Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 607: There is no resentment today, no regrets tomorrow.

This group is really very thorough!

The East Emperor Snow tears the cold and the strength of his arrogant strength, and faced the multi-person siege, actually directly refers to the East to play the guide to the north, without any downwind, and even faint.

With the strong addition of the demon, the hall was instantly divided into two factions; one group continued to besiege the East Emperor, and the other group was coped with the demon, and the situation was in a stalemate, even though the East Queen’s strength was far superior to the other. People, but the other party has an advantage in the number of people, even if they are incapable of winning, but they are not defeated. With this group of people’s long-term temperament, it is really so deadlocked. It’s not a day or two, a month or two, or even a year or two. problem.

Fortunately, I don’t know who is playing Wu’s nose in a melee or unintentional way... Speaking, this is no way, who makes someone too short! When I lifted my foot, if someone else mentioned the lower abdomen, but when Wu went crazy, it went straight to the nose...

Somehow, at this moment, the ink returned to the dust just happened to Wu's mad side, so Wu also madly recognized the black hand under the ink and turned to attack him.

On the other side, Mengjing returned to the battle. At this point, the two camps turned from targeted attacks to collective battles.

At first, everyone was besieging the snow and tears and wanted to vent their anger. But then, the fights were raised. Basically, everyone was facing seven or eight enemies at the same time. Anyway, everyone except themselves was an enemy. There is no established goal at all: whoever attacks me in front of me, no longer has the so-called camp division.

It’s just that no matter how fierce the game is, no one has ever heard a little bit of wind; although the real strength of these people is also different, but in general everyone is still at the same level, and they are all super-level, each Individuals are just taking advantage of their strengths, and they have not leaked.

If it is a real hit, it is a thunder that is as heavy as a mountain, but if it is not hit, it will become a light wave that even the mosquitoes can't shoot.

However, two of them are still very disadvantaged.

Dreamland back, Wu is also crazy.

Dreamland is the most "small" little white face recognized by the nine emperors. Before Xie Danqiong did not join the level of the nine emperors, Meng Jinghui can be said to be the first beautiful man in this group. A handsome face is unusual. So today is the most "squeaky": everyone wants to punch a punch on this super white face.

As for Wu, he is purely innocent. He is five short, and he does not consciously go down the road, but the counterattack that is often directed against the next three attacks is extraordinarily fierce...

What is even more tragic is that because he is too short, others can easily reach the shoulders by lifting their feet. It is simply being beaten and colorful.

However, it is still the same sentence, because the level of these people is very accurate, there is no damage to anything in the hall, everyone has a tacit understanding: who is damaged in front of something, this group is even It is over.

Which one of the damaged things is the ultimate defeat of this fight.

In the end, it was drunk and ruthless.

So the end of this melee ended.

But drunk and ruthless compared to other people do not say anything, at least the most well-dressed, as for other people, in addition to the East Emperor and the demon, basically are nose and face swelling. Among them, the mad sword Tiandi Wu was also the most violent, and at the last moment, he accidentally flew up. The placement actually happened to be the position of the chest after the demon. Although he did not kick up, he was beaten after being furious. It’s awkward.

Then everyone yelled at the anger and slammed the sorcerer, and the sorcerer was placed on the ground, and he screamed and mourned.

However, all the accumulated anger in the past has been dissolved in this group. Perhaps in the big position, everyone will have their own differences, as well as their own insistence, but when it comes to personal grievances, this will be almost no.

Who would like to appear in the post-Nine Emperor after a fight like this little hooligan?

Everyone has a feeling in their hearts. This gathering is probably the most peaceful gathering; and since then, meeting again may be... another bad situation.

Therefore, in such a group, all the dissatisfaction of all personal grievances is vented in this group.

Maybe you and I are enemies in the future, but that is a question of position and has nothing to do with personal relationships.

After the Nine Emperors, what a proud person? They deliberately use such a melee to solve each other's knots, and it is also a manifestation of pride.

Today, I am fighting, winning and losing no regrets; tomorrow's life and death fight, life and death!

Since then, there has been no past between the enemy.


In this way, many of them have accumulated hundreds of thousands of years of negative emotions and vented them in an instant. This has to be said to be a very strange thing.

And the guards of the palace are all very strange.

When the nine kings came after these high-ranking kings came in, each one was talking and smiling, the manners were dazed and the heads were full, and the audience was shocked; but when they left, they walked faster than one, like the same wind. It seems that even the face is not even clear, it has completely disappeared.

Only after the last appearance of the East Emperor and the demon, only these two people are still well-dressed and arrogantly coming out, cherish each other and give them away.

"It is still the most demeanor of the East Emperor, or the most temperament after the demon." The guards thought in their hearts: "Which is like a mad sword, it is actually running on his face, and I don't know what to do." ”

And this night.

The hunting operations outside are just in full swing and hot.

According to the clue provided by Chu Leer, Mo Tianji mobilized 300 masters of saints to fight in the entire Qionghua City carpet battle.

No one is arrested.

When Chu Yang was performing the goal of annihilating the true spirit, he felt the horror.

This is not three, five, thirty-five, three hundred and five hundred. There are tens of thousands of people here. At first glance, it’s so densely seen... It’s just like a sword, it’s the kind of spirit...

Even though it has to be done, Chu Yang is still very uncomfortable in his heart. He is even more hateful to the Lord's ambassador of the true spirit of the Lord.


This night, after the East Emperor and the demon broke up in the group, they went back and met again and talked once.

The only thing that is slightly informed about this matter is the white woman who has been following the demon, but she is just a shadow and hears the demon and asks: "Is it OK?"

Then the East Emperor seemed to nod.

Immediately, the two men sighed in unison.

Then I whispered for a long time, but this time no one knows what they are talking about.

The Zhongji Tiandi drunk and ruthless and the Yanyang Tiandi Dragon illusion, after returning to the secret talk. No one knows what they are talking about.

It’s just that the expressions on the faces of these two people are all serious to the extreme.

It seems that the secret agent is also contagious. In addition to these two calls, the two people who returned to the dust and the dream scene did not return to the Star Palace after they came out from the palace. Instead, after the two men eliminated the scar on their face, they applied it. Shiran into the folk.

The two randomly found a pub to continue drinking. Of course, it seems to have talked about something... Obviously, no one knows that these two emperors are drinking like two alcoholic people...

However, the common point is: the East Emperor and the demon talked about the end, they all sighed deeply. Drunk and ruthless and dragon illusion is also a long sigh.

This sigh... No one knows what sighs for everyone.

However, if it is heard, it will be felt that the sighs of these people are full of the same feeling: helplessness, powerlessness, anger, and ... all kinds of complexities.

That thick cumin...


Xie Danqiong returned to the palace and his face was heavy.

He is deeply aware of the difficulty of the level of the nine emperors; if his own cultivation is always the same, then he will always be the bottom of the nine emperors.

Do not say whether other people agree with themselves, even they can hardly agree that they are already on the same page with those people!

Although today, with the generosity of the East Emperor, and the smooth passage, the East Emperor obviously cannot help himself forever.

I still have to rely on my own strength.

Xie Danqiong has been silent for a long time and has not spoken for a long time. Mrs. Mei was worried about watching him. After a long time, she heard Xie Danqiong whispering, but she said resolutely: "In any case, I can’t stand the words of Qionghua Emperor."

There is an inexplicable worry in Mrs. Mei’s heart.

Because she knows that Xie Danqiong has obviously made up his mind to upgrade his own strength, and this process will undoubtedly be endless cruel to Xie Danqiong...

But although she is worried, her heart is full of pride at the same time: this is his own man, forever and ever, will not be willing to lag behind others!

Do not return, never die, never die!


At the moment, Mo Yuntian has returned to the right track. Although the Emperor Moyun is a high person, the power may not be very heavy, or it is a spiritual symbol that is more appropriate. The specific affairs that need to be Xie Danqiong’s concern are still very few...

Ninety percent of the work is shared by the original Minister of Civil and Military Affairs. At this point, the handling of affairs is a light-hearted road, and there is a raft to fully supervise, and there will be no omissions.


As with Xie Danqiong, there are also people like Chu Yang.

Just waiting for them to talk about it together, it is already the afternoon of the third day.

In the whole three days before and after, a total of 500,000 city guards fully cooperated. The military and the guards of the palace guarded more than 100 sage masters, and finally eliminated all the true spirits.

Well, the clean-up that is said here refers to the batch that sneaked into Qionghua City.

To put it bluntly, what is really unexpected is that it has been until the end, killing all the real spiritual targets, the mysterious behind-the-scenes command, and no more looking for things.

It seems that he sent these people, just to die.

From the beginning to the end, there is no reaction at all.

This thing, extreme abnormalities!


Today is our beautiful, beautiful and lovely Ji Li language little sister birthday, wish her a happy birthday! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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