Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 589: Why do you want to say?

"My father can't die, the little girl can't help. And, as the situation at the time looks like, the attitude of the people on the cloud is almost crazy, the head is wrapped in white cloth, wearing filial piety, then killing the past all the way, wide open Killing the ring, the entire Zhongjitian was almost swept away by him. When it was really smooth, the opponent died!"

"Those who have hatred with the Xue family on weekdays, who have suspicions, or even guilty, are all uprooted by the people on the cloud. If it is a decade, the whole world will die in the hands of the people in the cloud and his hands. More than tens of millions of people, it’s really a corpse, and the blood flows into the river!"

"Ultimately, the people on the cloud declared the world and confirmed the identity of the murderer. It was the first day of the East Pole. The Ning family called the army. The people on the cloud dispatched the army to crusade. At that time, all the evidences have indeed indicated that it is indeed Ning. Home made."

"In the past, Ningjia Sanshao once pursued my sister, but I was not happy with the younger sister. I was also reprimanded by me. Because of love, hate, hatred and revenge, I finally got a curse; not only did I organize a snow house. Blocking, assassinating my father, I also planned a kidnapping of my sister..."

"New hatred and old hate broke out at the same time. I and Zihao launched their own forces at the same time, secretly assisted, and the people on the cloud were facing the main attack. The two of us secretly helped. At the same time, there were also the seven brothers who had been hiding in the rivers and lakes. However, in the three days, the first day of the East Pole, the Ning family was uprooted, and the forces belonging to it were destroyed, and the Ning family was full, and the dogs did not stay."

"That night, I really only killed the whole East, and it was full of blood, everyone shuddered!"

Chu Yang sighed.

No matter whether the Ning family is innocent or not innocent, but who can defend against the snow and tears, Zihao and the people of the cloud?

Even the big forces can't stand it!

These three people, respectively, are the Lord of the East Emperor, and later the Lord of the Purple Sky, and a sacred prince who is above all else!

Such a luxurious lineup, no matter what kind of forces on the right, is only a strong bully.

"Ning's family was completely destroyed. We all thought that the enemy had finally been reported. The dead can be gratified." Snow and tears smiled and said: "At that time, the people on the cloud took over the Xue family as the heirs of the Xue family." After deliberating with the Seven Deities, I came to the unanimous conclusion: Both of us have their own rivers and lakes, and it is impossible to return to the family. Simply give the family to the younger sister to do her dowry."

"Moreover, even if it is not given to the younger sister, then the people on the cloud have already had the power to monopolize, and we don't want to fight with him. Even if there is no point in the fight, it just makes the little girl sad."

"Then we both went to see the little girl secretly. I originally planned to show up and talk to her, tell her that she still has relatives in this world, and rely on it, but when we secretly spy, we two Unexpectedly, the younger sister changed and the whole person changed."

"She is no longer our former little girl. Now she has only the identity of the wife of the cloud. What she is thinking of is only the husband of her husband who has a unified and unrestrained tyrant."

"That night, we were outside the window, listening to the planning of the little girl. At that moment, we were as cold as ice, then... Is that the innocent and pure little girl of our past?!"

"When she said: The timing is right, I can use this great opportunity of my father's death, unify the mid-day, and gradually expand the power... When I said this, I and the seven brothers turned away from this. World, never go back to Xuejia once!"

Chu Yang fiercely patted the table and said: "It's a real thing!"

His father died, but still want to take advantage of this opportunity to help her husband achieve the hegemony!

Such a daughter is simply a wolf and a dog, and it is really better than nothing!

The snow and tears sighed.

"After that, the people on the cloud unified the sky, and then self-proclaimed my sacred prince, and in the whole world, began to elect the heavenly emperors, want to unify the management of the nine heavens, let the world return to Jingping."

"I and Zihao did not think about cooperating with his plan, but this matter has always been about the well-being of the people of the world. We definitely don't want to succumb to other people. Therefore, Zihao and I leave with you, with him. Brothers, go back to Zixiaotian, but I don’t want to go back to Zhongjitian again, so I set foot in the East Pole and set out to compete for the Emperor’s position!”

"In due course, the person who sent the cloud to control the East Pole is the first master of his team. I was killed on the spot in the ring. After that, I experienced two consecutive years of battle and finally became the first master of the East Pole. Because of the existence of Ningjia in the East Pole, I don’t like the name of Dongjitian, so I changed the name of Dongjitian to Donghuangtian. All opposition forces in the Emperor’s day swept away and became a piece of iron!”

"After another two years, Ziyantian is also calm and calm, Zihao is the Zizi Emperor, sitting on the side of the town. In that year, Zihao came to Donghuangtian, looking for me to drink and relieve boredom, I am both There was never a secret between them. I told him about the little girl in the past. Zihao was furious and even asked me why I didn’t take the lesson. I was speechless and stood on the spot."

"After that day, Zihao led seven brothers to rush to Zhongjitian, screaming at the Holy Palace, and smashed the little girl who was already a sacred man at that time, and then left in anger."

"The people on the cloud heard the news and furiously, and personally intercepted and killed Zihao. At that time, I followed in the following, and arrived in time to see the people on the cloud ruthlessly, naturally emerged, and joined hands with Zihao, and hit the cloud. !"

"I know now that the reason why the people on the cloud would shoot, I am afraid that it may not be for the younger sister, but his brother is full of the door, all lost in the hands of Zihao."

"After that, I went to the thing that encircled the true magic of the world... The people on the cloud called us to join forces, and each of us knows that the harm of the true magic of God, if not eradicated early, will soon come to my own head... ...even though there are many people between the great emperors, who are not pleasing to each other and have a heart-to-heart relationship, they still have an exception.

"In that battle, it was really a dark day, and the sun and the moon were dull... I think so far, the suspicion of the people on the cloud to get the secret of Halloween is the biggest." Snow tears, frowning and contemplative, said: "If it is now Wan The event of the Holy Spirit once again appeared, then, the person behind the scenes is sure to be undoubtedly in the clouds!"

Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the conclusion.

Speaking from the mouth of the East Emperor, this matter is basically a nail on the board, and there is no longer any doubts!

"Then it is the thing of the purple sky..."

Speaking of this, the snow tears silenced.

"I have been wondering about something that happened in Zixiaotian. How could you not know it?" Chu Yang asked.

"At that time, I was retreating." Snow tears sighed and sighed: "When the Battle of Purple Sky happened, I have been retiring for two years, ready to break through the supreme order... It is the level of reaching the Holy King. At that time, because of the battle against the true magic, all the combatants were seriously injured. After the injury, they felt that they had touched a little clue and had a feeling of faintness. For the military, the clue was that it could be met. The opportunity to seek, once missed, may not be there again... I have discussed with Zihao for a long time, I believe that to break through this level, at least need to carefully practice for more than ten years."

"After talking, I set about retreating and concentrating on breakthroughs; but, when I was in the third year, suddenly my heart was full of sorrows and sorrows, I saw Zihao simmering in blood and saying goodbye to me..."

The snow and tears closed his eyes and gently said: "I was shocked, and I was so angry that I was in danger, and it was not until half a month later that I managed to straighten out the power, but the advanced has become There is no hope, so it breaks out, and the starry night goes straight to the purple sky, to find out, but... the purple sky has already ended the war..."

"I was sad at first, but I thought that with the cultivation of Zihao, even if the defeat is defeated, the whole body will be retired without problems. As long as people are there, everything is not a problem. It is only afterwards, but in detail, the result is actually Yes, Ziyitian battle, Zihao Zhuang fierce battle!"

"After understanding everything, I was angered and committed suicide to the Holy Palace, directly from the gates of the Holy City, and continued to kill the Holy Palace, fighting with the people on the cloud... and ultimately losing both."

"Since then, my East Emperor and the Holy King have broken their minds and never come again! Until recently, the people on the cloud did not know why, and always showed me good, so I only recovered a little frozen relationship."

"But, I know, the people on the cloud are also aware that the death of Zihao is always a shackle between us. Even though we sometimes get together because of their respective worlds, we will still one day. Life and death showdown."

"Now, let me know the truth of all this!"

In the tears of cold, the voice has been very calm, but at this time, it suddenly became sharp and became fierce: "Father hate hate, brother love, cloud people, you harm my father, dominate my family business , harm my brother, I am with you... not inconsistent! Don’t wear the sky! Don’t die!”


"There are many things, there are a lot of things, but he is dead in your hands, so it is good; save me from doing it myself. But the people on the cloud are mine."

The snow and tears faintly said, the sharp center of the eye murder, flashed past, the hatred of the sky, surging.

"You know, why should I tell you this?" Snow faintly said coldly.

"Probably understand a little." Chu Yang nodded.

"These are my past, there are many hatreds, many regrets." Snow Tears took a deep breath: "What I want to tell you is... Since I know all the truth, first, Saint Jun In the clouds, no matter what, I want to kill." (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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