Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 623: Heavenly emperor

With a purple mist coming out, after the opening of the Purple Tower, it turned into a very warm room. Among them, a beautiful woman is looking at herself with a sullen look, constantly asking: "How? Is it okay? I am like this... I don't know if the child will see it or not..."

As I spoke, there was some crying: "My poor child... I want to see my parents, I really want to use this way... I want to hold her... I kiss her..."

Suddenly exclaimed: "You have already started?"

Then the face suddenly changed, becoming loving, sentimental, but with unlimited warmth.

"Child, I am your mother..." Just after saying this, the woman’s eyes were red again, and she resisted and choked: "I don’t know what you look like... it’s like you are more. Still like me more... Niang can't see you..."

"Mother..." The purple evil spirits looked at the woman in front of her, but did not dare to have the slightest action.

Although it was just an illusory image, the purple evil feelings felt infinite warmth in an instant. At the moment when the gentle face appeared, she felt that the mind was moving.

This is my mother!

My mother loves me, better than everything!

This kind of thought, feeling, naturally emerges. Let the purple evil feelings that have never felt this all, the heart is filled with happiness and satisfaction. Also sad, bitter...

Although she knows that she can't see it, she still wants to smile and let her see it; but when the corner of her mouth moves, the tears in her eyes can no longer control the brush.

An extreme bitterness and grief rushed to my heart, and I only wanted to burst into tears. But she didn't dare to cry out, she could only smother her mouth, and her eyes glanced at her mother-in-law... let her tears flow freely...

Want to see mother, this is the only chance, the only chance in this life!

I was afraid that my own inadvertent movement would destroy the setting of this space, and the figure of the mother would disappear she did not dare to move.

She looked at it so madly. While telling myself: This is my mother, I have never seen a mother-in-law!

I also have a mother-in-law!

I am not an orphan! Not abandon! My mother-in-law loves me more than any other goddess under the sun...

"Children... I miss you... Mother really miss you..." The woman couldn’t help but cry, the beautiful face, tears.

Next to it, the voice of the Purple Emperor Tiandi said with some helpless blame: "You... control the emotions, what do you look like? Isn't it ugly to increase the child's sadness..."

"I... I can't help it..." The woman twitched. Cried: "I want to see my child..."

"I want to tell her, I love her, I really love her... I dream of seeing her, I have been stunned for a long time, what will our children be like, I have been thinking about it. How should I love? She, how to teach her, how to marry her... She grew up from small to big, what changed year after year... I thought for a long time, long time... But now... I can only let the child see an image... ...she never even felt it, the warmth of her mother’s arms, she never felt it. The smell of her mother..."

"Other children can, why are our children not allowed? Zihao! Why?!"

The tearful complaint is actually not a complaint at all. Why is this voice, though sorrowful and angry, reveals its heartless powerlessness.

This sound made the long, deep sigh of Ziwei Tiandi Zihao on one side.

"Children..." The woman finally managed to control her emotions. Perhaps it was Zihao’s ‘in vain increase of the child’s sadness’ that played a decisive role.

"Children... don't blame your father... Your father or this life will never be a good husband, a good father, but he is an absolutely competent Emperor! Your father is a hero... so he is destined to bear the ratio The average person has a lot of responsibilities. For the sake of the purple sky, your father has exhausted his efforts and exhausted his efforts..."

She took a deep breath: "Actually, your father loves you very much..."

"Children, your father is standing in the sky, your mother is kissing me, and I can only stay with him. Standing on the top of the sky, there is no return, no regrets!" In the picture, the beautiful woman turned her head and looked at one side. .

presumably. At that time, Zihao was waiting on the side.

Because, in the eyes of Ling Piaoping, full of tenderness.

"Children... You have grown up to the present, you have never felt the mother's existence..." The woman whimpered and stopped for a while, saying: "Mother is very embarrassed... I can't stop you..."

"In the room next to you, there is something that the mother has prepared for you... This is your father's purple tower. As long as you come in person, you can open this hidden secret to get the things inside... inside Things are all made for you..."

"Children... you must be happy, you must be happy... Mother's time is running out... There are still many behind. You need to remember..."

"Mother is doing things for you, I don't know if you like it or not... There are clothes... If you are a boy, the clothes you grow up are made according to your father's body... If you are a boy, It will be like your father, it is a hero of the world... I hope that you are a boy, a skeleton, full of tenderness..."

"If you are a girl... I am dressed according to my body, should you be taller than my size? Because your father is very tall... children... remember to wear a dress. I really want to dress for you personally... Go to the kids..."

The woman’s picture is fixed. But before the freeze, the tears flowed out like a spring, only listening to her begging: "Let me say a few words to the child..."

The purple evil spirit looked at me, whispering: "Mother... Mother..."

The picture changed again and became another room. The voice of Zihao sounded: "This is what your mother left for you... Children, always remember, you, have a mother! Your mother, is The best mother in the world! Everything you have prepared for you!"

In this room, it is really all-inclusive, there are countless clothes, from baby to adult clothes, every year, spring, summer, autumn and winter, changing clothes...

The left row is the men's clothes; the right row is the women's clothing. Rows and rows, almost no end.

There are also countless exercises, from easy to difficult, from entry, foundation, to the classroom, to the high-level, peak, and martial arts. There is nothing wrong with it. The only similarity between these exercises is that their quality is outrageous. Said that it is superior to say that you are demeaning!

There are... countless toys, for boys to play, for girls to play, some exquisite and meticulous, some grandeur, some warm and lovely, I believe that any child who sees these toys will laugh and forget everything. The troubles and sorrows.

As long as it is something that ordinary children can have, there are all kinds of things that are not available to the average child. There are also all kinds of things here; everything is all-inclusive.

In the middle of the room, there is a table with a thick stack of letters on the table; the voice of Zihao sounds: "Children, that is the letter that your mother wrote to you... detailing what needs attention in life... ...all everything is recorded in it. You can see it later."

"Since the beginning of the war, the first time I was dismissed for a request for reinforcements, I have already expected that the Holy King would not reinforce the singer of the scorpion; although I also tried to send out the **** for help... but I have always had an ominous sign in my heart... From that time, your mother began to prepare for it. I have been preparing to today... children..."

The eyes of the purple evil condense on the letterhead. For a long time, I can't open my eyes. So many letters... There are more than a thousand letters. I don't know how much time has the mother used to write one word at a time?

In front of her eyes, there seems to be a woman in white, sitting at the desk, writing these letters word by word, writing while crying...

After writing these letters, how many tears did the mother flow?

She looked at it with insaneness, and there was a feeling in her heart: If time is here, don’t change anything, I am satisfied...

But no matter whether she is willing or not, the picture is already changing.

One by one, middle-aged, constantly appearing here and disappearing, these are the loved ones of Zihao to this time and surviving.

Zihao’s voice said: “Here, all the members of our family...have all the people you can see alive...others are already fighting in the battlefield, the purple family is stunned, from fearless warfare, Never fear of death..."

"Outside, I am swearing in the final battle... Children, I will take you out to see your uncles, they are all brothers..."

Then the picture is another turn, the background has been transformed into a large square, the flag is standing, the wind is whistling, the sky is filled with clouds, the sound of the mountain and the tsunami come and go, shocking the world!

At the moment when Zihao came out, all the sounds were still at the same time, silent!

Only the wind is still screaming.

"Brothers!" The voice of Zihaohao Maixiong suddenly sounded. At this moment, it became fierce and high. It was mixed with strong murderousness and boundless warfare: "Today's swearing, tomorrow's decisive battle! And no matter tomorrow, we will die after World War I. How, but today we are there, Zi Yantian is still in our hands!"

"Take the devil!"

Zihao took the lead in screaming!

Below, suddenly the mountain screams: "Take the devil! Purple sky, it is ours! Ours!"


"The scorpion soldiers have a person, there is still a person, there is still a breath, it is necessary to fight to the end! Purple 霄天不叛者! Only the same!"

"Purple days only have glory!" Zihao screamed: "War!"

Countless people shouted together.




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