; when they were the same as the two, there were a few people who are now the nine emperors." Snow tears faintly said: "But at the time There is still someone who wants to be above my generation, smashing the world, such as the raging sun, the radiant, this person, that is the cloud."

"A lot of people are willing to make friends with them. However, when Zihao saw him for the first time, the two people started to fight. At that time, Zihao was far from the opponent of the cloud, and I went forward to help, two People who fight in the clouds, but still can not win, the two sides eventually lost both sides."

"Since then, as soon as I saw the people on the cloud, I would do one job, and each time, the results were all three people bruised and wounded."

"But between such rivers and lakes, it gradually became famous, and it lost its original enthusiasm for the family's power. Sometimes it feels like a snow house is too small. For me, it is not a boost, but instead It is a limitation... my destiny should belong to the world."

"Until that day, my father strictly ordered me to take over the position of the owner. I was very indifferent to give the position of the heir to the snow family, and gave it to the second brother." Snow tears long sighed: "Father I was so angry that I drove me out of the house."

"The second brother of the martial arts is only a middle-class qualification, but it is one of the most sagacious business geniuses. In just a short period of ten years, he has turned the original Xuejia, a second-class family, into a nine-day scorpio. The first chaebol! At that time, the snow family became famous in the sky; but, finally, it was a big tree. On one day, the second brother was assassinated on the way back, and the soul went to Jiuquan."

There was a slight tremor in the sound of snow and tears. "My father heard the news and grieves, and sent the world to the world. Who can report this great feud for the second brother? It is the great benefactor of the Xue family."

"At that time, I and Zihao also got the news. When I traveled to the 270,000-mile road, I went back to the stars and night, and I realized that the second brother’s hatred had already been reported." Snow tears faintly said: "And find the murderer People, it is the people on the cloud."

"As a result, the people on the cloud were treated as guests and entered the Xue family. Because of this, I met my sister."

Snow tears chilled the hands of Yuan Tian’s hand in the hands of the Yang, sneer: "There is a sentence in the Yuan Tian limited handwriting, called; 'I am in the clouds, Jiu Lingling folds plum, snow night winds live cold.... ...this is the two people who said."

"Nine-year-old plum blossoms Mei Jiuyi, and, lost in the windy gorge, my brother, the snow is light and cold. Until now, I realized that my second brother was the Yunshangren Design Institute, which was regarded as a guest at the time. Kill! And what you start is the future of the Emperor Yunyun, Yuan Tian limit!"

The snow and tears are cold and smiling, and the voice is as cold as frost: "I don't think that the second brother is actually in the hands of the emperor in the future, and designing him in the back, or the first person in the future... the second brother, even the whole Xue family is not Should I feel that I have a good face? And if I am a brother, should I feel that I am honored?!"

Chu Yang sighed, but never made a sound.

From the beginning to the present, the snow and tears have apparently suppressed the bitterness in my heart countless times!

But now, when this sentence is reached, it can no longer be suppressed!

"When I and Zhahao rushed back hundreds of thousands of miles, I was secretly seeing people in the cloud in my home, and my little sister, Xianer, went out to play with the people on the cloud every day. To... The Cloud Man was the first Wizard of the Nine Heavens in the past ten thousand years, the first master of the younger generation... Fairy is with him, there is no danger at all."

"At the time, we didn't think too much. Although I and Zihao both saw that the people on the cloud were not pleasing to the eye, in private, they had never heard of any scandals on the cloud, and they did not make any rumors of martial arts. Therefore, although some of them are uncomfortable, they are very admired for his cultivation. After all, we must rely on the two to join hands to unite with each other. It is not as good as him alone."

"So we didn't stop the interaction between them. Now it seems that this was the first big mistake I made with Zihao!" The snow and tears slammed his teeth and his teeth lingered. One sound.

In midair, suddenly lightning is a big hit.

Heavenly wrath, the wind is angry!

Chu Yang heartfelt sigh.

But he never said anything, just listened carefully.

He knows that these things, in the snow and tears, have been buried for a long time. I don’t know how many years. Now, I almost puzzled the mystery of his life. Now, he finally found the truth.

At this moment, the Emperor of the East, the snow and tears, need to vent, need an audience; to listen to his past experiences.

If you continue to squat, I am afraid that even a person like Snow Tears will explode.

"After that, I and Zihao were secretly left because of some family affairs of Zihao. From the beginning to the end, neither of us showed up. Zihao’s family was forced to walk, I and Zihaoqian Miles to pursue, to hunt down the enemy, to go for five years, and finally to kill all the enemies, it is precisely because of the five years of death and hunting, countless times in the boundaries of life and death, let us grow a lot, The cultivation of two people, at the same time took a big step, entered the ranks of heavenly masters, became the young master of the purple sky, and in less than a year later, he was promoted to the peak of the heavenly people." Snow tears and chuckles: "At that time, we are almost as big as you are now."

"Of course, when we are swaying the rivers and lakes, we also pay attention to the movements of the Xuejia side. The snow family developed well during this period. Instead of showing signs of decline, it has become more and more powerful. I am so sad. And didn't think more."

"It was later learned that the people on the cloud had been actively rushing for the snow home during that period of time, and this made the snow family grow stronger."

In the eyes of the snow and tears, there is a hint of inexplicable ridicule: "At that time, Zihao once said: It seems that the people on the cloud are really affecting the girl. It is not bad to have such a brother-in-law, and the snow house is prosperous. I laughed and I agree with it."

"After all, although we are opponents of each other, there is no big enemy of life and death; although there are not many so-called sorrows, there are still some, haha..."

These words, ridicule, self-blame, resentment, contradiction, nostalgia... all kinds of emotions, both.

"Since then, the two of us have been separated and experienced. I went to the wilderness to explore. Zihao went deep into the north, and it was three years. I both advanced to the level of the saints and truly became a master among the world."

"When I see you again, I am already a super strong person in the middle of the sage, and Zihao is still similar to me. There are also seven other brothers under the command. I am willing to vote and have a courage. Everyone has their own team. Zihao once said in a word: Now that they have developed themselves, after 100 years, you and my brothers have the same strength and sincere cooperation, swept the day?"

When Snow Tear said this sentence, the sound seemed very special. It was not his own voice. He wanted to imitate the voice of Zihao at that time.

Whether the sound of this imitation is the same as that of Zihao, Chu Yang is naturally unclear, but can hear the heroic spirit from this sentence!

How has you swept this day? !

How confident is this! What a temper!

Just listening to this sentence, it seems that you can see the burly, sturdy purple eyes of the world.

"At the time, I nodded and said yes. Because we are sure of each other, within a hundred years, we will certainly be able to reach the peak. By then, the two will join hands, even if the people in the cloud are definitely not opponents in the former, the rest is busy, more Not in the eyes, sweeping the sky, becoming the supreme master, and categorically!"

"But, the world is like chess, and the meaning of God is unpredictable. Before that time, suddenly there was a big chaos. The world’s first master of the rivers and lakes began to compete. The Xue family did not hesitate to go all out to promote this matter. The snow house was full of all the forces. A total of 1.7 million people, to promote this matter. The younger sister Xianer announced to the whole rivers and lakes, who can win the first master, marry the man."

"This news completely shocked me and Zihao. Zihaoxing returned from the snowy mountain to find me and asked me what to do. But what has happened to that point, what can I do? I and Zihao just don't come out The people on the cloud compete, others are not his opponents at all."

"And at that time, how could I and Zihao come out? Because that is related to the lifelong happiness of the younger sister!"

"The people who participated in the war at the time, vaguely remembered that there was a limit of Yuan, there was purple promise, and... In the end, the manpower in the cloud frustrated and won the first place in the world. And I and Zihao can only do it on one side. A simple spectator."

"On the night of the younger sister, I didn't show up, but dragged Zihao to drink. From that night, I had been drinking for seven days and seven nights."

"When we woke up, we found that between the seven days, the world was no longer the past! My father, for no reason, suddenly died! The people on the cloud were so furious that the snow masters did their best and sent their own strength. Deploying more than 70,000, starting revenge throughout the day! It’s a crazy phase!”

"At the time I heard the grief and anger, I had to go to revenge immediately. However, Zihao desperately stopped me and said that it was only fearful of other things. I am not in a position to meet with the people on the cloud. The Master knows my identity about the Xue family."

"I thought about it, so I began to explore it secretly; both of us realized: Why is the younger sister and the cloud-speaker just getting married, and the father was killed? The father is the master of the world's first chaebol. There are countless guards around. If it is so easy to be assassinated, don’t you die millions of times? How to wait until today?” (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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