Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 625: Relics of the Emperor

Zihao’s voice is still going on...

"The 130 million extraterrestrial demons are all made in the purple sky! And I am still fighting and will fight all the way..."

"You must remember firmly... No matter what time, don't forget the pride of our purple sky! As long as there is one person, we can continue to fight! As long as there is still a breath, we still have to fight!"

"Child, at the last moment, I will sing a song for you... Your mother always wants to sing to you... but she... Now, this late song, I will sing to you..."

After a moment of silence, Zihao’s voice hoared.

He sang not to listen, and the voice of this meeting was hoarse; but the purple evil now is like a pilgrimage, listening carefully...

"...紫霄天,紫霄天, this is our home...


This is our land... our paradise,

Who dares to violate... It is necessary for him to come and go...


Zihao sang softly, no one else, and wholeheartedly sang this song with the whole spirit.

The purple evil spirits shed under tears, but they dare not make any sounds. They don’t even dare to cry. I’m afraid that there is a slight voice, disturbing the song. This song belongs to the father. For a lifetime, I heard it once. Opportunity only...

It can be heard that the four sides around the Purple Emperor are very chaotic.

And he just said that Zi Yantian is left with him alone.

So what is next to him...

The answer is obvious - the extraterrestrial demon!

Purple Emperor. In the midst of the encirclement of thousands of devils, there is no one, and a song is sung for his children warmly... although he sings is actually a battle song.

but. That thick fatherly love, but it seems to span a million years of time, come to this end here!

In the picture, the noisy sounds around me suddenly fell silent.

A strange, totally vocal voice said: "Zihao! Purple 霄 霄 ! !! We are here!"

Then Zihao’s voice gave a soft breath and said: “Children... don’t...”

Then whispered: "Purple Tower... I hope you can wait for my child..."

Then suddenly all the sounds started to move away.

This should be the last moment of the Zixiao Emperor, with the reversal of the Qiang Kun's peerless practice, let the Zizhu Tower leave himself.

at that moment. The faint screams are from far and near, but they are always full of heroic meaning...

Eventually disappeared completely, and it was attributed to nothingness.

but. I can also know that it must be the shout of the last battle of the Purple Emperor... Although the duration is very short, it almost disappears in an instant... but this moment, that moment. Chu Yang, who heard this shouting, suddenly boiled completely!

What a crazy war!

This kind of momentum. Only belongs to Zihao!

Only belong to... Purple Dragon Emperor!

The picture is finally over.

The Zixiao Tower quietly opened the door, and there was no one inside.

Waiting for the entry of the purple evil.

The purple evil spirits stayed for a long while, suddenly burst into tears and screamed: "Hey! Mother! Don't leave me..."

There was no response in the Zichen Tower, only a silence.

Chu Yang felt wet and wet on the face, and reached out and found that his face did not know when it was already full of tears.

The purple evil sentiment was swayed to the ground, and his eyes looked at the purple scorpion tower that had been opened. But there is absolutely no ** to go in.

Or, what she is looking at at this moment is not the reappearing purple tower. It is the figure of the father who has disappeared and disappeared.

One must be forever, not forever.

Even though there are countless treasures in the Purple Tower, there is no such thing as a mother. How about going in? !

Since it doesn't make sense to me, what am I going to do? !

The purple evil feelings that gradually regained their thoughts suddenly felt a sense of enthusiasm. At the same time, the heart became more and more uncomfortable, and there was a strong, bitter happiness.

I finally saw me, I saw my mother, and there are many elder relatives. I am really not an orphan. I have a family, a relative, an old family, a hometown, a home country...

The purple evil is clearly smiling, but the tears in the eyes are constantly falling.

"Let's go in." Chu Yang came to her side and said softly.

"Go in... what else do you go in?" The purple evil smiled and smiled: "They are not inside..."

Chu Yang took a deep breath and said: "They are no longer there. Or they should say that they have never existed there!"

This sentence is undoubtedly cruel, and the purple evil spirits rise up and look at him.

Chu Yang completely ignored the fierce eyes of the beautiful woman and continued to say without hesitation: "All you have just seen, from the beginning to the end is just an illusory image, completely unrealistic shadows... but, you start now, enter The Purple Tower, anything you see, is truly true."

"That is the real thing that your mother-in-law left for you. They will really accompany you... Throughout life, you can find out what kind of breath you have left for you, what breath is yours. Really should be cherished!" Chu Yang softly.

The body of the purple evil spirits trembled a little, and the godless scorpion glowed a little bit of life.

"So, that is the real gift they left for you... If you don't accept it, don't feel their breath, and appreciate their true heart, they will regret it even if they die." Chu Yang is heavy. Said.

"I am going, I am going, go now!"

The purple evil sentiment suddenly stood up, and the heroic spirit surged. He waved his hand and stopped Chuyang to continue. He whispered: "Yes, you are right... that is the real thing they left for me."

"There are those letters, those letters are the real thoughts that my mother left for me."

When it comes to those letters, the purple evil has suddenly had an urge to see those letters.

With the end of the film and the opening of the Ziyan Tower, the nine-robbery space has once again returned to calm. At this time, Mo-light dance also came out of the room, and his face was unhappy. When the Zixiao Emperor spoke, the Mo-light dance was completely blocked. That would be self-involuntary, the feeling is too depressed...

Fortunately, everything is done now, and the power of imprisonment naturally disappears...

The three entered the middle of the Zixiao Tower. At the moment of entering, Chu Yang was stunned by the earthquake.

The change of the Zizi Tower after the transformation is too big. It is directly an infinitely large space. The large space also contains a small space, and everything is full of everything.

Weapons, armor, weapons from children, weapons of the gods after adulthood, inheritance of martial arts, medicinal herbs, and celestial treasures... but all that can be thought of can be found here.

If you look at a room and a room, the shock of the three people is getting more and more intense.

And all this is temporarily prepared in the situation that Zihao is near the end of the road, it can be equivalent to a treasure house with everything. If it was deliberately prepared when a heavenly emperor was in its heyday, how exaggerating should it be?

That is really something that no one can imagine.

The purple evil sentiment touched the past one by one, with a pet-like smile on the corner of his mouth, but tears in his eyes. This piece of cold thing, in her eyes, is full of deep fatherly love, deep maternal love.

She leaned her face to the sky, seemed to cry like a smile, and also cried and laughed. For a time, I really felt that my spirit was a little exhausted. It was a surprise, warm, but also a slap in the face...

Still missing, endless miss.

Father, mother.

thank you all.

Thank you for all this for me!

Purple evil eyes closed his eyes and thanked him wholeheartedly.

It’s you, it’s all that you left, really making my life a success...

At the last moment of your life, you still think so for me...

I really feel it, I am no longer lonely, no longer drifting, I am also someone who remembers, someone caring!

At first, the purple evil was eager to find the letters that the mother wrote to herself, but as the room looked at one room, the mood gradually calmed down.

These are all prepared by the father. The father's love, or not as direct as the mother, is so gentle, even full of hegemony... But it is this hegemony that makes the purple evil feelings feel like a kind of happiness by being disciplined by parents.

"Chuyang, you said, if I am still there... Will he beat me when I am naughty?" asked the purple evil smack, a look of delusion.

"Absolutely you will be embarrassed!" Chu Yang said with certainty, I really don't know where he came from. "You can't take care of yourself!"

"Hey!" The purple evil snorted.

Mo light dance giggled: "Chu Yang does not know at all... A father may be able to play against his son, and it is possible to fight in the dead; but for his daughter, he will never be insulted... At most, it’s a reprimand! It’s a long time to say a word, how can it be done...”

Chu Yang rolled his eyes: "How do you know that this is the case, did your father treat you like this?"

This sentence immediately offended two women.

"Hey!" Mo light dance and purple evil sigh at the same time, twisted his head and walked hand in hand.

Finally, I went to the room with the letter.

The room is at the end of the last, there is a big house, or a large warehouse to describe more appropriate. When the three of them walked to the door, the purple evil seemed to be pre-feeling, and the petite body shivered slightly.

There was a feeling that the feeling of being close to home suddenly rose. For a time, I didn’t dare to push the door that was close at hand. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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