Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 609: Peer

Xie Danqiong also pleaded, but Chu Yan cut off the roots of a sentence, the fierce gods generally pointed to the nose of Xie Danqiong: "I told you, your kid quickly gave me this heart! Brothers rushed over to help You, don't say thank you, send us something, who will let us worship one, but the kid actually wants to dig people from my hand... you, you... I said Dan Joan, you can So? This is too much?"

One of the words said that Xie Danqiong said that he was guilty, and he couldn’t speak for a while.

Then Chu Yang took Mo to dance and grow away.

Waiting until the evening, Xie Danqiong reacted and rushed to find Chu Yang: "I said the boss, you just said something wrong... Dreamless is the person of our cloud, how can you say that you are? He There is an official position in Moyuntian, and his relatives and friends can all be here. You said that this is not the case!"

Chu Yang is awkward: "Is that true?!"

Xie Danqiong focused on the key: "Sure!"

"Since you have said this, then you leave him, as long as he agrees, I have no opinion." Chu Yang is a generous wave.

Xie Danqiong was very happy, but he did not say that he rushed out to find someone. He couldn't find it for a long time. He didn't find it. When he asked, he knew that anyone who came from the Emperor's Heavenly Corps had already returned lightly this afternoon. It seems to be above and below. Have an urgent order? !

I walked very, very hurriedly, even a lot of luggage was not cleaned up, and fleeing, at the moment, I am afraid I have already reached the sea...

The emergency order above and below? Who is the top of the dream? !

Suddenly, Xie Danqiong rushed back, but saw Chu Yang smiled and took his shoulders: "Dan Qiong, look, there are so many supplies here, our brothers and family, they are left to you... must not be polite, brother!"

Looking at the boring ‘foster’, the Xie Danqiong couldn’t help but look at the boring ‘foster’’


On this day, the demon ordered: the demon emperor's prince demon Ningning immediately accompanied the demon emperor all the masters back to the demon emperor, sitting in the town of the demon palace to host the overall situation. As for herself, she did not intend to leave, and she intended otherwise.

The fact is also another intention, just after a certain prince left the journey, the demon will then drift away, I do not know where to go.

Some other emperors have also left, and some have chosen to drift in Moyuntian for a while...

Just a few days ago, the excitement of the past is no longer the case, and the peaks of the peaks are scattered.

Tan Yi and Xie Danfeng bowed to Chu Yang and never know where to go.

Chu Yang is not worried about this. Talk about it is now a high-level sage, and it is about to reach the peak level. In this world, except for the top class after the nine emperors, there are only a very small number. People can harm him. As for other people, even if they can't beat them at the end, it is not a problem to want to retreat!

In addition, it seems that it should be something to do.

This point, Chu Yang can be seen from the look of the talk.

Wait until the two in-laws are gone.

Chu Yang is close to the people here, only the purple evil spirits, Mo light dance, and a tiger brother, and then the soul of the disaster.

Before the tens of thousands of people accompanying the big team, now there are only three people and one beast... oh, plus a ghost.

However, at this moment, Chu Yang is easy to reach the extreme: because of this embarrassment, the brothers’ family members are sent to their own side, so that their family reunion is equivalent to reducing their long-term responsibility on their shoulders by more than half. .

In the future, that is the responsibility of everyone.

Every man has the responsibility that every man should bear; this requires them to take responsibility for themselves. Others have no power and cannot help them with these responsibilities.

And family, it is everyone who needs their respective responsibilities!

Unloading countless burdens, the heart of the stone suddenly went, and resumed a relaxed Chu Yang proposal, walk around in the clouds and walk around. Of course, on the surface, this is the purpose. In fact, there are no other ideas. Chu Yang did not say it.

For Chu Yang’s proposal, the purple evil spirits and the Mo light dance are naturally endorsed by both hands. What else can you be more comfortable than going out with your sweetheart?

The security issue is not a problem at all. The strength of these three people, plus a tiger brother who has now recovered to the middle-level strength of the saint, and a saint who is a senior and has an undead body, believes that even if it is positive For any one of the last nine emperors, there may not be no one-force power, and the grasp of the whole body is still there.

So everyone didn't think more, and it was rare to relax.

Everyone did not resign with Xie Danqiong, and the tiger brother who was dancing in the state of the kitten, the soul of the catastrophe was still invisible, and the three people walked out of Qionghuacheng.

At the moment when I left the city, I looked back and remembered that the killing of Mo Yuntian during this time was inexhaustible.

Immediately, the three eyes lit up.

I saw the end of the gate of the ink cloud Tianqionghuacheng. There was a bright yellow figure standing tall and straight, and my eyes seemed to cross the void, watching the three people’s departure quietly.

Chu Yang huh, a smile, waved his hand, Mo light dance and purple evil feelings are also smiling, gently waved, then the three bodies floated up, seemingly slow, quickly escaped the sight of the bright yellow figure on the door.

On the upper gate of the city gate, Xie Danqiong held his hand and stood for a long time.

Looking at the Chuyang three light smoke generally disappeared at the end of the line of sight, the face is still full of warm smile.

Mutter said: "Boss, the next time our brothers reunite, it should be the time to fight the devil... Please rest assured, Mo Yuntian, I will certainly be able to come up with a steel master, Pingping the magic!"

"Nine robbery Qionghua, will be pointed by the boss of the sword, blooming in ... Zixiao Tianzhu!"

Xie Danqiong stared at the direction of the three people for a long time. Even though the figure was long gone, the bright yellow figure still stood here until the sky was coveted, and it was still a long time unwilling to leave.

As the night falls, the infinite hues, the figure of the ink cloud Tianqionghua Emperor has almost become a landscape of the city.


Turned over a mountain range, completely isolated the look behind the line, the three at the same time slowed down the pace of the move, while walking and whispering.

Suddenly, it seems to be aware.

Looking up, I saw only the twilight sky, but another white figure stood tall and straight, with both hands behind, with endless grace and grace, supreme dignity.

There is also a kind of imperialism that no one dares to invade, just such a stop, it is like a world, overlooking the world.

The erect is the East Emperor Snow Tears.

He actually had to wait here first.

"How come you haven't gone yet?" Chu Yang had some accidents.

"I didn't go, it was the same as the purpose of not going." Snow Tears smiled and said hello to Mo Qingwu: "Shantou, remember my long-lost old friend?"

Mo light dance gently smiles: "Where will you forget, Snow Brother."

Snow tears and cold heart, happy and smiled: "This long-lost Xue Da brother, I really waited for a long time."

This sentence has been waiting for a long time, so that Chu Yang and Mo light dance at the same time, and everything is gone, not bad, really, really really long time... There are two worlds.

In a word of mind, the three people laughed at the same time.

The four people merged in one place, although they did not discuss it in advance, but they rushed to the north in unison.

After running for thousands of miles, I saw a person waiting in front of me. I was in Tsing Yi, but I was quite handsome. The middle-aged man was walking impatiently and looking at the snow and tears. Come, actually first screamed: "Fuck, how come you come?"

Chu Yang and other people do not know who this person is, and they are all surprised when they hear it. Actually dare to speak to the snow and tears, it seems that there are really few people in this world. Even if the nine emperors are in the middle, they may not dare to make such a big slogan, and this guy is clearly not a Chinese after the nine emperors...

"You dare to marry in front of me!" I saw the snow and tears covered with black lines, and kicked out with a kick.


The guy was suddenly smashed by a big horse. He couldn’t help but feel aggrieved. When he got up, he said, "You know that you are in front of me. If you have nothing to do, I will not allow me to fight back. You are his." Where are the heads of so many family owners... You have the ability not to rush at me, you are going to others to make it... The mouse is in the gun, and you are the East Emperor..."

"There is the ability to go to the cloud, and you have the ability to go to the demon king... every day, what am I doing..."

This guy is stunned, his eyes are slanting, his face is wronged and he is strongly dissatisfied. If he really is, he dares to say...

Who is this person? Is this too arrogant?

Chuyang three people can see the scores clearly, screaming, snow tears just this foot, but quite affordable, not in the same day, the two kings masters under the two feet, Chu Yang and other questions, if it is I smashed the foot just now, but the flesh was ruined in the blink of an eye, but the smog was gone, not a joke, but this person was kicked a big horse, but it seems that there is nothing else, even a little bit of injury does not seem to have In the end, who is this, where is the master, this strength, at least the ranks of the nine emperors!

The snow and tears of the nose will be discouraged, and screamed: "Close your beak!"

Chu Yang and other three people looked at the scene, they all felt that the emergence of this guy is simply a subversion of the world...

Or Mo light dance Wen Sheng asked: "Snow brother, this is..."

The snow tears and cold words are a bit embarrassing to explain: "This person ... this person ... is my seven brothers, the family is unfortunate. Cough ... his name is snow light cold, well, others call him snow seven."

Then he said: "Well, that is the person who pretends to be me at the ceremony..."

Rao was the emperor who precipitated millions of dough, and it was really awkward at the moment.


Going out today, I met old classmates and said with amazement: Wow, how are you younger than when you were at school? How can it be more and more handsome...

Suddenly like eating honey.

It’s a pity that this sentence is not a female classmate... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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