Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 616: The past of purple evil

Purple evil feelings faint smile: "Does the East Emperor also have such doubts? This is what happened this day, huh, huh..."

If the person in front of you is not the tears of the East Emperor, the purple evils even want to laugh at it.

What kind of thinking, logic, and no brains are these people? Idioms know that this is impossible?

"Answer me, where did you come from? Answer me!" The tears and tears asked, and the voice was a little urgent.

"I don't belong to this world of nine heavens, nor to the aborigines of the world." The purple evil is helpless, and it is concise and clear: "My hometown is a world that is now destroyed. It is extremely far away from this place. How far... It’s hard to tell by numbers. Also, I am not a human being, but a demon. The reason why I can change the human form is because..."

The snow tears whispered and said: "I don't want to know these. These are not important. What I want to know is, where are you from?"

Purple evil can not help but stunned: "Hmm?" Looks weird.

Do not blame the purple evil is so strange, when she wants to come, she has clearly explained her own origins, how can the East Emperor still ask where he came from, is the East Emperor's brain into the water? If you don't even ask a question, you can't catch the key point. Ask again!

Snow and tears seem to be different from the expression of purple and evil emotions, and then take a deep breath and close your eyes. It seems to calm down the emotions. This is another way: "Zi girl, can you? Tell me a little about your past, as detailed as possible."

He looked at the purple evils and was still amazed. He didn't know what to say from the beginning. He smiled and said: "The purple girl doesn't know, and I use my current cultivation and my own good calculation ability. Almost everyone can see it at a glance, although it may not be fine, but it is roughly the same, but I am completely invisible to you. It seems that you have a very special thing on your body. Everything peeped."

"It turned out to be like this..." The purple evil thoughts were thoughtful and said: "Well, after the East Emperor said, I really remembered some things. In the past, I did find that I was a little weird. The place, but because I don’t know the beginning and the end, I haven’t influenced myself... I can’t pay attention anymore. It’s not until the Emperor’s Majesty said that he suddenly remembered...”

Snow tears cold and said: "Zi girl, I want to know your past, all the past..." He indulged, said: "This is very important for me, or... very important. So ......"

"I understand." The purple evil smiles. Road: "My past, there is nothing to sue... It doesn't matter if you say it."

Snow tears smiled dagger: "So, please, please, I am here to listen."

At this moment, the snow and tears looked at the eyes of the purple evil, even the meaning of some kindness.

It was like a tough father who saw her naughty daughter. Although her daughter has been away from home for a long time because of naughty, but in the heart of the father, still full of love.

Or it is pity, endless pity.

At the bottom of my heart, I only worry about how much my daughter has eaten outside, and I will not remember my daughter’s original violation.

As long as the daughter returns safely, everything else is not important!

"That experience is too far away. I have forgotten a lot of things far away. I still only remember that place, called the ethereal continent." The purple evil was silent for a while. I sorted out my thoughts, tried to remember, and said softly: "I was born there. At that time, I was just an ordinary white..."

"I don't really know who my own parents are... because I have been born since I was born. I was born alone in a cold cave. I was surrounded by something to eat... Those who ate did not seem to rot. Bad, fortunately, there are these things to eat, I have not starved to death..."

"After a sudden, one day, after I was full again, I was on the spur of the moment, rummaging through the pile of food, and found the innermost one. I was surprised to find that there were many fruits... well, those fruits are also I don't know who put it there..."

"Starting with eating a strange fruit, then I found out that my strength has grown bigger and bigger. Then I tried to walk out of the cave. In the next few years, I found out that I It is very powerful, at least in the same category, already invincible."

"Next, I found out that in my mind, there was a memory of a practice... I began to practice according to that practice... While practicing, while eating those fruits, I progressed quite fast, no. I know that I am very talented, or the role of those fruits, anyway, I am entering the world..."

There is deep feeling in the purple evil eyes: "My home is just a cold cave, but for me, it is full of infinite warmth, I don't know who prepared me for everything, but I know That must be my loved ones, only they will be so caring for me."

"After a long, long time, my strength is invincible in the mountainous area, belonging to the top of the existence, I realized that although I am a little white, but the tigers and tigers in the mountains, including some mountain wood monsters In fact, they are not my opponents. In other words, they are not threats to me, and they have no meaning. They have no goals. I am bored and I want to go out and see. After I went out, I discovered that in that world. I am still almost invincible..."

"In this way, in the world, sometimes occasionally it will cause trouble. In the rivers and lakes of mankind, there is a monster like me. People are of course attacking me. If I have been killed for hundreds of years, I am strong, But I still get hurt, the manpower is sometimes poor, and the demon power is the same... I was injured and I went back to the cave to heal, then I found another thing, the cave was only me to be able to enter, even the world’s A master can not enter a step in the cave... No matter what means of flooding and attacking smoke, all the means are useless. According to the exaggeration, the laws are not infringing."

"After then, the strength has made considerable progress. I am truly invincible in that world... Gradually, no one, no power can get me. But I feel tired, or the so-called invincible is the most lonely. Ok..."

She said that the snow and tears said: "Zi girl, do you know that the world, how far is it from the world of Jiuzhong Tianzhu?"

The purple evil thought seriously thought about it, and then he shook his head in confusion: "I don't know, I really don't know, it's a distance that can't be described by a specific number. It's too far away."

Snow tears nodded, no longer interrupted by words, listening to the purple evil continue to say.

"When I confirmed that I was invincible and had no resistance, I wandered around, but I found out by accident that there are still some very powerful hidden people in that world... So I have opponents and start with those Hide the power to fight against..."

"This is another hundred years later. After all those people have been defeated, I have found that I have reached a fairly high level. At that time, suddenly, the world was murdered, and the world suffered completely irresistible. Natural disasters... The whole world was completely destroyed in a very short time. Countless meteorites fell from the sky and smashed the whole world... And I thought that I had the strength of the world, and in the face of such natural disasters, there was absolutely no A little bit of counter-power."

Speaking of this, there is a heartfelt fear in the depths of the purple evil spirits: "Everyone in the whole world is in a panic, all in despair, including me, trying to resist but knowing that there is no resistance. In addition, I have to wait for the coming of death, but at this time, suddenly a big hand descended from the sky, grabbed me, then I flew up the sky with the big hand, when I looked down, I found out where I was. The world, now at the moment is divided, riddled with holes and devastating... The next moment, the whole world has become a piece of debris, and it has become a new meteorite in the sky, or a meteor, gradually disappearing between the heavens and the earth."

"Next, I know something that I didn't understand at all. The world I was in was actually just a big rock suspended in the air. When this big stone is due to some force majeure. When it is broken, most of the remaining stone fragments will become meteors. There are so many meteors in the sky, so beautiful, but no one knows before, those meteors are actually the same as the world we live in. The mainland, born because of destruction... What is even more unknown is that those beautiful meteors, every moment symbolizes the annihilation of countless lives..."

"The beautiful and splendid meteor, the meaning behind it is death! Moreover, the tens of billions of billions of lives are falling..." The purple evil sentiment: "That was my understanding at that moment, the realization that I never forgot!"

In the eyes of the snow and tears, there was a heartfelt pity, and he sighed softly, but did not interrupt the purple evil, and still listened quietly.

Also listening to the Mo-light dance approached the purple evil with a subconscious movement, holding her arm in her arms and looking at her silently.

The purple evil smiled comfortably, and also hugged the arm of Mo Qing dance.

This slowly said: "After the destruction of the world, I was brought to another strange place by the hand that I did not know. There is a world full of vitality, full of flowers and plants, but in In that world, there is no living being, no, or it should be said that no human life exists."


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