Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 597: Lineup, recognition

Therefore, when Xie Danqiong was in the seat of the nine emperors, he was still a calm, relaxed and full-fledged person.

There was no tension at all, and there was no crampiness.

It seems... I was originally a member of this place, and now, it’s just an understatement and it’s going to be here.

"The Qionghua Emperor has already boarded the Emperor's Heaven!" The voice of Mudu resounded to the world again, with impulsive and impulsive impulses: "Here, we have absolute, honorable, glory." Guests! Will meet with Qionghua the Great and decide on the covenant..."

Everyone in Mo Yuntian jumped up like a madman and called it up.

"After the nine emperors! Only my holy king!"

"After the nine emperors! Only my holy king!"



After the nine emperors, only the holy prince is the top figure in the legend.

Everyone is like the ethereal and the existence of the gods on the clouds of nine days - in fact, they are gods in this world!

It’s just not a simple emperor!

Xie Danqiong smiled and walked in calmly. The first one to go, of course, was the No. 1 Emperor in the post-Nine Emperor, and the snow was cold.

At this time, behind the tears of Donghuang Snow, I don’t know when there are two more people.

Standing straight behind the ‘Emperor’ snow tears.

These two people are the personal guards of the East Emperor. They are usually invisible, and they do not appear in front of others.

But at this moment, in the face of the new Jinyun Tianqionghua Emperor, they can only show up.

This is an expression and a respect.

After the other Emperor and the demon, they also had two such people at the same time.

Only the mad sword Tiandi Wu also mad at the side is a bit embarrassing: he himself is already enough to crack the date, but the two people standing behind him, actually more than him ... cough, but also more crackling Some dates!

People, always afraid of comparison, after the darling guards appeared out, Wu’s madness in front of everyone’s eyes, how to look ugly, actually became a lot of pleasing eyes, flowers need green leaves, and want to set off Withered grass, as long as you can find more dry grass, that is!

“Qiong Huadi walked in calmly and had a cordial conversation with our first distinguished guest! Let me introduce you to the first guest today, he is... the owner of the East Emperor!...”

The voice of the hibiscus shouted like a scorpion, and he said with screams: "...East Emperor! Snow and tears!!"

Just as the voice just fell, the clouds in the sky suddenly tumbling, a cluster of bright golden clouds appeared in the sky, the golden clouds were just a tumbling, and they had formed eight large mountains and characters across the sky.


With the appearance of eight words, the people of Mo Yuntian screamed a wave higher than the waves, shaking the earth.

The East Emperor Snow Tears coldly stood up gracefully, with a smile on his face, and at this moment, a huge image of the Emperor suddenly appeared in midair, standing with his hands, graceful and handsome, facing the world.

At this moment, the outstanding image of the East Emperor instantly conquered the people of the world.

Sure enough, it is a generation of emperors, this temperament, this style of wind, these images, really is dumping.

Only the great emperors saw this scene, only felt that the mouthful of teeth were hurting.

No, I don’t think it’s really painful. Is this true that we see? Is this the one who just yelled at us? !

See you -

‘East Emperor Snow Tears and Cold’ smiled affectionately: “Thank you, brother, congratulations, great, great, you are so young, you can achieve this, and it’s a hero.”

Xie Danqiong is not humble, but smiles: "Snow brother, you are too prized."

"Where is the are more than these..." The 'East Emperor Snow Tears Cold' eyes will look like a relapse, and then put a slogan, the secret snow and tears hurriedly export to stop: "Oh! Don't buy again Get your mouth, this time, you can say less if you can say less."

"...Compared to these people...but handsome and handsome..." The Eastern Emperor’s sire was stopped, and the words of a pregnant woman’s belly turned into such a painless sentence.

Xie Danqiong also sighed and said: "Over the prize."

After that, I will go to the back of the demon.

I didn’t expect the Eastern Emperor’s Majesty to say behind him: “Hey, when these people are in your current position, they are all old monkeys. Don’t look like they look very young. Actually, one by one. The old and undead shameless are coming."

This sentence is very, very light, and naturally there is no sound, and it spreads all over the world.

However, who is behind the nine emperors, how can they not hear? One by one can not help but suffocate the nose.

Among them, it is the most angry with the demon after the demon; the stinky man is not the same, the woman is most jealous of others saying that she is old, old, and so on; the Eastern Emperor’s majesty can be regarded as the first river - when After the demon said that it is old...

Directly put the liver under the demon's back is also swollen, but it can not attack, because -

After the demon eyes saw Xie Danqiong coming to her side, she had to force down the urge to scream the "Emperor", and she stood up with a smile and smile.

In midair, Jinyun tumbling, and instantly changed another eight characters.

"Wind in the world, only my demon!"

At the same time, the demeanor of the devil's style also appeared in the sky at the same time, facing the world, the peerless grace, immediately dumped the world.

Such a peak power, such a peerless beauty!

The heroes of the world are afraid to be!

"The demon is squatting down." Xie Danqiong was slightly squatted, and Mrs. Mei was also at the same time.

This is no way, Xie Danqiong and the demon Ningning brothers are commensurate, the name is early, the demon is equal to his elders, but the number of ceremonies is indispensable.

After the demon did not avoid the suspicion, affectionately lifted the two one by one, looked up and down, praised: "The situation of Qionghua and the emperor is a genius, a pair of natural, set a pair! Today, joining hands to climb the peak, really gratifying. ”

Xie Danqiong smiled: "The demon squats and sighs, and I hope that after the demon, I will carry a lot of support."

"Let's talk about it." After the demon smiled, he lowered his voice and said: "This snow-scarred and cold-spoken nonsense is a bit nerve-stricken today. You and two of you should never believe what he said."

Xie Danqiong was very surprised by the ‘呃’, it seemed a bit stunned, and I didn’t know what was going on here.

How can the words of this demon be so outrageous? !

However, I was surprised to see the other nine emperors.

After the demon, this sentence is really too fast.

The demon heart took Ms. Mei’s hand and said: “Genghua’s majesty, let the empress accompany me to talk here, I am here, there is no woman to talk to me, and I am lonely.”

Xie Danqiong is certainly full of promises.

After the demon, this move is undoubtedly the complete protection of Mrs. Mei. Instantly smashed all kinds of conspiracy that the enemy can carry out more than half!

Under the universal sky, it seems that there are few people who can hurt people under the protection of the demon.

Next, in the third seat, it is the Great Luotian Promise.

"Luo Tian is supreme, heroes are endless!"

When I heard the introduction, Chu Yang, behind Xie Danqiong, couldn’t help but lift her eyelids. She took a close look at the face of this great emperor and then lowered her head.

Something strange in my heart: How can there be two surnames purple in the post of the Nine Emperors? I still remember the original Purple Emperor Zihao, who is the surname purple.

And this big Luo Tiantian emperor, actually surnamed purple.

Is this... coincidence?

Most of them are coincidences. If the purple promise is really related to Zihao, snow and tears should not know...

The fourth place is the chair of the Emperor Yunyun, Xie Danqiong does not stop, the path is from the fifth place; the floating day Tiandi emperor returns to the dust. This snow-covered black-haired man is a handsome emperor. It makes people look at it at a glance. It is like a person from a world. It is not like an emperor in the palm of his hand.

"There is a root in the world, and the ink is back."

Xie Danqiong could not fully understand the meaning of these eight words for a time, but he smiled.

All the emperors of the heavens have presented gifts, and of course the gifts will not be taken out by the Emperor, and they will be given by the following people.

In the sixth place, it is the dream of the Antarctic sky and snow.

"Cold and snow, life is back!"

These eight words, the first four words are the true portrayal of the Antarctic geography, and the latter four words are related to the unique dreams of the dreams.

Life dreams back.

If the ice and snow heavenly emperor returns to this trick, it will be the late nine people, and it will inevitably be affected by it. Unconsciously recalling the things that are worthy of the midnight dream in their lifetime...

Some of them are relatively weak, and even they will fall into a nightmare. They will live in the past and present, and all the past will be awake.

Ranked in the seventh place, it is the Daxitian mad sword Tiandi Wu also mad.

"West is far away, I am mad!"

When Wu also stood up and greeted Xie Danqiong, Xie Danqiong suddenly found out that his own body was actually so tall, so superior. All along, a few brothers are tall and well-proportioned, Xie Danqiong walked in it, on the head, it is not outstanding, Chu Yang, Gu alone, Dong Wushou three people are even slightly higher than him.

It’s always used to it, and the most important thing is that when the Nine Heavens’ warriors usually go to the prefecture level, they can change their basic appearance, and since then they have been finalized. In general, they will I am correcting myself.

Therefore, when it comes to warrior, there are so many beautiful men and women, but the head is not too high, and not too short.

But now Xie Danqiong is also mad at Wu, but it instantly feels a sincere advantage: the prestigious mad sword celestial emperor, standing up to only reach Xie Danqiong's chest.

Xie Danqiong has two more heads than the other one!

Two people stand together, one is beautiful, the Yushu is in the wind, the wind is in the air; the other... is set off like a bunch of uninvited shit!


Moving today, the guests came to congratulate... I passed the code last night, rushed out the manuscript and updated it in advance. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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