Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 604: Split projection

Under the eyes of millions of people, the bodies of Su Yuncheng and Nie Qianlong gradually disappeared, from the lower body to the upper body, slowly disappearing, and you can clearly see the heartfelt horror on the faces of the two people.

There is regret.

But in the process, it is not a word.

All those who know the strength of these two people are involuntarily playing a trick.

I saw the hand of Qionghua the Emperor in the air, and then saw both hands, I don’t know what it was, and there was a wave of ripples in the air.

Below, everyone is completely silent, including the nine emperors and one after the contemporary peerless power is no exception.

In particular, Zhongditian ruthless Tiandi, who has always been against the Qionghua Emperor, is drunk and ruthless, and he feels a cold air on the spine.

Because the two heavenly emperors discovered: the Qionghua Emperor has never been exposed to the mountains, and has been forbearing all the way, but its actual cultivation has obviously exceeded the two of them, and even more than themselves!

From this battle alone, the amazing strength of the Qionghua Emperor show, just chasing the East Emperor and the demon!

In the world, there is such a enchanting character!

Under the eyes of countless people, Qionghua Emperor, in a calm manner, between the gestures, in an already beautiful and extremely beautiful realm, instantly annihilated four extremely powerful king-level enemies invisible.

Under the gaze of the people, the four lives were so active and even arrogant that they disappeared, but they did not give a cruel feeling, but they were full of a kind of life and death.

Instead of any fear, it is full of inexplicable sorrow.

In this kind of heart-wrenching emotion, Qionghua the emperor looked sad and sorrowful, standing shoulder-to-face, facing the world, facing the world.

These peerless unparalleled styles have already caused the tsunami of all the people of Moyuntian.

"Qionghua Great! Qionghua Emperor!"

"Inkyun Qionghua, the world is unparalleled!"


In the sound of a tsunami in the mountains, Qionghua’s face still has a faint smile on his face, and he is not afraid to face the world.

It seems that everything before it is not a test, just a trivial little meaning, a small trick for everyone!

That's all, not worth mentioning!

The grand ceremonies of the ceremony, Moyun Tianyuan Laomu, is also infinitely shocked at the moment. In his heart, he clearly knows the level of strength of Xie Danqiong. It is impossible to have such strength when it is broken. Otherwise, when it is necessary to fight against Yuantian, it needs to be there. Strenuous?

And the four people who just appeared, Mudu knows each, that is the peerless power, the standard king level strength, although it is still not the same as the Yuanyuan limit, but compared with the seven-star guard, already At the same level, not too bad.

However, such a super strong person, in front of Xie Danqiong, is like a chicken and a dog, completely vulnerable, and the finger is extinguished.

What a strong strength this is!

This glorious and invincible image appeared in this grand ceremony, which is simply to match the birth of super idols, and it is the highest rule of Mo Yuntian!

It is absolutely possible to wipe out the haze that Mo Yuntian once ruled by the demon!

Can you not be excited at the moment?

This excitement even led him to ignore the question of why Xie Danqiong had such a strong refinement.

Because, for the eyes, it doesn't matter!

He naturally did not know that the Qionghua Emperor in front of him was not Xie Danqiong himself, but the famous East Emperor Snow Tears. I don't even know that in order to completely establish the prestige of Qionghua Emperor, the East Emperor has almost done all his efforts.

One party only thought that several guys of Qionghua the Great, who faced a future boy, were despised, while the other side was actually beyond the other side of the East Emperor who had been repaired a lot but was waiting.

Looking around the entire nine-day scorpion, in addition to my only sacred prince, Donghuang Xue tears cold in the world and no more rivals, he has not really shot for nearly tens of thousands of years, at this moment, the knives and small test, who is the world? !

This battle has been doomed from the beginning, but it is a unilateral embarrassment!

Even though they finally realized that the cultivation of Qionghua Emperor was no longer able to confront them, and even vaguely noticed who the opposite person was, it was too late. No matter the momentum or the combat power, it has been weakened by more than one layer. Even the true identity of the person is a luxury.

"There is to please Qionghua down the throne!" Mudu this voice is shaking, not because of fear, but from the bottom of my heart.

Everyone thinks that this time, there will never be any more changes.

Even if there are some indiscriminate provocative elements, what can you count in front of your own emperor?

Nothing jumps the clown!

However, at this time, a voice rang abruptly: "Wait a minute."

Wait a minute? !

The voice was very light and the volume didn't seem to be very high, but it was clearly heard by everyone. Moreover, with the appearance of these three words, everyone suddenly has a subtle feeling of near-taking: there should be a wait.

This is a powerful spiritual temptation!

In a flash, only three simple words have been used, but it has already had a considerable impact on millions of people!

How horrible is this person's mental strength?

In the air, "Qionghua Emperor" slightly sideways, fixedly looking at the clouds, all the way has always been plain and waveless face finally showed an inexplicable dignity.

A gentle voice said: "The Qionghua Emperor is enthroned. It is the present event. I should congratulate everyone anyway."

With this gentle and intoxicating elegant voice, a spotless snow-white figure appears in the sky, but it seems to be really illusory, it seems to be true and true, but it is uncertain.

The person is long and handsome, his face is handsome, his temperament is detached, and the dust is soaring to the extreme. Just standing in the sky, it is like walking leisurely between the jade bamboo.

Full of a sense of leisure.

There is no sharp edge in his eyes, full of friendly gentleness, making people feel like a spring breeze, seeing it admire and make friends.

This person seems to be not old enough, but it feels like it has been in the world for hundreds of millions of years.

And this person's figure is full of illusory, unreal feelings, it seems that does not belong to this world...

His eyes looked at the Qionghua Emperor in the air gently, seemingly without half hostility, and smiled and said: "Xie brother, the younger brother wants to ask for advice, can you?"

From top to bottom, including the nine emperors, after listening to this statement, everyone is completely confused.

Because, the emergence of this person undoubtedly shows a powerful and unmistakable amazing cultivation, but no one knows who this person is. No one has ever seen it.

Even rumors, there has never been such a character.

Can such a good person be so famous?

No, there is another person who knows who this person is.

Snow tears cold.

Snow tears know who this person is!

The snow and tears looked at the person who suddenly appeared. His eyes flashed a bit, and then he resumed his usual gentleness. He said in a harmony: "You are brilliant, I am afraid that this emperor is not your opponent..."

The man laughed and said with great enthusiasm: "Xie Xiong is too modest. Just the hand, look at the entire nine-day scorpio, and several people dare to say that they can take it. I want to ask for one or two. I also ask the brothers to pay attention to them."

Snow tears and a little helpless smile, slightly sideways side, said: "There is only the Emperor who is pleased to pay attention."

At the moment of the side, a deep pain in the scorpion of the snow and tears, a flash of light. The deep and profound hatred was firmly concealed.

This person in front of you, or you can win over everyone in the world, but only the snow and tears!

People on the cloud!

The person in front of you is the first person recognized by Scorpio - the cloud man!

Snow and tears have been fighting with the people on the cloud for thousands of times. No one can be more clear than the snow and tears.

Therefore, at this moment, the people on the cloud have completely changed their appearances, but they have no longer recovered. However, the snow and tears are still recognized at a glance.

This is the face that the people on the cloud have used.

At the beginning, it was this look, and it was a battle with Snow Tears and Zihao. That battle, extremely fierce, let the snow and tears almost died, so how can the experience of the bones and tears make snow tears forget this odious face?

Even though it has not appeared for hundreds of thousands of years since then, in the snow and tears, it is always vivid and inscribed in the heart!

Or it should be said that... This figure is not the true meaning of the cloud, but it is a projection of the sacred man on the cloud, although this avatar projection is a strong avatar that has reached the level of the nine emperors.

But this is always an illusory shadow, and the real cloud is still hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Even so, this shadow is still true and true, and there is no illusion at all.

Snow tears and cold heart do not know what it feels like a resounding breath, gently spit out from the nose and mouth.

At this stage, I actually occupy a considerable advantage: I have already recognized the true identity of the other party, that is, the split projection of the people on the cloud; it must be that the people on the cloud think that they have completely turned into a joke and finally made a joke. Can't help but personally shot.

This also shows from the side... The people on the cloud are scruples about the new Mo Yuntian Emperor; he is in no way allowed to thank Xie Danqiong as the Emperor of the Clouds, so he will not hesitate to take the world!

Snow tears chill at the bottom of my heart: Even if you have this heart, unfortunately, people are not as good as days, even if your avatars have personally shot, it can not stop. Because you don't know what you are facing...who is it!


"It's a bit messy to write, take a day off tomorrow, and sort out your thoughts."

Here, the faint feeling will be collapsed when I write it down... but I didn’t think how to deal with it... Let me think about it for a while... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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