Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 624: Purple has no regrets!

Among the boundless crowds, more than half of them have injuries, light or heavy, but everyone is stunned and determined! I can't see any despair here, I can't see any decadence!

Only strong hatred, strong warfare!

This is undoubtedly a steel master!

I only saw this picture, I believe no one would have thought that just after a day, millions of good men here will sleep forever in Zixiaotian!

"Brothers, everyone knows!" Zihao's voice became cheerful: "I still have a child who hasn't been born yet... and now, I have sent him out... We are purple, and there are future generations. , there is hope, and the future!"

"Good!" A cheering day, some people shouted: "In the future, let Xiao Wangye take back the purple day!"

Another person said: "Do you know that it is a little prince, not a little princess? Not a prophet..."

Suddenly laughter shook the sky.

"Today is here, to make everyone's speech today use time to coagulate here... By the way, let your nephews or prostitutes... look at your uncles in the future, remember you! Remember Zi Yantian! Belong to us Everyone's purple day!"

Zihao yelled: "Even if he is not born yet! He is also a purple person! Remembering you is his responsibility and his glory!"

When Zihao said this, the following suddenly fell into a silent silence.

"We all have the purple sky!" Zihao shouted, turned his head, habitually said: "Cold moon, starting from you, first with your nephew or..."

Speaking half, suddenly stopped.

The lips are also awkward.

One person whispered next: "Cold Moon Protection Law... has been violently killed..."

I only heard the sigh of the purple scorpion, but the face immediately returned to the chill, loudly: "The cold moon is gone, then start from you, want to talk to your nephew or prostitute, let me say it." ""

"After many years. When he sees this scene, he will be proud of your big guy! He will be proud of his father!"

"Because I have you! Purple Sky has you!"

"When the end of the smoky days, there are you with me! We face together, die!"

Zihao’s voice is already a little tired, but it is still full of the kind of arrogance!

When you don't talk to your child, facing the world, he is just the invincible Purple Emperor!

A figure suddenly came over. The man is a middle-aged man. He stood silently for a while, whispering: "Children... don't forget... your father is a hero! We all serve him, and I admire him in my heart!"

"Hah, boy, when I saw me. Did you feel really handsome?"

"Turn one side! Children, look at me, I am you, Yang Liushu, uncle, but I have already killed tens of thousands of devils. The whole purple day is almost the same as you, except for you."

"Don't blow, it's gray... Kids, don't listen to him, kill and kill. That's like what... The kid is your will get it later, you must learn ""

"The children of the Emperor of Heaven are still rare for you. Look at me..."

"Good boy, grow up to be like your father, be a hero!"

"Child, live well."


One after another, come over, talk, and then leave. However, no one has ever mentioned war, mentioning life and death; instead, it is only a matter of ease, as far as possible, in a way that I can think of, to say something that is easy and funny...

Everyone is doing everything with care and care for the children who have not yet been born...

Purple evil spirits tears Yingying, pouting. Look at everyone carefully and try to remember every face...

Finally, someone stepped forward and looked like a rude and fierce person. Someone whispered quietly: "This. Old, you pay attention... don't be too intense..."

This man like a chimpanzee nodded and walked up for a long time, but he never talked. After a long while, his lips twitched and finally squeezed out like a burst: "Children must remember to grow up and get rid of it." The man on the cloud, the bastard, avenges your father, and avenges our big guys!"

"Be sure to kill the hypocrite of the holy king!"

The voice did not fall, and immediately there was someone roaring: "Mixed things, hurry up! What do you mean by the miscellaneous words, let me come." Then the rough man was kicked out by others...

Then another person squeezed over and smiled: "Children don't care...just, which of your uncles is actually a neuropathy, we don't know who the cloud is, and what the holy prince is not a thing... ”

Obviously, these men who are about to embark on the battlefield are about to enter the last stage of their lives. Most of the people who think about it are not giving hatred to their children.

I hope that the child is alive...

Even if... no revenge!

One after another, people stepped forward, but the number is always too many. Millions of people are not able to make everyone show their faces; therefore, when there is still a lot of time here, the scene has already sounded loud. Shouted: "Children, be sure to live well!"

This loud voice seems to remind more people.

After a while, the big bangs gradually became one piece.

"Child, live well!"

"Don't miss anything... We are born to die, no regrets!"

"For the sake of heaven! I have no regrets!"

"Follow your Majesty, my generation has no regrets!"

"Children, all of us will pray for you... live well, live happily!"


From beginning to end, the words 'live' in the message appear the most frequently; and 'good to live' is second only to being alive... these heroes know that they will die in the first battle, so they really realized that in this person What is the most valuable in the world.

The first is to live!

Then it is alive!

The majestic drums suddenly sounded loudly, and the whole world seemed to be trembled; everyone’s face became fierce at the same time, decisive!

Because - the time of the expedition has arrived.

The voice of Ziwei Tiandi Zihao sounded loudly, and it was shocking and screaming, and the cloud in the sky was almost completely scattered: "Array!"

The horn sounded.

"According to the previous deployment! Expedition!" Zihao Daxie: "The ancient sable!"

"The ancient sable!!"

Everyone screamed in unison, and after smashing out today, I don’t know if I can still slogan.

The huge sound was so loud that the smoke and dust on the ground rushed!

The mountains in the distance. The echo of the rumble...

In the picture, a team of people rushed out neatly and waved, so they went, and no one looked back and looked at it.

In the picture, Zihao's tall and straight figure stood so close, watching his team of soldiers go out. His face is cold and his eyes are cold!

At this moment, he is no longer a former father, but a ruthless commander!

The sound of rumbling is getting farther and farther.

The picture is getting farther and farther, and in the distance is a gate. This door is really tall. It is full of tens of thousands of feet, tens of thousands of feet wide, the top three characters: purple 霄 off!

A clear voice rang eagerly: "Let me pass."

The purple evil sentiment is a shock: "Mother..."

A white shadow, suddenly appeared above the sky, stature, white clothes like snow, white black hair fluttering in the wind. A sword in his hand, the cold light flashes. However, Ling Piaoping’s gaze is just looking there.

All eyes are obsessed and obsessed.

The red lips were slightly arrogant, and the tears flowed down, muttering: "Children... forgive the mother... the mother is going to accompany you... children, my children... my children..."

In the picture, she stretched out her hands and seemed to want to hold her own child; but she was half-armed. Stopped in the air... The tears in my eyes rushed out like a dyke.

"Mother's biggest wish is to hold you and see what you look like..."

Ling Piaoping looked at the air in the air, and his eyes were full of powerless cravings.


Zihao’s voice hoarse and his nose was very thick, as if trying to suppress some emotion, but he still issued a decisive order.

The voice is especially resounding. The burly figure has already rushed to the sky, holding Ling Piaoping's hand.

He just turned his back to this side, and he could see it with faintness. His thick shoulders were slightly trembling... Is it tears?

But he did not turn around after all.

Just leave your child a straightforward one. It is as wide as a mountain, like a mountain figure that wants to hold up the sky!

It is so indestructible!

That can be relied on!

"Go!" said Zihao hoarsely.

"Children..." Ling Piaoping screamed sharply, and was pulled by Zihao, flying out at a rapid speed. At the high-speed flying state, she is still stubborn on the ground and pulled back and forth further and further.

The white fluttering, the black hair fluttering, the sly eyes, the reluctant love, the last figure seems to be wedged into the heart of the purple evil.

The screaming voice was still echoing, but the picture suddenly broke down.

The purple evil sentiment was shocked and the picture disappeared. Subconsciously fluttering the first two steps, it seemed to want to recover the picture that had disappeared, but only heard the voice of Zihao full of exhaustion: "Children... now is the last battle... the other side The three great devils have come... the battlefield, I will not let you see..."

"As for your mother..."

The voice of Zihao was a little sobbing, and it was said that it suddenly stopped.

After a pause, I said: "I can only tell you... Now the Purple Sky, all the Purple Sky Soldiers... just left the father alone!"

Chu Yang and purple evil spirits at the same time the heart of the huge earthquake!

There is only one person left.

That is to say... At this time, the countless good men, and the mother of the purple evil spirit Ling Piaoping, now, have been violently killed!

I remembered the picture just now, remembering my mother's voice, face, purple evil feelings suddenly curled up on the ground, tears streaming, only feeling a heartache can not breathe...

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