Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 608: Parting ways again

During this time, Chu Yang and others used up the means, but never forced to ask where the secret base that produced the true spirit was. As these people die, the world has returned to calm, and it seems that there has never been a true spirit.

Everything is full of peace.

"Everyone has seen the strength of the East Emperor this time... and those of the nine emperors, although they did not really take the shot in public, but only judged from the level of the East Emperor, they can roughly guess other people. The level of strength."

When Mo Tianji said this sentence, it was obviously a bit embarrassing: "Or we think that we have achieved great achievements now, although it is true in fact, it is true, but it is also true that everyone should now I know, in the face of the peak of this plane, we are still vulnerable!"

"The things about Mo Yuntian have come to an end. But we can't stay, we have to return to our respective worlds, to further improve, to fight disdainfully, and to truly have the strength to fight against the peaks." ......"

"All the matters of Mo Yuntian are handed over to Xie Danqiong. No matter how he can do that, it is his business."

"We still have what we need to do."

"At the moment, I have to say that you have two." When it comes to this, Mo Tianji blinks and looks at Rock's enemies and Ji Mo.

The two guys were in awesome moments: I was honestly listening to the speech, and I thought I was lying on the gun suddenly...

"I told the two of you, and I was lazy and scattered like before. The brothers unified you into a slag! This is true and true, absolutely realistic!" Mo Tianji said fiercely.

Ji Mo and Luo Ke enemy face a black line...

Mo Tianji, this **** is sick today...

After some discussion, everyone decided to break up on the spot.

"The nine emperors still do not represent anything here... we are leaving us."

"I don't have to resign to Xie Bunny. Anyway, I will see you sooner or later. Don't let Xie Danqiong cry."

"It's time to go, go quickly."

"After the nine emperors, they are not at home, let's go back and do something ups and downs..."

"Lear, where are you going?"

"I? I want to go to my master. His old man has been missing for a long time. Even this ceremony has not come to join in the fun..."

"Oh... that's fine. What about silly birds?"

"I go back and continue to steal... Who are you talking about who is a stupid bird? You are a stupid bird, your family is..."

"Let's go, go back, go back. Look at the people Xie Danqiong is now the Emperor, but we are still only the leader of the robbers, this is the gap... This gap seems to be too big... I have started to feel inferior..."

"That is, when I go back, I also find a Heavenly Emperor hacked to death, to seek a squatting position, and to stop letting someone specialize in the former..."

"Say well, this idea is really good..."

"Hurry and go, look at the second face of the second..."

"Black stupid bird hair, waiting for the world to be invincible, first hit Gu Erji."

"Your uncle, you take care of your second child, and the silly bird also offends you?"

"Hurry up... I didn't see someone over there..."


In the twinkling of an eye, there have been several disappearances. On the long days, I only saw the figure they left, and turned into a beautiful arc in the sky.

Ji Mo, Rock Enemy, nowhere, arrogant cloud... This guy has gone.

Hu Yan Ao Bo followed Ji Mo and went, and the proud evil cloud also took away his wife and wife, and all left the Yunyun Heaven and Earth.

When they came, they were so treacherous and rushing to the stars to wear the moon. After coming here, there was only a **** battle to greet them. When they were just quiet, they immediately left and left, and the departure was so silent.

Even, Xie Danqiong, who is the master, did not resign.

It’s so violent and popular, it’s like carrying the wind and the wind, and it’s so cool, without taking a cloud.

"This way, we are also gone." Gu alone lined up Gu Miaoling, smiling and looking at Chuyang and Mo Tianji.

The two nodded and gestured.

Between each other, one eye is enough, no need to say more, Gu alone, picking up Gu Miaoling and going to the sky, the head does not return.

Dong Wushou and Ink Tears smiled at each other, and both of them floated up. The rotation had already rushed into the sky. These two mouths were even more embarrassing, and even a good-looking look was saved.

Chu Leer's white fluttering, she should also be about to start, but seems to want to say something, but after all, did not say, a pair of wonderful eyes in the Mo Tian body turned a circle, but it is to stop.

Mo Tianji swallowed a sip, finally said first: "Le... Le girl..."

Chu Leer's face was red, whispered: "What?" The heart, is this wood finally opened? Want to keep me? Or invite me to go with him? It’s not too much wood!

Mo Tianji seems to have swallowed again, it is very difficult: "This... you..."

"What do I?" Chu Leer looked down at his toes, and the meaning of shyness in his tone was full, and there was still a small expectation.

"Coughing cough..." Mo Tianji coughed up and flushed his face. " are going along the wind..."

“Hey? What do you say?” Chu Leer’s eyes widened and he did not believe what he had heard.

Close to the separation, this goods is still seven miles through the six 窍 ... ... and that ignorance.

"I... I... I wish you all the best. I have a smooth ride... all the way to peace..." Mo Tianji’s handsome face flushed and he was bleeding. Obviously he himself might not know what he was talking about...

“Hey?” Chu Leer raised his head in annoyance, staring at Mo Tianji, and his eyes flashed: “Just this?”

Mo Tianji suddenly lost his head and bowed his head. He said: "Well... this... yes, and... and that... I will say hello to the teacher... This is the way to the mountains. All the way to safety is the most important..."

Some of Chu Leer’s look is sad and indifferent: “Okay, I know, I will bring your mind to it.”

Mo Tianji stepped forward and seemed to say something.

Chu Leer thought he was going to say something, looked up and looked at him. Wood, open up quickly...

"Thank you." Mo Tianji.

"Ah? What do you thank me?" Chu Leer was confused, how suddenly thank you?

"Thank you...Thank you for giving me a good master for me..." At the crucial moment, when Mo Tianji talked to his lips, he was about to sneak out. Suddenly a guilty conscience, he actually flinched back.

"I really..." Chu Leer screamed, and he couldn't hold back anymore. He slammed his feet and suddenly had a clear three-inch golden lotus print. Then the white figure appeared out of nowhere, like a white cloud. In the upper half.

The sound of "嗖" has gone without a trace.

If she doesn't leave, she is really afraid that she will be blown up. The people in front of me are not wood at all. It is clearly a stone, a piece of stone that is downright...

Mo Tianji looked at Chu Leer’s indignant departure, his face was gray and defeated, and he lost his soul and was full of endless sorrow.

Chu Yang looked at the side, very sighing that he hated iron and couldn’t make steel. He really couldn’t stand it...

If I continue this way, my sister may be at home...

"I said..." Chu Yang cleared his throat. My heart is really weak, a generation of genius, how to deal with emotional issues so timid?

Chu Yang saw clearly, Mo Tianji did not understand, and definitely not confused; but he did not dare!

The timidity of this guy on the emotional issue really makes Chu Yang puzzling, according to the truth, this should not be.

"Speaking?" Mo Tianji was obsessed with the direction in which Chu Leer left, and the soul was not.

"I said stupid bird..." Chu Yang sighed.

"Isn't it not going, is he coming back?..." Mo Tianji is still somewhat fascinated, and his heart is self-pity and self-pity. Obviously, IQ has returned to zero.

"Well, I am not talking about that stupid bird. I am talking about this head... I mean, Le is young and has traveled hundreds of thousands of miles... I really can’t worry." Chuyang has a black line. : "Can you rest assured?"

"Yes, what should I do? Send a few bodyguards? Pick up the highest one?" involved Chu Leer safety, Mo Tianji suddenly woke up.


Send a bodyguard?

Chu Yang really wants to punch a punch in front of this face, and screams: "My sister travels long distances, the road is unpredictable, and it is not safe to send others, or you send her for me, can't you?" You stupid bird!"

"Right, right! Others are not safe!" Mo Tianji suddenly realized.

"Can't you send it to the ground?" Chu Yang angrily flew up and squatted on someone's ass: "I rely on your sister... you are not going to go soon! If you are late, you can't find it..."

The body of Mo Tianji rises from the ground, and the flight generally rushes to the sky, and the scene is like being burned to the butt. Actually, he still yelled: "Chuyang, when I am not there, you have to bully my sister..."

The voice has not fallen, and it has gone without a trace.

Chu Yang touched his chin, and he did not fight for a fight. He said: "You can manage this thing! Don't you say that you are not there, even if you are, can you manage it?!"

"You stupid bird!" Chu Yang spit. Then I remembered some funny things and smiled for a long time. I have found that there is no one around me.

Xie Danqiong, who heard the news and rushed to the scene, learned that all the brothers had already left, and they had stood up for a long time.

His face is full of desolate, no longer a few days ago!

In the eyes of Xie Danqiong, the foundation of Mo Yuntian is worthy of nothing. Even if he can slap Fang Fang on the Golden Temple, it is no better than having fun with a group of brothers!

Now, there are only Chu Yang, Tan Yi, and there are a few people like Mo Qingwu Zixie, and then those who follow the Chuyang came to the Tianbing Pavilion.

After a long time, Xie Danqiong made a request: "Boss, you left me with no dreams. He is also the old courtier of Mo Yuntian. The so-called fallen leaves are rooted. He is good or me..."

It is worthy of the new Qionghua Emperor. At this time, the first reaction was actually to dig people... He thought that the boss is now full of enthusiasm and full of warmth... At this time, the request should be promised?

"Roll!" Chu Yang was furious and screamed: "From my hand, you can't think about it!"


Today, a few guys ridiculed me in the group, I tried to say a few words with a strange voice, yin laughed and made two sounds out... The tragedy was that the group was sent wrong and sent to the nine groups. It’s... I rely on... to lose the dead... my image... (to be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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