Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 602: Kill!

In the air. Hundreds of millions of blooming wild flowers are suddenly disappearing.

In the air, only one figure that has lost its soul is left behind - it is infinite, bloody, and standing in the air. On his face, a piece of dead gray.

There is no life in the eyelids.

The face that was originally flying, at this moment, has become so desperate. Even without resentment.

Qionghua Emperor in the air with a pitiful smile, faintly said: "Huang Quan Road is far away, not far away! Qu Yuanliang, you should have been ready to die. I will not be fragrant for you next year."

Qionghua Emperor gently said: "Because you are not worthy."

As the phrase "you don't match" is said, the body of the infinite sudden burst suddenly bursts into a piece of even piece of meat, like a **** Qionghua in the air.

It is so blooming, from head to toe, every minute and every inch is scattered; the cruel phenomenon of this scene appears in the shape of the bloom of Qionghua, which gives a beautiful vision of cruelty.

The blood-colored Qionghua gradually opened to the position of the feet of the infinite, and finally all the words of "啪" disappeared, completely annihilated in the world.

A generation of masters, millions of years of turmoil, finally in the near future, into the final.

Immediately, the ‘Xie Danqiong’ in the air suddenly looked up and gently “snapped”. As soon as he reached out, he seemed to have grasped something. He said calmly: “Is there still such a thing?...”

In the hands of a force, "squeaky", a faint smoky smoke from the hands. He patted his hand gently and took out a white silk scarf embroidered with Qionghua from his arms. Carefully wipe your hands and throw them at your fingertips.

The white silk scarf is rotating. Flying straight up to the high altitude of Jiuyunyun, I have never fallen down. I don’t know where I flew there. I only saw it flying over a white cloud, so it disappeared quietly...

The audience once again fell into the silence of death!

Even the Chinese people after the nine emperors lost their words because of the inexplicable shock.

No one thought that this unknown Qionghua Emperor was so powerful! The famous deer mountain king of the prestigious name, the peak of the Mo Yuntian. It was just under the trick of Qionghua the Great. It turned into nothingness.

Now I want to come, just now he is Changhong and the tiger, the look of the prestige, is directly a clown.

Look at the people of Qionghua, the emperor, just stand still and stand still, between the throwing, is the boundless Qionghua. Turned into the ocean of Qionghua, directly drowning the heavens and the earth, drowning the sky, drowning everything that you want to drown!

This shows what?

what does this mean?

No matter how you jump up and down the clown, the Emperor just throws a hand and a finger... It will make you fly away!

Drowning - annihilation!

In the face of absolute strength, any intrigue. They are just a spring dream, self-righteous, self-willing. Only the disillusionment is the fastest.

Ruthless Heavenly Emperor is drunk and ruthless, Yanyang Tiandi Dragon Shadow Magic, Mad Sword Emperor Wu also mad and other people face sharp changes at the same time!

because. Everyone knows each other, even if they change themselves to face the problem. Of course, it is also possible to kill it. It is not very laborious. It is absolutely beyond the three tricks. However, it is still absolutely impossible to do such a weightlifting and understatement.

Without a little bit of fire, you will annihilate the enemy.

The so-called talk laughter destroys the enemy's wave, but nothing!

In fact, starting from the sky everywhere, the demon spirit has already let go of the heart, because the original first strike, and even a series of means behind, although from the beginning to the end are the signature means of Qionghua Emperor, but The Qionghua Emperor, who knows what the demon knows, obviously does not have such a level, and it is far from such a realm.

A peerless master, seeing the micro and knowing, especially the demon heart knows about the mystery that may exist in the body, naturally knowing it.

The shot just made is bound to be the tears of the East Emperor Snow.

In fact, the demon himself admits that even if he personally shot, he may not be able to do better!

The tears of the East Emperor Snow are the first among the nine emperors!

Another layer of meaning is also - the package has been successful.

When did you change someone? I have even passed it before!

The devil was amazed, but he gave a soft sigh of relief and a relaxed smile on his face.

At this point, the overall situation has been set, there is snow and tears to pretend here, to help out, do not say anything else, as long as the Holy King does not shoot, no one can force the body of the snow and tears. However, even if the Holy King disregards his identity, he personally shots... With the strength of the snow and tears, he can also fight for his chicken and dog.

Even if the snow and tears are finally lost, don't you have your own?

In the heart of the demon, the game of today - has been set!

As for the other emperors, everyone’s expressions are very consistent, and everyone is stunned, stunned, and stunned.

It’s like being a ghost.

The Qionghua Emperor can actually have such cultivations, can it be so easy and addictive and Galliway to kill the Qu Yuan? !

This greatly unexpected result made everyone all straighten their eyes and was completely at a loss.

In particular, Zhongjitian ruthless Tiandi was drunk and ruthless, and the Chibei Tianyan Yangtian Emperor Dragon Shadow illusion was even worse.

As for the other opponents, the face of the mad sword Emperor Wu also appeared in an extremely complicated expression, but it just passed away. Just this kind of temperament is enough to make his evaluation more than drunk and ruthless, dragon illusion!

In the air, Qionghua Emperor was in a white dress, his eyes and peace, and faintly said: "I don't know when other challengers will fight with the Emperor? But... In the eyes of the Emperor, there is only a total of you. Three, let's come together."

This sentence seems to be an understatement, but the domineering side leakage is revealed.

Shendian cream Wang Zhuang laughs dust, Jindao Tianwang Su Yuncheng, the sky-gun Wang Nie Qianlong, the three masters face each other, the face is full of sincere scruples, among them, there are fears that are difficult to cover up.

It is said that Dalushan Wang Qufu’s own self-cultivation is absolutely no one can be more clear than the three of them. If it is said that the battle between life and death, no one of the three people faced the Dalushan Wang dare to say that there is a certain victory.

but. Now, Dalushan is infinite. This foot can be equal to the top of the autumn master, actually in a face, almost silently lost in the hands of Qionghua the Great!

If you still fight alone, who dares to go up?

That is not only purely looking for death, but also the most complete death!

The three-person challenge heart has vanished, but how does the order have to deal with it? !

For a time, three people are entangled!

this moment.

Qionghua Emperor won the snow white suit and stood proudly in the air. The figure is tall and straight, the face is elegant and calm, and the moment of this moment, I really don't know how many girls in the sky.

In this life, I am dreaming at midnight, I am afraid that there will be a handsome figure standing in the sky!

So many years later, today’s scene is still in the hearts of all the people who participated in the ceremony. Everyone believes that no one of the Emperor of Heaven can overshadow today's Qionghua Emperor.

Including the holy prince.

Including the East Emperor.

No one knows that the current Qionghua Emperor, the Emperor of the East, completely released the killing in his heart!

However, in the graceful style that is unique to Qionghua’s emperor, it has turned into an endless style!

Endless scenery!

When I saw three people, there was no snoring, and Qionghua’s face showed a scornful smile. Said: "What are you waiting for? Come up. Don't you want to grab the position of the Emperor? If you don't even have the courage to fight up..."

Qionghua Emperor smiled faintly: "Is it true that the first few tortoises in this year... are they expected to be the Emperor of the Clouds?"

This sentence is simply as sharp as a reminder.

All the people of Moyuntian suddenly trembled in their hearts: not bad. These few people say that they are peerless and strong, and they seem to be somewhat masters. But how is it, what are the qualifications of these people to compete for the position of Emperor Yunyun? The battle of the Demon did not show up on that day. When things were settled, they now ran out of trouble. I want to pick peaches.

Now, in the face of power and unpredictability, the powerful Qionghua Emperor, you dare not take it.

What kind of qualifications do you have for this kind of person, who is the Emperor of the Clouds?

What qualifications are there to compete for the Emperor of the Clouds? !

I really want to let some of these people become the Emperor of the Clouds, and what counts on the cloud and the sky, and become a third-class citizen!

For a time, everything was quiet and silent, but the unprecedented entanglement of doubt was filled with air.

A pair of double-questioned eyes, decided to look at Zhuang Xiaochen and other three.

Zhuang Xiaochen’s three people lamented.

Is this task to completely clean up the power of Mo Yuntian? However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the repair of the Emperor Yunyun Tianqionghua is far beyond the intelligence!

But now it has formed a situation in which it is difficult to ride a tiger. Even though it is now escaping to escape, it will still be able to escape for a while, but it will still face the endless combination of the nine emperors: you can die, you can defeat, even on the spot. Everything is self-explanatory.

Because you are coming for the housework of Mo Yuntian.

But if you are provocative, if you are in love, you will come to escape, then it proves that you are just a mess: in this case, it is equivalent to offending the dignity of the nine emperors!

You have to pay the price!

The price of life!

In the face of such a pursuit, there is absolutely no death!

All three are the same dilemma and difficult to decide.

At this moment, the cold voice of the demon sounded: "Well, wait for the three, since in order to compete for the position of the Emperor, why not let go of a fight?"

Below, "Donghuang Snow Tears Cold" is equally sensible: "Why not fight?!"

Qinglan Tiandi Mo Qingqing said coldly: "Qiong has already bloomed, why not fight?"

Da Luo Tiandi purple promise looked up, cold eyes staring at the three people, faintly said: "You wait for three people, why not fight? Is it ... the so-called challenge is not true, just deliberately challenge me?"

As soon as this statement came out, all the Emperor of Heaven, snorted with a sigh of relief.

Even though drunk and ruthless people do not want to scream like this, but it represents the dignity of the nine emperors.

This is the end of the matter, the retreat has been broken!

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