Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 617: There are relationships!

"Where there are so many treasures of heaven and earth, it is clearly the most suitable world for human habitation, but there is no life. This has to be said to be a very strange thing, but at that time, I am limited to I have never realized this in my own experience!"

"For me at that time, no one is competing with me for the treasures of heaven and earth. It is simply a good thing that I can't ask for. There are countless heavenly treasures that I have to enjoy alone, so my strength is in that new world. It’s leaps and bounds... almost every day, it’s progressing.”

"The progress at that time, it would not be an exaggeration to describe it in a thousand miles."

She said that the snow and tears suddenly asked: "The one who saved you, do you remember what he looks like?"

"I don't know, or I don't know how to describe it." The purple evil smile said: "If you must describe it, only his black body, there is very cold, come again, only that is full of destruction. The tyrannical power of heaven and earth seems to be able to instantly destroy a world with only one look."

"Although I have seen him before, I will recognize it later, but if you let me describe his appearance, I can't really describe it."

She looked at the snow and tears. Obviously, she smiled apologetically. She said: "His Majesty, although your cultivation has reached the peak of the world, and my strength is not enough to make any Argument, but I really believe that you are a lot worse than that person... It’s a distance that is too far away... just like the distance from the world I was born to the nine heavens, maybe just One of the eyes of that person, you can’t afford it..."

This is quite ugly, although the purple evil is already the word of all things, but the words are all said. Snow and tears, don't look at your old man in Jiuzhong Tianzhu, this piece is quite amazing, but compared with the high person I know, there is no comparison, a hair can not match!

I don’t want to hear the snow and tears, but I don’t think it’s embarrassing, but I laughed. Shaking his head: "The kind of person, in this whole universe, don't know if he can get a handful of numbers... I can satisfy him like this, if he is willing to use a look. It’s honoured to see me dead.”

His current tone. It was a tolerant and gentle father, staring at his naughty little daughter.

The purple evil sentiment smiled and said: "In any case, the person is the ultimate powerhouse that completely exceeds my strength perception. After he sent me to the world, he left, and when he left, from his sleeve. I tore off a piece of black cloth and tied it around my neck... Later, that piece of cloth became my strongest weapon."

"In any case, there has never been any weapon, I can cut off my tape! No, not to say that I have never even had a little bit of damage. It seems to be the supreme god." Things, no matter what the strong, can fight."

Saying, in the hands of the purple evil spirits, there is a black cloth strip that is also wide in the palm of the hand. It is three feet long and is held in the hand. It is the same as the ordinary cloth strip, and there is no difference in any of them.

However, as the purple evil sentiment was injected into itself, the strip of cloth actually extended continuously, and it seemed that it could be extended all the way.

The tape at the moment. It is like a dark cloud filled with heaven and earth and covering the sky.

The snow and tears were cold but the gentle eyes finally could not help but shake.

On the one side of the snow seven is even more whitish.

It’s just a piece of cloth that the man to tear off from his robes, is it so anti-theft?

Snow Seven did not believe in the evil tears, but found that although he had already made the strength to eat milk, but for this piece of cloth, it is still completely indifferent!

Snow seven couldn't help but sigh in the air. Really felt a trace of fear from the bottom of my heart.

The purple evil smiled and said: "... until I passed through countless planes, until now, this piece of cloth is still intact, perhaps, even though it is old, even though the earth does not exist, this The cloth strip is still self-conscious."

"In that strange world, I practiced well and formed a person. When I experienced the catastrophe, this piece of cloth protected me, so that I would not squander and slay. And there is here. When I decided to fade away from the demon body and completely transform into an adult, it was also this piece of cloth, which helped me to complete the whole process of the demonization of the demon."

"If there is no shelter for this piece of cloth, I am afraid that I have already died many times."

"So when I have the ability to cross the void, I want to find my benefactor." Purple evil whispered: "Not for anything else, just to talk to him personally, thank you. In his repair Maybe I want to repay, just this simple thank you..."

"After that, I pursued countless planes. It seems to be deliberately being guided, experienced so many worlds, and experienced countless battles and hardships... finally arrived at the Nine Heavens."

"At that time, after staying in Nine Heavens for a while, I found that I felt again, so I set off again."

"At the end of the day, I finally arrived at the Nine Heavens continent. For me, it was just a plane that was not very eye-catching."

"But just in that plane, I accidentally encountered a turbulent flow of space, thus losing most of my strength. The most outrageous is that I have always guided my benevolent atmosphere. After guiding me to the Nine Heavens continent And it has completely disappeared... no more feelings."

"Then is the experience that has been until now."

There is deep doubt in the purple evil beauty: "I have never understood why my end is actually there."

The snow and tears have been silent for a long time.

He remembered the two people he had seen on the same day.

A black coat, a white coat.

The man in white, created a nine robbery sword.

And the purple evil encounter, will it be the one who wears black?

One thought of this, the snow tears asked a question.

"I generally understand, Zi girl, since you have no father and no mother, and you don't know your own life, then... how can you surname purple? Surnamed Zhang surnamed Wang surnamed Li surnamed Zhao, why do you choose a surname? purple?"

Snow tears coldly asked: "Is this name taken by yourself, or is your benefactor giving it to you?"

The purple evil sentiment was actually stunned, and he said: "I don't know this. I grew up in purple. Of course, this is not the main reason, but because... I was born after that. Feeling: I should be surnamed purple!"

Snow tears and a little gratified look at the purple evil, long, long breath.

It seems that I have put down my mind and smiled. "Shantou. If I guess it is correct, are you really born?"

Chu Yang pumped his mouth.

The heart of the emperor, the emperor of the emperor seems to be out of heart madness... 貂儿 is not a chicken, duck, goose, where there are oviparous children?

Snow seven squinted and squinted: "Big brother, I said that you are confused... You don't have a surname in the future, you are surnamed Hu, you are not afraid to give a surname to the snow, I am afraid!"

Snow tears and cold eyes are not awkward, and said: "If you don't shut up, just give me a roll!"

Snow seven grievances with a flat mouth, muttered: "You know that I am rushing to the wind..." But he narrowed his neck and stood on his side, no longer dare to speak.

Purple evil eyes are so big, very strangely looking at the snow and tears, said: "You... How do you know? Our Yi people have never had an egg, but I am a special case... so I have never told anyone."

The snow and tears smiled soothingly, and the smile was so fluent.

Smiled and smiled, and suddenly there was a tear in his eyes.

He stood up, suddenly screaming in the sky, his voice rolling out, it seems that millions of years of grief have been vented in the shouts, he stared at the sky, muttered: "Brothers... you will finally Still leaving a trace of blood, there is a continuation between you and the world..."

After saying this sentence, suddenly sad and happy, and burst into tears!

Tears plunged down.

Snow seven "brush" stood up.

His face was also very uncomfortable. He looked at the snow and tears that burst into tears. He said sadly: "When the Purple Emperor Zihao died, the big brother just shed tears... but didn't cry... He hasn’t cried for at least a million years. What happened today?”

However, as smart as Chu Yang, he is faintly aware of what he is, and his face is awe-inspiring.

When I look at the purple evil, my eyes are gradually somewhat strange.

That is respect, accident, and a little admiration.

These feelings have nothing to do with the feelings of men and women, but because it is a loyalty to the million years ago.

At the moment, the owner of the East Emperor, the king of the generation of the emperor, the dignity and dignity of the king are all gone, such as madness, first burst into tears, grief, and then laugh, seem to be very happy, laughter wear The clouds are cracked, and there is no far and near, so audible.

No one can think of trust, this guy who is crying and laughing and mad is no different. It is actually the current Emperor of the East.

East Huang Xue tears cold!

The purple evil sentiment was shocked to see that this scene has been completely stunned.

There was a burst of red on her face, and she suddenly shouted: "You are all wrong! It must be wrong! I have nothing to do with the Purple Emperor! From head to toe, it is completely irrelevant!"

Snow tears haha ​​laughed, said: "No, there is a relationship, you have a great relationship with Zihao, inseparable relationship!"

"In the past, Zihao had a confidante, but the demon family, the origin is the soul-sucking family. But this strange ethnic group, life is long, and the ability to multiply is very weak..."

"The demon girl of that year was known as one of the three beautiful women of the demon!"


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