Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 603: King of the world

There is no way to go back, then only the way forward!

Fortunately, the words of Qionghua Emperor gave the three of them a little more hope. One-on-one is definitely not good, so the three people join hands? Can you have a chance to look forward to a miracle? !

Originally, even if the three people joined forces, they might not dare to say victory. However, nowadays it is difficult to ride a tiger, not to fight, but to fight, although the vitality is extremely embarrassing, but there is still a little bit of life? !

Zhuang Xiaochen smiled helplessly and stood up. He walked through the void and came to the front of ‘Qinghua Emperor. The other two also followed.

Su Yuncheng and Nie Qianlong are both a look of viciousness and faint despair.

What was originally thought to be a good situation, how to instantaneously overturn? !

"Xie brother is really good at work, especially this hard work is even more amazing." Zhuang Xiaochen smiled faintly, and said: "But, to face the three of us at the same time, you are still unavoidable." Some of them are big, be careful, and be overwhelmed!"

This sentence is undoubtedly a matter of sitting down and waiting for the three people to join hands. Moreover, it is to catch the other's language disease: you asked us to play at the same time.

It is not that we voluntarily, so if you wait for the defeat, you will die, and you should take it for yourself.

You just won a trick and overturned the whole situation. However, when you were smug, you gave us a chance and you will have to fall over and repay it!

The Qionghua Emperor in the air did not pay any attention to the words of Zhuang Xiaochen. He still smiled faintly. The elegant and elegant style of the party was whispered: "Whether it is necessary to divide life and death, why bother?"

His right hand suddenly came from the deep sleeves of his wide sleeves, and his white fingers were everywhere, but he had a white Qionghuahua. The cloud was light and windy: "I can still kill the devil, and I will wait for the three. What about the Yuantian limit?"

Three people heard the words and trembled at the same time.

Although this sentence is implicit, it reveals the meaning of killing.

Three people stood at the same time.

Xie Danqiong facing the air.

Although the heart has long been timid and early, the intention of avoiding war, but this war is imperative.

However, before they took the shot, Xie Danqiong had already shot.

"Qiong is burning everywhere, burning the world; today is the peak..." Qionghua the Great said: "... dominates Mo Yuntian!"

At the end of his finger, the one Qionghua suddenly came out of his hand.

The moment of the shot, one to ten, ten and one hundred, one hundred thousand, thousands and thousands, hundreds of thousands of Qionghua, and then dusty, three thousand red dust everywhere flying flowers ...

In the presence of millions of people, once again witnessed the stunning bloom of Qionghua, the vastness of the sea, brilliant, but intoxicated as a dream!

In the sky, Qionghua has already drowned the three people in the opposite direction.

But it is not cruel, it makes people feel that only beautiful, only gorgeous, the most charming.

The three strong players shouted and shot at the same time!

But this shot, but they all feel different.

Because the three people also felt that this time, the Qionghua bloom, there is no point in strength.

Yes, it is just a dreamy beauty.

In other words, Huahai is drowning them, but it is completely free of any lethality?

This kind of flower sea can only be charming and incapable of killing people!

The three of them were surprised at the moment of their immediate situation, but they saw the figure of Qionghua Emperor from the countless Qionghua, and flashed in, hands like a knife, came face to face.

This time, the way the Qionghua Emperor launched the attack was not to use Qionghua, but a pair of flesh!

"And look at me to break the joints of your three people!" The elegant voice of Qionghua Emperor quietly rang in the air, one hand has already reached the front of the **** of the gods, five fingers are about to catch his throat.

The palm of the hand is filled with white smoke.

Zhuang Xiaochen was shocked and surprised. Under a big turn, a purple electric "fly" flew out.

There is no trace, no idea where to come from, but it is the direction to go, straight to the throat of Qionghua Emperor.

At the same time, the Golden Knife of King Swordsman Su Yuncheng has already emerged, and a golden knife wave emerges instantly, protecting his throat - because he is also keenly aware of the Qionghua at the same time. The Great attacked his throat.

On the other side, the king of the skygun, Nie Qianlong, is already in front of the gun.

When Qionghua Emperor Pu took out, the three were attacked at the same time and were tested!

Hey, or should be... Three people feel themselves and have been attacked.

At this moment, all three people used the last life-saving means of the bottom of the pressure box.

However, the flowering of Qionghua is still like a mountain, and it is full of energy.

Among the countless Qionghua competitions, the figure of Qionghua Emperor is like the blooming Qionghua. It appears in countless directions. The white hand seems to be grabbing the throat of three people all the time!

Puff puff……

Zhuang Xiaochen's body retired, and the retreat was three hundred feet. The body was turned into a long rainbow. The moment had already appeared in the distant void. The face showed a horrifying look. A hand trembled slightly to the Qionghua Emperor. , suddenly said: "You are not..."

But he just said the three words. The hand of Qionghua the Great has already arrived in front of him. He gently patted his palm and smiled: "I don't want to let you go, but to kill you." ”

Zhuang Xiaochen screamed, and both palms used up their strength to push forward, but the body blew away from the past, but it was not seen in life.

Because, he has realized that the person in front of him is not Qionghua Emperor at all! But... a powerful imposter! Because of this palm, with the majesty of destroying the soul.

That is something that belongs to the East Emperor.

This impostor is actually the famous emperor of the world! Zhuang Xiaochen is conceited again, and he does not dare to blame himself for being the opponent of the East Emperor. Even if he is joining forces with himself, he may not necessarily be the enemy of the East Emperor.

At this moment, Zhuang Xiaochen is heartbroken.

However, he could not say a word because, although others did not feel it, but the first to bear the brunt of himself felt a strong invisible force that could almost tear the blue sky and sealed his mouth and nose.

Blocked my breathing.

In the air, full of tearing power, so that he can not retreat, can not be before, can not be left, can not be right.

Although I know who the other person is, I can’t say it, I can’t escape it. At this moment, Zhuang Xiaochen is directly insane - you are not talking about how to deal with Xie Danqiong, how to become the East Emperor?

Isn't this a pit person?

At this moment, the snow and tears of the palm of the hand with the power of the three mountains and five mountains, the general depression of the blue sky.

The air rang a "clam" sound.

The right hand of Qionghua Emperor and his two palms were firmly paired together. Zhuang Xiaochen’s face suddenly showed a strange and unusual look. It was a remorse, an accident, or a calm.

The body that was going to retreat at a rapid speed suddenly stood still in the air, and said sadly: "I can actually die in your hands... It is also my creation..."

The whole body suddenly made a squeaking sound, and then it broke open fiercely, and then the whole body was invisible in the air, and it was scattered all over the world.

Although the snow and tears have mastered Qionghua, the time is too short. If you want to kill the three people completely with Qionghua, you will definitely not catch it. Therefore, in the case of ensuring that you will not be exposed, the snow and tears will be locked by your own real repair, and you will kill it!

Go to an enemy first!

The snow and tears are sure, and this real shot, even if it is a holy prince, as long as it is not facing his opponent, it will not be noticed!

At the same time, all the people watching the battle below found that the two hands of Qionghua Emperor once again stretched out in the middle of a knife and light, and even miraculously found the target and grabbed it!

The left hand grabbed the golden knife of King Swordsman Su Yuncheng, but the right hand caught the gun of the king of the sky.



Two crisp sounds, the Golden Knife King Su Yuncheng's golden knife responded into two, and the gun of the king of Nie Qianlong was a slamming sound, and it became a fragment of the sky.

A trick to destroy the soldiers!

The two were frightened and retired, but they-

The two hands of Qionghua Emperor once again stretched out from the wide sleeves, and the left hand went to the end of the "squeaky" sound through Su Yuncheng's powerful defense of the palm of the sky, hitting Su Yuncheng's chest!

The right hand was photographed between the two, and the hand that was blocked by the king of Nie Qianlong was pressed against the cover of Nie Qianlong! Faintly said: "There is a lingering death!"

The palms are hard!

One foot flew, and the two men’s heads were bleeding at the same time, and the body flew at the same time.

It is like a volley.

However, the foot of Qionghua Emperor seemed to follow the shape of the space. It seemed that at this moment, it completely crossed the barrier of time and space. On each person’s lower abdomen, he kicked a kick.

The two kings were recruited, and they fought back. Su Yuncheng’s right hand was shot on Xie Danqiong’s left shoulder. Nie Qianlong’s left hand was also shot on Xie Danqiong’s right shoulder.

Xie Danqiong’s white robes, “啪”, burst into a moment, and a few pieces of cloth flew out. It was like a sky in the sea, and suddenly there were a few butterflies flying.

However, on Su Yuncheng's lower abdomen, a mottled space crack appeared in abruptly. As the space crack appeared, Su Yuncheng's face changed disappointingly, and he shouted: "Rao..."

The condition of Nie Qianlong's lower abdomen is even more terrifying. It turned out to be a black hole directly, and even the opposite scene can be seen. The edge of the black hole is slowly expanding like a quicksand, and it falls down.

Every time I spilled, Nie Qianlong’s body seemed to shrink by a point...

Opposite, Qionghua Emperor still wins the snow white dress, Zhuo Ran is holding his hands, his eyes are looking at the two bodies that are disappearing opposite, whispering: "If I want to climb the peak, who can stop the world?"

"I can't wait."

Qionghua Emperor shook his head slightly: "Even if you are the master of 汝, don't do it!"

Among these words, the kind of arrogance that stands proud of the world is like a monarch in the world.

At this moment, Qionghua Emperor, the king of the world!

Xie Danqiong in the air, fluttering in white, handsome and handsome, holding hands and standing, the wind is far away. Everyone is clearly aware of one thing: Qionghua Emperor, since today, has truly entered the ranks of the nine emperors.

There is no doubt about this! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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