Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 606: Group

They are cheering and cheering: they are so beautiful! Today is the most beautiful day I have ever felt in my life.

At this time, the real Xie Danqiong quietly came out of the nine robbery space and stood under the steps. The East Emperor Snow tears naturally is a retreat, and quietly sneaked into the void.

I don't know where to go.

These two drops have been carried out to perfection, and it can be said that it is seamless.

The following follow-up things are all done in a logical way.

Xie Danqiong sent a calmly step by step to accept the pilgrimage of the people of Moyun, and finally sat in the chair of the Emperor of Heaven, overlooking the heavens and the earth!

The sound of continuous salutes roared for a whole hour.

Invincible Moyun Emperor!

Invincible Qionghua!

At this moment, the reputation of Mo Yuntian once blinded by the demon was swept away.

Moyun Tianren, after the Yuantian incident, the first real, straighten the waist!

Many people burst into tears with excitement.

You have the East Emperor, we have the Qionghua Emperor!

After you have the demon, we have the Qionghua Emperor!

You have the Holy King, we also have the Qionghua Emperor!

"Long live the Qionghua Emperor!" I don't know who it was, first hoarse and screaming, and then, the people reconciled, for a time, shouting shocked the world.


"Lear, pay attention to those people." In a noisy, Chu Yang voiced.

Chu Leer calmly said: "The target has been fully locked, and it is determined that no target is missing."

Chu Yang nodded happily.

Chu Leer has never been shot at any occasion in the Grand Ceremony, and has been able to preserve the most complete combat power, as well as the ten Jiuzhong Dan carried with him, for this moment.

With her unparalleled poison in the world, those who have been tempted by some people before, and those who have caused ulterior motives with ulterior motives, use the invisible poison to point it again.

When doing these things, Chu Leer was invisible in the dark, but those people took the initiative to jump to the bright spot, although still invisible in the crowd, but for Chu Leer, a master of sage intermediate knowledge As long as he has jumped out, he can no longer get rid of the control of the gods and nothing.

These poisons are not enough to control and kill these people because they are too scattered. However, it can be determined that the target will not be lost no matter where it goes.

"Make sure you don't let any one target slip through the net." Chu Yang has worries on his face and more murder.

"Understand." Chu Leer picked an eyebrow, and the beautiful voice was filled with quiet confidence.

Chu Yang’s eyes swept away and found that Gu Duxing’s Dong Wushou and others had adjusted the situation and they have recovered almost. The most unexpected thing for Chu Yang is that the speed of recovery is even faster than that of others.

At the moment, it has actually returned to a state of complete suffocation.

It seems that this guy, this time the promotion is really a lot.

"You go to the Mo Tianji, and then let him arrange the staff for you." Chu Yang voiced to Chu Leer: "Then, in the Xie Danqiong Dengji celebrations held a cocktail party, which was celebrated, all the outside targets were removed. ""

Chu Leer promised, hesitated and said: "Do you still follow the original way? Are you the final execution of the big brother?"

Chu Yang helplessly said: "I will also participate in this action, will execute a part in my hand."

For the enemies who slaughtered those who had no resistance, Chu Yang now hates it and does not want to do it.

Chu Leer seriously opposed: "Big brother, now that the ceremony has been completed, it is the best time to slaughter those people and cut off the true spirit of the Holy Spirit. You only have to come out all the way."

Chuyang has a black line and a weak voice: "Well, I know."

Chu Leer giggled, white shadow fluttering, and went to Mo Tianji.

The darkness of the ink cloud is completely boiling.

Qionghua Emperor has unparalleled super style, unparalleled supreme power, and today's grand debut, directly caused the full jubilation of Mo Yuntian.

After a long time, Qionghua Emperor invited the nine emperors to leave first, and it was still in the midst of extreme revelry. Until the end of the month, the craze was gradually faded...


On the evening of the same day, a grand banquet was held at Qionghua Imperial Palace.

The East Emperor must have changed the real thing back.

Snow Tears was really angry at his baby seven brothers. After leaving Tianzentai, he quickly found a chance to change this guy back.

The name of the "East Emperor" is not easy to come by. The total effort is so great that even the guy is ruined by the guy, and a certain product knows that it has caused a great disaster. Appearance, on the spot is about to run, where is still too late, the path is directly controlled by the snow and tears, snow tears cold knowing the sharp tongue of their brothers, completely ignore the enthusiasm of a certain goods, directly tied with a bundle of dragons It’s got to be solid and thrown into your own private space. When all this is over, let's make this guy.

The reputation of the East Emperor said that corruption will be corrupted. Can this matter be easily played?

On the evening of the same day, the snow and tears did not bear a little bit, although there was quite a psychological preparation, but before the first nine emperors, the demon queen was cold and ruthless, and the ruthless Emperor was dissatisfied. Yanyang Tiandi is cold and cold, and it’s really nothing.

The only thing that is very important to this important East Emperor is that it is only the Promise of the Emperor Wudi, and Wuwei Tiandi is a young and green, and the Emperor of the Emperor of Heaven has returned to the dust.

However, these three past are the old acquaintances of the Eastern Emperor.

Just as the years have changed, the East Emperor does not dare to guarantee anything. A good face does not mean anything. Who is going to play on the scene?

After the nine emperors, the group of people in this grand ceremony was only a superficial attitude. Snow and tears did not guarantee that everyone’s minds would be exactly the same as reality...

Especially for the mad sword Tiandi Wu also mad and the snow and ice heaven emperor dream back, for these two people, especially in the snow and tears.

It is not the current position that is doubtful, but because, once... many years ago... everyone’s personal relationship is still very good.

Now, the two men are completely on their opposites. This reality makes the snow and tears feel that there are flaws, but this kind of thing can't be asked on this occasion...

Aside from the squatting of the East Emperor, who was "disgusted" by everyone, this meal, on the plain side, is still a guest.

But the choppy waves in the dark, but never stopped, this Xie Danqiong is also feeling.

Therefore, after a simple entertainment, Xie Danqiong said that he had a big battle today and was over-consumed. He pleaded guilty and left the old rivals of millions of years to solve their problems. Private relationship or thing.

Although Xie Danqiong was the master, the first one left, the owner left, leaving only a group of guests here - this seems a bit sloppy, but for these people, it is the real right reception - —It’s all old friends who haven’t seen for hundreds of thousands of years. If you insert a new person you don’t know in the middle, you can’t speak freely. It’s the biggest pain.

To Xie Danqiong, after the nine emperors, they all expressed their understanding on the surface. Although they are only a few battles today, none of the people on Xie Danqiong’s counterparts are idle characters. The last Mr. Wu, who is on the top, is a strong hand. Xie Danqiong’s lack of physical strength at this moment is justified. If the silk is not damaged and full of physical strength, then the ranks of the nine emperors will be rewritten.

When Qionghua the Great left, Zhongtiantian ruthless Tiandi drunk and ruthlessly stood up very quickly, and said to the tears of the snow: "Donghuang is really a powerful earthquake today, extraordinary, really let the younger brother open a vision, admire admire."

This sentence seems to be a good saying, but the tone is really a bit of yin and yang.

Snow tears faintly said: "Is it? A few words on the power of the earthquake? Then in the eyes of the drunk brother, this power is shocking, it is really easy."

Yanyang Tiandi Dragon Shadow sneaked a smile: "Others say that these words certainly do not have such a power, but the Emperor of the East has said that it can be said in the same day, the truth is extraordinary, extraordinary."

The snow and tears squinted and sneered: "Then you are afraid that there is some ignorance. This East Emperor is not so powerful from now on, but it has been a long time ago, and it has already been filled with the world; Said that the Emperor also said a few words, even if it is a sentence, the East Emperor is sitting here, it is already an infinite power... And this point, although Yanyang Tiandi is famous, but hehe... ”

This voice "hehe", the real meaning is profound.

In the East Emperor space, which imposter is mad at the mouth: You still say how I am... What you said now, what I said is not a maneuver...

But he knows where, if there is no chaos in front of him, now the snow and tears do not need to do this.

For a time, the smell of gunpowder in the hall seemed a bit thick.

This feast came to the last stage. The guards and the ladies in the palace felt their ingenuity inexplicable and stunned, then they slept and never felt.

When I woke up the next morning, I saw that the hall was quiet and there was no movement. All the furnishings were in the original position. It seems that nothing happened.

The only thing that is a little bit abnormal is that only one jade spoon is broken into two pieces.

But this does not seem to be an abnormality, but in the banquet, there must not be a few pieces of tableware damaged at that time. This time, only one jade soup spoon is broken. It is really nothing, it is usually tight...

Everyone is cleaned up without any problems, and they are busy with their own.

Therefore, no one knows, last night, in this hall, when the final smell of gunpowder became thicker, after the nine emperors, these people fought in this hall!

Well, to be precise, it should be a melee.



"Cough, I said it is very difficult, but I didn't say eunuch... I mean to write the end, but I didn't say it would speed up until today."

There will be a period of time; if I will say: I will fight the monthly ticket list again next month. Then, it will prove that the next month will be over... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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