Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 596: Ascend to the top

'Donghuang Snow Tears Cold' cold eyes glared at the Emperor of Heaven, suddenly snorted and shook his head: "Do you understand people? What do you think I mean, then what do I mean... How, you did Others say no?"

In his heart, he did not feel good about these people. Now, after knowing the truth of the year, he feels even more dissatisfied. At this moment, along with his temper, what is hard to listen to, and the temper of the thief is coming up, where is the opposite. Who is the person?

"Good, good, good!" The Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor all gnashed his teeth and slowly nodded: "Snow and tears, count you, wait for this grand event, we must be intimate and affectionate, and look at your famous town." Whether the Emperor of Heaven’s Emperor is really able to cover the sky with one hand and see the world as nothing!”

"So I said that you are not planted!" Just listen to the 'East Emperor Snow Tears cold' and squinted his nose and said: "If you want to fight now, you will not be able to do it. You are looking for some crappy reasons... Isn't it afraid to offend the Qionghua Emperor? In fact, I can understand that the people on the cloud are not here now. You don't have the backbone of the heart. You can fight with me. The gentleman is not under the wall, let alone a few of you. I have done "biao zi" and want to establish a memorial archway. It is what you are doing now, but there is such a cheap thing in the world!"

He snorted, he said: ""biao zi" is "biao zi", is it a yellow niece? It is a different nature! When this is over, you don't know which mouse hole you slipped into. The cat is gone... I am still playing with me..."

"Snow and tears cold!" The demon heart can't bear it, and slams the exit: "What do you want to do with this bastard? Can you play it? You have to make it to the river to be able to stop it now? To fight. You Play with me!"

Seeing the Enlightenment Ceremony of Qionghua Emperor is about to be transformed into a big fight between the nine heavens and the nine emperors, and a demon-like Buddha is born. The two Buddhas ascended to heaven, had to jump out and spoil the situation, I hope that this great awkwardness can understand something, and it is serious to hurry.

Especially at the beginning, the surface is called the 'East Emperor' in front of you. Actually, it is called the secret of the real East Emperor Snow tears. The meaning is: You are quick to take care of your brother, this is the eye It caused a world war...

Other Heavenly Emperors have already turned red. Breathing, seeing is a big situation at the touch of a hair.

For millions of years, no one of the Emperor has ever suffered such a "ci luo" naked insult, not to mention that it is now a gathering of people who have opened maps.

Everyone in the real world feels that they are mad and painful, and they are trembled.

This tone can't be tolerated anyway.

This emperor is really deceiving too much.

Can you despise us so much that you have the second best now? We can’t beat you one by one, but we, people here, don’t believe that it’s still awkward to unite! What did you look like after you didn’t watch the demon? She is one of the second only to the East Emperor, and she has her head. Is the snow and tears still good? !

In the dark, the lurking snow and tears are millions of qi and qigong. What kind of cultivation is it? At this moment, I have already been mad at my brother’s feet. No, I have already jumped!

This **** has already passed him a dozen times in advance. Three orders and five applications, this guy is also a full-point promise, but now it is thrown into the back; even if it is a fart can be stinking for a while, but the goods are turned over like a book!

It’s just that you’re hiding in the dark, it’s impossible to show up. Otherwise, take this guy back to Donghuangtian!

I hurriedly said: "You are a jerk! You are not going to die... you are fucking, go back to Laozi and ask for a law. I will rectify and renovate your bastard!"

The snow and tears are irritating and violent, and they are screaming, but they are already eloquent.

The pretending Emperor immediately spoke back and forth: "Snow and tears, you really have kind, you dare to marry me! Well, you marry my mother? My mom is your mother, you dare aunt! You are so too There is a kind! You actually yell, I am a bastard, I am a mother, I am a bastard, you hatch it is not a **** or a turtle! You are his... dare aunt is Wang Ba... wait for us Going back, I will go to the ancestral hall with you to have a good theoretical theory. You are a bastard..."

The snow and tears sighed in the throat, and I almost had to go back. I couldn’t help but "shen yin" said: "I... I have to vomit blood..."

However, the pseudo-Emperor seems to feel that he is over-extended. Looking at the emperors who are approaching on all sides, they have to explain why they are difficult: "Of course, I am not saying that you are all. It is said that some of you. People... Well, who is the most excited."

This sentence came out, really did not even think of the devil, this trick, no, this sentence is the killer, the person is invincible!

Not being overwhelmed! Can you not be beaten?

Everyone in the heavens has almost gone crazy, but in addition to glare, there is no one who first speaks, and there is no one who does it. Who does it, does it just recognize that he is one of some people?

One by one, the air is suffocating, and the forehead is jumping, but it is impossible to step forward.

The demon heart is long and long sigh of relief, and the mind has not been beaten on the spot, so although everyone has grievances in the stomach, it is still within the controllable range.

I heard that the ‘Emperor’ said: “But you all know that even if you really start, you are not my opponent.”

In the blink of an eye, one head turned into two big ones...

Almost to the worship of this goods in front of the eyes: Big Brother, how can you say anything? ! When do you want to offend people?

Seeing the nine emperors, the whole team will explode, collective fire and...

Fortunately, at this time, Qionghua Emperor had already brought his wife, and Enron drove to the eighth floor.

From the moment of boarding the eighth-level first-grade ninety-nine-day ladder, all the attacks suddenly disappeared and returned to a calm.

Not even a little messy.

Everyone knows that the eighth floor is where the nine emperors are. After who dares to secretly do the tricks and engage in those sneaky actions, it is not only after provoking the nine monarchs, but also picking up all the nine monarchs, then What is different from looking for death? !

Although a principal does not care whether the Holy Spirit will kill a few more people, it is still too risky to be brazen enough to do so in front of so many known "qing ren".

So from this moment on, only on the bright side!

In other words, the real test of Xie Danqiong is only officially started here. Of course, except for a few people, no one else knows, that is, from this level, the real Xie Danqiong has actually changed.

Instead, it is in the entire Nine Heavens, regardless of identity, status, and cultivation, all of them are truly true. Above the million people, the East Emperor, the snow and tears!

No one has ever been able to interpret ‘under one person, above the world’. But the snow and tears are deserved and deserved!

I can imagine what kind of expressions would be when the real spirits were full of confidence and the main force was thrown out, but when they were hit by the most horrible and completely no resistance to counterattack...


Seeing that the Xie Danqiong couple finally stepped into the eighth stage of the first stage, Chu Yang finally breathed a long sigh of relief. I only felt that I was crumbling, and I almost couldn’t stand it. It was actually black and white. Looking at other brothers, they are all the same, seemingly worse than themselves.

Ji Mo is walking in the air, as if he can lie on the ground at any time, no longer.

Whether it is the spirit, the cultivation or the thought of the mind, in the past, this road has been overdrawn too many times!

In the past, only in the battle of life and death will consume a Jiu Dan, but from the first floor of the ninety-nine ladder to the present, these people consume an average of more than 20 each!

All add up to nearly three hundred!

This is a rather huge number!

Although Jiuzhong Dan is the world's first healing holy medicine, the main purpose is to heal the wounds, replenish the essence, restore the skill, and regulate the body. However, in such a short period of time, eating so much, we still need to digest it. In order to avoid adverse effects.

Mo Tianji also took a long breath and immediately took a Jiudan Dan. Others can rest, but Mo Tianji and Chu Yang still can't rest, even though they know that they will serve Jiu Dan, in the long run. The disadvantages outweigh the benefits, but they still have to be served.

Chu Yang is another task, but Mo Tianji has to continue to maintain the basic operation of the big array. When Mo Tianji swallowed Jiuzhong Dan, Chu Yang also swallowed the Jiuzhong Dan, which had already been in the mouth, without any trace.

Chu Leer and Chu Yang, who have never been shot, acted as Xie Danqiong’s accompanying maids and attendants. At this moment, they are behind Xie Danqiong and Ms. Mei, and Bai Yisheng Xue, on the eight-story platform, fluttering like a fairy.

Xie Danqiong always insisted that at this ceremony, all the brothers showed up and enjoyed this great glory and felt the taste of standing at the peak - but the Qionghua Emperor who just proposed this idea was Mo Tianji and Chu Yang. I approved a meal.

"Our brothers can only climb the cusp one by one. If the so-called peaks of the world go up together... can't find death together!" This is the words of Mo Tianji.

"The timing is not yet mature. You just wait for us to gather at the peak. It must be one day." This is Chu Yang's words.

Ji Mo and Rock's unbelievable three people heard Xie Danqiong's words originally had the meaning of cheering, but they were stunned back by such two sap.

At this moment, although most of the brothers have stopped in the same place, raising their breath and adjusting their vitality, but in the dark, there is still Mo Tianji to preside over the overall situation. In the Ming Dynasty, there is Chu Yang behind him. Xie Danqiong is full of confidence!


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